All images on this page are © of Windhowl/Silver_Henger a.k.a. Zain Hamzah bin Hamzah
This is my art gallery... If you like the the pic above, I'm sure you'll like the rest! Please note that there are some art here that are NOT suitable for younger viewers... Also, some of these pictures are HUGE! Sorry about the size, but I'm on a 1600x1200 resolution... Everything seems small to me!
Feel free to e-mail me at
RATINGS NEW STUFF These are the new stuff I've drawn... Hope you like 'em! One of my first attempts at drawing a horse. I HATE DRAWIN HORSES! Here's my take on a furry in the typical Red Crescent uniform! Hmmm... A rather sexy lookin female Draconian here! A simple witch wolf, nude of course! My take on the Puss in Boots... Well, from fairy tale to furry tale... Enjoy! Concept and idea was given by a friend, so don't look at me! I'm not THIS sick! Think this came out a little funny lookin'... But what the hell! The school uniform in my country. This one really shows that underwear is strongly recommended in windy areas. LOL! The three most popular ladies by Micheal Turner, Witchblade, Fathom and Lara Croft, in Furry form! This furry was interrupted whilst in the midst of doing some real kinky stuff! Another dragonman, though this one is oriental, and has a more cartoonish look to it... With this drawing, it is finally official... I can't do birds/beaks for shit... Hahaha! A naughty little pic, though my friends like it a lot... Then again, they're guys... Go figure! This was an experimentation, playing around with coloring and stuff... I DO plan to finish coloring her... Someday... Poodle... Bad... Naughty... Perverted... Right... =P Learning to share... Literally... Hahaha! Well, looks like neither has a problem sharing! Looks like the lady skunk has found a new use for her soft toy... A snow tigress with boobs and a penis... Right... This was a request by a friend... So it was HIS IDEA!!! Think the wolfen version of the terminator! I think I did this quite well... Same thing... But this time it's the liquid metal guy! Two mythical beasts, the almighty Dragon and the clandestine Unicorns/Pegasi, in sexual acts... My version of the cupid... With fur, boobs, and lingerie! FURRIES/ANTHROS
& ANIMALS All pics in this category are rated This pic
was inspired by a friend I have... She's always full of energy
and looking for a fight! Moon
Dancer was drawn while sitting on my roof... Also my first
attempt at coloring with Photoshop! However, I screwed it up so bad, I just handed it to Zalf, a good friend, to color! This
beauty was done completely in color pencils. Took me a while to
finish this one... I used
my sister as a model for this pose. Came out great, methinks...
Planning on coloring it soon... I don't
really like this one. Didn't come out as well as I hoped. I
really, REALLY, love this one... Also done with just color
pencils. The colors didn't come out so well after scanning, it's
hard to see some lines... Note to self; Rescan this pic... Meet
Violet, the art that took me 2 hours to finish! One of
my first attempts at a feline anthro! Drew
this when I had ink to spare... I'm
really pleased with how the colors came out on this one... One of
my favs! Another
of my favs, the colors and the expression on the face are
excellent methinks... My first
attempt at a dragon anthro! Came out okay, I guess... Done at
the same time as Purnama... Way too much ink to spare... Hahaha! One of
the few male furries I'm proud of... Not one
of my better pieces, but certainly not one of my worst... Annoyingly
cute... The
cuteness is deadly... It's
killing me! My attempt at a realistic looking WereCat... Don't like how it turned out... Midnight
Lovers Lasting Moments Took me
a while to finish this... About a day... Gonna color it soon!
Definitely one of my favs! This is
my MASTERPIECE! It took me almost a week to finish this! It was
drawn on one of those HUGE artblocks, so as you can guess,
scanning was hell... This has got to be the best piece of art
I've done so far! Haven't done a Draconian in a while... So this was done... Typical druid-like furry... Nothing new... But I still like her quite a lot... NAUGHTY
following pieces of art are NOT suitable for young ones... Of
course, If you're one, I doubt you'd actually pay any attention
to this warning... Sheesh... Hahaha! All pics here, unless rated otherwise besides their names, are rated This has
got to be one of my best nudes... I like her expression...
DEFINITELY one of my favs! Azriella
didn't come out as well as I hoped, hence why I didn't finish her
foot... People seem to like her though, so I put her here
anyways... Another
great pose was achieved here, as well as expression... Another
fav... Methinks
this is the only feline nude I have! Howl to
the moon, baby! Not that
good, but like Azriella, people seem to like her... Vulphrael
again, this time in a very... VERY... Naughty pose... Hahaha! Wolfmoon asked me to draw her once... This is the sketch of her at the moment. If she is happy with it, I'm done... Otherwise, It's back to the paper, and I have to draw her again... Phooey! Did this for a friend... She wanted me to draw her with her lover... And I did... Erf... Me a nice guy, no? This WAS supposed to be Wolfmoon, but as soon as I drew the head, it kinda turned in another direction, and this was the result... No, this is NOT my interpretation of Wolfmoon! Well, unless she wants it to be of course... =) Another take at the Moon dancer, this one came out REAL well, I think...
Blue pics are safe for all viewers.
Purple pics have some slightly adult themes, (topless, transparent clothes, etc), still relatively safe.
Red pics are EXTREMELY explicit and detailed, clear references to sex, DEFINITELY not for younger viewers.
Naughty Zebra B&W Naughty Zebra Full Color
Magic Touch B&W Magic Touch Full Color
! Unless rated otherwise besides its name, of course...
Little Red Riding Wolf... ??? Weird...
This was a commision from... Erm... Someone... Can't remember... Sue me! =P
You still here? I'd have thought you'd leave after going through
the Naughty Furries category! Hahaha! Well... If you wanna stay,
that's fine by me! Word of warning... I don't draw humans all
that well... All pics here are rated !
I was playing around with different perspectives... This is from his belly looking up...
Fanart based on the game Quake III!
Another pic done completely with color pencils!
Sick, yes... Satisfying... YES...
Holocaust... Think big tin man make things go boom... That sums him up quite well.
Based on me and two of my friends... Here you can clearly see that I don't draw humans all that well...
Really had nothing else better to do... Was trying to finish the ink in my pen...
Dr. Butcha didn't finish my ink, so I drew this fella!
Evil Ernie in a WHOLE new light...
Yeah... It's Evil Ernie from Chaos Comics, but you'll never see him like this! Well, me no thinks so anyways...
EXCELLENT point of view achieved! The perspective came out great.
I drew this for my online friend, PCD... Of course, PCD stands for Padded Cell Dweller... Duh!
A Malay warrior... Muahaha!
Me old... Me wise... Me live alone in mountain...
Hahaha! Look at his HOE!!! Ok... I'm just weird... Ignore my rambling...
Makes you wonder how he balances on that spear.
A group of heroes who have counterparts in the world of demons and monsters... They can change to their 'Dark Side' at will.
Me likes him alot... Hahaha... Also took a LOT of ink to finish him...
Even DRAGON CHILD didn't finish the ink in that pen... So i drew THIS guy!
This drawing was done on an artblock... Will get around to coloring it one of these days...
This one was based on the Necromancer from Diablo II... I mad hime look younger though...
Based on the Sorceress from D2... My version is more... Erm... 'Gifted'... Hehehe!
I WOULD finish coloring this one, but my sister's cat just HAD to pee on the original...
Witchblade... Lara Croft... Can you imagine? Lara Croft wielding the Witchblade!
Just a bunch of random Heroes...
I'm not sure if Spawn has a counterpart in Heaven... But here's my take on it, if he does... I call him Chosen...
Spawn and his counterpart, Chosen, together in Hell...
My personal Hero... He slaughters any Poke'mon in sight! He's the guy in the Poke'mon Slash pic higher up...
Angel Knight... Seraphim! Wahooo! Hehehe, Never DID finish him... Feetless!
still interested in my art, huh? Thanks a lot! I mean it! Please
proceed and view the rest! The art here are mostly plain and
simple random drawings, but some are based from games, books,
etc. etc....The pics in this category have been rated .
Based on the Henger monster from Monster Rancher... Silver Henger is my name in the MR community! I just had to draw myself, of course... Often refered to as SH...
A long running joke in the MR community... I've got a history with aliens, getting abducted regularly etc. etc....
Monsters of my own creation, but still based in the MR world... The Sephrans and Hellcores are subbreeds of the Zelkar monster.
Sephran Vs Hellcore: Starting Young
Sickeningly adorable... The Sephran and Hellcore as babies...
Typical zombie clawing its way back to the surface...
A funny name for a scary, yet funny looking monster...
A nice demon pic... People say he has a Star Wars look to him... Does he?!?!
This pic of a Zelkar was drawn by me and colored by a friend from the MR community named Zalf... He's good, no?
A great piece of work here... Took a LOT of ink though... One of my favs...
Based on the Joker monster from the MR world...
A mix of three different monsters from the MR world...
Nice pic... Also colored by Zalf...
A bunch of Durahans (Living armors), who formed a group... Kinda kewl...
The Angel of Death!
An undead Zelkar... Duh!
Cool looking monster, no? Based on the Suezo from MR...
This one really captures the idea of a Stalemate...
Another pic drawn for a friend in the MR community... Demonknight was had a clear picture of what he wanted me to draw in his mind...
Another monster of my own creation... The Xeryth, pure evil... Feeds off fear... Typical bad monster stuff...
One word describes this piece... Gross... Sick... Vile... Erm... More than a word... Whoops...
Another pic of Silver Henger... This time with one of his many weapons, his yo-yos...
Silver Henger again, this time with his energy swords!
Slave Optic... An old pic I drew when I was playing Slave Zero...
Two living armors beating the crap outta each other! Another of my favs!
Simple drawing I did some time ago... Hahaha!
The Horned Reaper from Dungeon Keeper... I brought him to the future and changed his skin color!
Another monster based on the MR world... Plain and simple. Someone just wanted to see how fast I could draw... I finished this guy in 1 minute 27 seconds!
That's it! You've seen them all! No more! Go away! Kiddin'... Hahaha! I'll post up more as I get them done!
Feel free to e-mail me comments at