All right!! Here's my second attempt to make a web page. Its not really pathetic anymore...since some time has went by & I had time to fluff it out & learn some new tricks... It'll be under permanent construction, but all pages seem to end up with a life of their own and are always changing to some extent..if for no other reason then that some of the links change addresses (don't you just hate links that don't work???)

If you'd like to see my first web page,  TELEPORT

New Item: Recently HedonismII, Jamaica.... so, if you wanna see some weddings pics, just say HEDO MON

Meet the newest addition to the family, the one, the only LOLA

If you want my picture, take the SHUTTLE

If you want my resume, the TRANSPORTER is currently online

My dogs also have a page. To see them, the JUMPGATE is working.

My car is almost able to hit WARP SPEED . Go check it out

My vacation to Hedonism II, Jamaica. Had to take a JET THERE . Go check it out

Don't forget to take a SPACE TRIP to my Gratefully Deadicated page.

Hey, the Dead were the greatest group ever, but my vote for the greatest guitarist didn't play for the dead...And like Jerry, his time here was also cut tragically short in the month of August...So take a quick visit to Stevie Ray Vaughan .

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