Limited Edition

Those who adopted the Christmas the info is still up but we've moved into the New Year's Clutch.(Please also adopt one from each of the normal clutches as well since we have plenty on the sands.)

Christmas INFO(unknown if this is the same for New Year's):

  • Can be male or female.
  • Can mate with any other Kali dragon,and will usually clutch at least 20 eggs,with 3 golds,5 bronzes,1 rainbow,and 1 silver on average.
  • Please please take good care of them,and let them hang around the message board.They love to see their family and friends and breed. New Years Info:
  • Can be male or Female Please thank Amber for them!(ask me for her e-mail)
  • only 22 available
  • 2 per person max unless Amber changes her mind by something like we're down to the wire and not many adoptions Eggs hatched: Starshine Sarjenka Nyra Esprit Sparkles Kotan D'Artgnan On to the Limited Edition form!!!