Hell Hath No Fury...:
The Tale of the Tonnika Sisters
by Jeff Boivin


Brea and Senni Tonnika, con artists

Laudica, gun runner

Zardra, bounty hunter

and Teehl, pirate


Grand Moff Vitor Argon, of ______ Sector

Jodo Kast, bounty hunter

Jabba Desilijic Tiure, crimelord of Tatooine

       "Another glass of Sullustan wine, my dear?"
       "Yes please, Grand Moff Argon."
       "Oh, please Bresenni. After last night you can call me Vitor. We're here, in a private booth, at the finest restaurant on the surface of ______."
       The Grand Moff took Bresenni's glass and emptied the bottle into it. He put in back on the table in front of her.
       "Well, then maybe you should take me to an underground one next time, dear."
       The Grand Moff's laughter interrupted his signaling the waiter for a new bottle. He was smiling at her.
       "You see? That's one of the things I love about you, your great sense of humor. Most of the other classy women I meet are so... reserved."
       "Oh yeah? What else do you like about me?"
       The Grand Moff suddenly went serious. "You know perfectly well what I like. You asked me the exact same question this morning."
       Bresenni tried to hide her blushing. She didn't want the Grand Moff to get suspicious. The evening was going along so well, she thought.
       "Yes, but I'd like to hear it again. Please?"
       The Grand Moff hesitated a moment, and the waiter came to their table.
       "Sir? A fresh bottle of wine, sir", the waiter said. He uncorked the bottle, and tipped it over his arm to fill the Moff's glass. When he was done, he turned toward Bresenni's glass.
       "That's okay Sedrik", Argon told the waiter, gently pushing the bottle upwards. "I'll serve the lady, thank you."
       The waiter left the bottle in an ice bucket, bowed to each of them and left. Bresenni was worried that Argon would start questioning her, but then he was smiling again.
       "I like the way you dressed tonight." He looked at her from across the table. She was wearing an elegant blue dress, very form-fitting, with a vertical pattern of a lighter hue. Her forearms were covered by long black gloves, and she was wearing very expensive crystal earings.
       "I also like the way you walk, the way you talk, the way you kiss, and most of all the way you..."
       "Okay, okay. Stop it", she interrupted, feigning embarassment. This elegant lady shindig was starting to be unbearable. Senni Tonnika wondered how much longer she had to maintain that "Bresenni" charade. She was looking forward to when her sister would take over.


       Brea Tonnika had just got off the comm unit. She had been talking with her Corellian friend Laudica, and learned that her last cargo run did not go too good. It was not surprising, considering her cargo was blaster cannons. The Imperials did not like heavy guns getting in the wrong hands, so Laudica's cargo AND ship had been impounded indefinitely. Laudica herself was able to avoid imprisonment. She still knew how to treat a man, Brea thought.
       And she needed the twins' help. So, they would just add her to the list.

Coming soon....