(ESTABLISHING SHOT)  A weary ADVENTURER, wearing battered armour and 10 glowing rings, clutching a potion bottle, and laden with all manner of weapons, magical devices, and sacks of gold, lies panting on the ground of the seedy-looking entrance to a grimy Dungeon.  The nearby scenery is uniformly grey and uninteresting.

Bluff Male Voice:  Retrieved the Amulet of Yendor too many times to count?

Sultry Female Voice:  Can't see anything in the Eye of Larn?

BMV:  Eaten one too many Zombie corpses?

SFV:  Run out of Greater Gods to kill?

CLOSE-UP:  The ADVENTURER's sweat streaked face, which is nicked and bruised.  He has a black eye.

The ADVENTURER nods wearily, and, it seems, with some boredom.

MBF SFV:  Then take the ultimate challenge...the final quest...OMEGA!


The Mormon Tabernacle Choir:  Ooooooo-mega!

A shaft of brilliant sunlight pierces the overcast sky, revealing a Mystic Portal in the sky.  A rainbow bridge lances from the portal toward the ADVENTURER.  As the ADVENTURER hesitantly sets foot on the bridge, he (with the viewer) is swept through the M.P. in a masterpiece of computer animation.  There is a flash of light, and a TRANSFORMED ADVENTURER, in newly polished and chromed armour, wielding a flaming sword, strides confidently toward an edifice that makes the Castle of Ultimate Darkness look like a sandcastle.  The landscape is vibrantly coloured, and we feel that there are new challenges just over the horizon.

TMTC:  Magnificat!  Magnificat!  Magnificat!

BMV:  Coming soon to a site near you!

SFV:  Challenge Omega--The Final Quest!

As the ADVENTURER passes through the entrace to the AWESOME CASTLE, a giant porcullis slams shut behind him with the force of a Death Star bulkhead, and we hear a muffled scream, soon cut off.

Satanic Male Voice:  If you dare! 

To get Omega, click