Terry Fisher

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Oh Yeah.. And with Netscape!!!

Welcome  Pix XX Welcome and Thank You for checking out my Web Sight

If you like good Music and want to see some kewl "PIX" then I'm sure you will enjoy this sight. Take a minute and browse around the Sight but don't rush. After all, just when you thought real Rock & those Good ol' Times were gone...guess what?

Ha Ha..."They're Back!!!!!" 

May I extend a SPECIAL THANX to:
"K9 DEZYNE"  for getting all of this to you.

---Terry Fisher!


Kewl Live Pix

"Who's this? Ricky Van Shelton, ex-rocker gone country coming back to his rock roots?"
Click Here To See  Some Live Shots of When We Opened For Him In Our Area!!!

Come Rock And Roll With Us Again, Ricky!!!

Dont forget to check out  the PIX & Audio Section
for More Pix and Some Real Play Audio Demos

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K9 Dezyne

Copyright 1998 @ K9 Dezyne