I shrugged uncomfortably under the heat of the afternoon sun, the hood of my tracksuit pulled up to shield me from the blistering rays. Even my eyes and hands were covered, with sunglasses and gloves respectively. I had fed well the previous night, giving me the strength to stand here now in broad daylight. By now I’m sure you’ve realised what I am. I am a monster of myth. I am one of the children of the night. Yes, I am Nosferatu, better known as a vampire.
The school bell finally rang, and I watched from the shade of the trees across the street as the kids flowed out of the front gates. No one really noticed me, and those that did ignored me. I saw many familiar faces; friends, teachers, casual acquaintances. I was fortunate that none realised who I was. You see, I was a student myself in this school not so long ago. Then everything changed when a creature of legend attacked me. The vampire had sprung on me from the shadows of the night. It hurts when I try to recall exactly what happened that night. All I remember is awakening much later with an incredible thirst. I scrambled to a nearby house and dragged myself over the wall into the compound. I found the garden pipe and turned it on in haste to drink, but no matter how much of the clear liquid I consumed, the thirst remained. Just then a stray dog outside the gate walked into my sight. Something within me snapped, and I ran towards it, clearing the gate in a single bound. I was soon standing before the canine, which growled and bared its teeth at me. I grabbed it roughly, ignoring the pain as its claws raked at my clothes and skin. I sunk my teeth into its neck and closed my eyes in ecstasy as the warm blood flowed down my throat. My thirst quenched, I threw the dead animal aside. It was then that I realised what I had become. I had become a vampire. Since then, I’ve fed only upon the blood of animals, refusing the strong urges and temptations to consume human blood. New instincts emerged from within, and with it came new knowledge. I knew what I was capable of, knew how to stalk my prey, and even knew the way to bring another back as a vampire. I did not return home, and hid from all that I knew and loved, for I could not let them see what I had become.
Today was different, though. I had to see her again. Since my time as one of the living, I had not seen her. Her fair face, her dark eyes, and her lovely lips. I had to see her, for I loved her. Then something familiar caught my eye. Was it her? I quickly scanned through the crowd of people in front of the school, but she was gone. Did I actually see her? Or was it just my mind playing tricks on me? Just then someone tapped at my shoulder, and my heart would have jumped in surprise if it were still beating. I spun around to see who it was that recognised me, and my heart fluttered as her face graced my vision. She had a look of worry upon her face, and she asked me of my whereabouts all this time. She explained that the rumours were that I had been kidnapped, which made little sense for there was no ransom note. She was about to call out to my other friends, but I quickly placed my hand on her mouth to silence her. I told her that none could know of my return, for to do so would endanger them. I also told her that I had something of importance to tell her. I reluctantly removed my hand from her lips as she nodded her head in understanding.
We spent the day together doing things that we would have done normally. We had lunch at a nearby fast-food outlet, which I found really hilarious. There I was eating all that food, and knowing that it would not make the hunger go away. We spent the afternoon and evening in a local shopping centre, window shopping and just hanging out. She told me of the other rumours of my disappearance, and also all the other gossip. All the while my eyes were upon her, admiring and loving her company as I did when I was alive. I cherished every touch and every smile between us, for this would be the last time I’d see her. I had made a decision. I would tell her how I felt about her when we part, and will then leave for another city. There were just too many that knew me here, and there were too many memories. I had to start anew.
As dusk approached, we went to the park near my previous home. We sat there quietly, and we enjoyed each other’s company. We were close friends, that was true. She leaned her head upon my shoulder as the sun left the horizon, leaving a few red streaks across the sky. I felt my strength renewed as the night came. I turned to her and whispered to her that I had to go. She jumped up to her feet and questioned me on what has happened to me. I clenched my fists in sorrow and frustration. I could not tell her. I just got on my feet before her and told her that I loved her, not just as friends, but in a much more intimate way, and if things hadn’t turned out the way they had… I left it at that and turned around to walk away. She yelled at me to stay and tell her what was going on with me, but I had to go. I had to leave. Staying up in daylight had really weakened me, leaving me with the hunger, the thirst. I continued to walk as the light of day finally dissipated, leaving us in darkness. I felt tears flow down my eyes as I quickened my step.
She grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I could not do this. The heartbreak was too much for me to handle. I had to leave. I had to leave, but I found myself turning around. She looked up to me with her dark eyes, pleading me to let her in. I could not control my actions as I pulled her towards me and embraced her. My tears fell upon her hair as she returned the hug. She whispered softly that everything would be okay. How I wish that could be. I buried my face in her hair as I sobbed uncontrollably. Then the pulsing filled my ears. The pulsing drowned my thoughts, my feelings, my sanity, and worst of all, my humanity. I pulled away from her and stared at her. But my eyes were focused on the veins upon her neck. Even in the darkness, my heightened sense of vision could clearly discern the bluish green lines beneath her skin. I tried to stop myself, but all was lost. My voice of reason was pushed back as the beast within me emerged. I leapt upon her and stopped her from screaming by placing my hand upon her mouth. A stark contrast to how gentle my hands were when I kept her from calling my friends that very afternoon. I sunk my canines into the pulsing veins of her long neck, and cried tears of ecstasy and despair as her warm sweet blood satisfied my hunger. Her eyes were open wide with horror as her blood was drained from her, and with it her life. My instincts wanted to pull back before she perished, and to let her drink some of my blood and therefore making her become one like me, but I managed to resist. I would not damn her to this curse. Finally the fire of life in her eyes died, and humanity once again emerged from the dark recesses of my soul to contain the beast. I stumbled to my feet and stared down upon the corpse of the one I had cared for and loved with all my life. I know now that to become a vampire is to leave ones past. He is no longer what he was in life. He is reborn, and must release all ties to the living world. I learnt it the hard and painful way. That same night I carried her in my arms and brought her to her home. I managed to sneak into the house without any trouble, as her parents had left to search for her. Gently I placed her in her bed, and wiped the blood from her neck. I stared into her eyes once more, and saw only the creature that I had become. I shuddered at the thought of her returning as a vampire, and thanked God that it would not happen. Closing her eyes, I departed her home to lament what I had done. I am lost. I am damned. I am a monster. I am a vampire.
Written by Zain Hamzah bin Hamzah
"The life of a vampire is a hard one. They aren’t like most vampires you see in the movies and on television. True, they are indeed the immortal undead who live off the blood off others, but it’s much more complicated than that. They are beings that are desperately struggling to hang on to their humanity, trying to avoid losing control of themselves to their predatory instincts. It’s a constant struggle that they have to endure. The vampires are forced to forget all memories that they had in life, for hanging on to their pasts would only bring further anguish to themselves. They are forced to live outside of society, for to be among humans would be like being a wolf in a sheep pen. To take the life of another when they feed is a harrowing experience, but to damn another to live as a vampire, that would forever eat at their souls. The stereotypical vampire gives the image of a creature that feeds and kills humans for pleasure; but then again, we humans have always judged others in haste. May you never know the curse of a vampire."
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Vampire © 2000, 2001, by Zain Hamzah bin Hamzah