The World of Darkness Chronicle
The World of Darkness Chronicle is a project being pioneered by RPG and WOD fans. It is an effort to create a massive chronicle with tentacles that reach around the world. It will bring fans together and will allow the free distribution of WOD information on the WWW. Herein lies the chronicle's main goal:
"To reduce the universal scope of the Storyteller and allow a true web of manipulation to occur in chronicles. The White Wolf sources shall be updated and implemented to present times and shall be affected by real time through external sources uncontrolled by the Storyteller."
I lay down these rules as being subject to all who wish to join as a regional chronicle or as a player. The strings that control the World of Darkness remain hidden behind misinformation and subterfuge, and will now be registered and taken into account. In this way, a storyteller will have complete control over a city and may keep his players to himself, but will agree that others in the World of Darkness may effect their story line without direct participation.
1.) All of those wishing to play a Methuselah or other such creature must announce his intent to manipulate pawns in the city to the storyteller of that city. He need not explain the nature of the deed to the storyteller nor tell him who is being used as a pawn to accomplish these unknown goals. This will facilitate the unknown into all participating chronicles as characters will not only be trying to accomplish his own goals, but that of his master. Storytellers will know things are happening in their city only by the actions of the players and their strange behaviors and apparently unguided motivations. Storytellers may counter these attempts to foil internal NPC plans by redirecting the characters and embroiling them deeper into the plot line.
2.) Any covert attempt to manipulate a city or its denizens when under the control of another storyteller must be facilitated through PCs, not NPCs. All of the resources you control are under your control, and you need not have a character sheet to employ the powers of your unseen forces. Indeed, you may create a character and request for a storyteller to allow you to stay in a city he controls. You can only reside in a city that a storyteller has control of officially, you may not reside in any other cities, and should a city already have too many powerful denizens, then the storyteller has the right to reject you as a PC. Residing in a controlled city automatically places you at the whim of a controlling storyteller and you may be slain or worse in their continuing chronicle
3.) Manipulating players not in a controlled city cannot be found by their pawns except through their legitimate means of contact (EMAIL). The only answer to meeting physically is for the manipulator to request a storyteller to allow him into the city. You may withdraw your character from the city at any time, and the storyteller may make it difficult for you to leave.
5.) One may play as many characters as he or she wants, but must be able to respond in a timely manner. The inability to do so will give the controlling storyteller the right to announce you as an NPC and disqualify you from forwarding.
6.) Forwarding is the means by which a character can be verified as playable in another chronicle. A character can only be forwarded from another chronicle. This is to say that if a persons character is in LA and wishes to make a trip to New York's chronicle, he would petition the New York Storyteller for entry. The New York Storyteller would email the former Storyteller for information regarding the character and the behavior of the player. The location storyteller has the right to reject any request that seems even the slightest bit strange. A character whose intent is to sneak into the city may write the word "SNEAK" in the subject of the email but must still be accepted as part of the chronicle.
7.) The domain of the storyteller is predetermined by the Council of Storytellers. Should any character leave that domain, they may withdraw from the chronicle. Of course, if specific entities are hunting the character down, the Storyteller may forward them with the character sheet. A city's level of danger is subject to the whim of the storyteller and a dead character may not be forwarded.
8.) All new characters wishing to enter as a PC must follow the beginning character rules for a certain book or books. In this way, no super powerful character will enter the game for starters. Manipulating characters, especially those that are not in a chronicle and just wish to effect certain regions for fun, may ask other "Web-RPGers" to allow them to use them as a pawn, which will affect story lines dramatically. Non-PC Manipulators may only affect the games through PCs, no NPC will talk to Non-PCs.
9.) All storytellers signing up for this project agree that the set domains of certain regions are subject to the manipulations of incoming PCs. Should these PCs die or PCs sent out from your city die, they are dead, and may no longer be used in "The World of Darkness." They also agree to be impartial and balanced in the story lines of their cities, and that after acceptance into this circle, that they may be withdrawn by the Council of Storytellers and their particular chronicle no longer affects this major chronicle.
With that said, I will open up one chronicle for business...
White Wolf
dot Com
Last City / YOU ARE HERE / Next City
Candlecat's Page
Please don't sue me. I am a bad little boy, but I didn't mean any harm. I was abused as a child. An elephant kicked me in the balls, it hurt, and never was I the same again. Everything on this page is copyright free I believe, like the pictures and the background. They were sent to me as an attachment over email. If they belong to somebody, and you have a problem with them on this page, then email me and I will remove them, and join the game. If you don't mind, cool, and join the game too. I am not trying to step on White Wolf's toes. They made an awesome game, and now I want everybody to play it. Who knows, maybe they'll be playing too. :) ------"corvus"