He came awake for brief moments, just long enough to register that he was still alive.  At times, he was aware of events passing in the world.  Other times, he just got brief glimpses.  Eventually, he became fully awake, and pondered his situation.

As always, there was the darkness, the black night that no eyes could ever hope to penetrate.  Even in this state of blindess, he saw what has happening on the world.  He watched these for a while.  He sighed, knowing what he had to do.

Looking at the images that passed before his eyes, he grew homesick.  "Home.  I want to return home.  It's been so long," he said quietly.  "Yes," he continued, "it has been long."  Mentally he probed the boundries of his confinement.  The attention of his keepers had slipped, they no longer concidered him a threat.  He smiled sadly, thinking back on his crimes that landed him here.  He closed his eyes and tried to recall knowledge that was nearly forgotten.  He raised his right hand and began to trace an arcane pattern in the air before him, reciting the words of a spell that he had nearly forgotten. 

The air shimmered, a brief glow surrounding him.  When it faded, he was gone.

Not even the gods noticed his departure.

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