Draconic Constitution

Law #1 of the Draconic Constitution states: When and if a person or creature dares threaten a dragon,any dragon,he or she,or it,has one week to comply and apologize,and turn himslef in for trial.If he/she/it fails to do so,we therefore have the right to hunt him/her/it down and take him/her/it to a dragon court of law.There he/she/it will be tried.He/she/it will be punished!Anything from manual labor to death.We will have justice. If that person or creature attacks a dragon,any dragon,he/she/it will be hunted down and killed.No exeptions.Death by dragon claw.And the dragon who was attacked hereby has the sole right to kill the attacker.This is final.No exeptions.We shall have justice. Written by Calliope Law # 2 of the Draconic Constitution states: Dragons shall have the same rights as any human.Any creature,human or beast,shall not try to infringe on these rights.These rights are as followed: 1. Dragons shall have the right to go in public without being humiliated or hunted in any way. 2. Dragons shall have the right to free press,and if they so choose,to contribute to any of these workings,as well as the right to free speech. 3. Dragons shall have the right to vote on whomever they believe to a be a rightful leader,and have the right to follow whomever they choose. 4. Dragons shall have the right to worship whatever deity they so wish. 5. Dragons shall have the right to be assumed as good persons. Written by Jessica Dragontamer Law # 3 of the Draconic Constitution states: Any creature,human or beast,who harms a dragon under the influence of a spell or something not of his/her/it's own fault, he/she/it shall be freed of this state.(One such example is Smoke.)If he/she/it cannot be freed,then the dragon harmed has the sole right to the kill if he or she so chooses.If the attacker is under a spell or the like,the dragon shall also have the option to pardon the attacker fully. Written By Jessica Dragontamer Inspired by LadyWizard Added on by Calliope Law # 4 of the Draconic Constitution states: Any and all who flame Kali in ANY way(i.e.,badmouthing us on the GB or MB) will be cosidered having commited High Treason,and their names,e-mail addresses,and site URLs will be put in the Hall of Shame.(Abandoners will also have their names and such put in the Hall Of Shame.) Written by Jessica Dragontamer So it is spoken,and so it is written in the Draconic Constitution.