Davenrue walked along the highway, sword and shield in hand.
He was a Durahan, an armor infused with life. But he was special.
He had the spirit of a Monol in him as well, resulting in his
black and gold armor. He was the only one of his kind around, for
under normal circumstances Durahans and Monols could not be
combined. But Davenrues Breeder, Zayne, was a Master. He sighed
sadly as he remembered his creator, and the day he died by the
hands of an unknown Dragon, with black scales and a fiery red
mane. Just then a high-pitched screech brought him out of his
memories. He looked up to see his friend, Starfire, flying down
to land before him. Starfire was a wild Phoenix he had met during
his travels. "How is the road ahead, my friend?"
Davenrue asked.
"I spotted a town, Daven." Starfire looked northward
and sighed. "Populated by Breeders, mainly. We would attract
a lot of attention, being without a breeder." The Phoenix
gave a glance at Daven." Not to mention that you are a
Davenrue would have smiled if he had a mouth. "Stop calling
me that. That is not my species name. I rather like myself having
no species name. I’m one of a kind."
"Whatever," Starfire answered back. "Should we go
around the town? It would delay us about a day or so."
Daven thought about it for a moment, then shook his head. "
We need supplies."
"There’s one more thing I need to tell you,
Daven." The Phoenix turned to look at Daven face to face.
"I overheard someone talking about a Dragon. A unique
Daven grasped his sword tighter.
"With black scales."
A red glow emitted from the visor of the Durahans helm.
"And a fiery red mane."

Even at the outskirts of the town, people began to stare at
Davenrue. He and Starfire just walked on to the townsquare,
ignoring the stares of the local populace.
"I told you we would draw attention," Starfire
whispered to what he liked to call the Darksteel. "You go
get the supplies, okay? I’m leaving."
"Where are you going?" Daven asked.
"Let’s just say I don’t like people staring at me,
and the urge to bath everyone in my heat beam is killing
me." With that, the Phoenix took off into the air.
Daven looked around town for the supply shop and finally saw it
between two taverns. He walked into the shop and up to the
counter. The shopkeeper was an old, balding man with quite a
number of teeth missing.
The old man eyed Daven warily. "Well, where is your
"I do not have one," the living armor answered.
"Go away then. I do not do business with monsters."
Daven suddenly reached over the counter and grabbed the old man
by the collar of his tunic and lifted him off the ground.
"And why not?"
"Put him down."
Daven dropped the old man and spun around to face the newcomer.
It was a young man, dressed in a leather tunic and pants. Behind
him was a small turtle-like machine, which he recognized as a
Henger. The Henger was white in color with a gold trim. "A
Proto, not found in the IMa area. You are from FIMBA, I
"We are," the young man replied. "What seems to be
the problem here?"
"This monster does not have a Breeder," the old man
said as he brushed himself off.
The young man’s eyes widened. "That is unusual."
He turned to examine the living armor again. "You are a
Durahan, yet your species is not known to me."
"I have no reason to tell you, and you should mind your own
business," Daven answered back. The Henger suddenly
transformed to its humanoid form and spoke.
"No one talks to Zayne like that!"
The Henger fired both arms at Daven, but the Darksteel leapt
aside just in time.
"Stop it, Crusader!" Zayne yelled, and the Henger
complied, backing off. But Crusader still remained in humanoid
form and in a combat stance.
"Your name." Daven stared at the boy intently. The
purple eyes. The brown hair. The way he stood. "I know

Davenrue dropped his sword to the ground, and continued to
stare at the young man. "I know you."
"And how do you know my Breeder and friend?" The Henger
asked, his eye lens focusing on the black Durahan.
"You are Zayne Shadowheart, are you not?" Daven asked.
The young man shook his head. "My name is Zayne, but my last
name is Ferandiel, after the family who took me in."
Daven picked up his sword from the floor, never taking his eyes
off Zayne. "Took you in?"
"They said that a man gave me to them, telling them to name
me Zayne."
"You must be," the Durahan whispered softly to himself.
"Listen," Zayne said, walking up to Daven.
"I’ll buy what you need, okay?"
"And why should that make a difference?" The old man
said angrily. "I know you’re getting it for this
masterless monster."
This time it was Crusader who acted. With one graceful leap, the
Henger landed besides the old man and turned his energy swords
on. "Because now you have two monsters who will kill
you," Crusader said softly.
Davenrue walked out of the shop, Zayne and Crusader following
closely behind him. "Thank you for your assistance,"
Daven said as the Durahan spun around to face the young man and
the Henger.
"You are welcome," the young man replied, staring at
the setting sun. "Do you have a place to stay for the night?
I’ll be happy to rent you a room."
"It is not required." The Darksteel looked up and saw
Starfire flying high. "I have a friend who is waiting for
Zayne nodded in understanding. "Very well. But, please tell
me this. What do you know of the man who left me with my adopted
"I know that he is your father."
The young mans eyes opened wide in shock.
"He had the same name as you, and you look exactly like
him," Daven explained. "He was my breeder."
Crusader stared intently at the Durahan. "How do we know you
speak the truth?"
"I tell you what I know," Daven snapped back angrily.
"If you choose not to believe it, then don’t!"
With that the Darksteel strode out of the other side of town,
leaving Zayne and the Proto staring at him.

"Problem with the locals?" Starfire asked as he
landed beside his enraged friend.
"Not locals," Daven answered. "One of them was
Zaynes son."
Starfire turned to face the Durahan. "Are you sure?"
"Yes I am sure," Daven whispered angrily.
The Phoenix sensed the anger and decided to change the subject.
"Did you get me my fish?"
Davenrues mood lightened. "Is that all you think about, my
friend? Food?"
"Of course!" The Phoenix replied. "Now where is
The Darksteel reached into the cavity in his Breastplate and
pulled out a bag. "Here you go, you dumb bird."
The two firends finished their meal and set up camp for the night
near a forest. Far above the clouds, a dragon of incredible size
gazed down at the two monsters, sleeping peacefully, and grinned.

Daven jumped out of bed, sword in hand, and looked around to see
what had snapped a twig. He was surprised to see Zayne and
Crusader talking to Starfire. "What’s going on
Starfire turned to face the Darksteel. "You’re awake!
These two have decided to join our quest."
Daven looked questioningly at the Phoenix. "You told them
"Yes," Zayne answered before Starfire could say
anything. "He did. You knew my father. Please, let me
accompany you on your quest." The young man closed his eyes
and sighed sadly. "I wish to learn of my father and avenge
his death, and you can help me do both."
"Let us follow," Crusader pleaded. "I’ve
never seen him like this, and it truly hurts me deeply."
Daven thought about it for a moment, then nodded in agreement.
"Very well."
Zayne opened his eyes and thanked the Durahan. "I will not
be in the way."
"What is this Demondrake, anyway?" The Proto asked.
"I’ve not heard of his kind before."
"As far as we know, he is a unique dragon," Starfire
answered as the Phoenix preened his feathers. "And he has
named himself Iblisadeus."
Zayne frowned in thought. "That means ‘Demon God’
in ancient tongue, does it not?"
All three monsters stared at him in shock. "Not in ancient
tongue, Zayne," Daven answered. "In the language of
monsters. You truly are my breeders son. He was the only one who
knew the language of monsters."
Just then a thundering crash caught everyone’s attention.
The sound had come from the forest, and everyone stared into the
trees, hoping to catch a glimpse of what caused the sound.
"I’ll look from above," Starfire said as he took
to the air. At first, the forest seemed to be completely calm.
Then something caught his eye. A treetop suddenly disappeared
from sight, and another crash filled the air. "Something is
making the trees fall!" He yelled to the others, as another
tree fell, this time nearer to the forest edge where Daven, Zayne
and the Proto were. "And it’s headed right for
As Daven and Crusader got in a combat stance, a bightly colored
Golem came flying out of the forest and crashed into the ground
with a loud thud.
"An Echo," Zayne informed everyone, recognizing the
monster. "Better known as the Ecologuardia in the IMa areas.
But it protects the forest, not destroys it. Something else must
be in there, but what?"
As if in answer to the young mans question, seven black Nagas
emerged from the forest, their crimson eyes glowing brightly.
They stopped as soon as they saw the Durahan and the Henger,
ready for combat. "Do you pledge allegiance to
Iblisadeus?" One of them hissed.
Something in Daven snapped, and the Darksteel charged forth.
Before any the Crimson Eyeds could react, one of them fell to the
ground, its head bouncing off into the forest. The Nagas rushed
to attack the Durahan, but another fell as one of Crusaders yoyos
wrapped around its neck, snapping it with a sickening crack. The
Nagas realized they were going up against experienced foes, and
began to slither back into the forest as one of them was burnt
beyond recognition by Starfires heat beam.
"NO!" A deep voice boomed.
Zayne turned around to see the Ecologuardia standing up and run
after the Nagas. He caught up with one of them an easily crushed
the monster in its huge fist. "Those who harm the forest
shall feel pain!"
"Calm down, Sethiranax."
Zayne rubbed his eyes in surprise. At first he thought he saw one
of the trees separate itself from the others, but at second
glance saw that it was a Dryad, a tree fairy.
The huge Golem smiled gently when it saw the Dryad.
Deep within the forest, Iblisadeus lay asleep under the
canopy, the bodies of Dryads, Plants, Dixies and other forest
monsters scattered around him. The sun was high in the sky,
shining brightly upon the earth. An eye flicked open as the
remaining three Crimson Eyeds slithered apprehensively towards
the dragon. "Well?" the Demondrake asked. "Did you
take care of the Ecologuardia?"
"Forgive us, my lord," one Naga said, prostrating
himself before the dragon. "We failed to -"
The Naga was cut short as Iblisadeus grabbed the monster in his
claws. "This is the price of failure," he whispered
softly to the terrified Naga.
The Nagas crimson eyes opened wide as the dragons mouth opened
menacingly before him. "Lord Deus, forgive me!"
He wasn’t.
The Naga screamed as the fiery breath of his lord engulfed his
body. Scales began to wither, and skin started to burn and soon
after flesh began to cook. The Nagas eyes melted in their sockets
amd flowed down the dying monsters cheeks. Finally, after what
seemed like an eternity to the other Nagas, the Demondrake closed
his mouth. He tossed the charred corpse of the Naga before the
other two. "This is the fate that awaits all who fail
me." Iblisadeus stared menacingly at the Nagas, and grinned
when he saw them slither back in fear. "Do I make myself
"Yes, Lord Deus," one of the remaining Nagas spoke.
"The Ecologuardia was assisted by others, my lord."
The Demondrake raised an eyebrow. "Who are the others you
speak of?"
"A Phoenix, a Proto, a man of young age and a new breed of
Iblisadeus frowned in thought. "I was expecting the Dark
Durahan and the Phoenix, but who are the other two?"
"I do not know, my lord."
The Demondrake began to stand on his feet, knocking down a few
trees as his wings opened and his tail swung out. "Meet with
Punisher and his group, and inform them of what has happened.
Tell him I want the Ecologuardia and the other four dead."
"Yes, Lord Deus!" the Nagas said in unison.
"Do not fail me again." With that, the Demondrake took
off into the air, breaking numerous branches as he broke through
the canopy and into the sky.
The two Nagas looked at the burnt remains of their friend, and
after a brief moment of respect, they slithered away. "Have
you met this Punisher?" one of the Nagas asked the other.
The other Naga nodded. "He is an Earthkeeper, a Naga like
us." The Naga then shivered in fear. "He was raised by
Iblisadeus himself, and has inherited the Demondrakes

"I thank you for aiding my friend," the Dryad said
"Think nothing of it, my lady," Daven said politely.
"May I know your name?"
"I am Eldriana, and this," the Dryad gestured to the
tri-colored Golem standing quietly behind her. "This is
Sethiranax, Guardian of this forest."
Daven introduced himself and the others to the two newcomers.
"Why were the Nagas attacking you?" he asked the
"They harmed the forest," Seth replied. "They and
their master the Demondrake harmed the trees and the monsters who
live in their shadows." The Ecologuardias deep voice took on
an angry tone, and the Darksteel caught himself taking an
involuntary step backwards. "They harmed many." He
loomed protectively over Eldriana. "Fortunately they did not
find Anna."
Davenrue almost ran into the forest in search for the Demondrake,
but managed to contain his fury.
"He speaks the truth," the Dryad said unexpectedly.
"Many of my sisters were among those murdered deep within
the forest." Tears streamed out of her eyes. "The
forest fears Iblisadeus."
"Demon God," Zayne whispered as a red glow emitted from
the Durahans visor.
Anna and the Golems eyes opened wide in surprise. "You speak
our language?" the Dryad asked.
"He understands it," Daven explained. "A gift from
his father." The Darksteel then proceeded to tell the Dryad
and Golem everything.
"Then we will accompany you," Anna hissed through
clenched teeth. "I will avenge my sisters."
Sethiranax nodded his head. "I shall come as well. The
Demondrake must pay for the massacre he has caused."
"It would seem we all have our reasons to kill this
dragon," Starfire said. "And so we shall stand united
to face him."
Crusader, who had remained silent, finally spoke. "My
friends, look!" The Henger pointed a shaky finger towards
the sky. Everyone followed his gaze and saw the red and black
dragon disappear into the clouds.
The red glow from Davenrues visor flared brightly. "He heads

After a week of travel, Davenrue and his companions left the
highway and entered the wild southern jungles of the IMa area.
Starfire was hesitant to enter the jungles, stating that there
was no way he could fly out of the thick jungle canopy, but went
in anyway. Soon after they reached a river. The Darksteel looked
at the remains of what used to be a bridge over the flowing
waters. "It would seem someone is trying to stop us."
Starfire gazed at the wild jungles around them on the other side
of the river, and frowned in thought. "This would be an
excellent place to be ambushed," he whispered. The Phoenix
couldn’t have been more correct.
A bird-like screech filled the air as two Beaclons jumped out of
the trees behind them, blocking their escape route. Sethiranax
was about to engage the two insectoid monsters when ball of flame
flew towards the golem and exploded, sending him to the ground.
Eldriana and Zayne rushed to Seths side to see if he was okay as
Daven, Starfire, and Cusader got into their combat stances.
"Do you honestly think you can survive?"
The three looked across the river to see an Earthkeeper, a
subspecies of the Naga. Besides him stood a Basilisk and a
Salamander, and Crusader realized where the fireball had come
from. "Who are you?" the Proto asked, his lens zooming
in on the Naga. The Earthkeeper was different from others. His
eyes were red in color and his back fin was torn. But the main
thing that caught the Hengers interest was the scar on the Nagas
"You can call me Punisher," the Earthkeeper answered
nonchalantly. "Not that it matters. You’ll be dead
soon." The scarred Naga screeched once more, and from the
shadows of the jungle behind him, dozens of monsters came out of
Starfire sighed sadly. "Well my friends, it would seem this
is the end. Lets give them one hell of a show."
Daven and Crusader nodded in understanding. "Nice knowing
you, my friends," the Darksteel said softly, then roared a
battlecry and charged forwards, the Phoenix and Henger right
behind him.

Further into the jungle, on the higher ground where the river
started, a huge monster stirred in its sleep. The monster opened
its eyes to see what was causing the noise, and saw further
downstream the battle that raged in the waters.
"Iblisadeus," the monster whispered angrily as it got
on its four feet, his big ears hanging down the sides of his
head. His eyes then caught sight of a Black Durahan, the unique
living armor fending off the attacks of two Jells. "Could he
be the one?" he asked himself.
Punisher watched the battle before him, studying his
opponents. He recognized skilled monsters when he saw them, and
could hardly wait to face one of them in combat. The unknown
black Durahan was fending off the attacks of two jells, unable to
severely damage the two humanoid blobs of ooze. The Proto was
slaughtering his troops one by one with his energy swords, but
the Naga could see that the Henger was tiring. The Phoenix had
also defeated numerous foes, but was now being pushed back by the
two Beaclons the scarred Naga had sent to flank the targets from
the back, while the Ecologuardia and the Dryad stayed close to
the young boy, protecting him from any that came close. Punisher
wasn’t sure about the Dryad, for the Crimson Eyed that
brought him his orders did not mention any Pixie breed. The
scarred Nagas eyes once more fell upon the unique Durahan, and
saw him defeat one of the Jells with a well-timed thrust and turn
to face the other Jell.
Davenrue pierced the orb within the Jell and watched in
satisfaction as the monster flowed to the ground into a pile of
ooze. The Darksteel looked around to assess the situation, and
saw that it was grave. Crusader was taking hits more often, his
fatigue slowing him down, while Starfire fell to the ground
heavily as he was hit by one of the Beaclons. He sighed in relief
when he saw Anna fly to the fallen Phoenix, her lightning blasts
keeping the Beaclons from ending Starfire's life. Seth remained
with Zayne, guarding him from a Selketo.
Daven looked around to find the leader, the one that called
himself Punisher, and found the scarred Naga standing a few paces
away from him. "Shall I be your next foe?" The Naga
asked through clenched teeth. "I promise not to be as easy
as the Jells."
Davenrue charged forward and swung his blade savagely, cutting
deep into Punishers arm. The Darksteel was shocked to see that
the Naga was grinning at him. Punisher shoved Daven backwards,
causing the surprised Durahan to stumble to the ground, and
looked at the wound that the Darksteel had inflicted.
"I’ve suffered much worse from my lord."
Davenrue scrambled to his feet, but was knocked down once again
as Punishers tail hit his legs, his sword landing at a distance.
"Give up, Dark Durahan," the scarred Naga said softly.
"Iblisadeus will rule the world, and everyone shall suffer
his wrath!"
The red glow of Daven's eye flared brightly as he jumped to his
feet and began to attack the shocked Naga with his steel fists. A
hard blow to Punisher's face sent the Naga to the ground.
"Impressive," the scarred Naga commented as he got of
the ground. "Now, lets try that again."
"Let me try."
Punisher spun around to see a huge silvery-white Baku standing
before him, the huge monster staring menacingly at the scarred
Naga. The Baku suddenly charged forth, ramming into Punisher and
sending him flying past Daven and onto the ground, knocking the
air out of him. Punisher struggled up and watched the Dark
Durahan and the unknown Baku walk towards him. "This is not
over yet," he said as he backed off, then spun around to
enter the deep jungles. A screech floated out from among the
trees and the other monsters began to retreat as well.
Davenrue picked his sword up and was about to run into the forest
to pursue Punisher and his followers, but was stopped when the
huge Baku stepped before him. "Do not exert yourself,"
he said gently. "This is but one fight. We have won this
one, but there will be others." The Baku frowned sadly.
"Many others."

"I thank you for protecting him," Crusader said to
Anna and Seth as the Proto gestured to his master.
"I thank you as well." Zayne smiled to the two monsters
who had guarded him during the fight. "And you too," he
said as he turned to face the huge Baku. The Baku had an amazing
coat of silvery-white fur, which shone brightly in the few rays
of the setting sun which pierced the jungle canopy.
"It was my pleasure," the Baku said slowly. "I do
not like bad monsters."
"What is your name?" Daven asked as he wiped the ooze
off his blade with a ragged cloth. " I am Davenrue, a
Darksteel." The Durahan saw Starfire grin when he used the
Phoenix’s term for him. He then continued to introduce the
"I am called Garranoth," the Baku answered slowly
again, as though he was stupid, but Davenrue saw the wisdom in
the Baku's eyes. "I am a Baku."
"That can’t be," Seth stated. "Bakus have
light, tan fur. Nothing like yours. What do people call
Garr frowned in thought, and after a moment, answered the Golem's
question. "I have been called many names, but I remember
once a child calling out to me. He called me Moomoo."
"Well," Zayne said as he frowned in thought. "I'm
guessing that you are a unique. Where did you come from?"
Garr turned to face the higher grounds of the jungle. "I
live over there." The Moomoo turned to face the Darksteel.
"Davenrue, you must follow me."
"Where?" Daven asked.
"You must claim him. You must claim Elcodar."

"Let me see if I got this right," Crusader said
angrily as he and Daven carved a path through the jungle foliage
with their swords. "We are going to find a monster who will
help us defeat the Demondrake?"
The Baku nodded as he lumbered behind the two sword-wielding
monsters, Zayne and Anna sitting upon the Baku's back.
"Davenrue must claim Elcodar. It is Elcodar's duty to serve
the Durahan species."
"And what is he again?" Starfire asked. He and Seth
were following behind the group. "A Monol, you say?"
Garr nodded once more. "He is a Monol with the blood of a
"Interesting," Zayne said, smiling. "Another new

A Zuum watched the group warily. He had no fear of being spotted,
for his coloring matched those of the forest perfectly.
"They are heading for the temple," he whispered to
himself. He then ran deeper into the forest, passing the group
and going much faster than them without even making a sound. He
reached a huge stone structure and began to slow down.
"Tillirius, strangers come!"
The forest seem to come alive as other Zuums with similar
coloring began to converge around him. One of them, bigger than
the rest stepped forth. Who are they?"
"I do not know. But they are led by the Silver One."
The bigger Zuum growled in anger. "Followers of the
Demondrake. They must have captured the Silver One."
"What do we do, Tillirius?" One of the Zuums asked.
Tillirius looked at his fellow Zuums and grinned. "We shall
free the Silver One. The Demondrake's followers shall face the
fury of the Wild Saurians."

At the outskirts of the forest, Punisher stood before his lord
without fear, his eyes locked with the Demondrake's. His
followers were a different matter. They were terrified of the
Demondrake, and many were trembling before their lord. "We
have failed you, my lord," Punisher said bravely.
Iblisadeus managed to stop himself from roaring in anger and
frustration. "What happened?"
"A silvery-white Baku helped them, Lord Deus," he
whispered. "I was defeated, and I called the order to
retreat. If we had stayed I’m sure we would have won. I lay
the blame on myself."
The Demondrake frowned at the mention of the Baku. "Did the
Baku have a scar on his belly, Punisher?"
Punisher closed his eyes. "I am sorry, my lord. I did not
see. Punish me for this defeat." The Naga lay on his back
and stared at the Demondrake's claws in expectation.
Iblisadeus nodded his head. He lay one claw on Punishers scarred
chest. The other monsters turned their heads away as the
Demondrake's claw pierced the skin. "Look at what he endures
for you!" Deus hissed as he began to press another claw into
the Nagas chest. The monsters reluctantly turned to face the
horror before them. Punisher flinched as a third claw entered his
flesh. He looked up at the Demondrake, his eyes glazed over as he
began to lose conciousness.
The Demondrake stopped when the Naga fell unconscious and pulled
out his bloody claws. "Tell him when he awakens that he is
to go into the Parepare jungles once more and look for
them." Deus flapped his wings and took off into the air, a
black shadow in the orange sky of dusk.
As he flew, the Demondrake's thoughts wandered back to the Baku,
and smiled.
Davenrue and Crusader led the group deeper into the forest,
the two monsters cutting a path through the jungle foliage.
"How much further, Garr?" the Darksteel asked as he
swung his blade towards a low branch.
"Not far," the Moomoo answered as he lumbered behind
Daven and the Proto. "We’ll get there in an hour or
"We had better," Crusader said angrily as his energy
swords flickered off momentarily. "We’ve been doing
this for precisely seven hours. I don’t have much energy
Garranoth smiled. "You will be able to rest in the temple,
Crusader. Are you two okay up there?" he asked his
"We’re fine, Garr," Zayne answered as he shifted
slightly in a more comfortable position, careful not to awaken
Anna . The Dryad had fallen asleep some time ago, and she was
leaning on the young man’s back. "How is it that this
Elcodar has avoided discovery before this? There are many
expeditions into the Parepare jungles every year."
"The temple itself is hidden from view," Garr answered.
"It is completely covered with jungle plants, and unless you
are looking for it, you’ll never find it."
Behind the Moomoo, Seth and Starfire followed in silence.

The Wild Saurians moved silently through the jungle, their
leader Tillirius ahead of the others. The larger Zuum began to
slow down as he caught a glimpse of the Silver One and his
captors heading towards them, and the rest stopped in their
tracks as well. One of the smaller Wild Saurians moved up beside
his leader. "What’s the plan, Tillirius?" he
"We wait until they are among us," Tillirius answered
softly. "Then we attack."

Punisher slithered quickly along the new path, a small force
of monsters following directly behind him. "They aren’t
that far off," the scarred Naga informed the others.
"This path is new. The sap still flows out of the

Davenrue and the Proto continued onwards, the others following
closely behind him. Anna was was awake now, and she stretched her
wings out to warm up her muscles. Just then Daven stopped in his
tracks. "Crusader, stop."
The Henger complied with the Darksteel’s order. "What
is it?"
A gesture from Daven silenced him. Crusader increased the
sensitivity of his senses, and realized something. "The
jungle sounds."
Davenrue nodded. "They’re gone."
A bellow of pain jolted the Darksteel and Proto into action. They
spun around and saw the jungle, or rather parts of the jungle,
attacking Sethiranax.
Starfire was the first to react. The Phoenix ran forward and
pulled one of the things attacking the golem off, throwing it to
the ground. He was surprised to see it was a Zuum, its coloring a
perfect match with the jungle around them. The Wild Saurian leapt
back on its feet and spat out a fireball which hit Starfire
perfectly in the face, but the Phoenix was not affected by the
Zuum’s attack.
More of the Wild Saurians revealed themselves, leaping out from
amongst the trees. Garr was about to say something, but was
accidently knocked to the ground by Seth, who was struggling to
remove the two remaining Zuums on his body. As the Moomoo fell to
the ground, Zayne and Anna quickly leapt off.
Crusader punched one of the Wild Saurians directly in the face,
sending the monster to the ground. "I can’t keep this
up," the Proto yelled. "I’m too tired!"
Eldriana stretched her hand forth, and a beam of intense light
shot out. The ray hit a Zuum in the leg
and the Dryad turned to find another target as the Zuum’s
leg gave way beneath him.
A shrill screeched filled the air, rising above the clamor of
battle as Davenrue smashed his shield into a Zuum, knocking it
out. He searched for the source and saw Punisher behind them. His
single eye flared up brightly as he charged forth, but was forced
to stop as a Wild Saurian charged him from the side.
"Face the wrath of the Wild Saurians, follower of the
Demondrake!" Tillirius roared as he swung his tail towards
the Darksteel. Daven blocked the blow with his shield and swung
his sword down, but the big Zuum rolled aside in time. Tillirius
began to attack with his fore-claws, slowly at first, then faster
and faster, until soon it was just a blur.
Davenrue was hit by the first few attacks, but managed to block
the others in time, his shield-arm moving as quickly as the Wild
Saurian’s claws. "What the hell are you talking
Garr slowly got back to his feet and saw the chaos around him.
His friends, the Wild Saurians, were attacking Davenrue and the
others. He also caught a glimpse of Punisher and his troops, the
scarred Naga’s forces easily dispatching the confused Zuums.
He saw Davenrue locked in combat with the leader of the Wild
Saurians and rushed to them. He rammed both Daven and Tillirius
to the ground, and stared at them angrily. "You two are on
the same side!"
"But they captured you," Tillirius said as he got back
to his feet.
"No we didn’t," the Darksteel replied sharply as
he too got back to his feet. "He was leading us to find
Elcodar! Those are the Demondrake’s followers," he sain
as he pointed his sword towards Punisher and the other monsters
around him.
Tillirius shook his head, then roared three times. As one the
Wild Saurians leapt back into the trees, leaving everyone except
Garranoth confused.
"It would seem it’s just us," Punisher said as he
slithered towards Davenrue. "I would like a rematch."
"Keep him occupied," Garr whispered as he backed off.
"The Zuums are my friends, and they are still around."
The Moomoo approached the others and quietly told them to be
Davenrue got into a combat stance as the red glow from his visor
grew more intense. He caught sight of one of the Zuums moving
through the trees as Punisher slithered closer.
The scarred Naga released an energy shot, but Daven blocked it
with his shield. As soon as he recovered from the impact he was
surprised to see Punisher above him, spinning downwards with his
tail. The Darksteel leapt aside, but his leg was still hit by the
Naga’s Drill Attack. Daven got back into a combat stance
once more, but it was visible to all that he was trying to avoid
putting pressure on the injured leg.
"I though you were a worthy foe," Punisher said,
grinning. "It would seem you are no better than a
"A word of advice, Punisher," Zayne said as he took a
step forward. "Never leave your back unguarded."
Punisher spun around, and saw that all his followers were either
dead or unconscious. Standing over their fallen bodies were the
Zuums he was fighting earlier.
"You’re friends here didn’t put up much of a
fight," Tillirius said as he nudged on of the Beaclons with
his foot.
"It would seem I’m surrounded," Punisher said as
he turned to face the Darksteel again. "But it you forgot to
cover the air."
The jungle canopy above the Naga was penetrated with a loud crash
as a Ragnaroks flew through the treetops. The Dragon grabbed
Punisher in his claws and quickly flew off.
Starfire began to flap his wings as well, and before anyone could
stop him, the Phoenix took off after Punisher and the Ragnaroks.
A few seconds later a cry of pain floated down as Starfire landed
before the Darksteel. "I gave something to Punisher so he’ll
remember us," he said happily. "A scorched tail."

"I am sorry for the mistake, Davenrue," Tillirius
said. "We though you had captured the Silver One and forced
him to lead you to Elcodar."
"It is alright, Tillirius," Daven replied softly.
"Why do you call yourselves the Wild Saurians?"
The Saurian Leader shrugged his shoulders. "That was what we
were called by humans who came adventuring in the jungles."
He turned to face Garr and lowered his head in respect.
"Silver One, do you need our assistance in reaching the
The Moomoo smiled sheepishly. "How many times do I have to
tell you, don’t treat me like some king. Anyway, we would be
glad for any assistance." The Moomoo looked at the Darksteel
and saw the damaged armor of his leg section. "Do you need
time to heal, my friend?"
Davenrue shook his head. "Let us find this Elcodar."

A half hour later, they reached the ancient temple. "I
know why you said that if we weren’t looking for it, we’d
never find it," Zayne said as he stared at the mound before
him. "It’s completely covered in plants!"
"We will stay outside," Tillirius told Garr as they
walked around to the other side of the mound. "It is not our
destiny to enter."
Garranoth nodded in understanding as he stood before a huge rock.
"Seth, could you move this, please?"
Seth walked over to boulder and grasped it with both hands.
Slowly, he lifted the rock and put it aside. He stared down at
the entrance he had uncovered, and turned to face the others.
"We need light."
"I can provide the light," Anna said as a ball of
energy took shape in her palm. She walked in first, followed by
Garr, Daven and the others. "The tunnel seems to go
downwards," she stated as she continued further along the
"It does," Garr informed. "At the bottom is the
resting place of Elcodar, the Great Shield."

Iblisadeus crawled out of his cave and watched the Ragnaroks
hover before him and released the scarred Naga from his claws.
"Good job, Reldoras. Continue with your previous duty."
The Ragnaroks nodded as took off. Punisher slowly slithered
forward. "My life is yours to take, Lord Deus. I have failed
you again."
The Demondrake grinned menacingly. " Your life was always
mine to take, Punisher. Do not forget that. As for the failure, I
was expecting it."
The Punisher frowned in confusion. "Expecting it, my
"The Wild Saurians interrupted, am I correct?"
The Naga nodded. "It was as if the jungle itself was alive,
my lord."
Deus brow furrowed in though. "The Dark Durahan. He seems so
familiar. I have seen him before." Suddenly the Demondrakes
eyes opened wide. "I remember him!"
Punisher looked at his lord questioningly. "Who is he, my
"Someone who has every reason to hate me," the
Demondrake hissed. "I killed his master."

"So this is Elcodar?" Crusader examined the monster
before him. "Is he alive?"
"He is in a deep sleep," Garr explained. "Legend
says he will awaken when the Chosen One comes forth to use him
once again."
"Go ahead, Chosen one," Starfire said as he nudged
Davenrue forward. "Take him already."
The Darksteel slowly walked towards the pedestal where the Great
Shield lay. "One question, Garr."
"What is it, Daven?"
Davenrue stood next to Elcodar. "He is almost as tall as me!
How am I going to wield him?"
"I can float, you fool."
Daven jumped back in surprise as the Great Shield began to hover
a few feet off the ground. A face began to form in the center of
the shield. "You are the Chosen One? You’d think they’d
have found someone taller."
Davenrue stared at the Great Shield as it’s surface shifted as though it were water and slowly formed into the shape of a human face. Elcodar was similar to an ordinary Monol in all aspects save the fact that he was made of steel and had a gold trim. "Well, you’ll do I guess, even though you’re stunted."
The Darksteel took a step forward, his anger getting the better of him. "Now wait a second. Who are you to say I’m short?"
If Elcodar had eyes, he would have rolled them towards the heavens. "Oh alright. You’re vertically challenged. Happy?"
Daven almost leapt at the Great Shield, but Seth laid his hand on the Darksteel’s shoulder. "Patience, Daven."
The Darksteel cursed beneath his breath as he pushed the Golem’s hand off, and walked out of the temple. "I’ll be outside!"

Iblisadeus watched as his followers dug the side of the cliff, the monsters working harder under his gaze. They had been working on the cliff for a week, and yet they still had not found anything. Punisher stood beside him, awaiting his masters command. In his mind, the scarred Naga thought this excavation was stupid. They had lost many troops under landslides and fatigue.
The Demondrake wondered if it ever existed at all, a myth which had not a grain of truth to it. Just then, one of the Priarocks gave a yelp as his claw hit something hard. Something old. Something hidden ages ago by humans and monsters alike. Iblisadeus strode to where the Priarocks was digging and saw his find. The Demondrake placed his hand on the surface of the object and smiled. Punisher, who has followed silently behind his master, shuddered at what he saw.

Far off towards the east, a clan of Wild Dragoons were hunting for food when they felt it. One by one they stopped in their tracks, and turned westward. "What’s going on, Talorius?" One of the younger Dragoons asked the chief of the clan.
Tal was, like all Dragoons, Centaurs with the blood of Dragons flowing through their veins, but unlike them, he also possessed the soul of a Dragon. He was the only one among them who had wings. Not wings like the Ferious, which were too small for actual flight, but strong ones, with an incredible wingspan to be able to lift its body. "It stirs," he whispered softly. He suddenly reared on his hind feet and began to flap his wings. "The Demondrake has no idea what the consequences of his actions are!" He turned to face the one that had questioned him. "You lead the clan for now. I’ll return soon." With that, the winged Dragoon took to the air with his spear in hand, leaving his clan behind as he flew forth to try stop the death that would come.

"You can cut down on the sarcasm," Starfire hissed angrily. "It would be wise not to anger him."
Elcodar turned to face the Phoenix. "Why should I, bird?" he said as his face slowly melted back into the surface of his body. "Is he going to stab me with his sword?"
Zayne, who had been silent all this time, finally lost his patience. "ENOUGH OF THIS!" He walked right up to the Great Shield. "We were told you could help us defeat the Demondrake. You would be claimed by the Chosen One. If you have not noticed, he is the one who strode out of this Temple! Either you help us, or you return to your slumber for all eternity!"
Crudader and the others stared at the young man in disbelief. Never had the Proto heard that tone of voice from his breeder, and the finality of his words made him shudder. Even Elcodar was stunned by the humans words.
"Be calm, young one," Garr said softly. Just then he felt it. The feeling flowed through his body and chilled his very bones. He examined his companions and saw that they too felt it, but what surprised him was the fact that even Zayne was shaken. The human had somehow felt the energies that only monsters could sense.
Davenrue stumbled into the temple, his visor ablaze with inner light. He was quickly assisted by Seth, who was the least affected by the sensations. "What is it?" The Darksteel whispered in agony as he felt it coursing through his steel form.
"Damn the Demondrake!" Elcodar yelled angrily. "I’ve known him for decades, but I never expected him to go this far."
Slowly, the feeling faded away, and everyone recovered from it. "What was that?" Davenrue asked as he he leaned on the wall for support. "And how is it possible that the Demondrake lived for decades? For that matter how have you lived for that long?"
"It is the normal lifespan of a true monster," Anna explained. "Even I will live for at least twenty years."
"How is that possible?" Zayne asked.
"Our ancestors escaped Gods hands when he began his crusade to place us in disc stones," Garranoth answered.
Crusader shook his head in confusion. "Then why do us disc monsters live for only six years or so?"
"Monsters who reside in discs slowly waste away," Elcodar answered as his face once more emerged. "That is how we true monsters live so long and also grow bigger than you ."
Daven nodded in understanding. "You’ve only answered one of my questions. What was that feeling?"
Elcodar looked to Garr questioningly, and the Moo nodded his head slowly. The Great Shield released a great sigh. "It is the Awakening. Long ago, when man and monster worked side by side, there was one race of monsters who did not want to live in unity. They ravaged both human and monster settlements, and killed all in their path. They were incredibly powerful, but fortunately their numbers were small. Finally, the greatest of men and monsters managed to seal them in a steel tomb, but they had already spread the corruption among monsters. Soon after, the corrupted monsters began to turn on humans, and then God came down to seal us in discs. And the rest of the story you know, I’m sure."
"And what were these monsters called?" Anna asked. "I have never heard of such monsters."
Garr and Elcodar both sighed sadly. "They have unbelievable power and intelligence," the silver Baku said softly. "They are Xeryth."
"And how are we supposed to defeat them then?"
The great shield frowned in thought. "According to legend, there was a race that could challenge them. They were the ones who led us against them. But the name of the race is lost in history. What does Iblisadeus think he’s doing? He’s going to bring destruction to all if he releases the Xeryth!"

The Demondrake watched in glee as his troops slowly began to dig around the tomb in search of its entrance. "Not long now, Punisher."
The Naga nodded in agreement. "Yes, Lord Deus." He began to cower as his question escaped his lips. "But are you sure you want to do this? They are Xer-"
He was cut short as Iblisadeus swung his hand into the scarred Naga’s face, sending him flying unto the ground. "Do not question my judgement!"
The screeching of the Ragnaroks on guard duty stopped the Demondrake from completing his punishment. "What is it?"
A Reaper trotted to the Demondrake and bowed before him. "A flying creature, my lord. One of my kind."
"A Ferious?"
The Reaper shook his head. "Believe it or not, Lord Deus, It’s a Dragoon."
Deus raised an eyebrow. "A Dragoon with wings. Interesting. Send a detachment of flyers and take him down."
The Reaper nodded his head. "Yes my lord." He turned around and galloped to the camp.
The Demondrake turned to face Punisher once again. "Take two detachments with you and deal with the Dark Durahan. He is beginning to prove a nuisance."
"Yes, my Lord," the scarred Naga whispered as he slithered away.
"That Durahan, just like his master," Deus said to himself as he saw his flyers head towards the Dragoon intruder.

Talorius was suffering from major fatigue. He had pushed himself to reach here as fast as his wings could carry him, and now he could feel his muscles stiffening. Just then he saw the group of Dragons and Beaclons flying towards him, and he roared a challenge. Far below, the Demondrake watched the aerial battle in fascination. He could clearly see that the Dragoon was tired. But still it put up an incredible fight. The Dragoon flew much better than the Dragons or Beaclons, and his fighting skills were definitely something to admire. Finally the Dragons and Beaclons managed to knock the Dragoon out of the sky, but not before it had killed a dozen of the Demondrake’s troops.

Talorius bellowed in anger and pain as the Dragons tore his wings. The Dragoon began to plummet to the ground at an incredible speed. He saw where the Demondrake’s camp was and steered himself away from there, straining his muscles to the extremes in doing so. His vision began to blur as he headed to the jungles beneath him, and soon lost consciousness as he crashed through the jungle canopy and disappeared from view.

Davenrue and his companions had set up camp outside the temple, Tillirius sitting with them around the campfire. Anna stretched her arms out as she yawned sleepily. "So what will our next destination be?"
"We need to find out more of this unknown race," Elcodar replied. "They are the only ones who can challenge the Xeryth."
Zayne’s brow furrowed. "I thought we were going to find the Demondrake and slay him. That was the purpose of this journey, was it not?"
Garranoth nodded. "That was our purpose, and still is." The Silver One sighed sadly. "But the Demondrake has released something else into the fray. The Demondrake wants domination over the world, but the Xeryth wish only to destroy."
"So now I have to delay my quest for revenge?" Darksteel growled angrily. " Why can’t someone else deal with these Xeryth?"
The Moomoo grinned. "Because you’re the Chosen One."
"So where do we begin our search?" Crusader asked, his single eye staring intently at the Great Shield. The Henger did not like the Monol, and he wasn’t trying to hide it.
"To tell the truth, I have no idea," Elcodar admitted.
"I remember an ancient library," Starfire whispered. "Start located somewhere around the Kawrea Volcano Ruins. Maybe we can find what we need to know there."
"The Sages Halls," Anna said, nodding her head. "It would definitely have the knowledge we seek in its now empty halls."
"Then it is settled," Davenrue said as his eye slowly dimmed out. "We leave tomorrow at noon." With that the Darksteel was asleep.
"Who put him in charge?" Elcodar grumbled, but soon he and the others also followed the Darksteel into slumber. All except Garr and Tillirius.
A Wild Saurian stepped out from the trees and whispered something in Tillirius’ ear before disappearing among the trees once more. "We have found an unconscious monster, Silver One," he explained. "A Dragoon with wings."
Garr nodded. "So, even the great Talorius of the Kawrea Region has come. I would like to meet him, and see if he is all legends say he is."
Talorius ran as hard as he could, his claws tearing the earth beneath him. He could hear them getting closer, their high pitched screams getting into his head. He tried to take to the air, but was amazed to see that he didn’t have wings. He pushed himself harder, ignoring the strain of his muscles. It did not matter, for the screaming got closer and closer. Finally, he spun around to face the Xeryth, spear in hand. What he saw scared him, but he could not describe what he saw, for the Xeryth seemed to shift and melt into new forms before his very eyes. He reared on his hind legs as he gave a war cry, then charged forward among them. He felt their cold claws tear his skin and scales, and their hot stinky breath made him shudder as he fought them off. He roared in anger as the Xeryth pulled him off his feet, and cried in pain as they tore open his underbelly, spilling his innards.

The screams of the Dragoon made Davenrue take an involuntary step back. The companions had awakened early that day, and was surprised to see that Garr had found an unconscious Dragoon. Soon after they noticed the Dragoon's hands twitching, as though dreaming. Then the screaming began. "Who is he, and what’s wrong with him?" Davenrue asked.
"He is Talorius, leader of the great Dragoon herd in the Kawrea region," the Baku answered. "As for what’s wrong with him, he has been charged with the task of keeping the Xeryth from awakening. He always has nightmares of the Xeryth, a price to pay for being the one chosen to keep the Xeryth in slumber."
"Isn’t there anything we can do?" Anna asked as she moved closer to Zayne for comfort as Talorius screamed once more.
The Dragoons eyes suddenly flicked open. Talorius scrambled to his feet and backed away from everyone. "Who are you?" he said warily, his eyes examining each and every one of the companions.
"Tal, calm down." The Moomoo took a step forward. "We mean you no harm."
Tal eyed the silver furred Baku, and recognition lit his eyes. "You are the Silver One of the Parepare Jungles?"
Garr nodded. "I am. My name is Garranoth, but my friends call me Garr." He then proceeded to introduce the others to Talorius.
"I am pleased to meet all of you," Tal said, bowing before them. "I am Talorius, leader of the Dragoon herd in the Kawrea region."
The Dragoon then turned to face Garr. "Did you feel the Awakening, Silver One?"
Garr nodded sadly. "He has uncovered the tomb. That much is for certain. But lets leave that discussion for later. How’d you end up among the undergrowth?"
"I crashed here among the trees to avoid being caught by the Demondrake’s troops."
Elcodar caught sight of the Dragoon's torn wings. "I’m guessing it was them who tore your wings?"
Tal nodded as his fist clenched in anger. "There were many of them. Too many for me to handle. I did see the Demondrake's camp though. He has a huge force of monsters working on the excavation site to the north of here. Fortunately he has only uncovered the tomb. They have yet to find the entrance."
"What is our plan now?" Zayne asked, the young man clearly fascinated with the winged Dragoon. He was staring at the wings of the Dragon Centaur in amazement.
"Our plan is still to go the Sages Halls," Daven answered. "Like the legends said, there is only one race that could match the Xeryth. We need to find out if they still exist."
Garr nodded in agreement. "Well thought, Chosen One."
Seth frowned in thought. "But shouldn’t we try stop the Demondrake from discovering the entrance of the tomb? What if he releases the Xeryth before we return?"
Tillirius, the leader of the Wild Saurians, stepped forth. "Leave it to the Wild Saurians. We will hamper their progress."
"Then it is settled," the Darksteel stated. He then turned to face Talorius. "Where will you go?"
Tal thought about it for a moment, then answered. "I come with you, Chosen One. I am from the Kawrea region. I can guide you. Besides, I have failed in my duty, and now I must make up for it. I should have never followed my herd."
"You didn’t fail in your duty, Tal", Anna said symphatetically. "The Xeryth have yet to awaken. Iblisadeus has yet to uncover the entrance."
The Dragoon sighed and shook his head. "You are wrong, Dryad. The Xeryth were released from their slumber as soon as the tomb was uncovered. It is only a matter of time before the Demondrake opens the doorway for them."
Starfire, who had remained silent, finally spoke. "I will stay behind with the Wild Saurians. For a while anyway." Daven was about to object, but the Phoenix raised a wing to silence him. "Listen, I could really help Tillirius and his kind here. They would sustain heavy loses, for they have no air forces. I’ll stay and help them for as long as needed, then I’ll catch up with you guys." Starfire grinned mischievously. "I can easily catch up with you land walkers."
"What Starfire says is true, Daven," Crusader said softly as he laid a hand on the Darksteel's shoulder plate. "Let him stay."
Davenrue was reluctant to be parted with his closest friend, but knew he must. "I’ll see you in a couple of weeks, alright?"
Starfire cheerfully laughed. "Make that a couple of days, Daven. I’m not that slow!"

"So this is the Sages Halls," Garr said nonchalantly. He, Elcodar and Talorius were not surprised with the building, but the others stared in awe and wonder at the amazing stone complex. The travel there had taken two weeks, and the companions were troubled with Starfires absence. None brought up the subject, but everyone had their theories.
Tal approached the four Dragoons that had accompanied them there, stretching his now healed wings in the hot sun. As soon as the companions had reached the Kawrea region, Talorius requested the best of his herd to accompany them. "Scout the area," the winged Dragoon gave the order, and the four Dragoons nodded in acknowledgment and moved out to perform their duty.
"This place is amazing!" Zayne exclaimed. "How is it that no one has discovered it before this?" The young mans feelings of amazement were well understood. The structure before them was made of stone, yet it seemed as though the stone itself formed the structure, for there were no signs of where different blocks of stone met. It seemed as though the whole structure was carved from a single piece of stone. The entrance to the structure stuck out, or rather flowed out of the side of the volcano, and was beautifully carved with amazingly detailed figures of monsters.
Crusader walked to nearer to the entrance of the structure, and examined the archway. "It would seem people have already been here. The door was dismantled, or rather broken down." He peered into the darkness of the entrance hall. "Very dark here, too dark even for my sensors."
Zayne looked quizzically at the Proto. "Then why is it that no one has ever reported of this ruins?"
The Henger bent down and picked something up from the ground. "The reason is, humans aren’t welcome here." Crusader returned to where everyone was and showed them what he had found. A human skull, with two perfectly symmetrical holes on its smooth surface. "There are more bones in there, scattered along the entrance hall as far as you can see, I think. It’s a little dark."
"Do not try to enter here, human."
Everyone spun around once again towards the entrance, and saw nothing at first, but slowly the source of the voice floated out of the darkness. Slowly everyone could make out the shape of a sun mask, and its characteristic cloak behind it, hovering in the air. "Do not attempt to enter here."
The Davenrue took a step forward. "Why shouldn’t we, Gali?" the Darksteel questioned angrily as his single red eye began to glow. "We have come a long way, and I don’t think I would stop just for you."
The expressionless mask was silent.
"Say something!" The Darksteel roared, and he took another step forward. Just then a weird screech echoed out of the darkness and a weird monster bounded out of the darkness and rammed Daven backwards. The creature hopped beside the silent Gali.
"What is that?" Seth asked in wonder. Never had he seen such a monster, and neither had anyone else. The creature resembled a Suezo in many aspects. It was spherical in shape, and it possessed one very prominent eye. But that was were the similarities ended. The monster was a funny shade of blue, with the upper part of its body a darker shade. It had for legs, or rather four tails which it used as legs, and its mouth was placed above the single eye.
"This is a Suezar," the Gali finally spoke again. "Chosen One, would you like to try defy me again?" Two spiritual hands emerged from the cloak.
"Why do you not allow us passage into the Sages Halls?" Daven asked. "Don’t you know the Xeryth have awakened?"
"We do know, Chosen One," the Suezar answered. "But you cannot enter. The human has tainted you."
The Darksteel could barely contain his temper, and Crusader was actually held back from leaping at them in fury by Seth. Garr took a step forward. "I am Garranoth, the Silver One. You know me, Khaylan."
The Gali nodded.
"Then you should know that I would not bring a human to you," the Moomoo continued, and was not surprised to see the shocked looks of everyone, especially Zayne. "Do not take this the wrong way. I bear no hate towards humans, but I know well enough not to bring them here."
"Wait a minute!" Zayne yelled. "What do you mean you didn’t bring a human here? What am I?"
Garr kept silent. The Suezar hopped before the young man and stared at him intently. After a few seconds, the Suezar's eye opened wide. "This can’t be!"
"What is it, Zariel?" The Gali asked.
"He is of human and Magic blood!"

The night after Darksteel and the others left for the Sages Halls, the Wild Saurians and Starfire began their night time attacks. The Demondrake himself was nowhere to be seen, which was a bad sign, but the Wild Saurians and Starfire continued their assaults. The Wild Saurians would quietly slip out of the jungles and attack the Demondrake's troops, killing as many as they could and then fleeing when spotted. Their escapes were aided by Starfire, who’s fire attacks confused and scared Iblisadeus' troops. This continued for five days. On the sixth night, Starfire flew high above the clouds, waiting for the Wild Saurians to pull back. He could see the Wild Saurians moving silently from the trees, as usual, but from there everything went wrong. A loud roar erupted from the Demondrake’s sleeping troops as they all leapt to their feet. "They’re on to us!" he said to himself as he flew down to see what he could do to help the Wild Saurians escape.
The Demondrake, who was watching from a nearby cave, saw the burning form of the Phoenix fly down from the sky. "Slaughter, Massacre, get him." The two Death Dragons behind him nodded and flew out of the cave and towards the battlefield.
"Pull back!" Tillirius yelled as he rolled away from a Tyrant’s slap. As soon as he got back on his feet he was greeted by the sight of one of his fellow Wild Saurians being torn apart by a pair of Tainted Cats. He roared in anger and leapt among the two Katos and easily dispatched them. He looked around to assess the situation, and tears began to stream out of his eyes. He lunged directly into the Tyrant and fought with unbelievable ferocity. He knew that the battle was lost. The battlecry of the Wild Saurians was replaced with their screams of pain and death. Their blood flowed freely from their wounds, staining the land with their life. The remaining Wild Saurians put up a valiant fight, but one by one, they fell to the forces of the Demondrake. He heard the screeching call of Starfire, signalling his arrival, and saw the Phoenix fly down, but the fire bird was cut short when two Death Dragons from opposite sides swooped down and slashed at the Phoenix’s wings, sending Starfire plummeting to the ground. Finally, only he was left. The sorrow he felt for his lost comrades was eating him inside, and he wondered how many of his kind managed to escape into the cover of the trees. A lazer beam from an Omega burnt through his thigh, almost sending the Wild Saurian to the ground, but Tillirius managed to stay on his feet. He gave a last cry, this time one of sorrow and despair, and leapt among the Demondrake’s troops.

Only a handful of the Wild Saurians escaped that unfortunate day, and they have never been the same. Since that day, the land where the battle, which was later known as the Wild Saurians Fall, occurred was forever a slight shade of red. It is said the land itself wishes to remember the unfortunate loss that happened there. Many people and monsters have even claimed to have heard the final cry of Tillirius, his mournful cry as soft as the gentle winds blowing. It may just be that, the sound of a passing breeze, but none can deny the fact that his spirit lives on. Many monsters, even the Demondrake, who was reluctant to admit it to his subordinates, have seen the ghostly form of the Wild Saurian leader standing at the edge of the jungle, staring sadly at the stained ground then into the trees, as though wishing that his kind had escaped that fateful day.

"Much blood has been spilt for us."
"Yes, very much."
The joy of the screams is beautiful, is it not?"
"Very. Can you smell it?"
"Yes, that smell is very familiar. Death has a lovely fragrance."
"I agree. The disturbance has already begun. When we are free, it shall escalate to pure chaos!"
"Yes, chaos. It was smart of God to place the others within those Disc Stones. The darkness we planted in the monsters souls could not bloom in there."
"Yes, and even when the monsters are released, their lifespan is too short."
"It is fortunate that some escaped the hands of God. The darkness in them have bloomed beautifully."
"Yes. The Demondrake has a soul almost as dark as ours."
"Yes. Almost as dark as ours."
"What of the Zelkar? Do we know what has happened to them?"
"I do not know. It is as though they have vanished completely. I cannot sense them."
"No, neither can I."
"Could it be they are no more?"
"It is likely."
"Yes, it is likely. But their disappearance troubles me."
"Yes, they should still be around."
"We shall be prepared for them this time."
"Yes, we shall."
"We shall not be defeated by them again."
"And the world shall once again hear our name and fear it."
"Yes, they shall fear it. They shall fear the Xeryth."
"Yes, the Xeryth will be free once more."
The world was not right. Much has changed, and the humans were afraid. Not all showed their fear, but everyone talked about it. The rumors of a powerful Dragon of immense size leading an army of wild monsters spread like wild fire, and the roads between the human settlements slowed down to a trickle. Most didn’t want to prove the rumors were true. There were those who decided to hunt down the army with their monsters, but they never returned.

It stirred in its sleep. For centuries, it has been in slumber. But now something disturbed its rest. A feeling of unease. It tried to ignore the feeling, tried to shut it out of his mind, but to no avail. Realization dawned on it. The Xeryth were awakening.
Slowly, its eyes opened. He was lying upon a stone slab. He pulled himself in a sitting position and looked around. The eyes were blessed with the ability to see the aura of living beings, and he saw another like him, his sister, in the shadows on a slab just like his. She too was awakening. Her arms unfolded off her chest, and her eyes flicked open. She stretched her arms out wide as she let out a yawn.
She got to her feet and turned to face her brother. “I know, Calebross,” she answered shaking her had sadly. “They’ve awakened.”

“You must be mistaken!” Khaylan exclaimed as he floated back in shock.
Zayne took a step back, and would have fallen to the ground if it wasn’t for Seth’s supporting hands. “You must be mistaken! I’m a human!”
Zariel sighed as he hopped back to the Gali. “I am not mistaken. He is one of us, Khaylan.”
Khaylan turned to face Garr, and bowed his mask down. “You may enter the Sages Halls, Silver One,” he said, then turned to face the rest of the companions. “You may all enter.”
The Gali and Suezar turned around and entered the darkness of the entrance hall, the shadows of the hall swallowing the two protectors of the ancient structure.
Zayne once again stood on his own two feet, staring at the ground before him. “What am I?”
Crusader strode before the young man, and lifted his head to face the Proto’s single eye. “You are Zayne Shadowheart. You are a monster trainer. Most of all, you are my friend.”
Anna laid a comforting hand on Zayne’s shoulder. “You are still who you were before, Zayne. You are our friend.”
The young man turned to face Garr, his eyes filled with tears. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier, Garr?”
“I wasn’t sure myself, Zayne. I’m sorry. I knew of Zariel, the Suezar. I knew he could smell out monsters a mile away. That was the only way for me to be sure.”
“Does that mean that my master, Zayne’s father, was a Magic?” Daven asked suddenly.
“From what I can gather, yes Daven. He was.” Garr turned to face the entrance of the Sages Halls. “Let us continue this inside, my friends.”
Talorius gave a funny series of calls and shouts, signalling the other Dragoons to keep outside and guard the entrance.

“It has been a long time hasn’t it?”
Starfire opened his eyes. He scanned his surroundings, and realized he was in a cave. He was between a pair of Death Dragons. The same ones that had knocked him out of the sky earlier, he noticed, as he saw the burn marks on the arm of one of the skeletal monsters. He tried to get to his feet and fight, but couldn’t. It was as though something unseen held him in place.
“Do not struggle, my friend. You know you can’t break free.”
The Phoenix turned his head around, trying to find the source of the voice. “Who are you?” he demanded. “Show yourself!” Starfire finally caught sight of the one who had spoken. Deep within the shadows of the cave sat a huge Dragon, much bigger than any other the Phoenix had seen. “You’re the Demondrake!”
“Very perceptive, my friend.” Iblisadeus took a step out of the shadows, towering over the Phoenix and the two Death Dragons. “Though I thought that you’d have recognized my voice.”
Don’t call me friend, you flying piece of excrement! “ The Phoenix hissed, the flames of his body flaring. “And stop talking as though I knew you!”
A wry smile spread across the Demondrake’s face. “But you do know me, my friend.” He grasped the Phoenix’s head in his hands and brought his own head before the fiery bird’s, ignoring the fact that his hands were being burnt by Starfire’s flames. “Remember, Darkfire. Remember your previous incarnation!”

The two Dragoons outside the main entrance stood vigilant, keeping an eye out for danger. The other two were patrolling the surrounding area. He knew where each of the Dragoons were, easily understanding the patrol route, and keeping out of sight. He was, like Daven, a Durahan. Yet he was a unique, and he was proud of it. He didn’t really have a name, having forgotten it a long time ago. He had adopted the name of his species, the Mysto. He also escaped God’s hands and avoided being placed into a disc stone. His helm, which was nestled between two big shoulder plates, was smooth and spherical, and his single yellow eye flared brightly. His shoulders were quite big, and were each made of three separate plates fused together. His boody armor was solid, leaving only 2 small openings at each side of the waist. His gauntlets were thick and solid, as were his shin and thigh plates. Like the shoulders, Mysto’s body, hand and leg armor were also made of many plates fused together. He was crimson red in color, with his shoulder plates and and other certain parts a deep shade of purple. His shield was rectangular in shape, with Dragon’s teeth at the four corners. It was pitch black, and it seemed to absorb all light that was near it, burying it within the black surface. At certain angles, the misty form a of Dragon could be seen within the surface of the shield, as though it were somehow absorbed into the shield the way light was. In his left hand he held a sword, its blade short and thick. The blade was slightly jagged as it got closer to the tip, and was also the same light-consuming black shade. If one to were look at the blade for a long time, small blue flames seem to dance along the surface of the black steel. The hilt itself was gold in color.
Slowly, he managed to sneak up on one of the two Dragoons guarding the door, and knocked him unconscious with the hilt of his sword. The second Dragoon was about to yell a warning, but was silenced as his face was smashed in by the Mysto’s shield. The unique Durahan stood there and admired his handiwork for a moment, then strode into the building.

The companions sat in the main library of the Sages Halls, searching through all the books that might have contained knowledge of the unknown race. They would have asked Khaylan or Zariel for help, but the two monsters were nowhere to be found.
“There’s nothing in this book either,” Zayne stated angrily, slamming the book shut. He seemed to have accepted the fact that he had the blood of a Magic within him, but everyone noticed a difference in his eyes, and had resolved to keep an eye on him. “I’m amazed at the quality of the books.”
Talorius nodded in agreement. “Yes, it is as though time never affected the books. They seem brand new!”
“It is the magic within this walls,” Garr explained. “The humans which built this place knew what they were doing.”
“It would seem that we have company,” Seth stated. Everyone turned to face the entrance to the main library and watched as Khaylan and Zariel enter.
“We have come to assist you in your search,” Khaylan said softly, his empty eyes on Zayne.
Zariel noticed that the Gali was still unsure of the yougn man and decided to comtinue. “The race that you look for is the Zelkar.”
“Zelkar?” Elcodar frowned in thought. “That sounds familiar. I know I’ve heard it somewhere.”
“You have, Great Shield. The name was mentioned in an old song. A lullaby for infant monsters.”
“I remember now,” Daven whispered. “My trainer used to sing it to me often.” He began singing softly, then his voice slow gained strength, his tenor voice echoing in the library.
The moon comes rising,
Sleep comes calling.
Your eyes start closing,
And dreams come floating.
Ages ago we had our time,
And we all lived in ease.
The humans were equals,
Worked together for peace.
Then came Xeryth,
Ravager of lands.
Destroyed all we built,
Blood on their hands.
Anna and Seth joined in, her soft angelic voice a start contrast to the Golems baritone. Yet the difference did not do anything to spoil the song, but improved it, the three voices merging with beautiful harmony.
The Zelkar rose,
Their hearts true and just.
Led us against them,
With our lives we trust.
When we were in trouble,
Zelkars were always there.
Guiding us to a solution,
Their decisions wise and fair.
Now Talorius sang, his voice amazingly an alto. His head held high, he sang with all his heart.
The Xeryth were fallen,
Sealed and buried with their wrongs.
Men and monsters rejoiced,
Hands together held strong.
Zayne listened to the words, and slowly the words came to him as well, from an unknown source within his heart. They flowed from the depths of his mind and out of his mouth. His voice was shaky at first, but it slowly strenghtened, and like the Darksteel, was a tenor, his voice fused together with Daven’s.
But we were tainted,
Some went mad,
Monsters went wild,
Did what the Xeryth had.
God grew angry,
His hands came down.
Sealed us in tombs of stone,
Circular and round.
The Zelkars escaped,
And hid in fear.
Always worrying,
That Gods hands were near.
Dream of the past,
When Zelkars were free and great.
Holding us in their arms,
Always caring about our fate.
“Beautiful,” Zariel whispered, as a single tear flowed from his eye. “It has been a long time since I’ve heard that song.” The Suezar wasn’t the only one touched by the song. Garr, Elcodar, Crusader, and even Khaylan were reminiscing about old times. Times of their youth. Times long gone.
The Gali floated over to Zayne, spirtual hand materializing from within the cloak. Khaylan placed it on the young man’s shoulder. “I’m sorry for what I said earlier, Zayne. You are one of us.”
“That he is, Khaylan.”
Khaylan spun around to face the newcomer. “My friends, I present to you Calebross and Verasha, the last of the Zelkars.”
The companions stared at the two monsters as they strode through the doorway and into the library. They were tall and well muscled, the female at least six feet, the male a foot taller. They stood on three-toed, tri-jointed legs, and a long tail whipped around wildly. Four arms emerged from they shoulders, each ending in three fingers and a thumb. Their eyes were at the sides of their head, with long horns protruding backwards from their brow. Their mouth was on the same level as their eyes, giving it a weird appearance. But none could deny they were serene, beautiful, and regal. The male was proud-like, his chest and head held high, while the female’s form was much more slender and graceful. Her horns were longer and thinner than the male’s, as was her tail.
“Alright,” Elcodar broke the silence. “Can I know which one’s who? Your names are weird.”
Far away, Punisher watched as the monsters began uncovering the tomb. This is wrong, he thought, but he kept silent in in fear of Lord Deus’ wrath. He had been dismissed from the Demondrake’s presence since they had captured the Phoenix known as Starfire, and that angered the Scarred Naga. Just then, one of the monsters, a Gidras, gave out a shout, disrupting the Naga’s thoughts. He slithered to where the the metallic Dragon was and looked at what he found. Fear crept into his mind, not like the fear he had for the Demondrake, but something much more, on the verge of terror. It seemed as though he always was afraid, an ancient fear hidden within his heart, throughout the generations of monsters. Now that hidden fear, that indescribable terror, had clawed its way out from the deepest recesses of his soul. Before him was the entrance to the tomb, the two stone doors slightly ajar. As he slowly gathered his strength and courage, a single glowing orange eye flicked open, staring out through the opening of the entrance. A single ball of fire, of fear, of hate, of destruction…
The Sacred and the Damned had Awakened.
Calebross strode towards the companions, and stopped before the Darksteel. “You are the Chosen One, are you not?”
Davenrue felt awed in the presence of the Zelkars, and bowed his head down in respect. “I am.”
“You have done well.” The male Zelkar then turned to face Garr. “You are the Silver One. I can guess from the color of your fur. The Demondrake has caused much pain in you.”
“I am, Calebross.” The Moomoo also bowed his head down. “Yes, the Demondrake has caused much pain in me. He has caused pain in all of us, to be precise. But how do you know all this?”
This time the female Zelkar, Verasha, spoke. “We have been in a deep sleep, hibernating you might say. But we did not sleep peacefully. Our slumber was filled with dreams, of real events occurring in the world.” She sighed sadly, then continued. “We knew of the pain our fellow monsters have been through. We knew many of you, especially the ones who managed to avoid God’s hands like us, prayed to us to return. You prayed for help, for salvation, for things to be like the old days.” She fell silent, and her eyes closed as she began to tremble.
Calebross went to his sister and pulled her close, wrapping her up in his four comforting arms. Slowly she began to calm down. The male Zelkar turned to face the companions. “We were afraid. Afraid of coming back to the world, where God could see us. Afraid of fighting the Xeryth once again. Do you know that some monsters blame us for bringing down God’s wrath upon us? The hidden thoughts that monsters would not have been tainted if we had not led them against the Xeryth.” Calebross’ tail began to whip around, showing his anger and frustration. “We know everything. We may have been in hibernation, but the world would not leave us alone, and invaded our dreams. We saw everything! We heard everything, even the thoughts that weren’t voiced out!”
Now it was Verasha’s turn to calm her brother. “Hush now, Caleb,” she said softly. “They are innocent. They had nothing to do with what we went through.”
He gave out a long sigh, and bowed his head down in sorrow. “I am sorry. You had nothing to do with the curse we have. The curse of knowing, of caring, for the world of monsters.”
Davenrue slowly took a step forward, unsure of what to do. “Caleb, I am sorry for the pain, fear and torture you endured in your sleep,” the Darksteel said. “But I must be blunt. The Xeryth have awakened, their tomb uncovered by Iblisadeus the Demondrake. From what Garranoth has told me, we monsters have no chance against them. Only you, the Zelkar, could match them in combat.” Daven got down to his knees, and held his sword in both hands, blade pointing downwards, before the Zelkars. “We once again implore you for your help. I pledge my life and soul, to you in hopes that you will help us fight the Xeryth, to lead us against them once more. I do not blame you for God’s curse upon monsters, and never will.”
Calebross smiled gently as he and his sister released their tender embrace. “You’re life and soul are not yours to give, Chosen One. But you have earned my respect. You are true to the cause of monsters, and even though you do not say it, the cause of man as well. Rise, Daven.” The Darksteel got back on his feet and faced the Zelkar, and Caleb laid a hand on the Durahans shoulder. “You and I are equals. Do not bow before me.” He turned to face the rest of the companions. “We are all equals in this fight.”
Zariel bounded up beside Verasha, and whispered something to her. “It would seem that we have company,” she informed everyone. “A red Durahan, possibly a unique, with a black sword and shield.”
Talorius roared in anger, recognising the description. “Mysto! The fool Durahan dares come here as well?”
“Who is this Mysto?” Anna asked.
“He was one who allied himself with the Xeryth in the ancient war,” Caleb stated. “He was betrayed by the Xeryth, and almost lost his life if it wasn’t for the Zelkars. He never thanked us, and disappeared into the world.”
“He has been around,” Talorius spoke through clenched teeth, his hands tightening their grip on his spear. “For years, he has been around, savagely attacking my herd, always targeting the old ones. We have managed to keep him from killing many,” he said softly frowning. “But all the times we’ve stopped him, It was he who backed off, not showing his true potential. It’s as though he just does it to annoy us. I sense great power in him, and I have this feeling that if he were to stand and fight, we’d have lost long ago.”
“That’s true, Talorius,” Mysto said as he stepped into the room, his single eye blazing. “It would seem that the Zelkar have awakened.”
“And so have your previous masters, Mysto,” Verasha replied. The female Zelkar’s statement visibly angered the Mysto, the red Durahan’s eye flaring even brighter. “What brings you here?”
“I heard that the Chosen One, some Durahan, had come here.” Mysto turned to face Daven. “I can’t believe he is the Chosen One! Just look at him! He does not have the skill, the power I have! His parents were from a Disc Stone! I have been free in the world, perfecting my art.”
Talorius bounded towards the red Durahan, but stopped as Caleb shook his head. “You think you are good enough to challenge him, then?” the male Zelkar asked.
“Do you think you have what it takes to defeat him?” Garr added. “He might not be one of the uncursed such as you and I, but he has something else. Something you do not possess.”
By this time, Mysto was mad with rage and leapt at the Darksteel, black sword swinging wildly. Daven blocked the attack with his shield, but the force of the impact shocked him. Seth took a step forward to help, but Anna held him back. “This is their fight.”

“I welcome you back into the world, Xeryth.” The Demondrake bowed before the spindly creatures as they emerged from their tomb. There were seven of them, and all looked similar to one another. Their legs were long and thin, tri-jointed and ending in three long, sharp toes with spines sticking out of the knee and heel. A long thin waist and a hunched back sat upon the pelvis, ending in a small, boney chest. The ribs could clearly be seen through the skin. From a long neck sat a gruesome head, slightly similar to a human skull in appearance, yet missing the lower jaw bone. In fact, the creature didn’t seem to have a proper functioning mouth, as there was no oral opening. Its upper teeth were long and jagged, and its eyes were of a fiery red color. Long thin spines emerged right above its brow and stuck up and backwards. Its arms were incredibly long, perhaps even longer than the legs, and like the legs, were tri-jointed. Its hands were, like the chest, boney, and its three fingers and thumb were long, each possesing an extra joint compared to a human’s hand. A long tail sprouted from the back, ending in a sharp sting, and was curved above its body like a scorpion’s.
“We are grateful to you, Lord Deus,” one of the Xeryth spoke. The voice seemed to come from within the Demondrakes skull, a sign of telepathy. “We owe you our lives.”
Iblisadeus grinned as it called him Lord Deus, a sign that even the Xeryth were humbled before his presence. “It is the least I can do, Xeryth.” He turned around and walked away to where the food was stored. “I invite you to dine with me.”
“Nay, Lord Deus.” The Xeryth spoke unison. “We do not require sustenance. We shall join you as you eat, but do not be angered with us. We thank you for your hospitality.” The Xeryths as one moved to join the Demondrake as he enjoyed his meal.

Davenrue jabbed his sword forward, but the blow was parried to the side sending the Darksteel stumbling forwards. Mysto took the advantage and sliced downwards, cleaving deep into Daven’s breastplate. The Dark Durahan pushed Mysto back, and the both of them circled one another. “Not bad, Mysto.”
“You’re not bad yourself, Chosen One,” Mysto replied. “Not as good as me, but still, not bad at all.”
Mysto came charging forward, sword held high above his head. Daven did something unexpected, surprising Mysto completely. Davens shield flew through the air and smashed into the red Durahans helm, denting in badly. Mysto stumbled backwards, trying to see through the damaged helm.
Daven now held his sword in both hands, slowly advancing on his opponent. Mysto looked up through the damaged slit of his helm, and caught sight of the Darksteel. He leapt forward, his sword aiming for Davens helm, but brought the blade down at the last possible moment, and watched in satisfaction as the blade sliced deep into the shin armor of the surprised Dark Durahan. Daven fell to the ground heavily, the crash echoing in the library as his sword fell a long distance from him. He jumped back to his feet to get his sword, but found Mysto standing in his way.
“It would seem you are defeated, Chosen One.”
“Not yet, Mysto.” Daven let out a roar as he ran straight towards Mysto. The red Durahan’s eye flared in glee as he thrusted his blade forward with full strength, and was shocked to see the Darksteel use the blade as a stepping stone. Daven’s weight brought the sword low to the ground, and his next step was on Mysto’s shoulder, sending him to his knees. The Darksteel leapt away from Mysto towards his sword, using the red Durahans shoulder as leverage to jump the distance between him and his weapon. He grabbed the sword in mid-air and landed in a crouched position, sword ready.
Mysto turned around slowly, and faced the Darksteel. “Impressive.” The red Durahan was angry and frustrated. The fight was taking too long. He should have defeated his opponent by now, yet it seemed as though the fight was just beginning. Both Durahans walked towards each other, Mysto with large strides with sword and shield held tightly as his anger fueled him, and Daven with calm gentle steps, his sword held loosely in one hand. Mysto suddenly leapt into the air, spinning into a ball with his sword sticking out, and descended towards the Darksteel. Daven leapt right into the rolling slash and jabbed once before using the red Durahan’s body as leverage to leap away again. Mysto was forced to abandon his attack, the Darksteel’s jab breaking his concetration. He landed heavily on his feet, and was about to bring his shield before him in a defensive stance, but realized his shield as gone. Daven’s single jab had dislodged the shield from his hand without his knowledge, sending Mysto into a berserk rage. He leapt towards Daven, stabbing faster than the speed of light. Daven felt one stab pierce his shoulder plate, but parried all the other attacks easily. Crusader was amazed at the speed of the attacks, as even his advanced sensory systems had problems catching sight of every stab. Daven countered by slashing diagonally downwards, then up, to form the shape of a V. His sword locked with Mysto’s hilt and sent the red Durahan’s sword in the air. He kicked Mysto squarely in the abdomen and grabbed his sword in his free hand as it fell back to the ground.
Mysto was lying on his back, the kick sending him to the ground. As he struggled to his feet, the tips of two blades were brought before his helm. “You are defeated,” Daven stated. “Yield!”
“No!” He pushed the blades away and tried to leap to his feet, but was greeted with a kick to the face, sending him once more to the ground.
“I said, yield!” Daven roared. He brought Mysto’s sword down hard into the red Durahan’s gauntlet, pinning his arm to the ground. The Darksteel once more pointed his blade to Mysto’s helm.
“I…” Mysto tried to move the pinned arm, to no avail. “I…yield…”

Night had come, and with the darkness of the world came the darkness of souls. The Xeryth were awake, for unlike other monsters, they did not require the normal kind of sustenance. They didn’t sleep, they did not eat, drink. The only sustenance they needed was death, destruction, and fear.
“The Demondrake thinks we are subservient to him.” The Xeryth had no fear of being heard, as they spoke directly to one anothers minds.
“Yes, he is a fool. He is powerful, but still a fool.”
“Where is he now?”
“He is in slumber. He had spent much time with a Phoenix. An old acquaintance of his, if the thoughts I picked out from the Death Dragons were true.”
“What of the Zelkars?”
“No sign of them, yet I have had this strange feeling. I cannot describe it.”
“I have had it too. It is the Zelkar.”
“Yes, the Zelkar. They are still in existence.”
“Why do they not stop us? We know for a fact that they can sense us much easier then we can sense them.”
“That is a mystery to me. We must be wary.”
“Yes, we must.”
“The fear from the Demondrake’s minions tastes good. It has been long since I had tasted fear.”
“Yes, it is good. But their fear is not much. They believe us to be on their side, and as a result fear us less.”
“True, we need to find those that have no reason to believe that we are allies. As though we are allies with the Demondrake.”
“Yes, foolish Demondrake.”
“What is new with the world?”
“It seems that humans now treat monsters with less respect. As though we were pets. They enter us in fights, against each other.”
“Yes, that is true. The Zelkar must really be upset with the humans. They always were peaceful. Always wanted us to be equals with everyone else.”
“Correct. Also, many races are now gone.”
“Yes, the Griffon are extinct, as are many others.”
“Mysto is still alive.”
“Ah, the red Durahan. Does he still bear hatred towards us for our betrayal?”
“Yes, he does. His dreams consist of watching us impaled on his sword, our blood flowing down the blade.”
“Interesting. I would love to meet up with him again.”
“Yes, I would love to see him do that to us. And I would love to melt him into a pile of melted steel.”
“Interesting. I shall now hunt. I want to feed on fear, on terror.”

Caleb yanked the sword out of Mysto’s gauntlet and pulled him to his feet. “He is the Chosen One, Mysto.”
Mysto could barely move, the fight taking all the strength he had in him. “He is.” He bowed his head down to Daven. Talorius stood quietly by the side, his spear still in hand.
Verasha walked towards Mysto, placing all four arms in his shoulders. “Times have changed, Mysto. The Xeryth have awakened. We know what is in your heart.”
He pushed her away and stood on his own, staring at everyone in the room. “No one knows what I feel!”
“We do,” Caleb whispered. “You betrayed the monsters, you served the Xeryth, and in turn they betrayed you as well, but not before you helped them cause much pain to others.”
Mysto fell to his knees, staring blankly into space. Caleb continued with his observations of the red Durahan’s soul. “ You have felt guilt, guilt so strong that even now you still feel it. It has been a burden on you since we saved you from them, slowly pressing down on you and driving you insane. You convinced yourself that you were free from guilt, and thus did evil acts like attacking the Dragoon herds, slaughtering innocent humans, and much more. But all you did was add to the suffering you had hidden deep within your heart. You came here in hopes of dying, knowing the Chosen One could defeat you. You wanted salvation from the guilt.”
Mysto was silent, still staring into space, but in his heart, buried memories, old feelings, hidden sins emerged. They tore his soul into shreds. Yet he remained silent.
“Mysto, know that your sins, the guilt you have, will not disappear.” Caleb’s voice was strong, yet gentle. “You will have to make amends for all that you have done.” The two Zelkars could sense the anguish and suffering the red Durahan was keeping inside, and both felt sorry for him. “We know you bear intense hatred towards the Xeryth. We know that if you had your chance, you’d do what’s right. We now give you this chance.”
Talorius could not believe what he was hearing. Were the Zelkars offering Mysto a place in their group? His grip on the spear tightened, his nails poking into the flesh of his palm and drawing blood.
“You have a choice, Mysto. The Chosen One and his companions, they have decided to stand up against the Xeryth, just like we did a long time ago. That time, you chose to side with the Xeryth, and it ended up with you almost losing your life. You are now given a second chance. Which side do you choose?”
Mysto would have wept if it were possible. He pulled himself to his feet and walked before the Daven. “I’m sorry, Chosen One. I side with you.”
“NO!” Talorius galloped towards Mysto, his spear aimed directly for Mysto’s helm. Mysto just stared blankly at the spear that would kill him…
Everyone was too stunned to react as Talorius charged towards Mysto, the winged Dragoon's spear aimed directly for his helm. Tal grinned when he saw that Mysto did not do anything to defend himself, but groaned in pain as he crashed into an invisible barrier, the tip of his spear a fraction away from its target. He recovered from the shock and attempted to attack again, but by this time Seth was there to hold him back. Crusader quickly snatched the spear from the Dragoon's hand. Daven could barely see the barrier himself, and found its source as he caught sight of Caleb with one of his hands outstretched. Anna had crept beside Zayne, watching wide-eyed as the Dragoon fought against the EcoloGuardia's grip, fearing that either of them might get hurt. The young man's hand grasped the Dryad's to calm her, both watching and worrying.
"No! I will not be denied my revenge!" Talorius struggled wildly, but he was no match for Seth's incredible strength. He finally ceased his struggle, and fell to the ground exhausted.
"You shall leave him be, Tal," Garr spoke. "Your hands will not decide his fate, and were never meant to do so."
Caleb nodded in agreement. "Mysto has done much wrong to you, Talorius." He lowered his hand, and the barrier blinked out of existence. "I understand the hatred you bear towards him, but now isn't the time to fight amongst yourselves. You yourself admitted that he was much stronger than you. You will need him in the battle to come."
"He will be judged by God when his time comes, Talorius," Verasha said gently.
Talorius looked up to the Zelkars, staring at them angrily. "This is not fair, but I have no choice but follow your wishes."
Seth released the Dragoon, and Crusader handed him his spear. Tal snatched it and strode out of the room, pushing Mysto out of the way on purpose on his way out. "I shall await you outside with my brethren."
"Follow him," Verasha ordered Khaylan and Zariel. "Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid."
"As you wish," the Gali and Suezar said in unison. The two quickly left the room to catch up with the enraged Dragoon.
"So what are our plans now?" Elcodar asked as his face emerged from the surface of his body. "Do we head for Iblisadeus' camp?"
Anna pulled her hand free from Zayne's grip, taking a step away from the young man and blushing. He too blushed, but he recovered quickly and turned to face Daven.
"May I also remind all of you that Starfire has yet to return," Zayne stated, eyeing the Darksteel's reaction to the statement.
Daven sighed sadly. "He should have returned days ago. Something's wrong."
"He is alive, Daven," Caleb said suddenly. "I can sense his presence, yet you are right. Something is wrong, but I can't place my finger on it."
"I say we head towards where we last saw the Demondrake's camp," Daven suggested. "If we are lucky, we might be able to stop them from uncovering the entrance."
"We are already too late for that," Verasha replied. "They have already uncovered the entrance, and the Xeryth are already walking upon the surface of the earth once more."
Everyone fell silent when they heard that. Finally Crusader broke the silence with a mechanical beep, then spoke. "I still think we should go to the Demondrake's encampment. The Wild Saurians are nearby the area as well." He looked towards the Darksteel. "Maybe Starfire is indulging himself fighting the Demondrake's troops and forgot that he is supposed to meet us."
"Maybe," Daven said softly. "It would be just like him to forget."

"Lord Deus," Reldoras called out as he flew into the cave and landed on the ground. The Ragnaroks had just returned from his scout patrol, and had some urgent news.
"What is it, Reldoras?"
The black Dragon tried to see the Demondrake in the shadows, but couldn't see him in the darkness. "Corpses were found, outside the perimeter of our camp."
Slowly Iblisadeus emerged from the shadows, surprising Reldoras. It seemed as though the shadows solidified into the Demondrake's form. "And what is so important about that?"
Reldoras avoided his Lord's gaze. There was something different about the Demondrake, but the Ragnaroks had no idea what it was. "It was the way they died, my lord. It seemed as though they were killed by fear itself." He shuddered as he recalled what he had seen. "Their faces were masks of pure terror, frozen in place by whatever killed them."
"May I give my own opinion, Lord Deus?"
The Demondrake nodded.
"I suspect that the Xeryth are responsible, my Lord. There are reports of those monsters walking out of the campsite, and returning much later."
"Are you sure of this?" The Demondrake's voice grew stern.
"I have no solid proof, my lord."
"Look at me when you speak to your Lord!" Deus thundered.
Reldoras quickly faced the Demondrake and stared right into his eyes. The Ragnaroks' eyes flicked wide open, and he began to tremble. His face contorted in fear and terror at what he saw in those eyes. Those fiery red eyes.
The Ragnaroks fell to the ground, his face frozen in horror. Slowly the Demondrake's form shifted back into that of a Xeryth. "Dispose of this corpse."
Two more Xeryth emerged from the shadows and lifted the black Dragon's corpse out of the cave.
"We must be more careful with our feeding."
"Yes, we were careless. It is fortunate that the Demondrake is out flying."
"Yes, very fortunate. We still have use for him. If he were to find out about our actions, he would question our allegiance."
"True. We would be forced to kill him."

A week had passed since that day. The companions were still in the Kawrea Region, and now Mysto and the two Zelkars traveled with them. The four Dragoons from Talorius' herd had left to join the rest of the herd. They slowly climbed up the side of a hill, taking comfort in the fact that a human settlement was on the other side. There they could rest, and replenish their dwindling supplies.
Anna was the first to catch sight of the town, or rather what was left of it. "What happened here?" she whispered in shock as the others caught sight of the devastation before them. The wooden structures were burnt to ashes, while those made of stone were somehow melted. Both human and monster bodies littered the ground, all showing signs of being burnt. They slowly walked into the town, searching for survivors, but they found none. The earth beneath their feet was black, covered in ash.
"What could have happened here?" Zayne asked, staring at a mound of charred corpses. He quickly turned around and emptied the contents of his stomach.
As if in answer, a screech filled the air. Everyone looked up, squinting as the sun shone into their eyes. "It's Starfire!" Daven exclaimed. He was correct. Slowly the Phoenix circled lower to the ground, and finally landed. "Nice to see all of you again!" Starfire said, then stared at the newcomers. "I'm gone for a little while, and you already find replacements?"
Crusader laughed as he approached the fiery bird. "It's great to see you again, Starfire."
"What happened to you?" Anna asked. "You were supposed to meet us a long time ago."
Starfire bowed his head down in sorrow. "We were defeated. Tillirius and the Wild Saurians were defeated. I tried my best, but I was knocked out of the sky by a pair of Death Dragons." He looked up to face Garranoth. "Tillirius did not survive."
The silver Baku closed his eyes as tears began to stream out. He quickly regained his composure, shaking his head. "How did you escape?"
"I lost consciousness as I crashed through the trees. I finally regained consciousness a week later. The surviving Wild Saurians had found me and cared for me while I was in dreamland. As soon as I could fly I headed towards the Kawrea Region in search of you."
Talorius cantered forward and looked around the destroyed town. "Starfire, do you know what did this?"
The Phoenix quickly looked around to assess the place and answered. "That's easy. I was scouting out this place while in the air, and now that I'm up close to it, I know for sure. As there aren't any other true monsters of the flame, it's definitely a Phoenix."
Everyone stared at him in shock, and Starfire laughed. "Relax, my friends. I said a Phoenix. I didn't mean me. My powers are nowhere near the power of the Phoenix that did this."
Caleb stared at the Phoenix intently, then turned to face Daven. "It would seem that we have to continue without replenishing our supplies. We can live off the land."
Elcodar groaned. "Great, we get to eat berries."
"There is more than just berries, Elcodar," Mysto stated. "I have lived in the Kawrea Region for decades, and I can tell you that there are some great choices."
"Enough about the menu," Verasha said. "It would seem that the Demondrake knew we were here."
A large group of monsters, at least three dozen individuals, appeared over the hill in an orderly fashion, chanting the name of the Demondrake. As soon as they saw the companions, they broke rank and charged down the hill towards them.
Davenrue leapt forth and slashed savagely at an End Bringer, slicing its arm off easily at the shoulder. He kicked the Henger away and searched for another opponent. Mysto and Crusader were attacking a trio of Dokoos, the purple Gaboos absorbing most of the damage caused by the two. Garr and Elcodar were surrounded by the enemy, but none dared approach the two. Talorius had charged forth as soon as the enemy were in range and had thrusted his spear through the abdomen of a Nyankoro. He held his spear high, with the Furry Mocchi impaled on his weapon.
Seth and Anna were once again protecting Zayne, attacking everything that approached them. Starfire was flying high above the battlefield, releasing balls of fire into the enemy horde. The two Zelkars stood side by side, sending any that came their way flying in the opposite direction with their mental powers.
Daven stabbed though the thick form of a Angolmor, and leapt aside as the Golem stumbled to the ground. He took a step back, surveying the situation, and bumped into something. He spun around and nearly slashed Mysto in two. The red Durahan was also about to swing his blade at the Darksteel. The two of them stuck together and moved in unison, attacking all in their path. Crusader leapt backwards and released a hail of napalms, scorching a large number of the enemy forces. Garr gave a loud bark, sending two Zerjils into confusion. Elcodar took the opportunity and released two beams of energy, one towards each of the confused Jills. Talorius was bathed in the blood of his vanquished opponents, releasing all his pent up anger upon his unfortunate foes. Sethiranax flicked his finger at a Pebbly, sending the Wracky flying through the air. Anna was keeping two Undines frozen in an electric field. Zayne could only watch the battle, and once again he felt useless.
Caleb grabbed the Kuro that had managed to get close to the Zelkars and lifted him off the ground with one of his upper arms. The Magic struggled to free itself from the Zelkar's grip as Caleb's claws tore at the skin on his neck. Caleb closed his eyes in concentration, then began to punch the Kuro's body with his remaining three hands with incredible speed. Verasha scanned the battlefield and saw a stream of blue flame erupt from amongst the enemy forces. The fiery form of a Phoenix shot up into the air, different only by the color of its flames. Starfire screeched as the Blue Phoenix sped by him, scratching at his face with its claws. With a cry of pain, he flew to where the Zelkars were and crashed into the ground. "He got my eyes!" Verasha saw that the wound was actually above the eyes, the Phoenix's blood flowing down into the eyes.
"He must have been the one who destroyed this place," Starfire said as he got back to his feet. "His power is incredible! Just from fliyng by me, I felt the power that exuded from his form!"
Verasha gestured at the Blue Phoenix, who was still flying through the air. She concentrated on the air around the Phoenix, changing its properties. With a screech the Blue Phoenix began to fall towards the ground, its wing unable to use the winds to keep it aloft anymore.
The rest of the enemy forces, seeing their commander falling to the ground, began to fall back and finally ran for their lives. The Blue Phoenix smashed head first into the ground, and already its flames were dying out as its life began to leave its body.
Anna walked to the fallen Phoenix and knelt beside its head. "He will not survive," she stated coldly. "Why did you do this?" She demanded.
The Phoenix chuckled, but soon began to cough as blood flowed from its beak.
"His lungs are punctured, possibly by a broken rib," Crusader stated as he scanned the dying form of the Blue Phoenix.
The Phoenix managed to stop coughing and looked up into the sky. "It wasn't me who destroyed this stupid human settlement."
"Who did, then?" Seth asked.
The Blue Phoenix was about to answer, but once again began to cough as blood began to fill his lungs.
Starfire's eyes widened and flapped his wings wildy. "It's a trap! He's going to die!" He began to take to the air, flapping his wings as hard as he could.
"What do you mean, Starfire?" Daven yelled, but the Phoenix didn't answer.
Caleb and Verasha nodded their heads and ran as well. "A Phoenix blows up in a huge ball of fire when they die!" Caleb yelled. "Run for it!"
They all ran away from the Phoenix, over the hill and to the other side. As they ran away, the Phoenix said something, but no one could hear its last words. On the other side of the hill they lay close to the ground. A loud screech filled the air as the Blue Phoenix entered its death throes. Starfire watched the dying Phoenix from high abone the clouds, definitely safe from the fiery rebirth. It clawed at the ground and tried to pull itself upright but failed miserably, as one of its legs were broken from the fall. The fires upon its body flared up once again, and grew incredibly, engulfing the Phoenix's body. With a final screech the Phoenix exploded in a huge ball of fire. A ring of flame spread out around the ball and moved outwards, incinerating everything in the incredible heat. Even Daven and the others, hidden behind the hill, could feel the heat.
Starfire was forced to look away as the ball of flame grew, the light too intense for his eyes. Finally the light subsided, and he looked down to see what had happened. The land was scarred, burnt by the intense heat that had just washed over it. All traces of the town were destroyed, as were the corpses of the inhabitants and the monsters that were slain by the companions. A small crater was left in place of the Phoenix's body. Starfire caught sight of movement within the crater and swooped down to take a look. Just as he thought, a small Phoenix lay inside the crater. It was an exact replica of himself at a much smaller scale, looked up at him. The flames of its body were orange in color but blue flames danced about its brow, a reminder of what it used to be. It screeched at Starfire as it began to flap its wings, and flew off into the air. The Blue Phoenix was reborn.

Punisher slithered back and forth before the cave entrance, waiting to be admitted. The Demondrake had summoned him, and he wasn't going to disobey his lord. One of the Death Dragons strode out of the cave and nodded his head. The scarred Naga slithered into the cave and caught sight of Iblisadeus in the deep shadows of the cave.
"You have failed me numerous times, Punisher."
He nodded his head. "Yes I have, Lord Deus."
The Demondrake's head emerged from the darkness. "Do you know what the consequences are for failing me?"
Deus grinned. "Well done, Punisher. You accept your fate. That is why I favor you above the others. Do you want the opportunity to redeem yourself?"
Punisher hissed in pleasure. "Yes, Lord Deus!"
"Then you shall have it. Go now and find the Dark Durahan and his friends. Take with you what you think is required to get the job done."
The scarred Naga bowed down before the Demondrake. "As you wish, my lord." He turned around and had reached the opening of the cave when Deus called out his name.
"What is it my lord?" Punisher asked as he turned around.
"Take one of them with you."
From within the shadows emerged one of the Xeryth, its eyes gleaming brightly in the darkness of the cave. "I am glad to be of service, Punisher." The Xeryth spoke directly to the scarred Naga's mind. "You can call me Yerragaeul."

Davenrue brought his sword down hard. Mysto parried the blow with his shield and pushed the Darksteel back. The red Durahan stabbed at the Daven's sword arm, but the attack was parried easily.
"That's enough for the day, I guess," Mysto said. "We've been training for 2 hours."
Starfire nodded in agreement. "You shouldn't push yourself too hard."
Davenrue nodded and watched Verasha, Elcodar, Garr and Seth discuss about where they were. The Darksteel caught sight of Talorius, sitting by himself across the lake. The Dragoon still beared animosity towards Mysto, and had distanced himself from them, or rather from the red Durahan. He then turned to watch Zayne's training. It had been five days since the battle with the Blue Phoenix, and they had reached the Kawrea Region. They were currently camped beside a small lake beside a light forest. Anna, Crusader and the two Zelkars had begun training the young man, trying to release the monster abilities given to him by his father. The standard fighting skills he picked up with ease, but the special attacks were really hard for him. Once more he concentrated on the tree stump, shutting everything else out of his mind.
"Nothing else exists other than the tree stump," Caleb said softly. "There is only the tree stump."
Zayne's brow furrowed in concentration, his thoughts only on the tree stump.
Caleb could sense the thoughts of the young man and nodded in approval. "Now, try picture yourself next to the tree stump."
Slowly he pictured himself standing next to the tree stump. His concentration wavered, and he saw Anna standing next to him, leaning on him in comfort.
Caleb smiled gently when Zayne's mind wandered to Anna. "Concentrate, Zayne."
Zayne shook his head and started again with the tree stump.
Caleb let out a sigh. "Let us forget about teleportation for now. Let's move on to Psychic Blows."
"How is he doing?" Daven asked as he walked up to stand beside Crusader, who was under the shade of a tree with Anna.
The Proto shrugged his shoulders. "He can do it. We all can sense the mental powers inside him. He just needs to concentrate, and unfortunately that isn't one of his strong points." The Henger looked at Anna, and noticing that the Dryad was devoting all her senses to Zayne's training, leaned closer to Daven. "It would seem that he has taken a liking to a certain Dryad," he whispered.
"I heard that!" Anna jumped to her feet and playfully slapped Crusader's arm. "Do you have to tell the whole world?" She turned to face Zayne once again and left the two standing under the tree as she walked towards the young man. "I think I'll go help him."
Daven nudged Crusader with his elbow. "It would seem that she has taken a liking to him as well," he said, laughing.
They watched as Anna quietly walked behind the young man. She leaned forward, her mouth close to his ear, and whispered. "Focus on the stump."
Zaynes eyes opened wide is surprise, jumping back. The stump exploded, sending pieces of wood flying in all directions. Caleb raised a psychic shield to protect them all from the flying projectiles. Zayne had pulled Anna to the ground, and lay on top of her to protect her from the blast, though he did not know that the Zelkar had raised a shield.
Caleb laughed out loud, and Zayne finally noticed the embarrassing position he was in. He quickly scrambled to his feet and pulled her up. "Sorry," he said sheepishly.
"Caleb," Crusader yelled out. "I though he was learning Psychic Blows, not Psychic Explosions!"
Caleb raised his hands up in resignation. "It would seem that this young man works much better with distractions!"
Both Zayne and Anna blushed with that statement.

It watched them. Its two yellow eyes studied each and every one of them intently. It knew where they were, and now it had to report back to its commander. Punisher would be pleased with the news. The Mock slowly scuttled away into the forest, heading towards where Punisher was camped. It would take two days to reach him, but it didn't matter. It had heard the conversations. It knew which direction they were headed. It knew what their destination was, and with this news, they will find Punisher waiting for them.
Punisher looked at the map before him. It was a simple map drawn on a piece of parchment, something one of the Pixies in his group, a Lilim, quickly drew. "Which way are they headed?" he asked the Mock that stood before him.
The Mock lowered his hand, or rather his branch, and stabbed at a blue mark on the map.
The scarred Naga turned to face the Lilim. "What is that supposed to be?"
"The Sea Dragon's Lake, Punisher,' she answered, averting her eyes from his gaze.
He turned once more towards the map, and watched as the Mock dragged his branch slowly across the map, through the forest, into the jungle and out into the plains. "That is where our main encampment is, correct?" Punisher could see the Lilim nod her head out of the corner of his vision. "We shall meet them here," he stated, as he pointed his finger to a certain point on the map.
He looked away from the map and examined his group. He had taken the best that were available, and was proud of his choice. There were only thirteen of them including himself. All of them, excluding the Xeryth Yerragaeul, had proven themselves in combat with amazing results. Just then he noticed that the Xeryth was once again missing. "Where did he go?" he asked the Siren, his tail flicking in anger.
"He said he was going hunting, Punisher," she answered softly.
The scarred Naga gave a howl of frustration., the sound echoing amongst the trees. "As soon as he gets back, we move!"

Daven and Mysto were in front, clearing the way before them with their swords. They had spent the last four days moving through the forest, only stopping at night to rest and waking up early to start moving once again. They had finally reached the outskirts of the jungle, the transition between the forest and jungle a very sudden one. It was as though there was an invisible line, and if one were to step across it, he'd be in a whole new area.
"This is great exercise," Mysto said in jest as he cut another low hanging branch.
Daven's eye flickered in humor. "I agree, Mysto." Movement caught his eye and he came to an abrupt stop. Mysto was about to swing his sword again, but was held back by the Darksteel's hand.
"What is it?" Garr asked, stopping behind the two Durahans.
Daven stared intently into the jungle, trying to catch sight of the object that had moved earlier. "Something is there. I saw movement."
Elcodar groaned loudly. "Damn it, Daven. We're in a jungle! For all you know it was some kind of animal!"
"It wasn't an animal," Zayne replied. The young man walked to stand beside the Darksteel. "There are no animals here."
Anna's eyes opened wide in realiztion. "He is correct, Elcodar. The sounds of Daven and Mysto chooping branches and jungle foliage covered the silence. The animals are gone." She was correct. The jungle was silent, as quiet as a tomb.
"Kind of reminds me the time the Wild Saurians attacked us," Starfire muttered as he too caught sight of movement. "Damn it, I was hoping you were hallucinating, Daven, but I just saw it too."
Caleb and Verasha stood quietly, their eyes closed as their minds probed their surroundings. "I can sense the presence of three individuals," Caleb announced. "An old man, a young lady, and a monster of some kind. But they are further away. Too far to be what Daven and Starfire saw."
"It's a Knight Niton," Verasha stated. "I sense something else, but it eludes me." She frowned as her eyes opened once more. "It is as though I'm trying to grab on to a Jell, and every time I get a grasp on it, it oozes out of my hands."
Seth frowned in thought. "The Wild Saurians?"
Garr shook his head. "They don't come to this side of the jungle."
"We do now, Silver One." A lone Wild Saurian stepped on from the trees beside Talorius, surprising the Dragoon. "Welcome home."
Starfire sighed in relief. "Thank god it's just a Wild Saurian."
The Wild Saurian's eyes opened wide in surprise to see the Phoenix, but kept silent.
Verasha probed the Zuum's mind, just to make sure that he was the one that was evading her senses. The female Zelkar sensed that it was indeed the Wild Saurian that had avoided her mindscan, but still felt as though there was something else out there. Hiding. Waiting.

"Are you sure we haven't been this way?" Tanya enquired as she examined the tree before her. "I'm sure we've past this tree." She slowly traced her finger across a scratch mark she had made with her dagger earlier.
Karn just looked at her quizically and smiled. "Did you say something Tanya?" He looked at the compass in his hand and smiled. "I'm sure we're near it now. The ancient temple has got to be here somewhere."
The young monster trainer rolled her eyes and groaned. "What's so important about this temple again?"
She put her fingers to her lips and let out a whistle. Within a few seconds her monster, a Knight Niton, came to her. "Heldros is getting tired."
"No I'm not," the Niton said, grinning. "I love all this exploring."
Ignoring the Knight Niton, Karn began to explain. "This ancient temple is rumored to house a monster breed which cannot be bred by normal means. A Great Shield if I remember correctly."
Tanya gave Heldros an apple, which the Knight Niton devoured quickly. "A Great Shield?"
"Yes," he answered, nodding his head. " It is a Monol with the sub-breed of a Durahan. This rare monster is supposed to only awaken when the Chosen One, a Durahan with the spirit of a Monol if I remember correctly, comes to claim him. He and the Chosen One are supposed to vanquish a mighty foe which threatens the whole world or something like that. I don't believe in such tales of course." He looked at his compass once more, and began to move past the tree. "Let's go this way!"
Tanya let out a soft sigh as she noticed the old man going the same way they had earlier when they encountered the tree. "Well, at least he's paying us for this," she whispered to Heldros. "With the amount he's giving, we could improve the ranch!"
The Niton nodded in agreement. "Let's humor him." With that, the trainer and her monster ran to catch up with Karn.

The scarred Naga turned to face the Corkasus that had called him. "What is it, Felfus?"
"The Xeryth reports that there are two humans and a Knight Niton near our planned ambush site."
Punisher scowled when he heard the news. "Tell the others that we're moving earlier than planned. We need to remove the humans and that monster before Davenrue and his followers get here."
Felfus bowed as he took a step back, then turned around and ran off to find the others.

Iblisadeus strode into the remnants of the town. "Are there any survivors?"
The six remaining Xeryth, who were following closely behind the Demondrake all shook their heads in unison. "No survivors, Lord Deus," one of them answered, speaking directly into the Demondrake's mind. "Your minions are highly efficient at following your orders."
Deus nodded in agreement. "This town is the first to feel the wrath of the Demondrake, Scourge of the World."
"Yes, Lord Deus," the Xeryth replied together, their voices merging into one. "Excuse me, my lord," one of the Xeryth said. Deus could not match the voice to the proper Xeryth, as all of them sounded and looked the same.
"What is it, Xeryth?"
"We ask that you excuse us. We are hungry, and we must feed."
The Demondrake nodded. "Very well. But I ask that one of you remain behind with me. I will require your abilities."
The Xeryth fell silent. After a short moment, one of them spoke. "I shall remain with you while my kin feed."
Iblisadeus watched as the five Xeryth ran out of the town ruins, eyeing the skeletal spindly creatures as they disappeared from view.
"Follow me," Deus said as he walked further into the town, his eyes scanning for something. All around he saw his troops, saluting him as he passed by. "What is your name, Xeryth?"
"I am referred to as Zethi'Chtis, my lord."
"Zethi'Chtis." The Demondake pondered over the name, his brow furrowed. "That means Dark Spirit in the old language, correct?"
The Xeyth's eyes opened wide in surprise. " It does. I am impressed, Lord Deus. The old language has not been spoken for centuries. Even during the time of the Ancient War between the Zelkar and the Xeryth, it was called the old language. During that time, only certain individuals could speak it. May I ask how you came to learn it?"
"I have my sources," the Demondrake answered, smiling. "Sources you have no right knowing." The Xeryth's spikes bristled in anger, but he quickly regained his composure. They had stopped before a great shrine made of pure marble. Beside the shrine was a lab, quickly recognized with the stasis tubes for freezing monsters in clear view. Zethi'Chtis began to probe the Demondrake's mind, trying to find the information the huge Dragon refused to give. That was when the Xeryth felt it. A feeling of confusion, surprise, loneliness. He was no longer linked to the minds of the other Xeryth. He took an involuntary step back, his eyes looking at everything around him as though it was the first time he saw the world with his own eyes. He tried to tear his mind away from the Demondrake, but some force held him there. An unknown power kept his mind within the Dragon's, and was now slowly pulling him totally inside. He saw Iblisadeus approach him, the Demondrake's huge wings spread wide open. Since he was born, the Zethi'Chtis had fed on it. He had lived on it. He killed for it. And now, for the first time in his long life, he felt that which he always fed on. He felt fear.

The five Xeryth stopped in their tracks. Far away to the south, Yerragaeul also stopped in midstride. Their collective mind had taken a serious blow. "Something has happened."
"We are now six!" Yerragaeul's thoughts reached out across the distance. Their collective mind was always linked, no matter where they were. And now one of them was somehow severed from the rest.
"Zethi"Chtis. He was with the Demondrake. Could he be responsible?"
"I doubt it. He isn't powerful enough to do something like that. Even the Zelkar could not tear us away from one another."
"Yet who else could have done so?"
"True. There is no one else who could have done it."
"What of the Zelkar?"
"It is not the work of Zelkar. We would have recognized it."
"True, we would."
"Our plans have been disrupted."
"Yes they have, but we shall still carry on with it."
"Yes, we shall."
"How fares the ambush, Yerragaeul?"
"It fares well. We have encountered some obstacles. A pair of humans and a Knight Niton, but we are currently on the move to dispose of them. I will soon feed off their fear."
"Feed well. Feed for Zethi'Chtis."
"Yes. For Zethi'Chtis."
"What do we do about the Demondrake?"
"We shall leave him. We must learn more of him. More of who he is. What he was. What he is capable of. We have underestimated him."
"Yes, we have."

"Is this the temple you were looking for?"
Tanya stared at the huge stone structure. It was a pyramid, and the entrance was right at the top. A flight of stairs provided the way to the opening.
Karn frowned in disappointment. " No, this isn't it either."
The young trainer laid a comforting hand on the old man's shoulder. "It's alright, Karn. For all you know, it doesn't even exist Let us just explore this temple and see what we can get."
Karn smiled weakly and patted her hand. "Yes, let us do that."
Oh, how sweet," Heldros said to her as the old man started to ascent the stairs. "You know, he really is too old for you. But then, you were always attracted to old wrinkly men."
Tanya stuck her tongue out at the Niton and began to follow Karn up the stairs. "How many steps are there?"
"Enough to create a splendid waterfall when your blood flows down them!"
She spun around to see a Bethelgeus flying straight for her. She quickly jumped to the side, narrowly avoiding the Draconic Beaclon's horn. It quickly recovered from its missed attack and flew back into the air, but not before Heldros landed some punches.
Tanya was watching the Beaclon fly above the clouds when a bellow pulled her gaze towards the trees. A Poseidon stepped out from the cover of the trees, its eyes staring intently at her. Behind it were other monsters, but she decided she'd rather not know what they were. She quickly ran up the stairs, grabbing a hold of Karn, who was staring up in the sky to try catch sight of the Beaclon, and dragged him along. "Heldros, let's get inside!"
The Knight Niton threw a bolt of lightning at the Poseidon, which only enraged the transparent Golem, then ran after his trainer.

The Lilim surveyed the situation from the air, watching the young woman enter the temple, the old man in tow and the Niton following right behind her. She turned around and flew to where Punisher was. The scarred Naga was standing beside the Poseidon, whispering something to the Golem. She landed before him, and bowed. "They have entered the temple, Punisher. Do we pursue?"
Punisher shook his head. "Chances are they'll be too afraid to come out, Kiara. Tell the others to prepare for the ambush."
"As you wish." The Lilim flapped her wings and took off into the air.
"Yerragaeul!" Punisher called out. The Xeryth quickly appeared from the trees.
"What is it, Punisher?"
"Where are they? Are we still hidden from them?"
Yerragaeul nodded. "They have camped with a group of Wild Saurians. As for whether we are still hidden, I am sure of it."
"You had better be right, Xeryth." The scarred Naga glowered at the Xeryth. "You had better."
Yerragaeul started to walk away, then turned to face Punisher once more. "These humans, they can help us."
"How so?"
"I am currently shielding our minds as well as theirs from the Zelkars. If I were to weaken the shield on them, they would be able to sense that the humans are afraid and in trouble. They would come immediately, and with them the Dark Durahan and his friends."
Punisher thought about it for a moment. "Do it."

Davenrue sharpened his blade with a piece of whetstone. He was sitting among the remnants of the once great force known as the Wild Saurians. Now they were only a flickering shadow of their former glory. The dozen or so Wild Saurians with them were different. No one could pace their finger on it, but they had changed.
"What shall we do now?" Mysto asked.
Garr frowned in thought. "We are roughly two days away from where the Demondrake was camped before. I say we rest a for the afternoon, then press forward."
Anna, who was sitting on a tree stump, stretched her arms out, easing the tension within her muscles. "Couldn't we just stay here for the rest of the day?"
Zayne walked up behind her and began to massage her shoulders, his fingers soothing her aching muscles. "I agree with her. We've been pushing ourselves for almost week. We could use the break."
Seth smiled gently as he saw Zayne's caring for the Dryad. "If we push on, we might be able to surprise the Demondrake. Yet by pushing on, we won't be in full strength."
Elcodar's tentacles rummaged through their bag of supplies and pulled out a mango. He tossed it into his mouth, chewing loudly. "I say we just charge forth. I never was a monster of patience."
Starfire nodded in agreement. "We should really keep going. I don't think that the Demondrake will stay there forever." The Phoenix realized that the Wild Saurians were staring at him for the seventh time. "Will you guys stop staring at me already?" he yelled at the Zuums. They quickly averted their gaze, but Starfire could still sense their eyes on him.
"I sense trouble," Caleb announced suddenly. "Two humans and a Niton of some kind. They're in trouble."
"How far?" Talorius asked as Daven passed him the whetstone. The Dragoon started to run the stone down the side of his spears blade tip, sending sparks flying.
"I can't tell," Caleb said as he tried to probe harder to no avail.
"Not far," Verasha stated. "They're in a temple of some kind. It's in the shape of a pyramid."
"That is the Temple of Battle," one of the Wild Saurians piped up. "We can reach it before nightfall if we were to go with haste."
"Shall we assist them?" Mysto asked.
"Of course," Daven answered as he got on his feet. "What kind of trouble, Verasha?"
She closed her eyes and tried probing further into the minds of the humans and the Niton, but could read more than what she had earlier.
Caleb, who was also probing for answers, growled in frustration. "Why can't we get into their minds?"
His sister sighed, opening her eyes slowly. "We should be careful. Something is preventing us from reading the thoughts of the humans." A worried expression spread across her face. "Could it be the Xeryth?"
"The Xeryth," both Tal and Mysto whispered at the same time. The red Durahan whispered in in anger, and couldn't wait to get his chance at vengeance, at redemption. Talorius whispered it in fear, as the dreams of the Xeryth pulling him off his feet, tearing him apart. He shuddered involuntarily at the thought of the Xeryth and the dreams.
"We would have sensed them," Caleb replied. "But then again, who else could be powerful enough to do something like this?"
"We shall find out when we get there," Crusader stated. "That's the simplest and fastest way to find out."
"Then so be it." Garr turned to face one of the Wild Saurians. "Will you show us the way?"
The Zuum nodded. "Follow us." With that, the Wild Saurians moved as one into the trees.

"Be still," Kiara whispered to the Clay beside her as one of his arms nudged her again. The Lilim pushed the black Jell away, grimacing as her hands came in contact with the gooey surface of the monster. "What the hell is making you move so much, Carglis?"
The Clay turned to face her, though the Lilim didn't really notice. To her he was just a blob of jelly, without form. "I'm nervous, alright?"
"And why is that?"
The Jell pointed up to the sky. The sun had disappeared from the sky, but the last remnants of its rays streaked across the sky in a beautiful shade of red, contrasting against the darkening sky. "It's almost night."
Kiara shrugged her shoulders. "Punisher said they would probably be here by dusk, or at most an hour or two later."
"Yes, he did say that. But we've been waiting in this position for almost the whole day! I'm tired." To emphasize his point, Carglis discarded his humanoid form and formed a puddle of ooze on the ground.
"They approach!" Yerragaeul informed, the Xeryth speaking into the minds of the ambushers.
Carglis quickly resumed his humanoid shape. "Well, the wait's over."

Zethi'Chtis let his body hang limp as the two Death Dragons dragged the Xeryth along, following the Demondrake. He had fought well, he thought, against more than two dozen foes. But the Demondrake's troops were too many. When he lost his link to his kin, he fell back in confusion, and fear. The Demondrake had loomed over him, pushing him to the ground in the Xeryth's moment of weakness. At that point Iblisadeus gave a call, summoning his troops to him. The Xeryth let out a slight chuckle as he remembered the fact that he had taken at least half a dozen of the troops before he fell. He had given up trying to break free from the hands of the two skeletal Dragons. The last time he struggled, he was met with a breath of fire in the face. The Xeryth couldn't feel his face anymore. His body was broken, a rag doll. Both his legs were broken in numerous places, as was one of his hands. His chest was punctured by a charging Gooji, and his black blood still flowed from the wound. His tail was slashed off by a Joker. Fortunately for the Xeryth, that wound healed quickly, as his tail was made to be easily ripped off. He strained to look around, the muscles in his neck protesting against the movement. He was in a shrine. The shrine he had seen earlier, he recalled. His eyes caught sight of some machinery, definitely not something one would find in a monster shrine. Zethi'Chtis tried to focus on the mechanical contraptions, and finally realized what they were. They were the machines in the lab that were used to combine monsters. Just then he felt Iblisadeus' gaze upon him. The Xeryth slowly turned to face the Demondrake, staring right into the Dragons eyes.
Deus could feel the fear emanating from the red eyes of the Xeryth, but its eyes were dim and weak, and with it the power to induce fear with its gaze. The Demondrake kept his eyes locked with Zethi'Chtis' and grinned, bearing his sharp teeth. His grin became wider when the Xeryth snapped his head away, in fear no doubt. He looked around the temple and finally saw the human he was searching for. "How fares it, Aylan?"
The human, who was busy hooking up some wires on the machines, stopped his work and looked up. "It shall soon be complete, Lord Deus." He then resumed working on the wiring.

The Xeryth stood before their victims, the still corpses all twisted in horror. "An excellent meal, that was."
"Yes, very."
"They were easy prey."
"Yes. They did not put up much resistance."
"True. How fares the ambush, Yerragaeul?"
Yerragaeul was currently squatting behind a fallen pillar of the temple. "It goes well. The Zelkars are near. I can sense them."
"Do they know that their senses are being disrupted by you?"
"No. We have learned much since then. They will not find it so easy to detect me as they did in the ancient war. I do presume that they think it is us Xeryth involved though."
"Yes, that is understandable. Who else could do something like that? Who else is powerful enough?"
"The Demondrake."
"Yes, the Demondrake. We have yet to determine that, but it seems likely. He is beginning to prove a nuisance."
"Yes, he is. How is Punisher, Yerragaeul?"
"He seems a good candidate."
"Yes, we expected as much from him."
"Yes. He possesses -"
The telepathic conversation was cut short as a familiar entity once again entered their collective mind.
"Zethi'Chtis, you have returned!"
"How did you -"
Once more, the Xeryth were interrupted as Zethi'Chtis' mind screamed in agony, his pain flooding into the minds of the others.
"What is this feeling?"
"It is pain! Pain of the heart! The soul!"
"Spiritual. Something is wrong!"
The screams slowly died out, but Zethi'Chtis' conscience was still with them.
"What happened, Zethi'Chtis?"
"Can you hear us?"
They tried to probe the mind of the silent Xeryth, and recoiled for the first time in fear as they touched something wrong, something different and alien. Zethi'Chtis was no longer one of them, but still resided with them.
"His mind, it seems familiar."
"Yes very."
"It's the mind of the Demondrake!"
"Severe the link, now!"
As one, the six remaining Xeryth severed the link they had with Zethi'Chtis.
"This is not good."
"Did he do what I think he did?"
"Yes, it is likely."
"This is not good."

Daven strode onto the first steps of the pyramid-shaped temple. The Wild Saurians had left them some time earlier, knowing that a fight lay ahead. The Wild Saurians had changed much, he thought. The Wild Saurians before would have gleefully rushed into the fray. He looked up to the entrance of the temple. "They are in here, you say?"
Caleb nodded. "They are. There is something wrong here."
"Very wrong," Verasha added. "My senses are not functioning well." Just then, two crackling balls of energy flew towards her from the trees, one hitting her squarely in the back while the other exploding as it hit one of her arms. She stumbled to her knees, and quickly probed the trees. "We are surrounded! And there is a Xeyth!"
Punisher slithered from the trees, the Xeryth and a Genocider beside him. As if on queue, the others emerged from the trees. Punisher's eyes were focused primarily on the Darksteel. "We meet again, Davenrue!"
Everyone had found a single opponent to fight, while Caleb fought off the attacks of the Xeryth in addition to the Corkasus. Crusader let loose a hail of napalms, but his opponent, a Trident, wasn't even hurt by it as the stoney Naga slithered forward. The Trident stabbed forward with one of its hands, but Crusader ducked beneath the blow and swung his razor-bladed yo-yo towards the Naga's exposed chest. The Trident caught hold of the cable that acted as the yo-yo's string and yanked hard, causing the Crusader to fall face first before him.
Elcodar circled the black Gali, waiting for the Galirous to act. His patience was rewarded when the Gali suddenly raised a spiritual hand towards the sky. Bolts of lighting shot out from an unknown source above towards the Great Shield, but he avoided the bolts easily. As he dodged to the side, he let loose three consecutive beams of energy. The Galirous easily avoided the first, but the second and third hit home. One had blasted through the Gali's cloak, leaving behind a sizzling hole while the third beam had hit the Gali directly in his mask and seriously burning it. The Galirous hovered backwards and kept an eye on the Great Shield once more.
Garr let loose a bark, sending the Bethelgeus into confusion. The Silver Baku took the advantage and quickly kicked send into the draconic Beaclon's face. The Bethelgeus fell back, trying to clear the sand from his eyes when Garr charged forth and rammed him off his feet and onto his back. The Beaclon flicked open his outer wings, which caused him to jump back on his feet.
Talorius swung his spear in a wide arc, and the tip slashed across the Trojan's stony face. A crimson line appeared on the stonelike Centaur's face. Tal jabbed his spear forward, but the Trojan managed to parry the attack, and replied with his own spear thrust. His spear pierced through the side of the Tal's waist, sending the Dragoon rearing on hi two back feet. He kicked wildy with his forefeet, slashing another cut across the Trojan's face.
Seth and Verasha fought side by side, his brute strength and her mental attacks a deadly combination. They had easily dispatched the Mock, her mental powers holding the Mock still while he was literally ripped apart by the Ecologuardia. Their next foe, a Poseidon, fell back as he was barraged by both physical and mental blows.
Mysto's blade clashed with the Genocider's, and both struggled to get the upper hand. Mysto's strength proved to much for the Genocider, and was forced to jump back before losing his blade. Mysto didn't pause at all and dashed forward quickly with his sword held in a deadly position. The red Durahan came to a stop behind the Genocider, and roared in victory as he heard his opponent fall to pieces. He quickly surveyed the battle and leapt to Crusader's assistance, cutting of the hand of the Trident as it was about to deliver the killing blow.
Anna and Kiara flew above, hurling fireballs and lightning bolts at one another. Both had been hit by each others projectiles many times, but neither showed any signs of being hurt. Zayne was using his teleportation abilities to his advantage, phasing into existence near the Clay to get in a hit or two before phasing out again.
Caleb fell back to the assault, slowly backing off. The Xeryth was blasting the Zelkar with a hail of shadow bolts, while the Corkasus kept him busy with physical attacks. He finally lost his footing and stumbled to the ground. The Corkasus was about to slash the Zelkar with his wings when he was thrown aside by an invisible force. Verasha, who had already dispatched the Poseidon with the help of Seth, ran to where Caleb was and covered him while he got back on his feet.
The silver Baku noticed Seth standing behind the Bethelgeus and smiled. He swung his tongue towards the Beaclon, but he avoided the tongue easily as he leapt backwards. Seth leapt high in the air and came crashing down on the Bethelgeus, and a loud crack escaped from underneath the Golem as the exoskeleton of the monster shattered beneath his incredible weight.
Talorius fell to the ground, breathing heavily. He looked up to see the Trojan standing above him, spear aimed for the Dragoons heart. Just then Mysto leapt onto the back of the Trojan, straddling the stone Centaur. The Trojan jumped around and kicked out wildy, but could not dislodge his unwanted rider. Mysto brought his blade to the Trojan's neck and slit it's throat before leaping off. The stone Trojan grasped his neck with one hand in a futile attempt to keep the blood from flowing. Soon after he crashed to the ground, the blood still flowing from his dead body. Mysto offered his hand to Tal, his eyes on the Dragoons. Talorius hesitated for a moment, then accepted the red Durahan's help.
Crusader avoided an energy shot from the stone Naga, and charged forward. He punched the face of the Trident, and as soon as he felt impact, switched on his energy blade. The glowing blade emerged from the back of the Naga's head, it's brains splattered all over the ground.
Elcodar threw his entire form towards the Galirous, sending it flying backwards. Garr rammed the black Gali back towards the Great Shield. Elcodar let loose his full potential, and dozens of beams of energy shot out of his surface, riddling the Galirous with holes before it finally fell to the ground, the mask rolling a little way off.
Caleb pointed all four of his hands towards the Corkasus and let loose a barrage of white projectiles. The Dragon easily lost his life to the incredible power. The two Zelkars then advanced upon the Xeryth, who was slowly backing off into the trees.
Anna gave a cry of pain as solidified water struck her between her shoulder blades. She plummeted to the ground below, her wings injured from the attack, still being shot at by the Lilim. Zayne heard the cry and watched in horror as the Dryad fell into the trees and out of sight. He tried to run in search of her, but was blocked by the Clay. "I have no time for this!" The young man yelled as he concentrated his will on the black Jell. The Jell began to stiffen and crack as Zayne ran past it. The Clay shrieked as its form was slowly being dried out. He tried to reach out, but that only increased the cracks that riddled his body. He could only watch as his now hard body slowly broke apart.
Zayne hit the Lilim hard with a Psychic Blow as she flew down in search of Anna. The blow disoriented Kiara and forced her to fly high up to recover from the attack. While flying high, she could see that the battle was going against them. The young man that had hit her with the psychic attack was now locked in battle with the Siren. After a short pause, she decided to save her life and flee the battle.
Yerragaeul lashed out with his tail, the stinger aimed for Caleb's head, but the Zelkar jumped aside. Caleb kicked the Xeryth's shin, sending him to the ground. "It ends, Xeryth! Your trail of death and destruction will come to an end. The Xeryth will be destroyed one and for all!"
Before Caleb could finish the Xeryth off, a ball of flame hit him from above. Both Caleb and Verasha looked up to see a black and red Phoenix. With their exceptional vision the Zelkars could see that the fire upon the bird was black in color, accept on the brow and the tips of its wings and tail. The fire on these parts were an exceptional red, as red as the sun itself. Verasha quickly spun around to check on the Xeryth, but it had already fled. She once again returned her gaze to the unknown Phoenix. "Who is that?" she asked as she began to probe the birds mind. Both Caleb and Verasha turned to face one another.
"It's Starfire."
The Phoenix gave a shriek before releasing a heat wave towards them. The two Zelkars leapt aside just in time, narrowly avoiding the heat wave. Caleb quickly scanned the sky for Starfire, but the Phoenix was already gone.

Daven took one step higher as he backed up the stairs, the scarred Naga below him. He leapt over Punisher's tail as he spun it around a full circle. As soon as Daven landed on his feet, he slashed three times in quick succession. Punisher avoided the first two, but the third bit into his arm, almost exactly where the Darksteel had wounded him the first time they met. Punisher slithered back furhter down the stairs, holding the wound as blood began to flow. "Impressive, Dark Durahan. You've improved much since we last met."
"So have you," Daven replied, taking each step slowly as he desended the stairs.

Mysto began to move forward to assist the Darksteel, but was halted by Garr as the Silver One stepped into his path. "This is their fight, Mysto."
The red Durahan nodded in understanding, and relaxed. Talorius was on his knees, panting for breath. "It's always his fight, isn't it?" he said in ill humor. His hand was on the wound on his waist, which had fortunately stopped bleeding.
Zayne suddenly strode out of the forest, Anna in his arms. Both of them were covered in blood, but none could tell who's blood it was. Zayne's eyes were glazed over and his steps were unsteady. Seth and Crusader quickly rushed to him. The Golem gently lifted the Dryad from the Zayne's arms, and Crusader grabbed his master and trainer as the young man fell off his feet in exhaustion. "Help her," he whispered before losing consciousness.

Punisher leapt into the air and descended towards Daven with his tail stretched out, spinning like a whirlwind. Daven tried to sidestep the attack, but the spinning tail still struck him a glancing blow on his arm. It was enough to send the Darksteel's shield flying. As the scarred Naga landed upon the stairs, Daven swung his blade, releasing a wave of energy, which hit Punisher right in the chest. He groaned as the Darksteel's attack struck him, and clutched at the scars on his chest. To his annoyance, the wounds were once again bleeding.
Punisher leapt forward, arms outstretched. Daven jumped back and threw his sword, and watched as the blade lodged itself between the collar bone and the spine. The scarred Naga fell heavily to the ground, wincing as the impact pushed the sword even further. He slowly pulled himself into an upright position. The Darksteel stood further up the stairs, his single eye burning into all four of Punisher's. The scarred Naga grabbed the hilt and slowly extricated the sword, shedding tears of pain as the blade scrapped against the bone. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity to him, Punisher finally removed the sword. He tossed it away, and moved towards Daven. "You are weaponless, Dark Durahan. Give up now, and you will be spared from a long and painful death."
Daven suddenly leapt right at Punisher and crashed into him, sending the both of them tumbling down the stairs. The Darksteel quickly jumped to his feet and grasped Punisher's neck in his gauntlet before the Naga could get up himself. "It is over, Punisher, " Daven whispered softly as the scarred Naga looked at him with contempt. He clenched his fingers and heard the neck snap under the pressure. Daven slowly released his grip and let the corpse slump to the ground.

The two Death Dragons watched as their Lord extracted himself from the huge tank full of liquid. Two had entered the tank, and now only one remained. At first, the Death Dragons could not make out the features of the Demondrake as the slimey liquid within the tank was still all over his body. Slowly they could make them out as the slime oozed of the Demondrake's face. Both the Death Dragons trembled at the sight that greeted them. The Demondrake's upper teeth now stuck out of his mouth, and hung over the lower jaw, hiding it from view. His eyes were deeply set into his skull, two glowing red embers. The head was crowned with long spikes, which merged with his mane. The horrible sight of the Demondrake with the features of a Xeryth shook the two Dragons to the bone, which happened the all that they consisted of. A slight hiss escaped the Demondrake's lips as he turned to face the two skeletal Dragons.

High above, flying above the clouds, the black and red Phoenix eyed the tiny specks on the distant ground below. Darkfire could make out each and every monster with his enhanced vision. He felt a strong urge to swoop down and bath the monsters within his Heat Wave, but decided against it. His eyes focused on each and every figure far below. A strange sense of familiarity washed over him as he examined them one by one, and finally stopped at a black Durahan with gold trim. "A Darksteel," he said as he smiled to himself. He then frowned in thought. How did he know what to call that monster? Never had he seen it, heard of it. Yet he knew what it was. A Darksteel. He closed his eyes and using the wind currents, soared higer. He gazed down one last time at the monsters below, feeling the same sense of familiarity, then dismissed it. He was Darkfire, he was the Fiery Black Death. He was a loner. The only other one he ever trusted was Iblisadeus, the Demondrake.
He decided to spare the monsters below, and flew off. "That was the first time I've ever passed up an opportunity for causing death," he said to himself. "I'm not myself today."

Punisher could not open his eyes. He could not speak. He couldn't even move.
He realized the source of the voice. His own mind. "What do you want, Xeryth?" His line of thought echoed within him.
"Ah, excellent. You know it is us."
"Of course I know it's you! Who else talks like this?"
"How do you feel about Davenrue?"
"Damn him!" Punisher's thoughts were now lined with anger.
"Do you want vengeance?"
"What would you be willing to get a chance for revenge?"
"Everything I have. If it is within my power, you shall have it."
"Are you willing to give your soul?"
The six Xeryth smiled in unison, even the one that was far away from the others. "Then so be it."
Fear reigned supreme. The world was not how it used to be. The age of peace had disappeared quietly, and in its stead chaos crept forth. Iblisadeus the Demondrake and his forces, which were now known as the Black Wave, spread over the land, ravaging all in their path. Both human and monster settlements had stopped in their daily activities, those that haven’t fled in terror preparing their defenses. In this time of despair, there were tales and rumors of heroes, led by a black Durahan. This group of heroes fought the Demondrake, struggling against the forces of evil in attempt to defeat it. The rumors weren’t believed by most, but others rose to fight against the Demondrake and the Black Wave, hoping to become the heroes that were spoken of in the rumors. The Dawn of Suffering was at hand, and the world needed all the heroes it could have.

Iblisadeus stretched his wings out, preparing for the flight ahead. For the past few nights, he had dreamt of the Xeryth. In his dreams, or to be more precise, nightmares, he had seen other steel tombs, all filled with Xeryth. They were all awakening from their ancient slumber, their eyes open once again after countless centuries. He saw the Xeryth which he had released opening the other tombs, and then staring directly at him, even though he wasn’t really there. At this point he wakes up, a dark fear hidden within his heart.
The Demondrake’s spines, a gift from the Xeryth that he had merged with, bristled with anger as he recalled the dreams. He began to regret that choice of action, to merge with a Xeryth, but quickly dismissed the thought. The nightmares he had were a small priced to pay for the unimaginable power and newfound abilities he had gained. He began to flap his wings, and leapt into the sky, heading towards the west. He had to discover if his dreams were actually premonitions, and if so, he had to discover a way to stop it. He was now part Xeyth, and he knew what a Xeryth was truly capable of. He shuddered with fear as he recalled the number of tombs, of Xeryth, that he had seen in the nightmares.
Just then, two unique Dragons swooped besides him. One was the color of the earth, and had wings of burning stone, while the other was a shadowy black, with a slight translucent to its skin. A soft fiery red glow emitted from within the black form of the Dragon, and his eyes were alight with the same red fire.
"Magma Heart, Vulcan Soul," the Demondrake addressed the two. "Tell Demonknight-"
The Demondrake grinned at the mention of his lieutenant’s name. The unique Durahan had named himself after the Iblisadeus’ species, hoping to gain the Demondrake’s favor. "Tell him to attack the the city of Talagarn. You two assist him."
The two Dragons noddded in understanding. "The Dragons of the Flame will not fail you," Vulcan Soul, the black Dragon, said. The two then veered off to the north. As the two departed, another monster took their place beside the Demondrake.
"You know, Deus," Darkfire said as he matched his speed with the Demondrake’s. "I still say you look funny since you merged with that monster. What was it called again?"
"A Xeryth, my friend," the Demondrake answered.
"Where you headed anyway? Mind if I tag along?"
Iblisadeus smiled. "Not at all, my friend."

Darien stiffled a yawn as he stood upon the battlements of the castle of the city Talagarn. He was a human, a knight to be more exact. He turned around to see the Heroes of the Blade, the monsters he raised, patrolling the other sides of the castle wall. Eight they were all together, all of them unique Durahans.
Darien was known for training the best Durahans, even the best monsters, in this city. Earlier in the week, the mayor had come to him personally, imploring the knight to help plan the defense of the city from the advancing forces of the Demondrake. Darien gladly accepted.
The Demondrake. That name now brought fear to both men and monsters alike. Four towns, including the neighboring town of Ulgan, had already fallen before the Black Wave. Every human town, monster settlement, all of them were wary of the Demondrake's army. He was a tide of destruction, ravaging all as he swept across the land. Darien shifted his weight, the full platemail armor he was wearing clinking loudly. Some time last week, a Centaur had come galloping through the gates of the castle, the monsters trainer lying limp on his back. The back of the trainer was littered with cuts and gashes, some deep enough to see bone. The city doctor tried his best to patch the monster trainer up, but failed to do anything accept delay the inevitable. The trainer died within a few days, but not before he had told the doctor what he had seen.
Death. Hordes of monsters, camped in the ruins of the neighboring town Ulgan. The trainer caught sight of the horror as he rounded the base of a hill, and quickly got on the back of his Centaur before he was spotted. But it was too late. A Death Dragon had descended upon them, and savagely slashed at the rider's exposed back before taking off. The trainer had passed out at this point. All this was strengthened by the fact that a young monster trainer by the name of Zalf, had claimed to know the Demondrake’s movements and had told Darien that the Black Wave was headed their way.
A cry from one of the Heroes of the Blade snapped Darien out of his thoughts. He turned to face the plains to the west, and shuddered as fear crept into his heart. The plains were slowly being swarmed over by the forces of the Demondrake. They flowed from the horizon like a sea of death. "Looks like Zalf was telling the truth," he whispered to himself.
"We fight with our swords and our heart!" Darien yelled as he raised his sword high above his head.
"Our swords and our heart!" The seven Durahans he had trained said in unison as they too raised their weapons.
Darien looked down into the city, saw the other trainers with their monsters, all with grim expressions upon their faces. He then turned back to face the enemy host approach.
"We are doomed," he whispered to himself as he tried to count the enemy forces and realized that there were just too many.
A shriek from above signaled the first attack of the day. Darien leapt aside just in time as a ball of fire exploded into the spot he had been standing at. He quickly looked up in the air and saw a familiar sight. Many times, he had encountered this monster in the Kawrea Region, never once defeating the Dragon. "Come and fight me, Magma Heart!" He roared, his broadsword held tightly in both hands.

Deep within the mountains, Garranoth watched as Davenrue hoisted Elcodar in the air. The Darksteel was practicing using the Monol as a shield. The Moomoo closed his eyes and began to recall the events that had transpired in the past few weeks since Punisher’s defeat. Davenrue had not reacted to the fact that Starfire had betrayed them very well. Even now, the silver Baku could sense the pain and anguish in the Darksteel’s soul. They had saved the humans, a young woman and an old man, and a Knight Niton. Garr smiled as he remembered how Anna pouted when Zayne had assisted the young woman. They were grateful and quickly left for the nearest town. They had accompanied them to the town, only to discover that it had been razed to the ground. The devastation was definitely the work of the Demondrake’s forces, and the two Zelkar’s mind probes confirmed that. The old man, young woman and the Niton decided to run off to another town nearby. With the Zelkar’s abilities, they had knowledge of the next city the Demondrake’s army was headed for, and had tried to reach it in time to warn them, but to no avail. All they discovered with the remnants of the Demondrake’s army. They had been on the move ever since, trying to warn cities and towns before they were hurt. They attacked the Demondrake’s forces when they could, but never went against the whole army, that course of action being sheer suicide. They had succeeded in warning a few towns, and aided in defending some of them, but the Black Wave was spreading all across the land. Garranoth and the rest could not be everywhere the Black Wave was.
The silver Baku sighed sadly. They were fighting a losing battle. Even now, they were forced to hide among the mountains near the town of Talagarn. They had sped with all haste towards the town in hopes of assisting them, but arrived to see the Black Wave already moving in. They were forced to retreat into the mountains to avoid being caught by the Demondrake’s army.
The sound of steel boots brought Garr out of his thoughts and back to reality. Everyone heard it as well, and Daven quickly climbed over the ridge and peered down. His single eye caught sight of a group of Durahans, a young man and a Techno Dragon rushing up the side of the mountain, all of them injured in some way or the other. Behind them were a small group of monsters, clearly part of the Black Wave as one of the monsters, a Flare Death, held in his free hand the standard of the Demondrake, a simple image of the earth being held in a Dragons claw.
"They need our assistance," Zayne said as his he and the others climbed over the ridge and saw the Durahans fleeing up the mountain. "Let’s go!"
Daven, Mysto and Crusader leapt high in the air from the ridge, and descended through the air quickly as gravity pulled them down. Both Mysto and Daven were already somersaulting with their blades sticking out, while one of Crusader’s swords blazed wildly above his head, the Final Sword.
Their opponents were caught completely by surprise as the two Durahans and the Proto landed right among them. Daven had severed the arm of a Beaclon, while Mysto had literally shredded the Flare Heart that held the standard. Crusader’s Final Sword had cut a Tiger cleanly in half. By now the others had reached the enemy as well, and easily dispatched all of them.
"Who are you?" Daven asked as he retrieved his sword from the corpse of an Oscerot. He watched as one of the Durahans took a step forward and bowing gracefully. At this point the Darksteel noticed that he had made a mistake. This particular suit of armor held within a human.
"I am Darien Delgier," the knight stated as he stood straight once more. "I am the trainer of the Heroes of the Blade. Perhaps you’ve heard of us?"
Zayne examined the eight Durahans and the human knight closely. "I’ve heard of you," Zayne said as he recognized them. "I even fought against you with Crusader in a tournament once, Darien."
"That is correct," Crusader stated as he recalled the fight he had with one of Darien’s Durahans. He had won the fight, but did not win the tournament, losing the final to an End Bringer.
Darien searched through his memories and finally remembered the young man and the Proto. "Yes, I did go against you in a tournament. You went up against Jerathyle, if I remember correctly."
"That he did, Darien," Jerathyle spoke up as the green Durahan inspected the damage on his armor.
"I am Zalf," the other young man spoke up. He was taller than Zayne by roughly two inches, hovering around six feet. His long black hair flowed down his back to his waist. His hazel brown eyes were set deep within his face. He was wearing a loose fitting shirt and leather pants with knee high boots. He had a leather backpack hanging from one of his shoulders, and hanging from the left of his belt was a simple black scabbard. The hilt of the sword was made of gold, and the handle was wrapped in fine black silk. On the pommel was a multifaceted blue gem, which at first glance would have been mistaken for a sapphire, but upon closer inspection, proved to be another type of jewel. It was, like a sapphire, blue in color and translucent, yet it seemed to release a soft blue light from within.
Zalf then turned to face the Techno Dragon. "This is Milgaseal, my monster." The Techno Dragon bowed his head in acknowledgment. He was definitely full grown, towering over everyone other than Seth and the two Zelkars. He bore a necklace around his neck, with a gem similar to the one on the pommel of Zalf’s sword placed upon it. Unlike the glowing blue gem, this one was red, and seemed to give off an aura of darkness. Daven then proceeded to introduce himself and his companions.
"You are from the city of Talgarn, or you not?" Verasha asked, her four arms folded across her chest. She, like Caleb, already knew the answer.
"We are," Darien answered as he closed his eyes, holding back tears of sorrow. "Or rather, were. It’s gone."
"We failed to defend it," one of the Durahans spoke.
"We should have stayed," Jerathyle whispered softly, his single eye dimming in shame. "We shouldn’t have fled."
"And what would that achieve?" Zalf replied sharply. "We’d just end up dying like everyone else. Of course, you’re a monster, so I can’t blame you. You were trained to fight."
The other Durahans quickly grabbed Jerathyle as the green Durahan attempted to leap at the young man.
Talorius strode before Zalf and grabbed him roughly by his collar. "You should learn to watch your tongue, human." The Dragoon then felt claws upon his shoulder. He turned to see Milgaseal standing behind him, wisps of smoke escaping the mechanical Dragon’s mouth.
Seth grabbed both Talorius and Zalf in each hand and lifted them off the ground and away from each other. "Stop this foolery!" he roared as the two struggled in his hands. Milgaseal almost let loose a fireball at the Ecologuardia, but held his breath in as Anna came before him.
"Listen to Seth," the Dryad said, her voice strong and clear. "We all share a common enemy, and what do we do? We fight amongst ourselves!" By now Seth had released Zalf and the winged Dragoon. "We must stand united. If we can’t even do that, what chance do we have against the Demondrake, and for that matter, the Xeryth?"
"She speaks wisely," Elcodar stated, nodding his head in agreement.
"So what do we do now?" Zalf asked as he straightened his clothing. "Do we charge back into Talagarn and fight the Demondrake?"
Mysto shook his head. "That would be plain suicide. Caleb, do you have any idea where they’re headed next?" The crimson Durahan suddenly grabbed one of the fallen enemies, a Wild Hare, and lifted it up. "You can use this Hare’s mind. He’s still alive."
Caleb probed the Wild Hare’s mind, sifting through the thoughts and memories until he found what he was looking for. "The Black Wave’s next target is Ganael."
Mysto threw the Wild Hare aside. "Ganael, the Stronghold."
"The Heroes of the Blade and I shall head west, towards the port town of Pelan," Darien said. " I have family there, and would like to make sure they are safe."
"They’re safe, Darien," Elcodar told him. "We passed by Pelan a few days ago as we chased after the Black Wave. The Demondrake’s forces didn’t even come close to the town."
Darien nodded. " I’m still going though. I haven’t seen my wife in months. Daven, I need to ask you something. This question also applies to both Mysto and Crusader."
Daven turned to face the knight. "What is it?"
"I was wondering, would you like to join the Heroes of the Blade. The skills you have with the sword are exceptional, and we would like to have you three among us. Crusader, you may not be a Durahan, but with your abilities, we’d make an exception."
Daven shook his head. "We’re going to have to decline, Darien. We are needed elsewhere."
Darien nodded in understanding. "That is true. Just know that if you ever need assistance, the Heroes of the Blade are at your side. All you have to do is ask."
"What about you, Zalf?" Zayne asked as he walked to stand behind Anna. He embraced the Dryad lovingly as he waited for his answer.
Zalf began to chew his fingers as he though about the situation. Finally he removed his fingers from his mouth and spoke. "I shall accompany you to Ganael."

Darkfire and Iblisadeus flew over the open sea, high above the clouds. The Dark Phoenix, as he was now known, caught sight of a structure of some kind, standing above the surface of the water. "Is that the tomb we are looking for, Deus?"
The Demondrake frowned. "I think so. Let us descend for a closer look." The Dragon and Phoenix circled lower and lower and finally landed before the tomb. Deus stared at the open entrance, the doors lying on the ground. "It would seem that my dreams were true," he said softly.
A ball of energy shot out of the darkness of the tomb, sending Darkfire reeling backwards. From the entrance a monster the Demondrake had never seen before emerged. Yet he knew from the memories he had gained from his Xeryth genes that it was a Zelkar. A Hellcore to be more precise. A Hellcore, one of the more dangerous Zelkar breeds. It was still dedicated to the cause of good, but thanks to the Joker blood running through its veins, it was savage and vicious in its battles to stop evil.
"It was you," the Hellcore said in contempt. "You were the one who had set the Xeryth free!"
Deus kept calm and studied his opponent. He was similar to other Zelkar in most aspects, but as a result of his Joker parentage, he had long jagged spines sticking out of his joints, and razor sharp teeth lined his mouth. He was a velvety black in color, with a deep shade of purple on certain areas of his body. The Demondrake decided to stand straight. His amazing stature dwarfed the Hellcore completely, being at least two times the Zelkar’s size. He then spread his wings wide, and let out a roar.
The Hellcore didn’t seem impressed with the Demondrake’s display of power. He just stared right into the Demondrake’s eyes, and sighed sadly. "You have been tainted by them. More so, as you were the one who tainted yourself." His tail whipped wildly behind him as his four hands began to emit a soft violet glow. "Let us get on with it."
The Zelkar suddenly leapt towards the Demondrake, and one of his four hands managed to draw blood from the Demondrake’s arm. Deus growled in anger and swung his tail forward. The razor edged blades upon his tail severed one of the Hellcore’s arms cleanly at the elbow.
Darkfire, who had recovered from the energy blast, screeched a challenge and spat a ball of fire directly towards the Hellcore. The Zelkar, who was still stunned by the loss of his arm, burst into flame and screamed in agony as his body was burnt to a crisp.
"What was that monster?" Darkfire asked as he moved to stand beside the smoldering corpse. "I don’t think I’ve ever seen a monster like that." The Dark Phoenix frowned in confusion. "Yet there is something vaguely familiar about them."
"It is a Zelkar," Deus replied. "It is an ancient monster of incredible power, similar to the Xeryth. As for it being familiar, you probably saw a carving or a statue of it somewhere." The Demondrake then walked into the tomb.
"Yes, that’s probably it." He began to walk away from the corpse, but stopped to look at it once again. Deep within his mind, he saw two Zelkars, both unlike this one. Both of them were pale blue in color, and one had the characteristics of a female. He shook his head to get rid of the images in his mind and followed his friend into the steel tomb.

"This is Ganael?" Zayne asked as Talorius and Anna descended from the sky. "I see why it’s called the Stronghold."
The city of Ganael was old. It has been there since before the ancient war. It was built into the cliff face of a range of mountains, and only had one entrance in from the ground, a wide stairway up the side of the cliff face which led to the main gate. The only other way was through the air, but unless one had a good reason to fly there, the guards of the city would let loose their arrows.
"I can’t believe we reached here before the Black Wave," Anna said, staring at the long stairway.
"They were already here," Verasha stated. "They are gone now, but some still remain. I can sense it."
Garranoth frowned as he looked at the city. "This doesn’t make sense. Ganael hasn’t been attacked yet."
Zalf cursed under his breath. "They gave up," he growled with anger. "The city of Ganael opened their gates for the Demondrake’s troops. They’re just as bad as the Demondrake now. What other explanation is there?"
Milgaseal, who had spoken very little on their journey to the Stronghold, spoke softly. "We shouldn’t jump to conclusions. Let us enter and discover what we can."
Elcodar nodded in agreement. "Good idea. The question is, can we enter without being recognized by any of the Demondrake’s troops?"
"That would pose a problem." Milgaseal turned to examine everyone. "Only Zayne, Zalf, Anna, Crusader, Seth and me can enter easily. We are common sights, but the rest of you, you all are either uniques or a monster so rare than you might as well be uniques. The guards at the gate would definitely have your descriptions."
"He brings up a good point there," Mysto said. "Especially the Zelkars."
Caleb and Verasha turned to face one another and both sensed the others line of thought. "We can get past the guards at the gate," Caleb said as he began to move towards the stairway.
"Are you crazy?" Zalf yelled. "You’ll be seen before you even reach the gates!"
"Trust us," Verasha said before she too walked towards the stairs.
Everyone looked at the Zelkars, then hurriedly moved behind them.

"How many on that side?" Deus yelled. He was deep within the steel tomb, and he had found the crypts in which the Xeryth had slept. He even had memories of sleeping in one, but those were the memories of the Xeryth that was now a part of him.
"Eleven over here," Darkfire’s voice floated out of the darkness. The Demondrake shuddered slightly. He had counted thirteen on crypts on his side. "That makes two dozen more Xeryth," he said to himself. "Counting the ones I had already released, that’s thirty."
"You mean there’s thirty of these Xeryth free on the world?" the Dark Phoenix asked as he emerged from the darkness to stand beside the Demondrake.
"Yes, thirty of them. And this is only the ones we had found in this tomb."
Darkfire frowned. "How many tombs are there?"
Iblisadeus’ claw was clicking on the ground, the tapping sound echoing in the empty tomb. "At least half a dozen."

Deep within the Stronghold, in an area long forgotten by its inhabitants, eyes opened from centuries of sleep. Tails lashed about as they woke from their slumber. They rose from where they had slept for the many years and stretched muscles that had seen action in the ancient war. They had awakened from slumber for one reason. They could sense their kindred approaching, and that could only mean one thing.

"I can’t believe we’re doing this," Zalf said as they got closer and closer towards the gates. "We are in plain view!"
"Just trust us," Caleb said, clearly annoyed. The longhaired youth had been whining and complaining over and over again, and it was all the Zelkar could do to stop from throwing the man down the stairs.
It seemed like an eternity for them to reach the gates, when it was actually just a matter of minutes. The standard of the Demondrake was hung over the gateway. The guards at the gate were a pair of Suezos, one a Pink Eye and the other a Fly Eye. The two guards watched as they passed them and through the gateway.
"Hold it!"
"What is it?" Zayne asked as everyone stopped in their tracks. He turned to face the Pink Eye which had spoken.
"Those are some fine looking monsters you have with you. You planning to enter them in the tournament?"
Zayne nodded. "Yes I am. I’m hoping to make a small fortune here."
"With monsters like these, I’m sure you will," the Pink Eye said, grinning. "Especially that Techno Dragon. When I was younger, I too was in the tournaments. I remember going up against a Techno Dragon and-"
Caleb gestured with his hand, and the Pink Eye promptly fell asleep.
The Fly Eye groaned as he bounded over to the Pink Eye. "Wake up already," the multi eyed Suezo said before slapping the other with his tongue to no avail.
"Can we pass?" Zayne asked meekly.
The Fly Eye turned to face them. "What? Oh. Sure, go ahead."
They didn’t dawdle further and quickly moved into the city. They all stood there in awe as they stared at their surroundings. They were within the mountain, the earth all around them. But from the view within, the mountain seemed hollow, for the town they were standing in was built on the floor of a huge cavern. The top of the cavern was lost in darkness. Lanterns that were hung along the roads of the city provided light.
The roads themselves were packed with both men and monsters. The fact that the Ganael was under the Demondrake’s rule did not seem to slow down business.
"How’d you do that?" Zalf asked the Zelkars. "How’d you make them not see us? Did you turn us invisible?"
Caleb had clealy lost his patience with Zalf, and would have thrown the human out the city gates and down the stairs if it wasn’t for a comforting hand from his sister. "It is hard to explain," Verasha answered. "We did not turn you invisible. It is more along the lines of people not noticing us."
"I don’t get it," Daven replied. "What do you mean?"
Verasha was about to continue when someone bumped into her. The human was livid and was clearly about to yell at whatever he had bumped into, but he suddenly continued on his way.
"I hate trying to explain this," she said, smiling. "Let us find a less hectic and quiet place to continue our conversation."

"You mean you manipulate their minds, making them ignore you completely?" Zalf asked. He was finally beginning to grasp the concept. They were all seated in a big, spacious room. They had found a good looking inn, and had rented out this room. They had had some trouble with the innkeeper, who was quite insistent on the fact that the monsters should go to the lab to be frozen, or at the very least, kept in the stables across town. The promise of a bigger amount of cash quickly changed the innkeeper’s mind.
"That’s a simple way to put it, but yes," Verasha replied. "Though it’s more like they are totally oblivious to us. Let’s put it this way. I’m sure that long your travels, you’ve seen ants. Am I correct?" Zalf nodded his head. "Well, do you actually remember where you saw the ants? Or haw many there were?"
"Of course not!" Zalf snapped back. "Who’d actually pay attention to a bunch of insects?" His eyes opened wide at what he had just said.
"You understand it now." Verasha smiled gently.
Crusader moved around the room, studying everything. He then examined a poster on the wall of the huge room. "This is very interesting."
"what is?" Zayne asked as he moved to stand beside his monster and friend.
"An advertisement about a tournament that’s being held."
"What’s so special about that?"
"Look at the info of the guest monster in the entries."
Zayne quickly scanned the advertisement and gasped as he saw the final entry.
"What is it, Zayne?" Anna asked as she came up behind him and hugged the young man.
He turned to face Caleb and Verasha. "The special entry is a four armed humanoid monster."
The two Zelkars quickly leapt to their feet and examined the description on the poster. The whole tournament was about the new monster. It was definitely a Zelkar, the information perfectly describing one, yet it also said that it was covered with brown fur, had long ears and a ball of fluff as a tail.
"Could it be a Yurath?" Verasha asked her brother. "I thought we were the last."
Caleb nodded. "What else could it be?"
"What’s a Yurath?" Daven asked.
Caleb turned to face the Darksteel. "A Yurath is a Zelkar combined with a Hare."
"What’s he doing in the tournament?"
Caleb shrugged his shoulders as he scratched at his chin. "I have absolutely no idea. Something is wrong. If it were indeed a Zelkar, he would not be showing himself to the world."
Verasha began to weep openly. "Brother, we must find out!" She grabbed a hold if his hands, squeezing them within hers. "If there is a chance that were are not alone, we-"
"Hush now, Verasha," Caleb whispered. "I know how you feel." He turned to face the others. "We need to find out if he is one of us."
"Which means we need to get tickets to the show?" Zalf asked.
Daven shook his head. "I say we enter the tournament. If we could meet the Zelkar before the tournament, we might be able to find out what’s going on. This is of course, if it is a Zelkar."
Crusader nodded in agreement. "I think we should do that. We could get some good training as well."
Caleb nodded as he once again turned to examine the poster. "Then the plan is set. Who will enter the tournament? One monster per trainer, so that makes at least four of us."
Zayne raised an eyebrow quizzically. "Four trainers?"
Caleb began to mumble something softly, and everyone excluding Verasha were amazed to see as his body seemed to change before their eyes. The two pairs of hands merged together to form a single pair, and his tail seemed to grow inwards and disappeared completely. After a while a naked man stood before them. He had short, curly brown hair, and emerald green eyes. He was definitely good looking, by human standards.
Caleb, now in his human form, examined his body. "Not bad, if I do say so myself." He then turned to face the others. "Would you all please stop staring at me and get me some clothes?"
Everyone quickly turned away as Zalf pulled out some clothes from his backpack and tossed them to Caleb, who quickly put them on.
"Verasha will do the same," Caleb informed. "This amounts to four trainers. Who will be the four to enter?"
Daven, Mysto and Crusader quickly lifted their hands, as though they were children.
Caleb grinned at their eagerness. "Let us be realistic. Orry to disappoint you Durahans. Anna, Seth, Crusader and Milgaseal, the four of you shall enter."
The eyes of the two Durahans dimmed in disappointment. "Why can’t I enter?" the Darksteel asked.
"You’d draw attention, Daven."
"So what do we do?" Garranoth asked.
"I guess the rest of you can go buy tickets and watch the show," Caleb replied, smiling. "Just make sure to cover yourselves up somehow."

The Battle Pit was one of the most popular places for monster tournaments to be held. Its name describes the structure perfectly. It was nothing more than an enormous pit, with rows and rows of seats along the sides. There wasn’t really anything special about it other than the fact that it could hold the most spectators in the world, but that single fact made it the most popular battle stadium.
"This place is incredible!" Davenrue said in awe as he took his place in the front row. "It’s huge!" He and the others with him were all dressed in long flowing robes to avoid being recognized, and Garr went as far as to even dye his fur a normal tan color.
Mysto almost fell as another spectator, a Zuum, bumped into him. The crimson Durahan casually smashed his elbow into the Zuum’s side, sending it to the ground. "That it is. The tickets were expensive."
Elcodar grinned. "Well, what did you expect? We bought tickets for the front row!"

"I’m sorry, but we are no longer accepting entries. We have reached the maximum number of eight."
"Damn it!" Zalf punched the wall beside the receptionist’s table.. "We’re too late!"
Caleb casually pushed Zalf aside to talk with the woman at the entry desk. "Forgive my friends temper," he said, leaning over the desk. His face was less than an inch away from hers, and she could feel his breath upon her face.
"It’s quite alright, sir," she stammered. She had never met a man like this before.
Caleb let a smile spread across his face, and her heart was lost. "Listen, dear. My friends and I really need to enter this tournament. Is there any possible way to squeeze us in?"
She was lost in his gaze, her eyes lost in his green stare. "I could put you in the tournament. I could just say someone made a mistake and let in more entries than was allowed. It has happened before." She giggled as he brushed a strand of her hair from her face. "They’ll make an announcement stating that instead of the usual eight, there will be more entries, or something like that."
Caleb gently took her hand and kissed it. "I thank you, dear."
"He’s good, isn’t he?" Zalf whispered to Zayne, the two men staring at the woman at the desk. "I think she’d jump off the highest mountain if he’d ask her to."
Verasha rolled her eyes upwards. She too was also in human form. She was beautiful, with smooth fair skin, full red lips, crystal blue eyes and long waist length hair. She smiled gently as she remembered Anna yanking Zayne’s head to face the Dryad as she transformed into her human form. Like her brother, she was naked after the transformation, and Zayne was having a hard time trying not to stare. Zalf on the other hand, was whistling in appreciation.
Caleb stood straight once more, winked at the receptionist, then turned to face the others. "We’re in."
"I've got a question, Caleb," Zayne whispered as they took their place amongst the other entries. They were in the waiting area beneath the Battle Pit. Here the entries waited until it was their turn to fight. "Why don't you just use your mind to sense if it indeed is a Zelkar?"
"I already did," Caleb answered as he examined the other monsters being entered. "I couldn't sense anything, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it isn't a Zelkar. Something might have happened to him." He turned to face Zayne and the others. "It would seem that we're in for a challenge. The monsters here are quite powerful."
Zalf glanced casually at the monsters and laughed. "You've got to be joking. Milgaseal can easily take on all of them. Isn't that right, Milgaseal?"
The Techno Dragon remained silent as he prepared himself for the battle ahead.

The Battle Pit was, as it always was when there was a tournament, completely packed with spectators. Daven and the others weren't being crushed from all sides like the others though. Any monster that even bumped into them by accident was soon sent reeling backward by either of the Durahans. There was a noticable clearing around their group, none wanting to risk being hit.
"Ladies, gentlemen, and fellow monsters!"
The Battle Pit fell silent as the announcer's voice crackled through multitudes of speakers scattered around the stadium. "I have to inform you that, due to a small problem with the entries, there will now be twelve taking part in the tournament!"
Groans could be heard all around the stadium, as many didn't expect something like this to occur when making their bets.
"They got in," Seth stated casually.

"We've searched everywhere," Zalf grumbled through clenched teeth. "Where is this fellow Zelkar of yours anyway?"
Caleb suppressed the urge to punch the human. "I don't know," he answered sharply. "I think they're keeping him somewhere else."
"Quiet," Verasha whispered. "Someone approaches."
"Hey you!"
An old, greasy looking man approached the group from the shadows. "Who's the owner of the Ecologuardia?"
Caleb took a step forward. "I am."
"Well follow me. You're up first." The old man spun around and walked back into the shadows.
"Good luck, brother," Verasha called out as he followed the old man.
"Why are you wishing him luck?" Seth's voice floated towards her as both Caleb and the Golem disappeared into the shadows. "I'm doing the fighting."

"The first match will be between Darius with his Ecologuardia named Rainbow, going up against Tim and Steelhoof the Chariot!"
Elcodar could barely contain his laughter. "Rainbow? Of all the names in the world, he signed up under Rainbow?"
Garr grinned as he caught sight of Seth as he entered the arena. "It would seem that Seth was unaware of his new name." They all watched the Ecologuardia striding towards the center of the arena, clearly scowling as he glanced backward to look at Caleb. The Golem turned around and faced the Chariot, his fists clenched tightly as he grinned.
"What's so amusing, you dumb pile of stone?" the Chariot asked.
"Ready?" The announcer's voice quickly brought everyone's attention to the fight. "Go!"
Seth suddenly lunged out with his hand, delivering a backhand slap that sent the Centaur to his knees. The stands erupted in cheers with a few scattered boos, clearly belonging to those who had laid their bets on the Chariot. He lifted the Chariot's head to face him. "You're no match for me. That's amusing."
Caleb quickly caught sight of Daven and the others in the front row and ran to them. "Who needs orders, right? He can definitely handle himself. If this cheering keeps up, the damn place will cave in."
Daven nodded as his eye flared in humor. "Did you find the Zelkar?"
Caleb shook his head. "I've got to go now. I'll see you later." He quickly ran back to the center of the arena to stand beside Seth.
"Ladies, Gentlemen, monsters, the winner of this fight is Rainbow!"
Both Caleb and Seth raised their hands and waved to the crowd, causing them to cheer even louder. They then proceeded to return to the waiting area. A few officials rushed out to the arena to assist the other trainer drag his Chariot out.

The speakers crackled once more as the announcer's voice filtered through. "The next fight will be between Sasha and a monster which is an uncommon sight around here, a Proto named Paladin! Their opponent will be the champion of the previous tournament, Genocyber the End Bringer with his trainer Samuel!"
The crowd went wild at the mention of the End Bringer, and started to stomp their feet and clap their hands in unison. The whole stadium seemed to shudder from all the stomping. "This Genocyber seems to be a favourite," Talorius said to the others, his voice barely reaching the others.
"I hope Crusader can handle him," the Darksteel whispered to himself as he watched the Proto, his opponent and the two trainers enter the arena. Verasha gave a quick wave to Darksteel and the others before acting like a trainer.
"Ready, go!"
Crusader quickly rolled forward upon the rollers on his heels, his arms blasting napalms as he closed the distance between him and the End Bringer. Genocyber dodged the hail of fire, though one hit slightly scorched his leg. He leapt high into the air and let loose a yo-yo. His shot was accurate, the yo-yo smashing into the Proto's head and sending him to the ground. Crusader quickly leapt to his feet and let loose his own yo-yo just as Genocyber's was being pulled back. The yo-yo cables got tangled with one another and Crusader yanked hard, bringing the End Bringer crashing back down to earth in a huge puff of dust.
Garr shut his eyes tight as the End Bringer's arm shot right into Crusader's shin, sending the Proto to the ground as well. "This one is going to be close."
Davenrue shrugged casually. "I wouldn't say that. He has a few small tricks up his sleeve. Watch."
The Moomoo opened his eyes again, and his jaw dropped wide open at the spectacle before him.
Crusader jerked his tangled yo-yo cable in such a way that it sent his opponent high into the air. The Proto leapt after Genocyber, who was still flying upwards. With the energy sword of his free hand blazing wildly, Crusader slashed at the End Bringer as he shot past him. As soon as he went as far as he could and felt the yo-yo cable reach its maximum length, he jerked it once more and was flying past Genocyber once more, again slashing at him with his sword. This amazing display of skill was repeated four more times before gravity began to pull both of the Hengers down towards the ground. The spectators were completely amazed. It seemed as though all time slowed down, but the attacks Crusader had pulled off took less then ten seconds. On his last pass, Crusader managed to untangle his yo-yo cable and retract it. As he watched his opponent plummet to the ground before him, he brought his arms together and raised them above his head, letting loose an attack that only Hengers from the FIMBA area knew. His Final Sword seemed to be more like a pillar of white light that descended from the heavens. Just as Genocyber was about to crash to the ground, Crusader swung his energy sword downwards, bathing the End Bringer in a beam of pure white energy.
As the Proto landed on his feet, his energy sword finally began to dissipate. He walked towards his foe and examined the blackened form. The End Bringer was burnt to a crisp, and most of his limbs were warped and twisted in the incredible heat of the Proto's Final Sword. The announcer was just as stunned as the crowd of spectators, and took a while to regain his composure. "An incredible victory from Paladin the Proto!" he finally said. Garr was completely speechless, and watched as Crusader and Verasha walked into the middle of the arena. "Give a round of applause to Sasha and Paladin!"
The crown erupted in cheers and the stomping of feet, and this time the stadium did shudder underneath the thousands of stamping feet. Those who attended the tournament that day were witness to one of the greatest victories of all time. This tournament would go down in history because of this one event. Trainers of Hengers would one day read about this fight, and would try teach their Hengers the move which brought Crusader that victory.
Verasha and Crusader left the arena to await their next fight while Samuel was calling for medical assistance.
"He's definitely going to feel that in the morning, right?" Mysto joked as he watched the medical staff and officials slowly move the End Bringer out of the arena on a stretcher.
Davenrue, Elcodar and Talorius couldn't help but laugh at the crimson Durahan's jest, while the silver Baku was still in shock. "That he will, my friend," the Darksteel agreed.
"You call that a small trick?" Garr gasped.
Daven shrugged. "It was a little bigger than expected."
"A little?" Garr was clearly exasperated.

In the waiting area, everyone was congratulating both Verasha and Crusader on their victory. The other trainers were however nowhere in sight. Soon after it was obvious where they had gone. The speakers once again cackled as the announcer's voice filtered through. "Attention, it has come to my knowledge that quite a number of entries have pulled out of the tournament!" The announcer couldn't help but giggle as he continued. "It's clear that Paladin has sent them packing! Only four entries are left in the tournament. They are Seth, Milgaseal, Ardana, and of course, Paladin!"
"Here's our chance," Zayne said as he embraced Anna lovingly. "If all of us, excluding Crusader, pull out, he'll automatically win the tournament and face the Zelkar!"
Caleb and Verasha nodded in agreement. "That's a great idea," Caleb stated. "No one would suspect us of any foul play either. After the moves you pulled out there, Crusader, no one would blame us for wanting to pull out."
"So it's settled then?" Zalf asked.

"Ladies, gentlemen, and fellow monsters. It would seem that everyone has pulled out of the tournament after witnessing that great victory by Paladin! This means that he will go on to fight the unknown beast! This monster was discovered by our miners deep within the heart of our city. It is definitely a new breed, and you shall be the first to see it!"
Elcodar gave out a yawn. "When's the next fight?"
"It would seem that Zayne, Zalf and Caleb pulled out to let Verasha and Paladin face the Zelkar," Talorius mumbled, as he adjusted his robes. His wings were folded in a weird position beneath the cloth, and would like nothing better than to stretch open his wings.
"I can't believe it," Mysto whispered as his eye focused on the cage that rumbled into the arena on a wheeled platform, pulled by a pair of Tigers. Everyone in the Battle Pit fell silent as their eyes fell upon the cage.
Davenrue could only shake his head. "It is a Zelkar."

The furred Zelkar in the cage roared loudly as the cage came to a stop in the middle of the arena. The two Tigers quickly pulled their harnesses of and ran out of the arena as an official entered and stood near the cage. The Zelkar was covered in a coat of short brown fur. Its face vaguely resembled that of a Hare, and two ears stuck upwards from the sides of its head. Instead of a tail, it had a small ball of fluff. The furred Zelkar's legs were clearly much more muscled than its body. Its Hare sub breed was as clear as day. The caged Zelkar fell silent as the crowd stared at it in amazement. Just then Verasha and Crusader entered the arena and approached the cage, and the spectators began to cheer once more. Daven could clearly see the look of pure shock on Verasha's face as she caught sight of the caged Zelkar.
"Avoid fighting with the Yurath, Crusader," Verasha told him, leaning close to the Proto in order for him to hear her. " From what I can sense, it would seem that he is insane, or rather, living without thought, and relying only on his instincts. I'll be probing his mind to snap him out of it. He is much more powerful than you, so don't even try. Just avoid his attacks. Buy me some time." With that, she quickly ran to the arena wall near Daven and the others.
"You're going to let Crusader fight him?" Talorius asked her in disbelief. "He'll be killed!"
"Don't worry," she assured the Dragoon. "I told him to avoid fighting the Yurath." She leaned against the wall and closed her eyes, sending her mind into the Yurath's.
The official quickly pulled out the latch and ran for his life as the Yurath kicked the cage door off its hinges and bounded towards Crusader. The Proto was surprised by the Yurath's speed, and barely managed to leap aside in time. The furred Zelkar howled in anger as he spun around to face the Henger again.

As soon as she succeeded in entering the Yurath's mind, she found a barrier blocking her path. She slowly tore her way through it, and realized that the barriers were not actually meant to keep others out of the furred Zelkar's memories and thoughts, but to keep something inside. She wasn't all that surprised to find another barrier behind the first, and one again began to tear it down. The Yurath was locked away inside his own mind, and the only way to release him was to tear the barriers down.

Crusader twisted his body, narrowly avoiding a ball of pure energy fired from one of the Yurath's hands. "Hurry it up, Verasha!" he yelled as he ducked underneath another energy ball. The spectators were going wild now, and were screaming at the Proto to retaliate, but the Henger continued to weave around the Zelkar's attacks.

She could hear the Proto's words, but didn't pay any heed to them. She was hard at work tearing at another barrier. The barriers got stronger and stronger the further she went into the Yurath's mind. As she went deeper, a sense of loss, pain and anguish slowly began to fill her thoughts. She was getting close.

Crusader somersaulted away from the Yurath to avoid a roundhouse kick, and was forced to jump aside as soon as he landed to avoid another ball of energy. The furred Zelkar bellowed in frustration, and everyone was surprised to see another Yurath shimmer into existence beside the first. Another soon followed it, and this continued until there were a dozen Yuraths. The spectators were now cheering the furred Zelkar and his display of power. Crusader's single eye quickly scanned through the many targets, but could not separate the true Yurath from the illusions. He stepped back in fear as all twelve Yuraths thundered toward him, but recovered and got ready for their attacks. The first one reached him and attempted a wide swing, but the Proto easily ducked underneath it. As he went under the attack, he was greeted by another attack from the second Zelkar, who was literally flying right at him. He failed to avoid the attack, but was surprised to see his attacker flow through him. His surprise proved to be his downfall, as the third Yurath delivered a single downward punch which sent the Henger to the ground. Crusader slowly pulled himself back up, but fell once more as his legs gave way beneath him, his energy spent.

Verasha was close now. She could clearly feel the pain and anguish tear at her, but she persevered and tore down another barrier.

The twelve Yuraths all let loose a cry as they grabbed their heads. The illusions vanished, leaving the true Yurath standing over Crusader's form. The furred Zelkar finally sensed the intruder in his head and spun around to see Verasha leaning against the wall. It charged towards her, roaring in anger as he closed the distance between them. Daven and the others quickly jumped into the arena to protect Verasha, but were beaten to it as Caleb materialized in front of his sister. The spectators were roaring now, each unexpected event sending them to new heights of entertainment. Their cheers and stomping feet reverberated around the stadium, and the whole structure began to shudder noticeably.
The Yurath barely noticed the human that stood between him and the woman that was in his mind, blinded by rage as he continued to charge towards her to tear her apart. Caleb held out his arms before him, and the Yurath crashed into an invisible barrier. Caleb's form slowly began to shift back to his true one as he held the psychic wall up to protect them from the enraged Yurath, who was ramming the transparent wall over and over again both physically and mentally. Caleb's clothes tore as his each of his arms split into two, and his tail sprouted once more from his back. He gave a quick look around the stadium and saw Daven and the others with Verasha, who was still lost in her mind probe. Zayne, Anna, Seth, Zalf and Milgaseal were running out of the waiting area as well. Zayne and Anna quickly rushed to Crusader's side, and helped the Proto to his feet. The Yurath suddenly fell to its side and thrashed about on the ground, whimpering as it clutched his head. Verasha was also starting to shift back into her true Zelkar form involuntarily.
"I suggest you do something about this," Milgaseal said as he ran to stand beside Caleb. He gestured to the spectators, who were screaming and cheering as they started to climb into the arena themselves, a scene of total chaos. "They've already seen enough, don't you think?"
Caleb nodded and closed his eyes. Milgaseal and the others watched in fascination, as everything seemed to slow down and come to a complete stop. The people and monsters around them were as statues, and the silence that surrounded them was much more deafening that the noise before.

The final barrier stood before her. Verasha could feel the agony emanating through the final barrier. Here instincts told her to flee from the nightmare behind it, but slowly began to tear it down. It came down much easier and faster than anticipated, and she was flooded with sounds and images that tore at her soul. Her eyes slowly opened, and realized that she was in her tomb. She scanned her surroundings to greet her fellow Zelkars, but to her horror she saw their bodies scattered all around her, mutilated beyond recognition. She howled is despair as she realized that she was the only one left. As anguish filled her heart, she caught sight of a multitude of glowing red eyes, which looked like embers in the darkness. Her mind screamed out in recognition as the Xeryth stepped out of the shadows. Her blood boiled, and her fists clenched as she faced the sworn enemies of Zelkar, but found herself taking a step back. A tingling of fear ran down her spine as they advanced upon her. Fear turned to terror, and she fled from the tomb, the laughter of the Xeryths floating after her as they fed upon the fear of a Zelkar. She ran through the maze of tunnels blindly as tears of shame and agony streamed down her face. She had betrayed the Zelkar, her kindred, her family, leaving their bodies behind to be desecrated by the Xeryth, and worst of all, she fled because she was afraid for her own life. She tried to contact the Zelkars in the lower levels, the Elders, in hopes that they were still alive, but no one answered her telepathic call. The feelings of guilt, shame, agony, anguish; all of the feelings tore at her conscience. All she wanted to do was to crawl into the deepest recesses of her mind and seal herself within, never to face what she had done. She suddenly realized that all this, all that she was going through, this were the Yurath's memories. She quickly snapped out of her depression before she ended up sealing herself in her own mind, and found the shell that held the Yurath's conscience. She gently pushed at it, and felt it give way before her, revealing a frightened conscience that had seen too much for it to handle.

The Yurath gave out a cry, and suddenly ceased its thrashing, settling into a peaceful sleep. "Check on him," Caleb yelled to no one in particular as he quickly moved towards his sister. Her eyes fluttered open, and she was greeted by the sight of her brother, looking at her worriedly. "Are you alright?"
Verasha smiled weakly. "I'm fine, my brother," she answered. "How is he?" She struggled to rise and see the Yurath, but as soon as she stood up she stumbled to her knees. Caleb quickly caught her in his arms and watched her as her eyes closed once more.
"Let us leave this place," Caleb said as he lifted Verasha in his arms. "I cannot keep this up for long." He gestured at the people frozen in place. Seth picked the Yurath up and placed him over his shoulder, while Daven and Mysto assisted Crusader, who had trouble walking.

"Is she going to be alright?" Anna asked worriedly as she held on the one of Verasha's hands. The female Zelkar was lying upon one of the beds in their room. They had left the Battle Pit in haste, and quickly made their way back to the inn.
"She'll be fine," Caleb assured the Dryad, yet it was evident that his voice lacked conviction. "What she did drained her strength, and she just needs time to recover. She'll wake up in time."
"What did she do?" Crusader was keeping an eye on the sleeping Yurath, who lay sprawled on the couch. "She said something about probing the Yurath's mind to snap him out of it."
Caleb nodded. "That was exactly what she did. She went into his mind to find the reason for his madness, and succeeded in bringing him back to sanity. However, the mind of an insane individual, be it a human or monster, is not a pretty sight." The Zelkar sighed sadly. "I should have been the one who went in."
"Don't blame yourself," Elcodar said as he tossed an apple into his mouth. "It wasn't your fault. Even if you were the one who went in, she'd say the same thing."
"What did you do in the arena?" Garr asked. The question had been in his head since they left the Battle Pit, and he had to ask. "The people seemed to be stuck in time."
Caleb smiled gently. "This one's quite easy to explain. I stretched time for us, or rather I warped the field of time around us. An hour could pass for us, and to them it would have been only a second. To them, we just blinked out of existence."
Talorius shook his head as he stared out the window. "I'm surprised that they haven't come for us yet. When are we going to leave this place?"
"That isn't necessary," Caleb answered. "I twisted the minds of those present in that stadium. They won't remember anything about us, or rather would only remember something else." He turned to face Crusader and smiled. "All they'll remember when they think back on what happened in that tournament is an incredible display of skill by a Proto."
"What of this overgrown Hare?" Zalf asked as he pointed at the furred Zelkar on the couch. "I thought you and your sister were the last of your kind."
"Indeed, that was what Verasha and I had thought," Caleb said as he moved to the couch. "When we were still in the tombs below the Sages Halls, we sent our minds scouring the lands in search of our kindred, but never once did we get a reply."
"I felt your minds touch mine numerous times, but I could not answer." The Yurath slowly sat upright on the couch, and scanned his surroundings. Caleb helped his fellow Zelkar to his feet, and the two embraced warmly. "We couldn't reply your call, for we were still in slumber. The Xeryth hadn't emerged at that time, and we decided to continue with our sleep. I am sorry."
"It is an understandable reason," Caleb answered as he began to cry in joy. "My friends, this is Azukiel."
"How in the world did you know his name?" Zalf interrupted. "You just met!"
Milgaseal buried his face in his hands, clearly embarrased with his trainer. "They can read minds."
Zalf grinned sheepishly. "Oh, I forgot about that."
"Where is Verasha?" the Yurath asked. Caleb's expression of joy quickly turned to one of worry.
"She has yet to awaken."
Everyone stepped aside as the two Zelkars moved to the bed where Verasha lay. "She's been like this since she completed her probe into my mind?" Azukiel asked. Caleb nodded solemnly as he took a hold of Verasha's hand. "Do not worry, Caleb," Azukiel whispered. "She saved me from myself, and for that I will not let her go like this. I owe her that."
Caleb took a step back and motioned the others to do so as well. Anna quietly moved beside Caleb as the Yurath closed his eyes and began to whisper ancient words of magic. "She wasn't going to wake up, was she?"
Caleb shook his head. He felt a comforting hand on his shoulder and turned to see Davenrue standing beside him. The Darksteel's eye flared in understanding. "She'll be alright now."
"I hope so," Caleb whispered as he bowed his head.

The two Dragons had watched the whole scene at the Battle Pit far above the arena, sitting on one of the high ledges in the huge mountain hollow. The Dragons of the Flame had seen the Zelkars, and were quite surprised when those in the arena simply vanished.
"Magma Heart, report to the Demondrake," Vulcan Soul ordered. "Tell him we've found them."
Magma Heart took to the air, and hovered before the shadowy Dragon. "What will you be doing?"
"I'll look around for them. Don't worry. I'm not stupid enough to engage them on my own."
Satisfied with the answer, Magma Heart swooped down to the exit far below them.
"I will, however," Vulcan Soul said as the earth colored Dragon was out of earshot, "play with them a little."

Azukiel chanted the words of magic long forgotten to the world, and together with his mind probes, Verasha's fingers began to twitch. She suddenly let loose a scream, which unnerved everyone in the room. Caleb quickly grabbed her in his arms and held her close, and she began to cry.
"They killed so many." She moaned as she tried to regain composure. "They slaughtered the others while they were asleep!"
Azukiel winced at the mention of the memories he had buried. "That they did, Verasha."
Verasha's eyes opened wide as she saw the Yurath. "Azukiel, I am sorry! I didn't mean to speak out loud."
"Do not apologize," he replied as he got down to his knees. "You made me realize that hiding from the world would not solve anything. You tore down the barriers I built, and made me see that I was still needed. Our foe has emerged, and we shall be there to stand against them."
All three Zelkars suddenly fell silent and seemed to stare into space.
"Are you guys alright?" Zayne asked, waving his hand in front of the Yurath's face.
Caleb blinked, and turned to face Azukiel. "Did you hear that?"
"I didn't hear anything," Zayne stated. "Did you?" The other monsters shook their heads.
Azukiel's face suddenly lit up. "I don't believe it. They are alive!"
"Who's alive?" Daven asked. The Darksteel and the others were all lost, having no idea what the Zelkars were talking about.
Verasha giggled when she saw the confusion on their faces. "I am sorry, my friends. You cannot hear what we hear, for it is a Zelkar that calls us."
"There is another of your kind?" Talorius asked in surprise.
The three Zelkars were literally crying in happiness. "More than that," Azukiel stated. "All the Elders survived."
To be continued...

Many have come to follow the Darksteel Saga...
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Saga © 1999 by Zain Hamzah a.k.a. Silver Henger.
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Rancher and Monster Rancher 2 are copyrighted © 1998, 1999 by
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