All About Amoskeag
Name:  Amoskeag Uncanoonuc

Year Born:  1974

Sex:  Male

Zodiac:  Taurus

Religion:  Pagan

Location:  New Hampshire, United States

Marital Status:  Single

Political Affiliation:  Republican

Favorite Band:  The Beatles

Favorite Album:  Abbey Road, The Beatles, 1969

High School Attended:  Manchester High School Central

College Attended:  Hesser College, majored in Criminal Justice; New  Hampshire Technical Institute, course in alcohol and drug addiction; MicroSmart, computer hardware A+ certification, networking certification, Cisco routers certification.

Organization:  National Rifle Association, Gun Owners of America, Gun Owners of New Hampshire, Second Amendment Task Force, Manchester Shooting Range, Londonderry Fish and Game Club, Amatuer Radio Relay League, ordained minister in the Universal Life Church.

Military Service:  United States Air Force

Hobbies:  Target shooting, flight simulation, IRC, bass guitar, ham radio.

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