Davenrue stared at the Great Shield as it’s surface shifted as though it were water and slowly formed into the shape of a human face. Elcodar was similar to an ordinary Monol in all aspects save the fact that he was made of steel and had a gold trim. "Well, you’ll do I guess, even though you’re stunted."
The Darksteel took a step forward, his anger getting the better of him. "Now wait a second. Who are you to say I’m short?"
If Elcodar had eyes, he would have rolled them towards the heavens. "Oh alright. You’re vertically challenged. Happy?"
Daven almost leapt at the Great Shield, but Seth laid his hand on the Darksteel’s shoulder. "Patience, Daven."
The Darksteel cursed beneath his breath as he pushed the Golem’s hand off, and walked out of the temple. "I’ll be outside!"

Iblisadeus watched as his followers dug the side of the cliff, the monsters working harder under his gaze. They had been working on the cliff for a week, and yet they still had not found anything. The Demondrake wondered if it ever existed at all, a myth which had not a grain of truth to it. Just then, one of the Priarocks gave a yelp as his claw hit something hard. Something old. Something hidden ages ago by humans and monsters alike. Iblisadeus strode to where the Priarocks was digging and saw his find. The Demondrake placed his hand on the surface of the object and smiled.

Far off towards the east, a clan of Wild Dragoons were hunting for food when they felt it. One by one they stopped in their tracks, and turned westward. "What’s going on, Talorius?" One of the younger Dragoons asked the chief of the clan.
Tal was, like all Dragoons, Centaurs with the blood of Dragons flowing through their veins, but unlike them, he also possessed the soul of a Dragon. He was the only one among them who had wings. Not wings like the Ferious, which were too small for actual flight, but strong ones, with an incredible wingspan to be able to lift its body. "It stirs," he whispered softly. He suddenly reared on his hind feet and began to flap his wings. "The Demondrake has no idea what the consequences of his actions are!" He turned to face the one that had questioned him. "You lead the clan for now. I’ll return soon." With that, the winged Dragoon took to the air with his spear in hand, leaving his clan behind as he flew forth to try stop the death that would come.

Remember this is only a sample! Tell me what you think! You can E-mail me comments, suggestions or just to say hello at


Darksteel Saga © 1999 by Zain Hamzah a.k.a. Silver Henger.

If you want to have this story on your site, please link back to this site and notify me via e-mail.

Monster Rancher and Monster Rancher 2 are copyrighted © 1998, 1999 by Tecmo Ltd.