Tatooine farmer Ariq Joanson makes his first gift of water to Tusken Raiders. ("Drawing the Maps of Peace" Day 1, TMEC)
Ariq starts imagining boundaries on a map of his farm. ("Drawing the Maps of Peace" Day 2, TMEC)
Ariq goes to a Jawa fortress to propose his plan. Spends the night bargaining with Jawa chief Wimateeka. ("Drawing the Maps of Peace" Day 3, TMEC)
Ariq brings his neighbor Eyvind to a vaporator to show him how he gives water to Tusken Raiders. ("Drawing the Maps of Peace" Day 5, TMEC)
Ariq meets Eyvind's fiance Ariela, who tells him to invite the Jawas to their wedding. ("Drawing the Maps of Peace" Day 15, TMEC)
Star Destroyers Adjudicator and Relentless blockading Gerrard V. ("Galaxywide NewsNets", Adventure Journal #3)
Ariq's neighbors are meeting at his farm. They oppose to his offering water to Sand People. They fell it brings them closer to their farms. ("Drawing the Maps of Peace" Day 32, TMEC)
Millennium Falcon boarded by light cruiser Assessor over Kessel. Han Solo has to jettison Jabba's load of spice (1 week before Jabba's deadline). (Rebel Dawn)
Han Solo talks to Bidlo Kwerve on Tatooine. Jabba gives Solo 10 days to pay for spice. (NOTE: Apparently, Bidlo must be a program because it is established that Jabba found the Rancor at least weeks earlier. So since Bidlo was killed 3 days after that...) (Rebel Dawn p.371-373)
Feltipern Trevagg, a Gotal tax collector, "feels" Obi-Wan Kenobi somewhere in the Mos Eisley marketplace (2 weeks before cantina scene). (referenced in "Nightlily", TMEC)
On Nar Shadaa, Greedo meets Warhog Goa and Dyyz Nataz. Then he tries to steal power couplings from Han Solo at Ninx's garage. Then he sells info to the Empire about a group of Rebels. Darth Vader comes along with the Star Destroyer Vengeance. The hunters leave for Tatooine. (NOTE: The date is somewhere between 35:2:31 and 35:3:3) ("A Hunter's Fate", TMEC p.27-45)
Imperial forces commanded by Lord Tion aboard Star Destroyer Devastator are moved to Ralltiir. ("Galaxywide NewsNets", Adventure Journal #3)
Tantive IV comes to Ralltiir to bring supplies to Rebels, under diplomatic cover. Princess Leia Organa meets Lord Tion, and Darth Vader. Later, she brings back a wounded Rebel to Alderaan who tells them about the Death Star. Later, dinner with Lord Tion at the Organa Palace who tells them more about the Death Star, and is accidentally killed. (Radio Drama Episode 2)
1a-Death Star plans transfering to record center on Toprawa. Commander Bria Tharen volunteers her Red Hand Squadron to take the Imperial comm center on Toprawa and hold it while the plans are being transmitted to Tantive IV. (referenced in Rebel Dawn)
1b-Leia learns from her father Bail Prestor Organa about the Rebels' victorious space battle. They captured the plans from an Imperial convoy that was transfering them from Tarkin's HQ (Eriadu?) to Imperial vaults. The Rebels on Toprawa want to transmit the plans to a passing ship. Leia, using codename Skyhook, volunteers aboard Tantive IV. (Radio Drama Episode 2)
1c-Mercenary Kyle Katarn assigned to Operation Skyhook: Phase 2 by Senator Mon Mothma. He infiltrates a secret Imperial base on Danuta and acquires the Death Star plans, which await transport to Lord Vader. The plans would be delivered to Princess Leia on the consular ship Tantive IV by Operation Skyhook. ("Mission 1: The Death Star Plans", Dark Forces)
1d-The Death Star plans are being delivered by shuttle Maria to Princess Leia aboard corvette Tantive IV, which is hiding among four other neutral corvettes. The plans were intercepted days earlier by Rebel comm sats in the Cron Drift. Captain Keyan Farlander has to defend the shuttle against Imperial gunboats (while flying X-Wing Red 2). Later, while Princess Leia was trying to board the cruiser Liberty, her ship is attacked by TIE squadrons launched from the Star Destroyer Immortal and Farlander is once again called to defend her (this time flying A-Wing Red 2) while the corvette ecapes into hyperspace. ("The Great Search", X-Wing Tour of Duty II Missions 11-12)
NOTE: These are four different versions of how the delivery of the Death Star plans to the Tantive IV happened.
2-Lord Vader's Star Destroyer Devastator is on to the Rebels and opens fire, but the Tantive IV escapes in hyperspace.
(Radio Drama Episode 2)
3-Han Solo on Nar Shaddaa, trying to scrounge up some money. Ninx is off-planet. Lando refuses to help. (Rebel Dawn p.373-375)
4-Red Hand Squadron survivors commit suicide, including Commander Tharen. (Rebel Dawn p.375-381)
5-Luke Skywalker and friends do some skyhopper racing on Tatooine. (Radio Drama Episode 1)
6-Princess Leia sleeps aboard the Tantive IV on the way to Tatooine for second part of mission: pick-up Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi. (Radio Drama Episode 2)
1-Early morning: Kardue'sai'Malloc "Labria" is first customer at cantina after weeks of recuperating from a beating. He was dead drunk at the time after learning that the Modal Nodes were Jabba's new band. (There is a premature reference to the ISD/Rebel ship confrontation as "last night".). ("Empire Blues", Tales MEC p.208-209)
2-New pilot Rookie One undergoes some flight training, first in a T-16 through Tatooine's Beggar's Canyon (with Green Leader and Green Two), then in an A-Wing through Tatooine's asteroid field (with Commander Farrell) and in a canyon on the planet Kolaador (with Commander Ru Murleen). (Rebel Assault Chapters 1-3)
3-A team of Mistryl strike a deal with Dr. Kellering to protect a shipment from a research base. The project "Hammertong" is headed by Dr. Eloy, and funded by the Empire. The Mistryls are betrayed and take over the ship. They go hiding on Tatooine. ("Hammertong", TMEC p.65-83)
4-Morning: Tantive IV intercepted by Star Destroyer Devastator over Tatooine. Princess Leia captured and brought to Death Star by Vader. (Radio Drama Episode 3)
5-Morning: Luke witnesses battle from surface. Rushes to town and meets Biggs, who informs him that he's been promoted Flight Officer on the ship Rand Ecliptic. He also tells him he's planning to join the Rebellion. (NOTE: This is just an impression he gives to Luke. Actually, Biggs had already mutinied the ship and joined the Rebellion).
6-C-3PO & R2-D2 escape to Tatooine. They fall through a hole in the sand and meet the Mole Creatures, who want to feed the droids to Gotar the acid lizard. They escape and are then captured by Jawas. (Marvel Droids #6)
7-Vader sends Stormtroopers to Tatooine. Prefect Orun Depp informed personnally by Vader. Depp considers releasing the Tonnika sisters from their cell. ("The End of an Era", Galaxy Guide 7)
8-Two Star Destroyers arrive to reinforce the blockade. Conquest and possibly Thunderflare. (SW:CCG A New Hope & Second Anthology)
9-While on Kolaador Base, Rookie One and Commander Murleen are called in to help Tatooine/Anchorhead Base which is under attack by 3 TIE fighters launched from a Star Destroyer. Tac-Comm controller Hack is killed in the destruction of the base. Rookie One, Murleen and another pilot named Harris destroy the Star Destroyer aboard X-Wings, then fly to Tatooine's surface and kill the 3 escaping TIEs. They are joined by Captain Simms, who tell them Mos Eisley is being attacked by AT-STs and they go there to attack them. They are then pursued by 3 other TIEs as they escape and they loose them in the asteroid field. They regroup at Gamma Base. (Rebel Assault Chapters 4-6)
10-Grand Moff Tarkin learns that the Imperial Senate was disbanded. (The basis for the dates in this timeline) ("Galaxywide NewsNets", Adventure Journal #3)
11-Afternoon: Labria learns from Garindan at the cantina that the Rebo band will play at Valarian's wedding. Tonnika sisters are present. Later, Labria goes to see Valarian and tells her to get the Modal Nodes from Jabba instead.(NOTE: The Tonnikas presence confirms they have been freed from their cell, see #5.) ("Empire Blues", TMEC p.209-211)
12-Evening: The Modal Nodes are playing at Jabba's palace. The droid E522 gives them a message from Valarian to play at her wedding. They leave at first twilight. Figrin D'an plays sabacc at the Lucky Despot. ("We Don't Do Weddings", TMEC p.1-10)
13-Evening:One of the guests at the palace, Opun McGrrrr, steals Jabba's CZ-3 business droid. (referenced in "Spare Parts", Adventure Journal#11)
1-Biggs leaves on the morning shuttle. (referenced in Radio Drama Episode 1)
2-Stormtrooper unit "Desert Sands" lands on Tatooine by landing craft after spending a month of rushed training aboard a troop transport. A detachment of 20 troopers made up of 3 squads (Zeta, Drax and Alvien) led by Captain Mod Terrik. 3 Dewbacks are flown in from Mos Eisley. Davin Felth (1023) from Zeta squad finds the escape pod and a piece of droid. (NOTE: The Galaxy Guide 1 says they spent a month in a Star Destroyer instead of a troop carrier. Also, there is another published version of this and later events like the attack on the Lars homestead in Kenner's Troop Transport toy's booklet, but they were occuring in one sequence.). ("When the Desert Wind Turns", TMEC p.263-269)
3-Jawas (Dathcha's Sandcrawler) sell droids to Owen Lars.
4-Morning: Muftak runs into Stormtrooper Davin Felth and Lt. Alima on a Mos Eisley street. He learns he's a Talz. ("Play it Again, Figrin D'an", TMEC p.102-109)
5-Morning: Lady Valarian's wedding. Labria tells Jabba the Nodes are at Valarian's. Gives invitation to Wuher. The Modal Nodes are playing at the reception. They play "Tears of Aquanna" and Camie requests "Worm Case". Stormtroopers crash the party, and the Nodes escape with help of Wuher, who promises them a job at the cantina. Labria is watching from a nearby building. ("We Don't Do Weddings" and "Empire Blues", TMEC p.16-18 and p.211-215)
6-Greedo, Goa and Nataz at the Cantina (Gorm the Dissolver and Jodo Kast present). Solo and Chewie poke their noses inside after having just landed. Later, the hunters go to Jabba's townhouse for the annual bounty postings (Dengar, Dace Bonearm and his IG, and presumably 4-LOM and Zuckuss are present). Greedo gets contract for Solo. Nataz gets contract for a warlord in Komnor system. Greedo later confronts Solo at Docking Bay 94. ("A Hunter's Fate", TMEC p.45-57)
7-Solo beats Figrin D'an at sabacc at the cantina. (referenced in "We don't do Weddings", TMEC)
8-Han Solo meets Dash Rendar at the Krayt Dragon Lounge. On the way out Boba Fett gives him the bad news: his former girl friend Bria Tharen died 36 hours earlier. Solo sends message to Bria's father Renn Tharen. (Rebel Dawn p.382-386)
9-Afternoon: Momaw Nadon meets with Muftak at the cantina. Muftak informs him he saw his old enemy Alima, former Captain of the Star Destroyer Conquest who's responsible for Nadon's exile. Nadon asks Muftak to sell his name to Alima. ("The Sand Tender", TMEC p.131-133)
10-Princess Leia, prisoner on the Death Star, gets the death sentence.
11-Luke receives a transmission from Biggs, that was sent before he arrived.
("Wish you were here", Galaxy Guide 1)
12-While Opun McGrrrr is making arrangements with Lady Valarian, CZ-3 is "found" by Mace Windu the Squib. (referenced in "Spare Parts", Adventure Journal#11)
13-Evening: R2-D2 escapes from the farm and goes looking for Obi-Wan. Encounters a tribe of Tusken Raiders. ("Artoo's Tale", Galaxy Guide 1 and Marvel Droids #6)
14-Night: Momaw Nadon receives confirmation by Muftak. Lt. Alima pays him a visit. Momaw is desperate for vengeance. He buys a blaster and sets out to kill Alima. When he finds him again, it's Alima who shoots first. ("The Sand Tender", TMEC p.1333-144)
1-Aguilae and Mace catch up with Dathcha's Sandcrawler, which is on its way to the swap meet. The Sandcrawler is stopped by Stormtroopers. ("Spare Parts", Adventure Journal#11 p.91-98)
2-Night: Zeta squad destroys Sandcrawler with Floating Fortress after finding out who they sold the droids to. They use 3 Banthas to make this look like a Tusken Raider attack. Aguilae and Mace escape with a power droid and an R5. (NOTE: see notes on the previous day, entry #2. Also, the only source showing this happened at night is the manga adaptation.) ("When the Desert Wind Turns", TMEC p.269-270 and "Spare Parts", Adventure Journal#11 p.99-100)
3-Early morning: Luke goes looking for R2-D2. He's attacked by Tusken raiders. Luke is saved by Obi-Wan. They go to his hut.
4-Morning: Labria beats Figrin D'an at sabacc in the cantina. Ends up owing the band's instruments. ("Empire Blues", TMEC p.215-216)
5-Morning: Annual Jawa swap meet: Wimateeka's Sandcrawler arrives late (they were slowed down by a sandstorm 2 days earlier). They notice Dathcha's Sandcrawler is still not there. Het Nkik buys a blaster. They go look for the missing Sandcrawler. ("Swap Meet", TMEC p.218-228)
6-Morning: Dyyz Nataz leaves Tatooine with 4-LOM and Zuckuss. (referenced in "A Hunter's Fate", TMEC)
7-Morning: Greedo finds Solo having breakfast at an outdoor cafe. Chewie whoops his ass. Jabba wants Solo dead. Raises bounty to 100,000 credits. ("A Hunter's Fate", TMEC p.57-60)
8-Zeta squad interrogates Owen and Beru Lars, then kill them and destroy their farmstead with the Fortress. ("When the Desert Wind Turns", TMEC p.270-272)
9-Second day of annual bounty postings at Jabba's townhouse: Lhojugg the Nimbanel announces to Jabba that his CZ-3 droid has been stolen 2 days ago by one of their guests, Opun McGrrrr. Jabba gives the first contract of the day to Takeel the Snivvian to find the droid.
Meanwhile, Aguilae has sold the droid to a Corellian. After she finds out it belongs to Jabba, she tracks down the buyer to Docking Bay 87. He no longer has it.
Meanwhile also, Opun McGrrrr notices the droid is missing, and tells Tols Vengra to find him. ("Spare Parts", Adventure Journal#11 p.87-91)
10-Luke leaves to take Obi-Wan to Anchorhead. On the way, they find the destroyed Sandcrawler. Luke figures the Imperials will go to his farm next. Luke rushes to the farm and find them dead.
11-Wimateeka's Sandcrawler arrives. They talk to Obi-Wan. Het Nkik wants revenge. ("Swap Meet", TMEC p.228-233)
12-Luke comes back to Obi-Wan. They go to Mos Eisley cantina to hire pilot to go to Alderaan. They are stopped by Stormtrooper Alvien squad, but Obi-Wan "convinces" them these are not the droids they're looking for.
13-The Outrider is seen leaving Mos Eisley, presumably with Dash Rendar in it. (A New Hope: Special Edition)
14-Mid-morning: Eyvind and Ariela's wedding. 31 jawas are present, including Wimateeka. Tuskens attack. Eyvind is killed, Ariela is kidnapped.. ("Drawing the Maps of Peace" Day 50, TMEC)
15-The Tonnika sisters, Brea and Senni, are seen leaving for Jabba's in a transport. They are hunted by Grand Moff Argon's agents after conning him out of 25,000 credits. (referenced in "Hammertong", TMEC)
16-BoShek comes back from a run for the monastery. Has to evade the blockade. The ISDs send 4 TIE's. He kills them all. (NOTE: There are only 2 ISDs, so one of them must have left, but not the Devastator. Maybe Vader brought Leia to the Death Star aboard one of the other SDs). ("At the Crossroads", TMEC p.294-298)
17-Late morning: Feltipern Trevagg meets Jub Vegnu, Sullustan agent for Jabba. He wants to give him info about a Jedi he "felt" 2 weeks earlier. Early afternoon, he meets M'iiyoom Onith "Nightlily", who's been stranded from her transport for lack of money. She'd been here for weeks, and is now trying to go back to H'nemthe. Trevagg wants her to stay, so he fakes trying to stop the Tellivar Lady from lifting at 1400 Docking Bay 9. ("Nightlily", TMEC)
18-Early afternoon: Ariq makes a deal with Tusken Raiders and gets Ariela back. Stormtroopers arrive on the scene and attack the Tuskens. ("Drawing the Maps of Peace" Day 50, TMEC)
19-Afternoon: Two of the Mistryls, Shada D'ukal and Karoly D'ulin, disguised as the Tonnika sisters go to the cantina to hire a ship. ("Hammertong", TMEC)
20-Late afternoon: After spending the day in his lab, Momaw Nadon meets with Muftak again at the cantina. ("Play it Again, Figrin D'an" and "The Sand Tender", TMEC p.109-155 and p.144-153)
21-Ariq goes to town with Ariela to make a deposition. He goes to the cantina.. ("Drawing the Maps of Peace" Day 50, TMEC)
22-Het Nkik goes to the cantina. Buys a Tusken battle talisman from Reegesk the Ranat. Reegesk steals his power pack. Het Nkik goes out to shoot Stormtroopers. ("Swap Meet" and "Trade Wins", TMEC p.234-239 and p.240-246)
23-BoShek goes to the cantina. Talks with Chewbacca, then Obi-Wan. ("At the Crossroads", TMEC p.298-300)
24-Luke is attacked by Ponda Baba and Dr. Evazan in the cantina, while the Modal Nodes are playing "Mad About Me". Obi-Wan defends him, cutting Ponda's arm off and injuring Evazan. (NOTE: In the radio drama, Evazan was named Roofoo and Baba was named Sawkee.) (referenced in about every story in TMEC, and the movie)
25-Obi-Wan and Luke meet Solo and Chewie. A woman is seen kissing Solo, and leaves.(he quickly recovered from Bria's death). (Rebel Dawn epilogue, and lost footage from the movie)
26-Greedo killed by Solo. Warhog Goa gets reward from Thuku and Neesh, and leaves Tatooine. ("A Hunter's Fate", TMEC chapter 11)
27-Alvien squad assigned to checkpoints. Drax and Zeta squads run a patrol. 1023 (Davin Felth) and 1047 from Zeta squad investigate the disturbance in the cantina. They rejoin Zeta squad and kill a jawa (Het Nkik) who attacks them. ("When the Desert Wind Turns", TMEC p.272-275)
28-BoShek is stopped by a policeman. Knocks him out and goes hiding in the Dowager Queen wreckage. Witnesses Het Nkik's death. ("At the Crossroads", TMEC p.300-308)
29-Wuher appropriates Greedo's corpse, and grinds it in his lab to give him the last ingredient for the perfect drink. Jabba will be pleased. (NOTE: Wuher was named Cedo Partu in the Mos Eisley Cantina Aliens Miniatures Set.) ("Be Still My Heart", TMEC)
30-1023 and 1047 come back with Colonel Parq to arrest the "Tonnika sisters", aka Mistryls Shada and Karoly. (referenced in "Hammertong", TMEC)
31-Solo meets Jabba at Docking Bay 94. Boba Fett is present.
32-Luke sells his landspeeder to Wioslea at Unut Poll's Spaceport Speeders. She gives him 2,000 credits, with a little "push" from Obi-Wan.
33-Tols Vengra the Jenet returns the scooter he rented from Spaceport Speeders, and finds out the CZ droid has fallen off. The droid is found by Takeel. Aguilae and Mace witness as Snaggletooth destroys the droid and reveals it recorded incriminating information about Opun McGrrrr. ("Spare Parts", Adventure Journal#11 p.97,101-106)
34-Stormtroopers receive a tip from Garindan. Zeta squad joins the others at Docking Bay 94. Trooper Davin Felth shoots Captain Terrik in the back in the confusion. He is disgusted by what they've done. (NOTE: in Galaxy Guide 1, there is a piece called "The Tatooine Debriefing". It is an audio report on the whole mission by senior officer DSS-0956. By his quote, he was from Alvien squad who were assigned to checkpoints. So he must have been the next in the chain of command after Terrik's death). ("When the Desert Wind Turns", TMEC p.276-278)
35-Solo, Luke, Obi-Wan and the droids leave Tatooine in a hurry, after Garindan tipped the Imperials of their location (a 3½ hour trip according to the Astrogation Gazeteer).
36-Momaw Nadon betrays Alima to the Imperials, blaming him for the fiasco. Alima is shot to death. ("The Sand Tender", TMEC p.151-153)
37-BoShek runs from policemen. Borrows an XP-38A landspeeder from Spaceport Speeders. Witnesses the Falcon's escape (NOTE: The XP-38A is supposedly Luke's landspeeder, when in other sources it is called a X-34. BoShek probably confuses the 2 models since they are so similar). ("At the Crossroads", TMEC p.308-312)
38-Jabba leaves his townhouse to go back to his palace. Bib Fortuna stays behind. (extrapolated from Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina)
39-The Mistryl are freed from their cell by Rebel agent Riij Winward. They go back to the ship. The Hammertong turns out to be a part for the Death Star 2 superlaser. A sandstorm is coming. The Mistryl leave with a part of the weapon, Riij leaves with their astromech droid with info in its memory banks. ("Hammertong", TMEC)
40-Evening: Labria listens to the Modal Nodes playing at the cantina. They close with "Solitary World". ("Empire Blues", TMEC p.217)
41-Night: Kabe and Muftak raid Jabba's townhouse. They get a datadot with info for General Dodonna from a prisoner there, Barid Mesoriaam. He promises them money if they can give it to a Mon Calamari in town. There is a shoot-out with the guards and they escape after loosing most of their loot. ("Play it Again, Figrin D'an", TMEC p.115-128)
42-Night: Feltipern Trevagg and "Nightlily" sleep together after having dinner at a restaurant. Trevagg killed in H'nemthe mating ritual. ("Nightlily", TMEC)
43-Meanwhile, Imperial drones from Devastator find Gamma Base, on an unnamed ice planet. Rookie One flies a T-47 through a cave to destroy Probe Droids, then rejoins two other snowspeeders to slow down AT-AT walkers while the transport evacuates. Rookie One's speeder is shot down, and he/she has to shoot his/her way through Stormtroopers to get to his/her X-Wing. He/she then rejoins Murleen and another X-Wing to defend the transport against TIE fighters. NOTE: The transport fled the planet escorted by three X-Wings, and when Rookie One rejoins them, there are only two other X-Wings. (Rebel Assault Chapters 7-10)
1-0200: Alderaan is destroyed. Millennium Falcon captured by Death Star. Heroes infiltrate the detention area and rescue the Princess.
2-Early morning: Nightlily presumably leaves Tatooine aboard the Starswan. (referenced in "Nightlily", TMEC)
3-Obi-Wan killed by Vader in battle, while heroes escape. Headed for Yavin system.
4-Red Squadron mission to Commenor to pick-up load of Astromech droids. Red 4 (Cessi Eirriss) killed during escape. (X-Wing #½)
5-Afternoon: Trevagg's body is found in Mos Eisley by Assistant Security Predne Balu. Wuher is present. ("Nightlily", TMEC)
6-Heroes reach Yavin 4. Luke meets Biggs, who gives him practice sessions in flight simulator.
(Radio Drama Episode 12)
7-Darth Vader sends a report to Emperor Palpatine. ("Their Fire Has Gone Out of the Galaxy", SW Sourcebook p.136)
8-General Dodonna sleeps over the Death Star plans. Dreams of a strategy.
("Dodonna's Story", Galaxy Guide 1)
1-Second Battle of Ord Biniir. ("The Making of Baron Fel", X-Wing #25)
2-The Rebels are briefed by General Dodonna on the Death Star attack. Han Solo is packing up to leave.
3-Three hours before the arrival of the Death Star, Rookie One undergoes some target practice in an X-Wing over one of Yavin's river. (Rebel Assault Chapter 11)
4-The Battle of Yavin. The first phase is the surface attack. Second phase is the trench run. (NOTE: See my article Fighter Squadrons of the Alliance at the Battle of Yavin.) (the movie, X-Wing: The Official Strategy Guide, and Rebel Assault Chapters 12-14)
5-Award ceremony on Yavin 4.
6-Night: Muftak and Kabe meet with the Mon Calamari Rebel at Momaw Nadon's place on Tatooine. They give him the datadot which is for General Dodonna's eyes only. ("Play it Again, Figrin D'an", TMEC p.128-129)
Luke fights with a TIE pilot who crashed on Yavin 4. NOTE: the TIE pilot could easily be Qorl from the novel "Heirs of the Force". ("The Day After the Death Star", Star Wars Weekly #97-99)