Amoskeag Uncanoonuc's Quote Contest
Okay, I'm thinking, time for something different.  What I'm doing is this:  I'm looking for quotes for the picture you'll find below.  An email address would be nice for me to include, wouldn't it?  Well, you can email me at and I'll be happy to put your quote in on this page.  I don't have any prizes to give away, though, other than the honor and prestige of having your quote, with your name, on the page.  Sorry.  I'm cheap like that.  Besides, I'm doing this for shits and grins and the fact that I have far too much free time on my hands and easy access to a webcam.  At any rate, when you email me, in the subject line, please put Quote Contest or something like that so I know what it is before I go through and delete all that wonderful email that Hotmail sends to me.  That way there you know I'll read it and not ignore it.
Osama, mess with the best, die like the rest.--Amoskeag Uncanoonuc
Of course I support gun control.  I'm using both hands, aren't I?--Amoskeag Uncanoonuc
That last thing you'll ever see before being cast into Hell.--Amoskeag Uncanoonuc
Do you feel lucky punk?  Well, do ya?--Dirty Harry, courtesy of rEdEeMer
Are you talking to me?--Courtesy of rEdEeMer
Is that a .45?--Zoroasta
My, what a big hole you have.--Soladon
Why is there a red dot on my forehead?--Dellit
Um, there are easier ways to get a divorce, my dear.--Mystical

Go head, make my day...or is that make your day?--Mystical
Nice gun, um, from that angle.--Empress
Happiness is a warm gun--John Lennon, courtesy of Meatyboy.

Oh my God!  My eye just turned into the barrel of a gun!--Meatyboy

"Hi, my name is Amos and I'm a gun addict."  "Hello, Amos!"--Meatyboy