Elysium Nights Theater
2.9.1 Rules - 07/26/04


Use of any White Wolf Game Systems words, phrases, or concepts is not a challenge to those copyrights. These rules are derived from the original Minds Eye Theater Rules produced by White Wolf Game Studio. The following rules represent a combined effort on the part of the several authors initiating and operating Elysium Nights Theater.

Please remember this is just a game. The purpose of this group is to create a venue whereby participating adults can exercise their imagination, creativity, and problem-solving skills in a fictitious setting using characters culled from the World of Darkness. This game is for the enjoyment of all, but please remember this is taking place in the World of Darkness and characters die, get injured, get maimed, and get used. If you do not feel you can deal with this or accept this, please do not play. This game is supposed to be an escape from reality. Topics such as rape and child abuse are not appropriate in this game. Use appropriate discretion.


No touching. If you are initiating a physical challenge, just say so. Do not simply walk up and try to hit the person. No running and no stunts. No weapons, real or otherwise, are to be used in this game. Use the physical representations prepared by the Storytellers. No illegal drugs or alcohol will be tolerated on the game site. Anyone caught with a controlled substance will be asked to leave the game. All players must sign a consent form before each game. Minors (under 18) are not permitted to participate. The location we play in must be left in the same condition that we receive it. If anyone litters or causes other cleanup difficulties, there will be severe penalties. Although players are encouraged to manipulate these rules to their character's advantage, cheating will not be permitted. Cheating is a violation of either the letter or the spirit of the rules. If a player is determined to be cheating, they will first receive a warning. A second offense will result in halving of their earned XP. A third offense will result in the player being banned from the game.


  • Assamite: In-clan disciplines: Celerity, Obfuscate, and Quietus. No clan advantage. Assamites gain no benefit from drinking kindred blood (but may benefit from diablerie).
  • Brujah: In-clan disciplines: Celerity, Potence, Presence. May choose to turn any frenzy into a rage frenzy. Minus one control trait, maximum control possible is 8.
  • Caitiff: May choose three non-restricted disciplines as "in-clan". 3 XP per generation, +1 XP per level of out-of-clan discipline costs.
  • Gangrel: In-clan disciplines: Animalism, Fortitude, Protean. Gains one level of survival ability. Maximum control possible is 7.
  • Gargoyle: In-clan disciplines: Fortitude, Potence, Visceratika. No clan advantage. Minus 2 to all mental tests initiated by someone else. All gargoyles start with 2 points of their blood in possession of the regional Tremere Lord of the area. You must defend with full traits when attacked with a power that would cause physical damage.
  • Giovanni:  In-clan disciplines:  Dominate, Potence, and Necromancy (Path of Spirit is a prerequisite from Path of Bone). Gains 1 Occult Ability or Occult Influence.  Due to destructive feeding practices, herd costs twice as much and hunting takes twice as long.
  • Lasombra: In-clan disciplines: Dominate, Potence, and Obtenebration. No clan advantage. Lasombra cast no reflection in mirrors, but machines can still capture their image.
  • Malkavian: In-clan disciplines: Auspex, Dominate, Obfuscate. May choose to win one social test once per night initiated by someone else. Must start with two major disadvantages / derangements (or three minor), one of which must be non-physical.
  • Nosferatu: In-clan disciplines: Animalism, Potence, Obfuscate. Gains one level of sewer lore ability or +1 physical trait (may go above generation maximum). Must have two major physical disadvantages / derangements (or one major and two minor; one major must be "hideously ugly".
  • Setite: In-clan disciplines: Obfuscate, Presence, and Serpentis. No clan advantage. Setite are made uncomfortable by bright lights and they will try to avoid them when possible (roleplay only - no trait penalties).
  • Toreador: In-clan disciplines: Auspex, Celerity, Presence. Gains one level of herd influence or +1 social trait (may go above generation maximum). Every time a Toreador loses a social test initiated by herself, she loses a control trait.
  • Tremere: In-clan disciplines: Auspex, Dominate, and one of the three Thaumaturgies: Blood, Fire, or Mind. The other two Thaumaturgies may be bought any time at out-of-clan cost without requiring a teacher; only one of the Thaumaturgies is considered "in clan" for teaching purposes. Blood Thaumaturgy is not a prerequisite of the other Thaumaturgies. Gains 1 free basic ritual. May be called on to perform risky Tremere duties. -1 influence (if no additional influences are purchased, Tremere characters begin with 2 influences).
  • Tzimisce: In-clan disciplines: Animalism, Auspex, and Vicissitude. No clan advantage. Tzimisce havens are special. Their haven must contain at least a cubic meter of earth from their embrace location; if that earth is disturbed they will be uncomfortable and will work to replace it. On moving to a new haven, they will be uncomfortable for the first month staying there regardless (roleplay only - no trait penalties).
  • Ventrue: In-clan disciplines: Dominate, Fortitude, Presence. Gains +1 leadership ability or +1 physical trait (may go above generation maximum). Selective feeding - must choose a demographic less than 20% of the general population - hunting takes at least twice as long and herd costs twice as much.




  • All PCs must choose two minor or one major disadvantage / derangement(s). If not played properly, the PC will be given new ones in game play. Disadvantages can be considered a physical impairment (such as being blind or having a limp) or a psychological condition that causes some detriment to the owner (such as complete truthfulness). Derangements are likewise psychological conditions that will cause detriment to the user (such as phobias, vengefulness, or power madness).
  • Initial character creation for kindred, ghoul, or kine: There are three "trait areas": physical, social, and mental. Each area confers certain advantages and disadvantages; with a higher physical, a character is more combat-ready (or harder to kill); with a higher social, a character can use (or resist) the disciplines Animalism and Presence better; with a higher mental, a character can use (or resist) the disciplines Auspex, Dominate, Obfuscate, and Thaumaturgy better. Total bids are calculated by adding the appropriate trait area, abilities (see below), and bonuses from disciplines.
  • Begin vampire character creation with one of the clans listed, with 7 in one trait area, 5 in another trait area, and 3 in the last trait area. 5 abilities (though there must be at least 3 different abilities listed), 2 willpower, 3 influences, 3 basic in-clan disciplines, and 10 "freebies" (similar to XP) to be put in any area. Clan advantages and disadvantages may alter these numbers. Generation may be bought at character creation with freebies, and may be lowered in game-play by diablerie, though the player must pay XP for the generation to balance the character before spending any XP on any other area. Diablerie costs one additional point per generation gained (so a Brujah who diablerizes pays 3 XP, a Caitiff pays 4 XP). Caitiff are limited to 13th-10th gen at character creation, though they may diablerize to any generation.
  • Begin ghoul character creation with 7 in one trait area, 5 in another trait area, and 3 in the last trait area. 5 abilities (though there must be at least 3 different abilities listed), 1 willpower, 3 influences, and 19 "freebies" (similar to XP) to be put in any area. (note: ghouls start off three points down). Ghouls may only buy Celerity, Fortitude, and Potence disciplines. Ghouls may have up to three points of kindred blood in addition to their normal blood.
  • Begin kine character creation with 7 in one trait area, 5 in another trait area, and 3 in the last trait area. 5 abilities (though there must be at least 3 different abilities listed), 1 willpower, 3 influences, and 16 "freebies" (similar to XP) to be put in any area. (note: kine start off six points down). Kine may not buy any disciplines.
  • If a ghoul or kine is embraced during game play, that character must be recreated from scratch as a kindred with the same XP.


Spending freebies vs. additional XP:
-- Freebies may be spent freely on generatiion, though they may not be spent on rituals.
-- Only up to 5 freebies may be spent on innfluences. Any number of XP may be spent on influences.
-- XP may be spent on rituals, though ttheyy may not be spent on generation unless diablerie takes place during game play.

General POINT costs:
1 physical, mental, or social trait = 1 XP
1 ability = 1 XP
1 control trait = 1 XP
1 influence = 1 XP
in-clan category 1 discipline = 3 XP
in-clan category 2 discipline = 6 XP
in-clan category 3 discipline = 9 XP
willpower = 3 XP
basic ritual = 1 XP
advanced ritual = 3 XP
generation = 2 XP per gen past 13
generation at character creation/not Caitiff = 2 freebies
generation at character creation/ Caitiff = 3 freebies
Diablerie if not Caitiff = 3 XP
Diablerie if Caitiff = 4 XP
Out-of-clan disciplines = see "out of clan disciplines" below

Kindred Trait Maximums:
Generation Max Traits

Kine or ghoul: 13
Lowest starting PC generation is 8. (13 + (13 - gen)/2).

Kindred Willpower maximums:
Generation Willpower

Kine or ghoul: 3.

Blood pools are the same as willpower maximums for kindred or kine; below 6th gen adds six blood per gen: 5: 24, 4: 30, 3: 36.

Out of clan disciplines: OOC disciplines can be bought two ways.

  • If bought during character creation, the path costs an additional three points and each level costs two additional points per level. Thaumaturgy, Protean, Quietus, Visceratika, Obtenebration, Serpentis, or Vicissitude cannot be bought out of clan at character creation (there is an exception for Tremere buying other Thaumaturgy paths at character creation). Examples:
    • A Nosferatu buys Heightened Senses at character creation: costs 3 (buying the Auspex path) + 3 (Heightened Senses) + 2 (additional cost for the 1a) = 8 points.
    • A Tremere chooses Mind Thaumaturgy as in-clan, but wants to buy Blood Mastery at character creation: costs 3 (buying the blood path) + 3 ( Inquisition) + 2 (additional cost for the 1a) + 3 (Blood Mastery) + 2 (additional cost for the 1b) = 13 points.
  • If bought during game play, the path costs nothing, and each level costs one additional point per level, but both basics (category 1) must be specifically taught by someone who has that discipline in-clan at intermediate (category 2) or higher. Once both basics have been learned ( either during creation or game play), the player may choose to buy the intermediate and advanced without a teacher. The restricted disciplines such as Thaumaturgy, Protean, and the derived disciplines, are slightly different: they can only be taught if the teacher has that discipline in-clan at advanced (category 3). Examples:
    • A Nosferatu is taught Heightened Senses during game play needs one month and a teacher who has Auspex at 2a or higher: costs 0 (buying the Auspex path) + 3 (Heightened Senses) + 1 (additional cost for the 1a) = 4 points.
    • A Tremere chooses Mind Thaumaturgy as in-clan, but wants to learn Blood Mastery during game play. She needs two months but does not need a teacher: the first month: 0 (buying the blood path) + 3 (Inquisition) + 1 (additional cost for the 1a) = 4 points; the second month: 3 (Blood Mastery) + 1 (additional cost for the 1b) = 4 points, for a total of 8 points over 2 months.
    • A Tremere who has Blood Thaumaturgy as her in-clan and has Cauldron (Blood 3a) could teach a Brujah the discipline Inquisition (Blood 1a) one month and Blood Mastery (Blood 1b) the next month (the Tremere cannot teach Mind or Fire Thaumaturgy, since those count as "out of clan"). The Brujah could then buy Potency, then Blood Destruction, then Cauldron at one level a month over the next three months without a teacher. The Brujah could never teach Blood Thaumaturgy, since it was not in-clan for her.
    • Caitiff choose three non-restricted paths at character creation. Out of clan disciplines cost an additional XP per level (above and beyond the cost listed for out of clan disciplines).

Point caps per character lifecycle: Players with less than 20 XP will gain 5 XP per game played. All costs for any expenditure up to and including 100 points will be at normal XP cost. All costs for any expenditures above 100 points up to 299 points will be at double normal XP points. All costs for any expenditure above 300 up to 599 points will be at triple normal XP costs. All costs for any expenditures at 600 points or greater will be at quadruple normal XP costs. No character may have more than 1,000 points spent.

Point caps per game: no more than one level of any discipline may be bought per game. Example: character T has Obfuscate 1b and Potence 2a. Character T may choose to buy Obfuscate 2a and Potence 2b next month, but cannot buy any more until next month.

Control traits: Characters can buy control traits at 1 XP per control. Maximum control is still 10 (or 8 if Brujah, 7 if Gangrel). Control is the higher of these: generation - number of discipline levels - number of childer - number of diableries + additional control traits + willpower, or additional control traits + willpower.

Starting equipment: All characters start with 1000$ cash per influence and the choice of one +0 trait, 1 wound weapon of any type (pistol, stake, knife, etc).

Character termination:

  • If a character is killed (by PC or NPC) or retires, the player gets 75% of that character's spent points plus any unspent points for creating a new character.
  • A character may be retired at any time. If the player maintains control of their character (that is, not killed, staked, or otherwise trapped), the player may bring that character back into the chronicle later. The player must rebuild the character with the player's current XP total.



Bid: social traits + survival ability + level of Animalism vs. same. If the victim has Animalism 1b or 2b, the victim gets additional traits. The use and source of 1a, 2a, and 3a is obvious to victims and enlightened onlookers.

  • 1a: Beast Within - No cost, ranged. If victim is not kindred, it has no effect. If test is successful, victim loses 4 control traits. If victim frenzies, the user of this discipline may choose what type of frenzy the victim enters.
  • 1b: Overcome the Beast - No cost, always on, self only. The user gains +3 to defend against all Animalism, Dominate, or Presence disciplines; user gets +3 to penetrate Majesty. User also gets +3 control traits (maximum control traits is still 10 (8 if Brujah, 7 if Gangrel)).
  • 2a: Song of Serenity - Cost is 1 blood. On successful use the victim comes out of frenzy (if they were in frenzy), regains max normal control pool, and gives one of their willpower to the user (if the victim has any willpower). The user may spend this stolen willpower as if it is a normal willpower during the same scene. Only one stolen willpower may be held at any given time. If the user takes another willpower (either from the same victim or someone else), the previously stolen willpower is lost. If the willpower is used or if the scene ends without using the stolen willpower, it also is lost.
  • 2b: Embrace the Beast - No cost, only usable on self. Users of this discipline may add +6 to defend against all Animalism, Dominate, or Presence disciplines; user also gets +6 to penetrate Majesty. This bonus already includes the bonus from Animalism 1b and applies regardless if Embrace is active. If this discipline is active, the user then may double their normal bid to defend against all Animalism, Dominate, or Presence disciplines; user also gets double normal bid to penetrate Majesty. The multiplier is applied after all other bonuses are added together. If this discipline is active, user cannot use Animalism 1a, 2a, or 3a. Does not require test to activate or deactivate; is an instant action to activate or deactivate. This power does not effect the control rating of the user.
  • 3a: Control the Beast - Costs 1 blood, ranged. If test is successful, the victim has all blood costs tripled (i.e., discipline activation, soaking, healing, pumping, etc) for 10 minutes or the scene, whichever is longer. Not stackable on the victim. When a user has obtained this level of the discipline she may now use Animalism 1a, 2a, and 3a while under the effects of Animalism 2b.

Auspex: If the Auspexer fails a test, he must wait at least 10 minutes before trying the same test on the same victim again.
Bid: mental traits + investigate ability + level of Auspex vs. mental traits + subterfuge ability + level of obfuscate. If the Auspexer uses 1a, 1b, or 2b and fails the test, the Auspexer gets static. If 1b or 2b is used on a victim having Obfuscate 3a (Soul Mask), the victim may answer whatever they wish. The use of 2b is obvious to the victim, though the source is not obvious. The use of 3a to manifest (without using mask of 1000 faces) is obvious to all onlookers. Auspex use excluding Telepathy and Projector is ranged.

  • 1a: Heightened Senses - No cost. Using this power, an Auspexer may test at full bid against Obfuscate 1a, 2b and 2a when the Obfuscated individual moves or disappears (not both). May also be used for listening in on conversations. The radius of spying is 12 paces. If a loud noise (gunshot, very loud music, shouting, etc) occurs nearby during such listening, the user may not use Heightened Senses for spying for 10 minutes. Cannot be used in combat except to penetrate Obfuscate (see Obfuscate 1a). If the obfuscator tries to disappear as an instant action, the Auspexer may test to see through the obfuscate as a special instant action that does not take an action on the part of the Auspexer (but may then not test when the obfuscator moves).
  • 1b: Aura Perception - This power comprises two abilities.
    • Aura Read: No cost. If test is successful, the user learns one of the following: type of creature, emotional state, diableries in the last year, or if truthful. If used on a possessed body, this power reads the Possessor's aura. Cannot be used in combat.
    • Unmask: If the obfuscator is using Mask, an Auspexer may test to see through the Mask as a noncombat action. An Auspexer may test against Obfuscate 1b without needing the Obfuscator to move. Note- the Auspexer must have line of sight with the Obfuscator character.
  • 2a: Senses of the Enlightened - This power comprises two abilities.
    • Identify Aura: No cost, usable in combat. If test is successful, the user sees the victim's unique and distinct aura. Physical disguises cannot prevent this power from working. If the victim is using Obfuscate 1b and that has not been penetrated, the Auspexer sees the aura of the masker. If the victim has Obfuscate 3a, he may choose to change his aura, including mimicking another character's aura. Usable once per 30 minutes per victim. Additionally, while physical masks are obvious to all onlookers, those with Identify Aura will be able to identify the wearer's aura.
    • Preternatural Awareness: User is permitted a pre-combat Auspex test to negate surprise. This is only available when the obfuscated individual(s) are actually attacking the Auspexer. Can also be used to pierce Obfuscate 2a at full bid when moving or disappearing (not both).
  • 2b: Telepathy - No cost. The victim must be within the presence and line of sight of the Auspexer during the initial test; the Auspexer may then leave the presence and/or line of sight of the victim for later tests. Telepaths may enter the victim's mind (initial test, does not count as an offensive action) then win a test for each desired effect (these tests count as offensive actions). Possible effects: truthful result of a single yes/no question, access vision, or access hearing. Simple conversation between the user and victim does not require any additional test. The "access" effect lasts for 1 hour or until the telepath tries to enter a different victim's mind, whichever comes first. If the telepath fails any effect test, they are ejected from the victim's mind and may not try to enter again for 10 minutes. The victim may spend a Willpower at any time to eject the telepath, but the telepath may counter spend. Telepaths may use Command at half traits (only on the telepathy victim) through the initial entry, however, the victim may do the same thing: the victim may use Command at half traits on the telepath without needing eye contact. If either the telepath or the victim has Mastery, their Commands are at full traits. If the victim wins any Command/Mastery challenge initiated through Telepathy by the Telepath, the victim gets an immediate Obfuscate vs. Auspex test to eject the Telepath. Telepath must have line of sight to use Command/Mastery via Telepathy. Use of Command/Mastery via Telepathy makes the Telepath obvious to the victim, this includes use via Projection. In the case of projection, the attacker manifests briefly only to the victim. Telepathy may be used during combat, but only one event per combat round (i.e., first round, the telepath may enter the victim's mind, second round, the telepath may access vision, third round, the telepath may ask one question). Victims know when there is a telepath in their head. When conversing or questioning, telepaths have distinct "voices". These voices can be changed (and other telepaths' voices imitated) by Obfuscate 1b. The victim may test against the imitator if they have Auspex 2a. If a victim has multiple telepaths in her head, all the telepaths are aware of all others present and each can hear any conversing and effects going on. Telepathy cannot detect Mesmerism or Conditioning but c an detect if memories have been altered (such as with Forgetful Mind or Mesmerism). Telepaths automatically see Projectors (Auspex 3a).
  • 3a: Projection - No cost. Users of this discipline may project their minds and observe nearly anything. Projectors may use all Auspex powers, Command (only via Telepathy), Embrace the Beast, the Summons Lock part of Summons, Majesty, Mask of 1000 Faces (to make their otherwise ghostly manifestation appear solid; note telepaths automatically see the Projector form in addition to the mask), and Soul Mask. Projectors cannot use a physical disguise - when projecting, the user appears as her true self. Does not require a test to activate or deactivate. A projector (aka Projector) has several movement possibilities: 1) move normal movement rate (this rate may not be modified by celerity) as their normal move; 2) move directly to a place they are familiar with regardless of distance as their normal move; 3) move step-for-step with anyone they are following (regardless of the victim's celerity) as their normal move; 4) follow another Projector or Possessor back to their body as a special action. See the section on Projector and Possession for additional detail.

Always on, but user can choose not to use full effect. Costs nothing.
Bid: See combat test section. Does not require a test to activate or deactivate. Use of 2a and above is obvious to all onlookers. All bonuses apply only to physical bids.

  • 1a: fast draw, +3 to bid to all brawl, melee, missile, or firearm offensive or defensive tests.
  • 1b: 2* normal move total, +6 to bid total to all brawl, melee, missile, or firearm offensive or defensive tests.
  • 2a: 3* normal move total, +12 to bid total to all brawl, melee, missile, or firearm offensive or defensive tests.
  • 2b: 4* normal move total, +18 to bid total to all brawl, melee, missile, or firearm offensive or defensive tests.
  • 3a: 5* normal move total, +27 to bid total to all brawl, melee, missile, or firearm offensive or defensive tests.

In order for Dominate to work, the dominator must be equal or lower generation than the victim. Non-kindred are treated as 14th generation.
Bid: mental traits + leadership ability + level of Dominate vs. same. If the victim has Animalism 1b or 2b, the victim gets additional traits. Use and source of 1a (unless used via telepathy), 2b (mastery), and 3a are obvious to all enlightened onlookers. Use and source of 1b and 2a are obvious to the victim only if the victim successfully resists. Dominate use excluding Command, Conditioning, and Possession is ranged. 1a and 2b may not be stacked. Dominate cannot be used to force truth telling.

  • 1a: Command - Command - No cost, requires a common spoken language, 4 pace range unless used via Telepathy. The dominator gets full traits only if used during roleplaying or during the first round of combat and not used via Telepathy. During other circumstances, the dominator is at half traits. May not be used to directly cause wounds, blood loss, or Willpower loss to the victim. If test is successful, the victim must immediately fulfill a simple request. If during a round the victim takes a wound, the instruction fades, and the victim does not have to follow the command/mesmerism/mastery the following round. There is no one round minimum. Unless a time is explicitly specified or the instruction fades, a command lasts 10 minutes.
  • 1b: Forgetful Mind - No cost, 4 pace range. Cannot be used in combat. If test is successful, the victim has a 10 minute segment (user's choice) of memory changed.
  • 2a: Mesmerism - No cost, 4 page range. Cannot be used in combat. May not be used to directly cause wounds to the victim. If test is successful, the victim now has a delayed Command (1a) implanted and forgets the mesmerism took place. The mesmerism will remain until discharged. One mesmerism may be implanted if the dominator is the same generation as the victim; an additional mesmerism may be planted for each generation the dominator is removed from the victim. The dominator gets no indication of success or failure from this multiple implanting. If the dominator plants too many mesmerisms, the oldest one(s) fade.
  • 2b: Mastery / Conditioning - No cost. Mastery allows Command to be used in combat at full bid (including via Telepathy) without eye contact; the user must have a common language with the victim. Commands issued via Mastery have a 1 round minimum. Conditioning is a downtime action that takes 3 full nights and assumes the user has total control over the victim's body. If a kindred is conditioned, then the victim may then be possessed by that dominator. Once any victim (kine, ghoul, kindred, etc) is conditioned, the victim is at half traits to any Dominate test by that dominator. Conditioning may not be reversed and conveys no advantages for the victim.
  • 3a: Possession - No cost. Users of this discipline may take control of a victim's body. Use requires touch (either through roleplay, use of a power that causes a touch, or a successful brawl test; the Possession itself does not require a test), and may only be used from the Possessor's true body. Possession does not work on kindred unless they have been previously conditioned by the user. A Possessor in a host body can be staked (even if in a kine), and he is immediately driven out of the host body. The Possessor can use the true body's mental and social disciplines, mental and social traits, abilities, and Willpower, and the physical traits of the host. The possessor can cast rituals on the possessed body. If an NPC is possessed, the NPC will have 3 physical traits. Only social and mental traits can be increased by pumping blood. The host body may be healed as an Out of Combat action (remember - no Fortitude) and blood spent for disciplines, pumping or healing must come from Possessor's true body. If the host body takes any aggravated damage, the aggravated damage is taken by the Possessor's true body. If the Possessor has the appropriate level of Fortitude, the damage may be soaked. It is a noncombat action to flee the host body and return to the true body. A possessed host does not recall any of the events that transpired while he was possessed. See the section on Projector and Possession for additional detail.

Always on, no cost. Use of Fortitude is not obvious to onlookers, but the side effects (such as walking through a hail of gunfire) may be.
Bid: See combat test section. Does not require a test to activate or deactivate. All bonuses apply only to physical bids.

  • 1a: +1 to bid for brawl, melee, missile, or firearm defensive tests. User gains +1 wound level (gains a third bruised).
  • 1b: +3 to bid total for brawl, melee, missile, or firearm defensive tests. Ignore wound penalties up to, but not including torpor.
  • 2a: +5 to bid total for brawl, melee, missile, or firearm defensive tests. May soak or heal one wound (aggravated or normal) per blood spent. May spend blood for soaking or healing at any time.
  • 2b: +8 to bid total for brawl, melee, missile, or firearm defensive tests. May soak or heal three wounds per two blood spent, may spend blood for soaking or healing at any time. If the user is in torpor, drinking any kindred blood will bring her to incapacitated. As in 2a above, if the user is in torpor and takes an agg which cannot be soaked, the user dies.
  • 3a: +12 to bid total for brawl, melee, missile, or firearm defensive tests. May soak or heal three wounds per blood spent, may spend blood for soaking or healing at any time. As in 2a above, if the user is in torpor and takes an agg which cannot be soaked, the user dies.

Necromancy:  Restricted discipline (Necromancy may be taught to non-Giovanni only by a Giovanni having that particular discipline in clan at advanced level).  Path of Spirit is a prerequisite for Path of Bone.  A non-Giovanni character with Path of Spirit 2a may be taught Path of Bone 1a.  A Giovanni with Path of Spirit 2a may learn Path of Bone without a teacher at normal OOC costs.


  • Path of Spirit

Bid: Mental plus Occult plus levels of Necromancy Path of Spirit versus the same.

Necromancy: Path of Spirit 1a use and source is obvious to all onlookers.  The Path of Spirit 1b, 2b and 3a use and source is obvious to all enlightened onlookers.  All powers are ranged except for the 1a and 1b which must be used within 4 paces.

o        1a - Spirit Interrogation - Cost 1 blood. User must have the remains, body, ashes, etc., of the spirit to question. Remains of diablerized victim will not allow use of this power.  May not be used in combat. The spirit is summoned by use of this power, but will resist answering all questions.  User may ask three questions to the spirit of the remains. The questions must be simple, non-compound questions. The user may force the spirit to answer the question truthfully with a test as follows: 1a- user loses with a retest, 1b- user loses on ties, 2a- static test, 2b- user wins on ties, 3a- user wins with a retest. The remains are consumed in the process.  Effect lasts for 10 minutes or until questions are answered, regardless of outcome.

o        1b - Bind the Spirit - Cost 1 blood. User designates a stationary item and if the victim moves 4 paces away from the item, the victim loses 4 control points.  The victim may not touch the item.  Effect lasts for 10 minutes.  If the item is moved by an outside source, the effect ends.

o        2a – Supernatural Sight - This power consists of two powers.

§         Spirit Sight: The user automatically sees Projectors and may use Necromancy: Path of Spirit test to see if a body is being possessed.

§         Supernatural Awareness: See Auspex 2a: Preternatural Awareness.  The test is the user’s Necromancy: Path of Spirit bid versus the Obfuscate bid of the Obfuscator.

o        2b – Torment Spirit - Cost 1 blood. User inflicts 2 aggravated damage to a victim or 1 aggravated damage to Projecting victims.  No victim may be the target of more than two Torment Spirits per round of combat.

o        3a – Spirit Rend - Cost 1 blood. Victim loses 1 willpower and is at half mental bids for 10 minutes or the scene, whichever is longer. Mental bid halving does not stack with any other power that halves mental bids.


·         Path of Bone

Bid: Mental plus Occult plus levels of Necromancy: Path of Bone versus the same.

Necromancy: Path of Bone level 1a, 1b and 2a use and source is obvious to all onlookers, 2b and 3a use and source is obvious to all enlightened onlookers.  All powers are ranged, except for 1a and 2a, which are self only.

o        1a – Bone Spirit - Cast on self only.  A translucent bone spirit flies around the user, which will intercept the first missile or firearm attack towards the user.  Bone Spirit dissipates after one attack is intercepted.  Bone Spirit may only be cast in combat during the non-combat phase of combat. Cast on self only.

o        1b – Necrosis - Cost 1 blood. Victim is at half social offensive bids.  Majesty is specifically excluded from this power.  Victim is able to defend versus any social attack at full bid.  Lasts 10 minutes or the scene and does not stack will any other effect that causes halving of social bids, either offensive or defensive.

o        2a – Bone Armor - Cast on self only. User has translucent bone armor that acts as normal four box ablative armor and may stack with physical ablative or persistent armor for wound reduction.  Power may stack with Bone Spirit.  Bone Armor may be cast in combat during the non-combat phase of combat.

o        2b – Corpus Animus - Cost 1 blood. Victim gains 2 control traits and heals 2 normal wounds.  Regaining control traits will not bring any frenzy to an end.  Wound healing will not bring a character out of torpor.

o        3a – Enfeeble - Cost 1 blood. Victim is at half traits on all offensive melee, missile and brawl bids, and victim will attack for 2 less wounds per attack to a minimum of 1 wound per attack. User also gains the ability to cast Bone Spirit and Bone Armor as an instant action at 1 blood cost once per round each.




All but 3a are non-combat actions.
Bid: no bid, but may defend against Auspex. Does not require a test to activate or deactivate. There are two types of obfuscate - disguise (1b) and hiding (any one of the following: 1a, 2a, or 2b). If a character has both types of obfuscate active, then an Auspexer must test once per each type of obfuscate active to completely break the character's obfuscate. Otherwise, an Auspexer only has a single test to break obfuscate. The Auspexer must first break the hiding (1a, 2a, 2b), then may try to break the disguise (1b). Hidden characters (1a, 2a, 2b) may be Summoned; no other powers will work if they cannot be seen.

  • 1a: Unseen Presence - No cost. The obfuscator is rendered invisible until he interacts with the outside world (or vice versa). If the obfuscator tries to disappear while others are watching, the watchers get a test, even if they do not have any heightened senses: mental traits + investigate ability + level of Auspex vs. mental traits + subterfuge ability + level of Obfuscate. Auspexers may test against the obfuscator either when they disappear or when they move, not both. Any brawl, melee, missile, or firearm attacks initiated by the obfuscator gain partial surprise on the target.
  • 1b: Mask of 1000 Faces - No cost. The obfuscator appears like anyone they choose. They may alter their mass by plus or minus 25%. May not be used as a communication device (written words on a shirt, etc.).
  • 2a: Vanish - No cost. As unseen presence with the following changes: Only people with Auspex have a chance to see the obfuscator as he disappears. Any brawl, melee, missile, or firearm attacks initiated by the obfuscator gain total surprise on the target.
  • 2b: Cloak - No cost, vanish up to 6 others within a 4 pace radius. In order to be cloaked, the characters being cloaked may not take any actions during the round of cloaking. Any brawl, melee, missile, or firearm attacks initiated by the obfuscator gain total surprise on the target, but others within the cloak attack at partial surprise.
  • 3a: Soul Mask - No cost. Immune to Aura Perception, Senses of the Enlightened (Identify Aura). A character using Soul Mask may tell a Telepath who has entered his mind whatever he wants in regard to the questions the Telepath asks using Telepathy. Soul mask may not be deactivated. May vanish (2a) as an instant action for 1 blood, 0 otherwise. If this power is used to instantly vanish, the user may not take a combat action that round, though they may take a noncombat action. Using Soul Mask allows the user to respond with anything the user wishes when responding to aura perception, identify aura, or telepathy

Restricted discipline (Obtenebration may be taught to non-Lasombra only by a Lasombra having the discipline at advanced level).
Bid: mental traits + subterfuge ability + level of Obtenebration vs. same; exception: 2b. Use and source of 1b, 2b, and 3a is obvious to all onlookers. This discipline path is based on Thaumaturgy: Mind and Obfuscate.

  • 1a: Shadow Meld - See Obfuscate 1a.
  • 1b: Stab - See Mind Thaumaturgy 1a.
  • 2a: Darkness - See Mind Thaumaturgy 2a.
  • 2b: Arms of the Abyss - Costs 1 blood, ranged. If test is successful, the victim takes 3 wounds levels. Unlike Telekinesis, an object is not used as a focus.
  • 3a: Shadow Step - Costs 1 blood to activate instantly, 0 otherwise. User moves instantly to any visible shadow (maximum distance of 40 paces). Can only be used once per round. Also, once this level of Obtenebration has been obtained, the practitioner may use the 1a and 2b powers for no blood cost.

Always on. User may choose not to use full effect. No cost. Use of Potence is not obvious to onlookers, but the side effects (such as picking up a car) may be.
Bid: See combat test section. Does not require a test to activate or deactivate. No super-leap. Weapons break if too much Potence is used (if they more than double their original wound levels without being reinforced).

  • 1a: +1 to bid for brawl, melee, or missile offensive tests. +1 wound level for brawl hits.
  • 1b: +2 to bid total for brawl, melee, or missile offensive tests. +1 wound level total for brawl, melee, or missile hits.
  • 2a: +4 to bid total for brawl, melee, or missile offensive tests. +2 wound levels total for brawl, melee, or missile hits. The user can carry 1 body (human size) at full movement.
  • 2b: +6 to bid total for brawl, melee, or missile offensive tests. +2 wound levels total for brawl, melee, or missile hits. If victim takes damage from a brawl or melee hit, the victim is at half bid on brawl, melee, missile, and firearm offensive and defensive tests next round.
  • 3a: +9 to bid total for brawl, melee, or missile offensive tests. +3 wound levels total for brawl, melee, or missile hits. Sunder: As a combat action, instead of attacking, the user may initiate a physical challenge against 1 target. If successful, user may choose 1 visible item card held or worn by victim; item card may be stolen or, unless Potence 3a reinforced, that item card may be destroyed or damaged. If damaged, may be repaired.

Bid: social traits + leadership ability + level of Presence vs. same. If the victim has Animalism 1b or 2b, the victim gets additional traits. Use and source of 1a, 1b, 2b, and the second part of 2a are obvious to the victim and all enlightened onlookers. Source of 3a is obvious to enlightened onlookers. Presence use excluding Majesty is ranged. While under the effects if 1a, 1b, or 2b, if the victim is struck, while under the effects of this power, by a successful hit that would cause physical damage, the power is suspended for the following round

  • 1a: Dread Gaze - No cost. Lasts 10 minutes or 10 combat rounds in combat. Successful use causes the victim to move away from the user beginning the following round. If the victim cannot leave the presence of the user, he must move as far as possible away from the user. May be used in combat. A victim cannot be under the effects of more than one dread gaze from a single user.
  • 1b: Anathema - Cost is 1 blood. Dread gaze against up to three victims. May be used in combat.
  • 2a: Summoning - Presence 2a consists of 2 powers:
    • Summons Lock: No cost, 4 pace range, only useable against a target once every 30 minutes. A body currently being Possessed will defend with the Possessor's normal Presence defensive bid; if the Summons Lock is successful, the Summoner will have Lock on the Possessed body only. Useable in combat as a Non-combat action. If test is successful, user has fulfilled this requirement to summon a victim. Successful or otherwise, the victim is unaware of the use of this power.
    • Summons - Cost is 1 blood. Only usable against a target once every hour. There are two requirements to summon someone; both must be fulfilled: 1) User must have won a summons lock challenge with the victim in the last six months; and 2) The victim must be within the city of the Summoner (if the victim is not in the city, the Summoner realizes this when this power is used). If the victim has Majesty active, the Summoner must overcome the victim's Majesty. If the victim is a Possessor or Projector, the Summoner must have won a Summons Lock challenge with the victim's true body in order to summon the victim's true body. However, if the Summoner has won a Summons Lock challenge with an Projector's presence, the Summoner may choose to summon the Projector form of the projector. Obfuscated characters may be Summoned. The victim must come within 4 paces of the Summoner and verbally announce he is responding to a summons. The victim must wait a minute or one full combat round (whichever comes first), then he may leave the presence of the Summoner. The victim may use an instant escape if combat begins. If a victim is successfully summoned multiple times, the victim must answer them each in the order they were initiated. A Summoner who chooses to move from their general location will break any Summons they have initiated. "General Location" is at the discretion of the Storytellers.
  • 2b: Enthrallment - Costs 1 blood to use on 2 or 3 targets, 0 for a single target. The user may test up to three victims in his presence; if successful, the victims may not initiate any offensive physical actions or move. The Enthrallment may be broken in one of three ways; any one of the three will break the Enthrallment: (1) the victim may try to resist the Enthrallment (counts as the victim's combat action for that round; victim must win another Presence test to successfully resist); (2) if the enthraller releases the victim; (3) After 10 minutes, or the scene is over, whichever is longer. Enthrallment may only be attempted by the user once per victim per scene.
  • 3a: Majesty - No cost. Only usable on self, user cannot be attacked or insulted unless the user loses a Presence test. This presence test is instant and sourceless. Attacker may only test once every 30 minutes (see exception below), and the Majesty user knows someone is probing their Majesty. Can be activated or deactivated as an instant action. Does not require a test to activate or deactivate. All Presence powers may be used without dropping Majesty or allowing another test to break the Majesty. If user attacks someone (excluding the use of Presence), the Majesty automatically drops with respect to that one person. All other viewers of this attack may attempt to break the user's Majesty every round the user attacks.

Restricted discipline (Protean may be taught to non-Gangrel only by a Gangrel having the discipline at advanced level).
Bid: no bid. Does not require a test to activate or deactivate. Protean may not be stacked; that is, only one Protean power may be active at a time. If a user of protean wants to change from form to form (2a, 2b, and 3a), they must revert back to human form first. Use of this discipline is obvious to all onlookers.
There are four bloodlines that natively know a Protean-like discipline- Gangrel (Protean), Gargoyle (Visceratika), Setite (Serpentis), and Tzimisce (Vicissitude). If this discipline is learned out of clan, the teacher's bloodline form is what they learn. Each bloodline's Protean-like discipline is obviously different from the others, and it cannot be masked or otherwise disguised as another bloodline's. Celerity can add to movement to any of the forms.

  • 1a: Wolf Claws - Costs 1 blood to activate instantly, 0 otherwise. One wound level per brawl hit becomes agg.
  • 1b: Earth Meld - Costs 1 blood to activate as a non-combat action, 0 otherwise. Cannot be used as an instant. The user's physical body becomes one with the earth. The earth melded into must be roughly equivalent in mass to the user. The user must be able to take movement in order to use this power. Physical effects may be ignored - the only powers that can directly effect an earth-melded person are Summons, Engulf, and Firestorm. While earth-melded:
    • The user cannot initiate any test, nor may she activate or deactivate any disciplines.
    • The user cannot hear what is going on nearby (this power cannot be used to spy on others).
    • Certain disciplines continue (if they were active before the user earth-melded), such as Fortitude, Soul Mask, Embrace the Beast, and Majesty.
  • 2a: Beast Within - Costs 1 blood to activate instantly, 0 otherwise. Communication is only possible with others with the same power. Protean users can use any of the three forms listed below, specific physical forms are defined by the player:
    • Wolf/Large Mammal Form - User changes shape into a large wolf or other animal that is no less than 75 pounds and maximum of 300 pounds, with +3 physical traits, +3 investigate, movement is 6 paces, and bite becomes aggravated (Brawl test to hit; Potence may add traits and normal wounds).
    • Bat/Avian Form - User changes form to a large bat or bird and cannot initiate any offensive action. Gets +6 physical for defense only. Movement is 6 paces and can fly.
    • Small Mammal Form: User changes into a small mammal and cannot initiate any offensive action, gains +8 physical for defense only and movement is 4 paces. The small mammal can be as small as a large rat and as large as a medium size dog.
  • 2b: Form of Mist - Costs 1 blood to activate instantly, 0 otherwise. Change to mist form. Physical effects may be ignored - the only powers that can directly effect a mist are Beast Within, Song of Serenity, Mastery, Dread Gaze, Anathema, Summons, Flame Bolt, Engulf, Firestorm, or Control. The mist is easily visible unless the user uses appropriate cover, in which case Senses of the Enlightened must be used to discover the mist. The user cannot initiate any test while mist form, nor may she activate or deactivate any disciplines. However, certain disciplines continue (if they were active before the user transformed to mist form), such as Fortitude, Soul Mask, Embrace the Beast, and Majesty.
  • 3a: Aspect of the Wolf - Costs 1 blood to activate instantly, 00 otherwise. When activated, the user gets the following: brawl hits now do 2 aggravated damage (Potence may add traits and normal damage); +9 physical traits. While Aspect is activated, the character cannot be obfuscated at all, including being cloaked. The character appears to be a large monstrous humanoid of the player's choice.

Restricted discipline (Quietus may be taught to non-Assamite only by an Assamite having the discipline at advanced level).
Bid: Standard melee test (only 2a, 2b and 3a have Quietus tests). Use of the 2a, 2b and 3a all require a non-stake melee weapon. Potence does not add to wounds to the 2b power but adds normally to the 2a and 3a. Use and source of 2a, 2b, and 3a are obvious to all onlookers.

  • 1a: Taste Of Blood - Requires 1 blood of victim to be analyzed. Automatically determines the generation of the victim. Does not consume the blood tested. Does not require a test to activate.
  • 1b: Cloud Of Silence - Costs 1 blood to activate instantly, 0 otherwise. When active, no sound may be heard within 4 paces of the user (user may choose to shrink the volume covered). While in use, only the user is immune to Command (unless used via Telepathy) and Mastery. Does not require a test to activate.
  • 2a: Blood Coat - Costs 1 blood. If test is successful, melee attack does 2 aggravated damage.
  • 2b: Blood Sweat - If test is successful, victim loses 2 blood points.
  • 3a: Blood Attack - Costs 1 blood. If test is successful, victim loses 2 blood points in addition to taking normal melee damage. This power can be used in conjunction with the 2a power as long as both blood costs are paid.

Restricted discipline (Serpentis may be taught to non-Setite only by a Setite having the discipline at advanced level).
This discipline path is based on Protean and has its limitations.
Bid: Social traits + Corruption + levels of Serpentis vs. same (only 1a and 3a have Serpentis tests),
Use and source of 1a and 3a are obvious to all enlightened onlookers. Use and source of 1b and 2a are obvious to all onlookers.

  • 1a: Hypnotic Gaze - No cost. 4 pace range. If test is successful, victim enters a hypnotic trance and is I unable to act or move. User must concentrate (caster may not move, talk or initiate another offensive action and must maintain eye contact) to maintain power. If combat occurs within 4 paces of victim or anything is used on the victim that is considered an attack, the power is broken and the victim may act normally without surprise.
  • 1b: Serpent’s Tongue – Costs 1 blood to activate instantly, 0 otherwise. With a standard Brawl test (Potence may be added) the user of this power can either do one aggravated damage or drain 1 point of blood from the victim. Maximum range is 4 paces.
  • 2a: Form of Serpent - Costs 1 blood to activate instantly, 0 otherwise. The user changes form to a large snake: bite becomes aggravated (the bite uses a brawl test to hit; Potence may add traits and normal damage), and has a four pace move. This form may also spit poison for 1 aggravated wound (cost is 1 blood per attack, Potence does not add, spit uses a missile test to hit). Anyone with this power can verbally communicate with another user of this power.
  • 2b: Heart of Darkness – No cost. This power allows the user to remove the heart of herself or another individual. It is a downtime action only and assumes the victim is willing or the user has total control over the victim. Once the heart is removed, the victim is immune to staking unless the heart itself is staked. The user of the power may maintain up to ½ her Control in number of hearts at a time (max. 5). Item cards will be provided to the user at the beginning of each game with an expiration time of 1 month. Heart must be maintained each month by a downtime application of 1 blood point of Kindred blood or it regrows in the victim’s chest. Normal blood bond rules apply as if the donor's blood were consumed by the victim. If the heart is staked while out of the body, the victim falls into torpor. If the heart is destroyed while out of the body, the victim immediately dies.
  • 3a: Curse of Set – Costs 1 blood. If test is successful, the victim is at half traits offensively and defensively in any one area (physical, mental, or social at the discretion of the user) for 10 minutes or a scene. The curse is obvious denoting the sluggishness resulting from the curse and the victim can wear a red ribbon for the duration. Cannot stack.

Thaumaturgy- Blood:
Restricted discipline (Thaumaturgy may be taught to non-Tremere only by a Tremere having that particular discipline in clan at advanced level).
Bid: mental traits + occult ability + level of Blood Thaumaturgy vs. same. Use and source of 2b is obvious to all enlightened onlookers. Use and source of 3a is obvious to all onlookers.

  • 1a: Inquisition - Costs 1 blood of victim to be analyzed. One test each to determine the following - generation, clan, number of blood bonds, the generation and clan of the regnant(s) at the time of the bonding, most recent diablerie within the past year, and the occasional odd thing. If user has Thaumaturgy 1a, user loses on ties; 1b, wins on ties; 2a gets a retest; 3a automatic determination of all questions.
  • 1b: Blood Mastery - Costs 1 blood (of the victim); instant, can only be used once per combat round; the user must have a blood point of the victim somewhere on the user's person; this blood is destroyed by use of this power; the user does not spend any blood. In the next test against the victim, the user gains four temporary willpower which can only be used to increase bids against the victim during that scene. If the test or scene ends without using all of the temporary willpower, the willpower fades away. Does not require a test to use.
  • 2a: Potency of the Blood - Costs 1 blood and 10 minutes. This power allows the user to lower their generation three levels. This confers the blood pool and Dominate use / resistance of the destination generation. At the end of the night, the user returns to their true generation. This may cause implanted mesmerisms to fade. Does not require a test to use. The user cannot embrace while using this power.
  • 2b: Blood Destruction - Costs 1 blood (no cost if user is at level 3A), ranged. If test is successful, victim loses 2 blood. If victim is not kindred, the victim takes 4 wound levels damage as the blood in their body is destroyed.
  • 3a: Cauldron - Costs 1 blood, 4 pace range. If test is successful, victim takes three wounds and loses three blood. If victim is not kindred, the victim takes 9 wounds as the blood boils out of the victim's body. Armor may not soak any of the wound levels, though the damage may be soaked as normal.

Thaumaturgy- Fire:
Restricted discipline (Thaumaturgy may be taught to non-Tremere only by a Tremere having that particular discipline in clan at advanced level).
Bid: mental traits + occult ability + level of Fire Thaumaturgy vs. same. No fire effects over the 1a (up to three attackers may inflict hand of flame) may be stacked on a single victim in the same round - only the single most damaging effect applies. Use and source of this discipline is obvious to all onlookers.

  • 1a: Hand of Flame - Costs 1 blood to activate instantly, 0 otherwise. One wound level per brawl hit becomes aggravated. Does not require a test to use.
  • 1b: Flame Bolt - Costs 1 blood, ranged. If test is successful, victim takes one aggravated wound.
  • 2a: Engulf - Costs 1 blood, ranged. If test is successful, victim takes two aggravated wounds.
  • 2b: Fire Shield - Costs 1 blood to use as an instant; no test. A flame shield appears and lasts the combat round. Anyone touching or attempting a brawl or melee test will take two aggravated wounds. If the user touches someone (standard brawl test), the victim takes two aggravated wounds - this damage may not be modified by any other discipline or power.
  • 3a: Firestorm - Costs 1 blood, ranged. If test is successful, up to six victims within a up to four pace radius takes two aggravated wounds, no frenzy effects. User may choose to effect a single victim as per engulf, but cost to use becomes zero blood (no cost).

Thaumaturgy- Mind:
Restricted discipline (Thaumaturgy may be taught to non-Tremere only by a Tremere having that particular discipline in clan at advanced level).
Bid: mental traits + occult ability + level of Mind Thaumaturgy vs. same; exception: 2b. If 3a is active, the user may not make any other offensive test. Use and source of 1a, 1b, 2b, and 3a is obvious to all onlookers.

  • 1a: Stab - Costs 1 blood, ranged. If test is successful, victim takes two wounds.
  • 1b: Flight - Costs 1 blood. There is no test and user may fly at normal movement rate.
  • 2a: Mind Shield - Costs 1 blood to activate instantly, 0 otherwise. Lets user defend against brawl, melee, missile, or firearms tests with Mind Thaumaturgy bid instead of standard physical bid. If user is successfully hit, the Shield falls at the end of the combat round. The user may only have one Shield active at one time, but may continue to bring the Shield up every round. Does not require a test to activate. Because this discipline substitutes your Mind Thaumaturgy bid for your physical one, it is subject to being halved when your physical should be halved.
  • 2b: Telekinesis - Costs 1 blood, ranged. The user chooses an object from the scene (the object may not be held by another character, not on another character, not bolted down, and must be a reasonable size) and it is thrown at the victim. Bid is user's Mind Thaumaturgy vs. victim's missile defense. If test is successful, the victim takes three wounds. The object is not destroyed and may be reused.
  • 3a: Control - Costs 1 blood, ranged. If test is successful, the victim is frozen in place. All brawl, melee, missile, or firearms offensive and defensive tests are at half bid and the victim may not move from the spot they are in. This discipline's half bid is not cumulative with any other event which causes half bid. If a victim is being Controlled, neither the Thaumaturgist nor the victim may be hidden (via Obfuscate or Obtenebration), nor may the Thaumaturgist move or initiate another offensive action. Control may be broken any one of two ways; 1) the Thaumaturgist releases the victim; or 2) line of sight between the Thaumaturgist and victim are broken. Also, once this level of the discipline has been obtained the Thaumaturgist may use the 1a (stab) and 2b (Telekinesis) powers for free (0 blood cost).

Restricted discipline (Vicissitude may be taught to non-Tzimisce only by a Tzimisce having the discipline at advanced level).
Bid: No bid.
Use of 1a, 1b, 2b and 3a are obvious to all onlookers. 1b and 3a do not stack.

  • 1a: Flesh Rend – Costs 1 blood. Used when making a Brawl attack. If the Brawl attack is successful, the victim loses 3 control due to the excruciating pain (in addition to normal Brawl damage).
  • 1b: Body Weaponry – Costs 1 blood to activate instantly, 0 otherwise. When activated, Brawl hits do 2 normal damage and the user gets +3 physical traits with his “weapon.”
  • 2a: Fleshcraft - Costs one blood to use. User actually changes physical appearance within same body mass parameters. This alteration takes 5 minutes and lasts until sunrise. May only be used on self.
  • 2b: Blood Form - Costs 1 blood to activate instantly, 0 otherwise. User devolves into a mystic puddle of blood with normal movement capabilities. Not consumable or stakeable by others due to mystic composition of the Blood. Physical effects may be ignored - the only powers that can directly effect a Blood are Beast Within, Song of Serenity, Mastery, Dread Gaze, Anathema, Summons, Flame Bolt, Engulf, Firestorm, or Control. The Blood is easily visible The user cannot initiate any test while Blood form, nor may she activate or deactivate any disciplines. However, certain disciplines continue (if they were active before the user transformed to mist form), such as Fortitude, Soul Mask, Embrace the Beast, and Majesty.
  • 3a: Horrid Form - Costs 1 blood to activate instantly, 0 otherwise. When activated, the user gets the following +3 physical traits, Brawl hits now do 2 aggravated damage, and anyone who successfully hits the user with a Brawl or Melee attack takes 1 aggravated damage from the user’s toughened skin. While Horrid Form is activated, the character cannot be Obfuscated at all, including being Cloaked.

Restricted discipline (Visceratika may be taught to non-Gargoyle only by a Gargoyle having the discipline at advanced level).
Bid: Mental traits + Subterfuge ability + levels of Visceratika vs. Mental traits + investigation + levels of Auspex (only 1b involves a test). Use of 1a, 2a and 3a are obvious to all onlookers. 1a and 3a do not stack.

  • 1a: Stone Claws - One wound level per Brawl hit becomes aggravated. This power is considered always active and cannot be turned off.
  • 1b: Chameleon - See Obfuscate 1a.
  • 2a: Minor Gargoyle - User can fly at a speed of 6 paces (Celerity adds normally). This power is considered always active and cannot be turned off.
  • 2b: Whispers of the Chamber - Costs 1 blood. No test. User knows how many and the locations of all beings in an 8 pace radius, including those who are Obfuscated or Projected. This power does not give the user the ability to see or affect those beings, just knowledge of their presence.
  • 3a: Major Gargoyle - The user changes form to a large gargoyle. Brawl hits now do 2 aggravated damage (Potence may add traits and normal damage), +6 physical traits. These additions are considered always active and cannot be turned off when in Major Gargoyle form.





There is no cap on abilities, but character must start with at least three different abilities on character creation.
-- Brawl: adds to brawl offense and brawl, melee, and missile defense.
-- Corruption: adds to Serpentis challengess. -- Firearms: adds to firearms offense and defense.
-- Investigate: adds to Auspex/Visceratika offense.
-- Leadership: adds to Dominate and Presencce offense and defense.
-- Melee: adds to melee offense and brawl aand melee defense (but not firearms or missile defense).
-- Missile: adds to missile offense (but noot defense).
-- Occult: adds to Thaumaturgy and Necromanncy offense and defense and is used for rituals research.
-- Survival: adds to Animalism offense and defense.
-- Subterfuge: adds to Auspex/Visceratika ddefense (Obfuscate) and to Obtenebration offense and defense.

-- Sewer Lore:

  • Secrets of the Labyrinth may only be taken on character creation by Nosferatu. Non-Nosferatu must be taught each level of Sewer Lore by a Nosferatu possessing that level of Sewer Lore or higher. The maximum level of Sewer lore any character can have is 8. Electronic communication devices do not work in the sewer.
  • Nosferatu may learn four locations per Sewer Lore, and non-Nosferatu may learn one location per Sewer Lore. A location is a set of instructions on how to get to a particular place in the labyrinth. Out of game, locations are represented by a number. Locations can be memorized instantly if the learner has an open location and the required level of Sewer Lore. Locations can be forgotten only during downtime. In order to find your way to a certain location in the sewers, a character must know / learn that location number or be led by/follow someone who knows the number. Already existing location numbers may be learned by a character if they are shown the way to that location and have an open location and corresponding level of Sewer Lore, or by the following method:
  • During downtime or at the game, a group of characters may collaborate to find a location. If the sum of the searchers' Sewer Lore is equal to or greater than three times the sum of the defenders' Sewer Lore, all searchers may learn that specific location number and will be able to travel in the sewers to that location, regardless of their individual levels of Sewer Lore, provided that they have an empty location.
  • If at any time a character is on a level of the sewers greater than their level of Sewer Lore; with the exception of traveling directly to and from a location learned through searching as described above; that character becomes lost in the sewers. If an individual or group becomes lost in the labyrinth, they must then spend 30 minutes out of play, searching for the way out.

-- Any other skill may be learned for background and role-playing purposes, but will not add to any test.


The rules for secondary skills are designed to allow characters to have more depth beyond only skills that enhance bids. Secondary skills may never used to enhance any bid, except for use in ST plot and not against another player. Secondary skills are a direct measure of knowledge within a certain field. Secondary skills may be from any knowledge area such as but not limited to; Science, Art, Music, Knowledge areas such as Religion, Philosophy, Economics, Sports, tool use, craft, etc. Points spent on secondary skills will not be used to calculate the 100 exp point cap that all PC's are limited to. This means should you spend 40 points in primary areas, 10 points in secondary skills, you would still have 60 exp points left you could spend in the character. Points spent on secondary skills are still halved if the character dies or retires. Freebie points spent on secondary skills have no effect towards the 100 point total. Examples:

  • Theology - Christian, Pagan, Hindu, Islamic, Voodoo, Ancient Religion, General
  • Sciences - Chemistry, Biology, Geology, Medicine (specific or general), Geography, Engineering (define area or general), Physics, (no you cannot make explosive or incendiary devices with any secondary skills)
  • Knowledge - Artistic Expression, Music, Economics, Trade skill, Tool use, Drive, Language (everyone gets English unless taken as a disadvantage)

These are by no means an exhaustive list. As players suggest and use more they will be added to the example list.

For ritual information, see the Links section.


  • Blood may be used for soaking and healing. Soaking is a "unconscious" part of combat (see combat sequence section), and healing is a non-combat action (see combat sequence section). Normal cost to soak or heal is one blood per wound level, though Fortitude may modify this. Soaking may be done while in frenzy or total surprise; healing may not be done in frenzy nor in total surprise (unless the user has the appropriate level of fortitude).
  • Blood cannot be used to activate powers while in frenzy. When a Kindred runs out of blood they will enter a blood frenzy. When entering a blood frenzy the target will attempt to drain the nearest vessel of blood. Once the nearest vessel is drained or ten minutes pass and the target has at least half max blood, the frenzy stops.
  • Also, blood may be pumped for any test except while in frenzy or under total surprise. Blood may be used to increase physical, social, or mental bids at one blood spent to one bid point. The increased bid will last the round (any number of offensive and/or defensive tests). The maximum blood which can be pumped is the current maximum blood pool of the user. If the user is at half traits (partial surprise, wound penalties, etc), the halving occurs before blood is added.
  • When spending blood, it must be announced to all players involved in the scene (this is considered out-of-game information and provided only to reduce possible confusion).


  • Willpower may be spent at any time except while in frenzy. Specifically, willpower may be spent while under total surprise.
  • When spending willpower, it must be announced to all players involved in the scene (this is considered out-of-game information and provided only to reduce possible confusion).
  • Spending a willpower has one of the following effects:
  • Double all trait-related bids for 1 combat round (any number of offensive and/or defensive tests). Example: Spending 1 willpower to increase social bids will double the overall bids for animalism and presence (both offense and defense).
  • Resist the effects of telepathy but the discipline user may choose to counter spend.
  • Resist the effects of a regnant's request but the regnant may choose to counter spend.
  • Regain their normal max control traits if already not in frenzy.
  • Ignore wound penalties up to, but not including torpor for one scene.


  • Control traits are the highest of these:
    • generation - number of discipline levels - number of childer - number of diableries + additional control traits + willpower, or
    • additional control traits + willpower
  • The maximum control rating is 10 (8 if Brujah, 7 if Gangrel), and if the character goes below 1, then she becomes an NPC.
  • Control traits may be temporarily lost by stressful situations: -1 for seeing a significant quantity of blood per scene, -1 for being part of a combat scene (initiating an offensive action or being the victim of such an action), or -1 for taking each hit that contains aggravated damage. Any given scene may not cause the loss of more than three control (this include the Toreador clan disadvantage), though the discipline Beast Within (animalism 1a) may cause additional loss.
  • Control traits are regained instantly by use of a willpower or the discipline song of serenity (regain to maximum normal).


  • Corporate: Corporate influences control business, financial institutions and service industries.
  • Government: Government influences control local, state or federal government or institutions.
  • Herd: Herd influences control pools of humans to feed upon or use for mundane tasks.
  • Industry: Industry influences control production of goods.
  • Media:  Media influences control all kinds of media outlets such as television, newspaper, radio or such kinds of companies or institutions.
  • Military: Military: Military influences are used to contact the various branches of the military. Military may not be used to purchase military hardware not in the Influence Rules item's section.
  • Occult: Occult may be used for research and development of new rituals.
  • Police: Police influences are used to control local, state or city law enforcement officers or officials
  • Street: Street influences control street-level gangs, thugs, access to street level informants and other non-organized quasi-legal to illegal groups such as the Mafia or the Yakuza.
  • University: University influences are used to control small colleges to large universities.
  • Underworld:  Underworld influences control organized and semi-professional to professional quasi-legal to illegal groups such as the Mafia or the Yakuza.
  • For more influence information, see the Links section.


  • Players may choose to relent to a test. If this is done, bids do not need to be announced; the test is considered a failure by the relenting character.
  • All tests are resolved by rock paper scissors.
  • One party has >= 4 times the other's bid: The party with the larger bid wins, no test required.
  • One party has >= 2 times to < 4 times the other's bid: The party with the larger bid wins rock paper scissors on ties, and if he loses, then test again - if he loses this second rock paper scissors, the party with the smaller bid wins.
  • One party has > 1 times to < 2 times the other's bid: The party with the larger bid wins rock paper scissors on ties.
  • Equal bids: Play rock paper scissors until one party wins.


  • Any physical action that pits one character against another, regardless of wound generating capabilities, is defined as a COMBAT ACTION.
  • Only three attackers using either melee or brawl can attack a single defender per round. If there are more than three, the ones with the highest level of Celerity strike first. If there are more than 3 attackers with the same celerity, then offensive bids are compared. Note all attacks are resolved simultaneously; this is only to determine which three strike.
  • An attacker initiating a brawl or melee attack must be within 4 paces of the victim.
  • All offensive tests are their own separate test. A combat round may have either one noncombat or one combat action per individual. Noncombat includes drawing an item (may be modified by Celerity), obfuscate, healing (may be modified by Fortitude), or movement.
  • Soaking - if a kindred having available blood is hit, the victim may choose to soak one wound level per hit. Normal cost is one wound level per blood, though Fortitude may modify this. If the victim uses his last blood to soak, he will frenzy. See the blood section for more information about soaking or healing.
  • All items must be drawn or readied prior to use - if not done before combat, this costs 1 noncombat action unless the drawer has Celerity 1a or higher, in which case drawing is an instant action.
  • Range modifiers: no power or effect will work at a range of over 80 paces, excluding telepathy (after entering the victim's mind), summons, Projector, or possession (after entering a victim's body). This includes gunfire for balance reasons.


  • At the beginning of Combat and every round thereafter, a Speaking Phase may occur.
  • Attacker and defender may activate any number of instant powers. If defender is fully surprised, defender may not activate any instant powers.
  • Attacker and defender point at the targets of their offensive action (if any). If either are not taking an offensive action, they should point at themselves. If a target is obfuscated, it cannot be pointed at.
  • Attacker offensive action resolved. If victim is partially or fully surprised, he is at half bid to defend against brawl, melee, missile, and firearms attacks. (Note: all offensive actions are considered simultaneous, even though they are resolved separately.)
  • Optional - Defender offensive action resolved. If defender is partially or fully surprised, defender may not perform an offensive action.
  • Soaking, wound penalties, and other action effects occur.
  • If the participant did not perform an offensive action, non-combat actions occur. If defender is fully surprised, defender may not perform any non-combat actions.



  • Brawl tests use physical traits + brawl ability + bonus to bid from potency + bonus to bid from Celerity vs. physical traits + bonus to bid from Fortitude + bonus to bid from Celerity + the highest of the following: (if defender's weapon is ready, melee ability + weapon melee ability) or (brawl ability).
  • Melee tests use physical traits + melee ability + weapon melee ability + bonus to bid from Potency + bonus to bid from Celerity vs. physical traits + bonus to bid from Fortitude + bonus traits to bid Celerity + the highest of the following: (if defender's weapon is ready, melee ability + weapon melee traits) or (brawl ability).
  • Missile tests use physical traits + missile ability + weapon missile ability + bonus to bid from Potency + bonus to bid from Celerity vs. physical traits + bonus to bid from Fortitude + bonus to bid from Celerity + brawl ability.
  • Firearms tests use mental traits + firearm ability + weapon firearm ability + bonus to bid from Celerity vs. physical traits + bonus to bid from Fortitude + bonus to bid from Celerity + firearm ability.


  • There are several ways to escape a combat scene using movement. Any one of the following allows the character to escape a combat scene.
  • Bat Form (or any other powers which convey flight): see movement.
  • Form of Mist: see movement.
  • Flight: see movement.
  • Movement: The escaping character must move 80 paces away from or break line of sight of any adversaries already in the scene. Entering the sewers or moving around cover counts as breaking line of sight for fair escape only.


  • Wound levels for kine or ghoul: no wounds sustained, bruised, wounded, wounded, incapacitated, dead. Example: 2 wounds places them at the first wounded, or 5 kills them.
  • Wound levels for kindred: no wounds sustained, bruised, bruised, wounded, wounded, incapacitated, torpor, dead. Death can only be caused by an aggravated wound that puts the kindred below torpor or by coup de grace, otherwise they remain in torpor. Example: 2 wounds places them at the second bruised, or 6 normal and 1 aggravated unsoaked and in 1 round kills them.
  • To come out of torpor, the victim must drink the blood of a kindred at least 1 generation below them. However, if they have Fortitude 2b, they may drink any kindred blood to come out of torpor.
  • Characters in Torpor in control of another character may be forced to remain in torpor by the holder if the holder so states in their downtime report for a maximum of one month. Otherwise, they recover from the Torpored condition overnight and may take downtime actions.


  • Wounded: All tests are at half bid. May be modified by Fortitude.
  • Incapacitated: All tests are at half bid and movement is reduced to 1 pace per round (may be increased by use of Celerity). May be modified by Fortitude. This half bid does not stack with any other power.
  • Torpor: All further tests are not resisted. No movement possible.
  • Dead: If the kindred is over 100 years old, the body instantly turns to ash.



  • Aggravated wounds may be caused by natural effect (sunlight for kindred) or disciplines (Wolf Claws, Aspect of Wolf, Hand of Flame, Engulf, Fire Shield, Firestorm) or coup de grace (special, see below) only. Aggravated wounds cannot be soaked in combat. They may only be healed as a non-combat action and costs three times normal to do so. Costs and soaking may be changed by Fortitude.
  • Coup de grace: this is a special "non-combat wound" which may only be done while the aggressor and victim are not in combat and the victim is in torpor. The aggressor need only announce the victim has been killed and no combat is begun, nor can it be interrupted once announced.
  • Diablerie: like coup de grace, this may only be done while the aggressor and victim are not in combat and the victim is in torpor. The aggressor need only announce the victim has been diablerized and no combat is begun, nor can it be interrupted once announced. Once the victim is dead ( through coup de grace or aggravated wounds), he cannot be diablerized. The diablerizer immediately loses a control traits and gains black veins in her aura which may be seen by Aura Perception or detected by Inquisition, though the diablerizer may choose to not purchase the lower generation. Note: while Soul Mask controls one's aura, Inquisition can still determine roughly when a diablerie has occurred. If the victim is lower generation than the diablerizer, the diablerizer drops one generation during downtime (which causes another loss of a control traits). Only one generation may be dropped per downtime. Six months after the diablerie, the black veins fade and may not be seen with Aura Perception, but Inquisition can still determine rough information about a diablerie. Character may not enter the game with black veins except with explicit storyteller permission.


  • Blood drain: this may only be done while the aggressor and victim are not in combat, and the victim agrees or is helpless (staked, incapacitated, torpor, or dead). The aggressor need only announce the victim has been lost a blood point. The single point drain cannot be interrupted once announced. Either party may then initiate combat (if possible), which prevents another immediate blood drain. Each blood point lost inflicts one normal wound level to the victim, which may not be soaked. The blood drain can either go to the aggressor's body (in which case the victim gives one of her blood cards to the aggressor) or to a ready container (in which case a storyteller must fill in a "stored blood" card).
  • Staking: if a kindred is successfully hit with a wooden stake (aggressor wins melee test), the aggressor then must test again, losing on ties (this test may not be modified in any way). If the aggressor is successful, the victim is staked and completely immobile. The victim must then relent all tests while staked, though certain disciplines continue (if they were active when the victim was staked), such as Fortitude, Soul Mask, Embrace the Beast, and Majesty. If the stake victim is not kindred, they take one wound level of damage (possibly modified by Potence). If a kine (such as a ghoul or possession host) is staked, they take no additional damage.


  • Surprise may occur in two ways with different results:
    • PARTIAL SURPRISE - Players defend at half bid against all brawl, melee, missile and firearms attacks. May not take any offensive or combat actions.
    • FULL SURPRISE - Players defend at half bid against all brawl, melee, missile and firearms attacks. May not take any offensive or combat actions. May not make any instant or noncombat actions.
  • This event's half bid is not cumulative with any other event which causes half bid.
  • There are no surprise downgraders except by using Auspex to penetrate Obfuscate before combat begins. There is no "situational surprise"; the only way to gain partial surprise is to use obfuscate 1a, Obtenebration 1a (or have someone use obfuscate 2b on the character). The only way to gain full surprise is for all attackers to use obfuscate 2a. If victim is partially or fully surprised, he is at half bid to defend against brawl, melee, missile, and firearms attacks. This event's half bid is not cumulative with any other event which causes half bid. A character may only be surprised in the first round of a combat. Any later use of obfuscate may hide the user but will not confer any other advantages.
  • If there are multiple people attacking a victim, possibly with multiple surprise levels (full, partial, or none), the victim is surprised at the lowest attacker's surprise level. For example: If all attackers attack at full surprise, the victim is counted at full surprise. If some attackers attack at full surprise, and some attackers attack at partial surprise, the victim is counted as partial surprise. If some attackers attack at full surprise, and some attackers attack at partial surprise, and some attackers attack at no surprise, the victim is counted as not surprised.



  • As detailed in other sections, only kindred may frenzy.
  • When entering frenzy, the victim must do the following: (references to Protean also apply to the disciplines based on Protean such as Serpentis or Vicissitude)
  • Change to human form if in any of the alternate forms (Protean 2a or Protean 2b but not Protean 3a).
  • Use all owned Celerity, Fortitude, and Potence.
  • While in frenzy, the victim may soak wounds but not heal existing wounds unless the victim has Fortitude 2A or higher; the victim may not spend willpower, activate any powers which require the expenditure of blood, or spend blood to increase traits; the victim ignores all wound penalties save torpor; the victim may not initiate any OFFENSIVE actions involving firearms, Auspex, Dominate, Presence or Thaumaturgy; the victim may not attempt to use Obfuscate or Protean. If Embrace the Beast, Soul Mask, Majesty, or Mask of 1000 Faces are activated before a frenzy, they remain active throughout. If active before frenzy, any form of Protean involving a physical change except for Earth/Stone Meld, Mist Form or Bat Form remains active throughout.
  • There are three types of frenzy:
    • Rage - Must attack the closest target and continue to do so until Incapacitated, Torpored or destroyed. Rage frenzy lasts for 10 minutes or 10 rounds. At the end of a frenzy you gain half your control back.
    • Fear - Must run from source of frenzy for 10 minutes. If the way is blocked with no escape then the fear frenzy becomes a rage frenzy. At the end of a frenzy you gain half your control back.
    • Blood - Must attempt to drain the closest vessel (person or object) of blood. If a person then they will attack to bring them down and then drain them. The frenzy ends after ten minutes, as long as you have at least 2 blood points. If after 10 minutes you do not have at least 2 blood points the blood frenzy will start over again. At the end of a frenzy you gain half your control back.

The type of frenzy is chosen by the ST with the exception of Brujah characters, who may choose to make any frenzy into a rage frenzy or frenzy caused by Beast Within, in which case the Animalism user chooses the frenzy type (though a Brujah may still override the type). The frenzy may change types at ST discretion.


  • Telepaths (Auspex 2b) can automatically see any projected form that is not manifesting.
  • Powers that can directly effect a Projector or Possessor are Beast Within, Song of Serenity, Control the Beast, all Auspex, all Dominate, Cloak (Possessors only), all Presence, Bind the Spirit, Supernatural Sight, Torment Spirit, Spirit Rend, Necrosis and Blood Mastery.
  • Once a Summons (not Summons Lock) challenge is initiated, a Possessor may not flee the host body unless they win the Summons challenge. Once the Summons challenge is lost, the Possessor must fulfill the summons from the host body.
  • There are several events that can cause a spirit to return to its true body: frenzy, summons used against their true body, the death or staking of the Possessor's host body, or the Possessor's choice to flee the body.
  • If a Possessor or projector is forced to return to their body, an Projector may test to follow their spirit back to the target's true body. The test to follow a spirit back to the true body: the projector's full Auspex bid vs. the target's full Obfuscate bid (if the target was using Obfuscate, the following Projector still gets this test). Both parties may spend blood and willpower. If the test is successful, the target knows that she was followed. This test may be done as often as the spirit flees. Note only a projector can see a fleeing spirit.
  • The true bodies of Projectors and Possessors must remain inside the city while projecting or possessing.


  • The regnant or kindred donating the blood does not "know" if the victim is bound. Until fully bound, there is no effect on the drinker.
  • If a ghoul or kine is blood bound, the embrace breaks all bonds.
  • A few nights after a character is two points blood bound, they feel the beginning of the bond. However, they do not know the identity of the individual to whom they are being bound.
  • Once bound, the regnant may implant up to four requests the thrall must fulfill. These requests are treated similar to mesmerisms, except for the following: requests are not generation-bound. If a request is changed or implanted at the game, the thrall may choose to spend a willpower to ignore it. The regnant may counter spend. If a request is made over downtime, the thrall may not spend willpower to ignore it.
  • Standard blood bond (pure bond):
  • Any type of character may be pure bound to a kindred character (the regnant) by drinking that character's blood over three nights (the nights may be sequential, but do not have to be; each night is a "level" of blood bonding). No effects occur from the first and second levels. At the third level, the character is blood bound and is in love with the regnant.
  • A victim may only be pure bound to one regnant at a time.
  • While a pure bond is operative, any drinking of either pure blood or shared blood has no effect.
  • The bound may not take any intentional offensive action against the regnant, is at half traits if attacked by the regnant, may only flee if attacked by the regnant, and will try to fulfill the regnant's requests up to and including suicide.
  • Any number of characters may be bound to a regnant, though if any of the bound suspect others are bound also, they will become increasingly jealous of the other bound victims.
  • A pure bond can be removed by waiting 12 months after the most recent drinking, the use of a ritual, or the death of the regnant. Once the pure bond has been removed, the victim may then be share bound.
  • If the regnant dies, the victim immediately knows that fact, but will continue to be bound to the regnant for 1 month.
  • Shared blood bond (shared bond):
    Several kindred may mix blood to be drunk by any type of characters. The victim must keep track of each kindred donor and that it was mixed blood. After six drinks of any particular donor's blood, the victim is then share bound to that donor.
    • A victim may be share bound to any number of donors at a time.
    • While a share bond is operative, any drinking of other blood simply counts as an additional donor (treat the donor as if that blood was mixed).
    • The bound may not take any intentional offensive action against that donor, may only flee if attacked by the donor, and will try to fulfill the donor's request up to but not including suicide.
    • A shared bond to a particular donor can be removed by waiting 6 months after the most recent drinking of that donor's blood, the use of a ritual, or the death of the donor. Once all shared bonds have been removed, the victim may then be pure bound.
    • If a donor dies, the victim immediately knows that fact, but will continue to be bound to that donor for 1 month.


  • Kindred blood (blood from a single kindred) has an indefinite storage life, but kine blood becomes unusable in three months.
  • Hunting at the game generally nets 1 blood per 10 minutes, though this may vary depending on game-wide circumstances.
  • Characters cannot over hunt during downtime, but can use herd to collect blood over their normal blood pool.
  • Characters can store a maximum of control traits / 2 blood (round down) somewhere on their body, and can store an unlimited amount somewhere else (such as at their haven, in their car, off in the bushes, etc). If storing blood on your body, ask a storyteller to give you a separate "stored blood" card for that purpose; if storing blood somewhere else, then those stored blood cards are held in your character folder at the influence desk along with a description of where they are stored.
  • "Stored blood" cards are not the same as blood cards, and to transfer stored blood to "in-body" blood, either ask a storyteller or go to the influence desk.

For haven information, see the Links section.


  • There have been several questions about what traits, abilities, disciplines, or items add to which tests. All of the disciplines have a section titled "Bid" and there is a separate section titled "Combat Tests". Only those specifically listed traits, abilities, disciplines, or items add to the given test. Example: the discipline Protean does not add to any combat tests. Please ask a Storyteller if you are unsure.
  • Movement:
    • Normal movement is 4 paces per combat round. Celerity increases movement.
    • People may be carried, but this reduces the movement to half of normal movement and both parties are at half bid for offensive and defensive tests. No offensive brawl, melee, or missile tests may be initiated by either party. Only one person can be carried.
    • Opening or closing a door in combat costs 4 paces.
    • It takes 10 minutes of travel time to leave (or return to) the city, regardless of starting point. This is deliberately vague - for situational clarification, consult a ST. In order to leave the city, players must fill in an influence request and get it signed and time stamped by a ST. Characters may start the game out of the city, but the player must inform an ST prior to the game starting and then fill out an influence request stating so.
  • Physical disguises: unless specified by the player (such as an unconcealable physical disadvantage), disguises are indistinguishable from each other.
  • Unless otherwise stated, no character may use any discipline or ritual to affect any other character during downtime.
  • If a player character's body is under the control of another character (staked, torpored, etc), they must be released or killed before the end of the next game session or they automatically die.
  • Unenlightened normal creatures take double damage from combat. Normal is defined as "not important to the storyline and not a player character".
  • Enlightened means any creature that is (correctly) aware of the supernatural world. Examples include all kindred and ghouls that have not been extensively reprogrammed and the occasional kine that has significant kindred exposure.
  • Armor: Armor ranges from 1 ablative wound levels per combat to 5 ablative wound levels per combat. These wounds are automatically soaked as one wound level per hit. Aggravated wounds may not be soaked by armor. As defensive capability increases, price, bulk, and visibility increases (such that level 4 or 5 armor is obvious).
  • Range modifiers: no power or effect will work at a range of over 80 paces. This includes gunfire for balance reasons.
  • If under the effects of Enthrallment, Summons, Command, Frenzy or similar effects, players should not relent to any tests.
  • Animals can be ghouled; animals cannot be embraced. Character creation is exactly like a normal ghoul except for communication: the animal ghoul can only understand one word/concept per point of mental traits.
  • NPC rules: In general, NPC rules will be published one to three months after being introduced in the game. These NPC rules are NOT available to PCs; they: p
  • NPC players: Here is a brief outline of the procedure we will follow in choosing players to play NPCs:
    • STs will play NPCs unless the NPC(s) need to have a longer duration character interaction than a ST can provide or need more bodies than the STs can provide.
    • We will be taking volunteers for NPCs; these volunteers will be put on a list (first come, first serve).
    • As we need NPCs, the author(s) of that storyline will give a one sentence summary of the plot to the first person on the list. If that person declines, we will move that person to the end of the list and repeat the process with the next volunteer.
    • Since volunteers (including those who decline) will be privy to sensitive plot information, we expect them to uphold that secrecy.
    • NPCs may kill PCs as part of the plotline only if the ST previously authorizes it (not every plot will have this permission, but the possibility certainly exists).
    • Finally, the list of volunteers will be published periodically.
  • Hiding objects (such as bodies): Objects not being carried on a character must be in one of three states.
    • In a haven. See the Haven rules (or the sewer lore rules in this document) for searching.
    • In transit between on-site and somewhere else (either going to a haven or leaving town).
    • On site but not carried by a character. Everyone who is hiding an object on site has to register at the influence desk. The person doing the hiding has to write down 3 things: the description of the place that the object is hidden (for flavor), their obfuscate bid, and a number from 1 to 10. The number represents a conceptual physical location onsite.
    • A character with Auspex 2a may search for hidden objects. That player goes to the influence desk and picks a number from 1 to 10 to search.
  • Characters cannot stack powers that are based off of one another. Example: Obtenebration 1a will not stack with Obfuscate 1a, 2a or 2b nor the ritual Donning the Mask of Shadows.
  • Rituals (unless otherwise stated), Wards, Summons Lock, Mesmerisms and Identify Aura will universally fade or be forgotten after six months.
  • Players who are deemed to be outside the city (for purposes of summoning, etc) may not communicate with players who are inside the city, and vice versa. The noted exception to this rule is a Telepath who entered a victim's head before the victim leaves the city. After a player has turned in their character sheet, all communication ends regardless of type.

If an influence expenditure (including the use of herd) uses 10 or less influences, that task takes 10 minutes. Otherwise, the task takes 30 minutes. Use of Herd is instantaneous. Reinforcement and ritual research can only be performed during downtime.


  • A change by the STs requires at least 2/3 vote of all current STs. This may include adding or removing STs, removing players, and other ST functions.
  • Players can vote to remove an ST or player by a vote of at least 2/3 of all current players.
  • Any rules change that might dramatically effect a player's character concept will permit a respend of points invested in the effected discipline/ability/etc. All such issues will be determined by the STs on a case-by-case basis.
  • XP may be spent during downtime (preferred) and / or at the game, before the in-game play actually starts. A ST must sign off on the character sheet and log the request.
  • Downtimes are due the second Tuesday after the game; electronic only.
  • Character backgrounds are required before XP may be spent on the character. The background will consist of a mandatory questionnaire and an optional story. If the background is not sufficient, the player may not spend XP on the character until the background is in order. The background may be submitted on paper, but electronic is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED.
  • Sashes and hand signs: Sashes should be about an inch wide and worn from shoulder to opposite hip. The sash should be visible from all sides at all times the power is active.
    • Yellow (alternate hand sign: crossed arms at heart level) for Obfuscate 1a, 2a, and 2b or similar powers.
    • Green (alternate hand sign: an index finger to the chin) for Obfuscate 1b or similar powers.
    • Purple for Presence 3a.
    • Silver for Auspex 3a.
    • Red for something odd, such as Protean 3a, a Nosferatu without obfuscate, or other abnormal appearances. It is the player's responsibility to inquire as to the nature of the ribbon.
    • Yellow and black for a storyteller not playing a character (that is, the ST is not actively in play).
  • Cards: We use blood, willpower, control, and clan-advantage cards. Blood cards are red, willpower cards are blue, and control cards will be white or gray. "Stored blood" cards will be obviously different from blood cards, and to transfer stored blood to "in-body" blood, ask a storyteller or go to the influence desk. When any of these items are used, the cards should be immediately surrendered to a ST or the influence desk.
  • Items: All items will have an expiration date and a concealability rating. If any item is used in a scene, players may ask to check the expiration date - if the item has expired, any use of that item will fail. However, repairing (refreshing the expiration date) an item will always be cheaper than buying a new tem.
  • The non-augmenting (all disciplines except Celerity, Potence, Fortitude) disciplines give +1 to bid per level of discipline.
  • There are to be no one-person one round kills against kindred, though kine are a different story.
  • No victim may take more than three aggravated damage from a single attacker.
  • Every discipline use costs 0 or 1 blood.
  • Removed willpower backend (counter spending) rules from all powers except Telepathy. Willpower is only used in the front-end (doubling bids) and its other miscellaneous effects.
  • There are several ways to be at half bid (surprise, Potence 2b, wound penalties, etc), but none of these stack. The maximum penalty is half bid.
  • Sabbat and Camarilla characters will use the same rules. Sabbat characters get no special advantages or disadvantages.
  • To play one of the non-standard clans, you must submit and have an approved background.
  • Design criteria for these rules: Quick, short, and as simple as possible. If a rule is more complex than is fun, the rule is rewritten.
  • We will try to keep rules changes to a minimum, but in any case, rules will be published and publicly discussed at least one game before any changes take place to allow everyone to contribute.


  • All downtimes must be submitted electronically before 11:59 p.m. of the second Tuesday after the game. We would prefer email to storytellers (see the Links section), but a MS-DOS diskette is acceptable.
  • Downtimes are optional and have up to six sections: who you are, influence use, spending XP, special powers, game report, and voting. If a player does not submit a downtime, the character cashes their influences in for its monetary value, and the player gets 2.5 XP. A player must show up to the event and turn in a signed waiver in order to get XP.
    • Who You Are: Please include your player (real) name, your character name, and your clan.
    • Influence Use: (Note: Influences can be spent both at the game and during downtime)
    • Please list the influences you have and who they came from if they are not yours.
    • What specifically they are being spent on.
    • Spending XP: Please remember you can only buy one level of a discipline per month, and out-of-clan disciplines can only be learned during downtime.
    • Special Powers: Please detail any powers (such as rituals or conditioning) you wish to use during downtime.
    • Game Report: The STs pick up to four game reports they thought were most interesting, amusing, or whatever: those four players get 3 XP. These reports will be sanitized and put on the web page (note: the safest way to be sanitized is for the player to do it herself and only include information that is acceptable to have in the "in-game public domain"). Please make sure this section is clearly separated from the other sections.
    • Voting: There are five categories players can vote on.
      • Three are in-character: the most feared character, most liked character, and the most respected character.
      • Two are out-of-character: the player who others view as contributing an excellent roleplaying performance, and best costume.

Choose the character or player that best matches each category.

    • Toreador characters get double votes for the in-character categories.
    • The top player from each of the in-character categories gets 3 XP. The top two players from each of the out-of-game categories get 3 XP. If one player or character is at the top of more than one list, that player gets 3 XP, and no one else gets 3 XP for that category.
    • The top two people from each of the categories are announced at the beginning of the next game and listed on the web site.

Haven appendix: www.geocities.com/Area51/Starship/6060/havens.html
Influence appendix: www.geocities.com/Area51/Starship/6060/infl.html
Ritual appendix: www.geocities.com/Area51/Starship/6060/rituals.html
Elysium Nights Theater General: www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Chamber/9515/
Elysium Nights Theater Rules: www.geocities.com/Area51/Starship/6060/
Subscribe to the Elysium Nights Theater In-Game email list: www.egroups.com/subscribe.cgi/ent-ig
Subscribe to the Elysium Nights Theater Out-Of-Game email list:
Send mail to the Elysium Nights Theater Storytellers: mailto:ent-st@egroups.com

1998/07/24: v0.1: First version.

Various updates.
1998/12/09: v2.0: Minor changes to wording, change in control trait calculation, remove double votes from Ventrue, added notes to ST section.
1999/05/10: v2.1: Minor changes, typos fixed. Removed silver cord, added section for astral and possession.
2000/03/25: v2.2: Numerous minor tweaks, typos fixed. Added additional bloodlines. Added several additional powers and clarifications.
2000/07/14: v2.3 beta 4: Minor changes. Moved rituals to separate section.
2001/02/14: v2.4 beta: More Minor changes, added widgets to some 3a disciplines. Slightly larger changes to Mind Thaumaturgy, Obtenebration, and Presence.
2002/01/15: v2.5 Changes to Presence, Fortitude, Auspex. Other minor tweaks.
2002/01/05: v2.5: Changes to Presence, Fortitude
2002/06/20: v2.6: Changes to Sewer Lore, Torpor, Frenzy
2003/03/20: v2.7: Changes to Auspex, Dominate, Obfuscate, Possession, Potence, Presence, Blood Thaumaturgy, Combat, Surprise and other misc. changes. HAVEN RULES, INFLUENCE RULES and RITUAL RULES incorporated into main rules set.
2004/01/06: v2.8: Minor changes and clarifications to powers and general game rules (discipline stacking, frenzy clarifications, etc). Added BUs and new influence types.
2004/05/15: v2.9: Changes in Point Caps, Obtenebration; redefine Quietus, Serpentis, Vicissitude, Visceratika; list additional Influence types

2004/07/26: v 2.9.1:  Addition of Clan Giovanni, new discipline Necromancy, changes in effects on Possessor and Projector.

Elysium Nights Theater Haven Rules: v2.4 02/14/2001

Comments are welcome.


  • All five influence categories are considered primary for haven construction.
  • Any character that is in play but not at the game (such as telepaths, projectors, or Possessors) is by definition in a haven. If there are no points spent in the haven, it is still considered a haven and subject to the rules in this document.
  • Havens have two structures: an outer haven and at least one crypt.
  • Characters may have up to two solitary havens (each with an outer haven and one crypt) or be part of up to two communal havens (each with an outer haven and several crypts), or one of both (for a total of up to two crypts).
  • All kindred characters start off with 10 free single-use influences to be used on haven construction.
  • A character's haven cannot be found either at the game or during downtime, or attacked in downtime for the first three months of that character; communal havens are not subject to this rule.
  • Herd, ghouls, conditioned creatures, or other NPCs are not used as part of haven defense. PCs may be.
  • Ventrue get a 25% bonus (round fractions down) to all influences spent. Examples: Normally, an alarm costs 5 influences, but a Ventrue can buy one for 4 influences. If a Ventrue wants to reinforce her haven, she can spend 4 influences and get 4 * 1.25 * 10 = 50 reinforcement points.
  • Havens may only be built by spending influences which may be matched with money (as per influence rules) during downtime.
  • Havens must be found before they are attacked. Because Mobile havens move every downtime, they must be found either at the game or during the previous downtime if they are to be attacked at an event.
  • Havens may be found in one of two ways: by spending influence either at the game or during downtime (see Searching, Hiding, and Sewer Lore), or by in-game play.
  • Havens may be constructed in the sewers or normally. If constructed in the sewers, use the Sewer Lore rules on searching for a location. Otherwise, use the rules below in the Searching section.
  • Havens may be attacked in one of two ways: by spending influence during downtime (see Influence Attack and Influence Resistance), or by in-game play.
  • During in-game play, a structure may be penetrated in several different ways: physical attacks (see Reinforcement), defeating lock(s) (see Two-way Locks), mist form (see Seals), or collusion with someone on the inside.
  • Attributes of outer havens: Alarms, Cameras (and their related items), Hiding, Influence Resistance, Locks, Mobility, Reinforcement, Rituals, and Seals.
  • Attributes of crypts: Alarms, Alternate Exits, Cameras (and their related items), Locks, Reinforcement, Rituals, and Seals.


  • Storytellers keep track of ownership information. In case of any addition, change, or removal of ownership, the Storytellers must be informed. Ownership changes or destruction of structures occur during downtime.
  • Outer havens have at least one owner. Crypts may only have one owner. If a structure has only one owner, he is the exclusive owner, otherwise he is considered a partial owner. Both type of owners may add or change the design of that structure and non-owners cannot make any additions or changes to that structure. One exception - an exclusive owner or a simple majority of the partial owners of an outer haven of a communal haven can destroy (but not make any other change) any crypt inside.
  • Only the owner(s) of a structure know the structure's attributes (unless the owner(s) chooses to tell another character).
  • Characters who own crypts inside of a communal haven may or may not have any ownership of the outer haven.
  • All structures are created with an exclusive owner - the character who spent the first influences constructing it.
  • Ownership may be transferred or divided between characters, either by choice or if the character dies and wills the ownership to a character in-game. Crypt ownership cannot be divided, but it may be transferred.
  • Ownership may be forsaken by an owner voluntarily, upon character death (if he does not will the ownership to another character), or if the character is not in-game for six games in a row. If an exclusive owner abandons an outer haven, the outer haven and all crypts contained within it are destroyed. If an exclusive owner abandons a crypt, that crypt is destroyed. If a partial owner abandons a structure, and if there was only one other partial owner, the other partial owner becomes the exclusive owner.
  • The ownership of a particular structure may only be determined in-game.
  • Havens may be stolen by other characters. Mobile havens may simply be taken if there are no unfriendly characters nearby. Static havens may be occupied (assuming the owner(s) can be driven off and prevented from retaking it). If the thieves control a haven for two games, it becomes theirs. At that point, the haven's alarms and locks become inoperative and may be replaced by the new owners.

-- Alarms: There may be alarms on alll structures; each is bought separately.

  • Cost: Cost is 5 influences per alarm. Each alarm has one trigger and one effect.
  • Test: No test from outside. Alarms cannot be destroyed.
  • Possible Triggers: physical attack of a structure, physical penetration of a structure, or failure to open a set of two-way locks.
  • Possible Effects: audible alarm, silent alarm, awaken a Possessor or projector, or paging one or several characters.

-- Alternate Exits: A crypt can havee hidden one-way doors leading to different areas.

  • Cost: 5 influences per exit; maximum of 5 alternate exits per crypt. Cannot be bought if the haven is mobile.
  • Test: No test. Anyone in the crypt may choose to leave through any of the available exits. However, the attackers may choose to cover various other areas where the exits may open into. Alternate exits cannot be destroyed. Each exit is out of line of sight of the other, but each exit is 20 paces from the other. Obfuscate is not broken by opening one of the exits.

-- Camera: There may be any number oof cameras covering an area, collecting audio and video. Each camera must be obvious to all characters (represented by a red card taped to a wall or a ST informing the players there are camera(s) present). The cameras are breakable. The camera signals cannot be intercepted or jammed.

  • Cost: 1 influence per camera.
  • Test: No test.

-- Camera taping system: This is useed to record the output of a camera. Recorders may be in a different location from the source cameras or monitors. Recorders are obvious and breakable. There must be one recorder per camera that is taped. Searching characters must be PCs. If a scene wants to be replayed, the player whose character is searching the tape must find a ST who was present at the scene to be replayed. If no ST was present, then the scene was not taped.

  • Cost: 1 influence per recorder.
  • Test: No test, but see above.

-- Hiding: Hiding an outer haven makkes it more difficult for an attacker using influences to find it.

  • Cost: 15 influences
  • Test: See Searching. Hiding a outer haven effectively doubles the number of hiding points that a haven has. This attribute is mutually exclusive with the mobility attribute (ie. one haven cannot have both). Hiding cannot be destroyed.

-- Influence Resistance: An outer haaven can be made resistance to influence attacks in downtime. This has no effect on in-game play.

  • Cost: 1 influence per 3 influence resistance points.
  • Test: See Influence Attacks.

-- Locks: There are three kinds of llocks: two-way, one-way, and timelock.

  • Two-way locks allow people outside to get in if they have the correct secret, item, or appearance. There may be many two-way locks on each structure.
    • Cost: Two-way locks cost 2 influences per lock.
    • Test: Static test for each lock. Attacker wins on ties. One test every 5 minutes. When each two-way lock has been defeated, that structure has been penetrated. The attacker can choose if the locks have been bypassed or destroyed. If the locks have been destroyed and not repaired, anyone can enter through that entrance. Repair costs are half of the original construction costs. Failing a test to penetrate a lock may cause an alarm.
  • One-way locks allows someone inside to allow others to enter.
    • Cost: One-way locks cost 2 influences per lock.
    • Test: No test from outside. Only a PC inside can open a one-way lock. One-way locks cannot be destroyed.
  • Timelocks are generally used by projectors and Possessors seeking to defend against summoning or certain dominate attacks.
    • Cost: Timelocks cost 2 influences.
    • Test: If a timelock is active, the person inside the lock cannot leave the structure for 15 minutes. No test from outside. Timelocks cannot be destroyed.

-- Mobility: The haven must be reasoonably capable of moving. Havens in the sewers cannot be mobile.

  • Cost: Costs 15 influences.
  • Test: No test. A mobile haven is easier to hide and cannot be attacked through influence attacks, but cannot be reinforced and cannot have alternate exits. Every downtime, a mobile haven must be found again before it can be attacked again. Mobility cannot be destroyed. This attribute is mutually exclusive with the hiding attribute (ie. one haven cannot have both).

-- Monitor: This is used to view andd hear the output of a camera. Monitors may be in a different location from the source cameras. Monitors are obvious and breakable. One monitor may be used to view multiple source cameras; the viewer must manually flip through the sources. Viewing characters must be PCs.

  • Cost: 1 influence per monitor.
  • Test: No test, but see above.

-- Reinforcement: Reinforcement makes a structure resistant to physical attack. There may be reinforcement on all structures; each is bought separately. Windows cannot be reinforced. Once a structure has 100+ reinforcement points, it is considered soundproof.

  • Cost: 1 influence gives 10 reinforcement points per structure normally; cannot be bought if the haven is mobile.
  • Test: Attacker's Potence bid vs. structure's reinforcement points, one test every 5 minutes. The attackers may not spent blood or willpower. However, if any of the attackers have Potence 3a, then the structure will be breached after a maximum of 10 minutes. When the reinforcement has been beaten once, that structure has been penetrated. Until the reinforcements are repaired, anyone can enter through the new opening. Repair costs are half of the original construction costs. Physically attacking a structure or physically penetrating a structure may cause an alarm.
  • Attacker's Potence bid: Sum of the three strongest attackers' Potence by: (2 + level of Potence)^2. So an attacker with Potence 3a (level 5) and two attackers with Potence 2a (level 3) would be: (2 + 5) ^ 2 = 49 for the 3a and (2 + 3) ^ 2 = 25 for each of the 2a's, for a total of 49 + 25 + 25 = 99. Ten influences would need to be spent on reinforcement to win on ties against this attack (10 influences * 10 = 100 reinforcement points).

-- Rituals: Rituals may be cast on the haven per the normal rules.

-- Seals: Seals are used to prevent mist from entering.

  • Cost: Seals cost 10 influences per structure.
  • Test: No test. If seals are not bought for a structure, a mist form can freely penetrate that structure. Seals cannot be destroyed.


-- Searching:

  • All haven's have a base hiding point value equal to the primary owner's (Mental Traits + Influences) * 2. If the haven has been hidden as per the hiding attribute, double this number. If the haven has multiple partial owners use the owner with the highest number of Mental Traits + Influences.
  • The searcher(s) choose a character whose haven they want to discover. For each haven that character has, the searchers find it if the searcher's total influences spent is greater than that haven's hiding points. All haven location information will be given to the searcher(s) at the next game (if searching during downtime) or at the current game (if searching at the game).
  • If several searchers are cooperating, then all the searcher's influences are summed for the "searcher's total influences spent". However, if several searchers are looking for the same character's haven, but are not cooperating, then these are counted as separate searches.
  • Every downtime, a mobile haven moves for no cost and must be found again before it can be attacked. However, if an attacker has found a mobile haven either at the game or during the previous downtime, the mobile haven can be attacked in-game.

-- Influence Attack:

  • The attacker(s) can weaken a haven (that has been found) and eventually have it destroyed through mundane means during downtime. For each influence the attackers spend on attacking this haven, the haven permanently loses an influence resistance point. If a haven's influence resistance is reduced below zero, the haven has been destroyed. None of the contents of the haven are damaged; however, the characters must find or create a new haven from scratch.
  • A mobile haven cannot be attacked through influence attacks.

-- Haven appendix: http://www.geocitiess.coooom/Area51/Starship/6060/havens.html
-- Influence appendix: http://www.geociitieees.com/Area51/Starship/6060/infl.html
-- Elysium Nights Theater General: httpp:////www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Chamber/9515/
-- Elysium Nights Theater Rules: http:///wwwww.geocities.com/Area51/Starship/6060/
-- Subscribe to the Elysium Nights Theater In-Game email list: http://www.onelist.com/subscribe.cgi/ent-ig
-- Subscribe to the Elysium Nights Theater Out-Of-Game email list: http://www.onelist.com/subscribe.cgi/ent-oog
-- Send mail to the Elysium Nights Theater Storytellers: mailto:nothasp@hotmail.com

-- 1998/11/29: v1.0 beta 1: First version....
-- 1998/12/09: v2.0: Added primary influencces and cash.
-- 1999/07/26: v2.1: Added ownership and a few new attributes.
-- 2000/03/24: v2.2: Cameras changed to redd cards, hiding multiplier changed, and searching allowed downtime or at the game.
-- 2000/06/21: v2.3: Added theft and limitss.
-- 2001/02/14: v2.4: Changed hiding to smalller formula. Made mobility and hiding mutually exclusive. Removed concealed doors.

Elysium Nights Theater Influence Rules: v2.5 07/26/2004

Comments are welcome.



Following are the different types of influences: Corporate, Government, Herd, Industry, Military, Occult, Police, Street, Media, Underworld and University.
All characters start with 3 influences except Tremere, who start with 2, and Toreador, who start with 3 or 4. Influences may be purchased for 1 XP or freebie each.
All influence types may be used to build or attack havens, attack others' influences, or investigate characters or actions.
Corporate, Government, Herd, Industry, Occult, Street, Underworld, and Media (to a lesser extent) may be used to acquire items.
Herd may be used as sources of blood (normally 3 points of blood per herd, this amount may decrease if in-game events have broken or threaten the masquerade).
Occult may be used for research and development of new rituals.


  • Blue cards are jacket concealable.
  • Yellow cards are trenchcoat concealable.
  • Red cards cannot be concealed. They might be able to be obfuscated, depending on the size of the item.

All item prices listed below are doubled when the player attempts to get the item during the game.


All influence actions that are discrete events that are continued over several months (partially buying an item, researching a ritual) will be given out on "layaway cards". The layaway card should be signed by an ST, dated, list the influences used, and list the task working toward. These cards can be given away or sold by the owning character. If the player loses the card, then that work is lost.


Any of the influence types not specified as a primary type is considered a secondary type. Herd and cash are secondary types for all items. If the primary type is "any", any of the types and/or cash may be used. The total influence expenditure must be at least 50% primary influences.
Example: An item that costs 4 influences can be obtained by any of the following ways:

  • 4 primaries.
  • 3 primaries and 1000$.
  • 3 primaries and another influence of any type.
  • 2 primaries and 2000$.
  • 2 primaries and 2 more influences of any type.
  • 2 primaries, 1000$, and 1 more influence of any type.

If an item is broken (such as armor that has all of its boxes marked or a melee weapon that had too much Potence used on it) or has reached its expiration date, it can no longer be used. The item may be restored to full working condition by spending half its original cost (using the original item's primary category). Any item may be repaired at any time (such as to refresh the item's expiration date before it expires or partially restore armor) but the repair costs the full amount.
Examples: A 3 trait, 2 wound gun is would cost 7 (15/2, round down) influences to repair. The same rifle with a silencer would cost 15 (15 for the original rifle + 15 for the silencer/2) to repair.


If an influence expenditure (including use of herd) uses 10 or less influences, that task takes 10 minutes. Otherwise, the task takes 30 minutes. Reinforcement and ritual research can only be performed during downtime.


PRIMARY INFLUENCE TYPES: University, Corporate, Government.
Each point of armor is a box on the item card. For each hit received in combat, the victim may mark off a box to automatically ignore one wound level of damage. Exceptions: aggravated wounds, the first wound level of damage caused by a staking attempt, and the damage caused by Cauldron may not be soaked by ablative armor. Ablative armor does not regenerate after a scene - once a box is marked off, the ablative armor must be repaired before it is marked again. A character may only wear one armored item.

  • 3 influences: 1 box ablative armor, blue card.
  • 5 influences: 2 box ablative armor, blue card.
  • 7 influences: 3 box ablative armor, yellow card.
  • 10 influences: 4 box ablative armor, yellow card.
  • 13 influences: 5 box ablative armor, red card.
  • 16 influences: 6 box ablative armor, red card.

PRIMARY INFLUENCE TYPES: University, Media, Military.
Persistent Armor functions as Ablative Armor, but repairs all boxes at the end of each scene. Remember, a character may only wear one armored item.

  • 20 influences: 1 box armor, blue card
  • 30 influences: 2 box armor, yellow card
  • 42 influences: 3 box armor, red card

PRIMARY INFLUENCE TYPES: University, Industry, Occult.
Defensive traits may be added to any armor for an additional cost per defensive trait. Defensive traits may be added to any type of armor by adding the influence cost of the defensive trait onto the original cost of the armor. Purely defensive trait armors are always blue cards.

  • 2 influences: +1 defensive trait.
  • 4 influences: +2 defensive traits.
  • 6 influences: +3 defensive traits.
  • 9 influences: +4 defensive traits.
  • 12 influences: +5 defensive traits.
  • 15 influences: +6 defensive traits.

There are three types of firearms, shotguns, rifles and handguns. Shotguns have a range up to 8 paces, and are able to affect up to two targets in one round. The two targets must be next to each other within a 2 pace range. Rifles are able to affect one target from 8 paces up to 80 paces. Handguns have a range up to 20 paces. Shotguns are able to use plus trait ammunition. Rifles are able to use plus trait ammunition and armor piercing ammunition. Handguns may use plus wound ammunition and plus trait ammunition. Only special storyteller approved ammunition may violate the ammunition rules.


PRIMARY INFLUENCE TYPES: Underworld, Media Industry.
Handguns may affect one target up to 20 paces. Handguns may be silenced for a double in the cost of the handgun. Handguns may use plus wound ammunition and plus trait ammunition.

  • 1 influence: +0 traits, 1 wound handgun, blue card.
  • 3 influences: +1 trait, 1 wound handgun, blue card.
  • 5 influences: +2 trait, 1 wound handgun, blue card.
  • 7 influences: +3 trait, 1 wound handgun, blue card.
  • 10 influences: +4 trait, 1 wound handgun, blue card.
  • 13 influences: +5 trait, 1 wound handgun, blue card.
  • 16 influences: +6 trait, 1 wound handgun, blue card.

PRIMARY INFLUENCE TYPES: Underworld, Government, Military.
Rifles may affect one target from 8 to 80 paces. Rifles may be silenced for a double in the cost of the rifle. Rifles are able to use plus trait ammunition and armor piercing ammunition.

  • 11 influences: +0 traits, 2 wound rifle, yellow card.
  • 14 influences: +1 trait, 2 wound rifle, yellow card.
  • 17 influences: +2 trait, 2 wound rifle, yellow card.
  • 20 influences: +3 trait, 2 wound rifle, red card.

PRIMARY INFLUENCE TYPES: Underworld, Police, Corporate.
Shotguns have a range up to 8 paces, and are able to affect up to two targets in one round. The two targets must be next to each other within a 2 pace range. Shotguns may not be silenced. Shotguns are able to use plus trait ammunition.

  • 6 influences: +0 traits, 1 wound per target shotgun, blue card.
  • 9 influences: +1 trait, 1 wound per target shotgun, blue card.
  • 12 influences: +2 traits, 1 wound per target shotgun, yellow card.
  • 15 influences: +3 traits, 1 wound per target shotgun, yellow card.
  • 26 influences: +0 traits, 2 wounds per target shotgun, yellow card.
  • 29 influences: +1 trait, 2 wounds per target shotgun, yellow card.
  • 32 influences: +2 traits, 2 wounds per target shotgun, yellow card.
  • 35 influences: +3 traits, 2 wounds per target shotgun, red card.

PRIMARY INFLUENCE TYPES: Same as for gun being fitted for silencer.
Silencers are permanently affixed to a gun (that is, the STs write 'silencer' on the gun card and sign it again). They cannot be detached from the gun once affixed. Certain gun types cannot be silenced: most commonly these are shotguns, although special-case items may be found.

  • Silencers cost whatever the original gun cost. So a silencer for a 0t, 1w pistol would cost 1 influence; a silencer for a 3t, 2w rifle would cost 20 influences.

There are three types of ammunition, armor piercing, plus trait and plus wound. Each type may only be used in conjunction with the type of firearm that accepts that type of ammunition. Ammunition is bought in clips of eight bullets. To buy two types of ammunition at the same time, when both types are able to be used by that gun type, add both costs together for the total cost.  In this instance only Ammunition types may stack by adding the amount for both ammunitions together. All ammunition clips are blue cards. An ammunition clip, when bought, will be bought for a specific type of firearm and the clip card will have the type of firearm it is bought for written on the card. Ammunition bought for one type of firearm will not work in another firearm type.


PRIMARY INFLUENCE TYPES: Underworld, Government, Military.
Armor Piercing ammunition causes the wounds inflicted by a firearm to ignore the wound reduction of armor.

  • 10 influences: Ammunition pierces armor, but does not ruin the armor.
  • 15 influences: Ammunition pierces armor, and also checks off one box of the armor per hit.

PRIMARY INFLUENCE TYPES: Underworld, Police, Corporate.
Plus trait ammunition the bid of a firearm attack.

  • 2 influences: +1 trait.
  • 4 influences: +2 traits.
  • 6 influences: +3 traits.
  • 9 influences: +4 traits.
  • 12 influences: +5 traits.
  • 15 influences: +6 traits.

PRIMARY INFLUENCE TYPES: Underworld, Media, Industry.
Use of plus wound ammunition negates the silencer on a firearm.

  • 10 influences: +1 wound.
  • 20 influences: +2 wounds.

PRIMARY INFLUENCE TYPES: Corporate, Underworld, University.
Vampires, ghouls and other enlightened creatures are not affected by tranquilizer ammunition. Tranquilizer ammunition may only be used in handguns or rifles. Successful firearms attack allows a simple test to render the target unconscious, attacker wins on ties.

  • 10 influences: one clip of tranquilizer ammunition.

PRIMARY INFLUENCE TYPES: Street, Police, Military.
Brawl weapons simply allow a way for Brawlers to increase their attack and defense bids.

  • 2 influences: +1 trait, zero wounds added to brawl, blue card.
  • 3 influences: +2 traits, zero wounds added to brawl, blue card.
  • 4 influences: +3 traits, zero wounds added to brawl, blue card.
  • 6 influences: +4 traits, zero wounds added to brawl, blue card.
  • 8 influences: +5 traits, zero wounds added to brawl, blue card.
  • 10 influences: +6 traits, zero wounds added to brawl, blue card.
  • 13 influences: +7 traits, zero wounds added to brawl, yellow card.
  • 16 influences: +8 traits, zero wounds added to brawl, yellow card.
  • 19 influences: +9 traits, zero wounds added to brawl, yellow card.

PRIMARY INFLUENCE TYPES: Street, Industry, Government.
Melee weapons other than stakes can also be used as missile weapons.

  • 1 influences- +0 trait, 1 wound generic melee/melee weapon, blue card.
  • 3 influences- +1 trait, 1 wound generic melee/melee weapon, blue card.
  • 5 influences- +2 trait, 1 wound generic melee/melee weapon, blue card.
  • 5 influences- +3 trait, 1 wound generic melee/melee weapon, yellow card.
  • 7 influences- +0 trait, 2 wound generic melee/melee weapon, yellow card.
  • 8 influences: +4 traits, 1 wound generic missile/melee weapon, yellow card.
  • 10 influences- +1 trait, 2 wound generic melee/melee weapon, yellow card.
  • 12 influences: +5 traits, 1 wound generic missile/melee weapon, red card.
  • 13 influences- +2 trait, 2 wound generic melee/melee weapon, yellow card.
  • 15 influences- +3 trait, 2 wound generic melee/melee weapon, red card.
  • 16 influences: +6 traits, 1 wound generic missile/melee weapon, red card.
  • 18 influences: +4 traits, 2 wound generic missile/melee weapon, red card.
  • 21 influences: +5 traits, 2 wound generic missile/melee weapon, red card.
  • 24 influences: +6 traits, 2 wound generic missile/melee weapon, red card.

PRIMARY INFLUENCE TYPES: Corporate, Street, Occult.
All stakes are blue cards. Stakes cannot be reinforced.

  • 1 influence: +0 traits, 1 wound stake.
  • 4 influences: +1 trait, 1 wound stake.
  • 7 influences: +2 traits, 1 wound stake.
  • 10 influences: +3 traits, 1 wound stake.

PRIMARY INFLUENCE TYPES: Street, Occult, Corporate.
This weapon class allows successful melee attacks to test to be able incapacitate a mortal. On a successful melee attack, the attacker gets a simple/static test (depending on the weapon, see below) to render the victim unconscious. Vampires, ghouls and other enlightened creatures are not affected by these weapons. These weapons are all blue cards.

  • 3 influences: Sap; simple test, attacker loses on ties.
  • 6 influences: Sleeping Gas; static test.
  • 9 influences: Tazer; simple test, attacker wins on ties.

PRIMARY INFLUENCE TYPES: University, Industry, Occult.
Reinforcement Levels: To use Potence 1b, 2a or 3a, a weapon must be reinforced, regardless of wound levels.

  • Potence 1b Reinforcement: 15 influences
  • Potence 2a Reinforcement: 25 influences
  • Potence 3a Reinforcement: 30 influences


  • Cell phone: 1 influence, blue card.
  • Pager: 1 influence, blue card.
  • Deactivating a cell phone or pager: 1 influence.
  • Trenchcoat: 1 influence, yellow card.
  • Voice activated tape recorder: 3 influences, blue card.
  • Video camera: 3 influences, yellow card.
  • Small video camera: 4 influences, blue card.
  • There will be no whisper microphones, white noise generators, grenades (smoke or otherwise), or items that naturally cause aggravated damage (without the use of a ritual).

Media is the primary influence for: deactivating cell phones and pagers, voice activated tape recorders, video cameras, small video cameras, rumor mongering, large Masquerade cover ups, influencing herd or feeding when effectiveness is diminished and influences other influence types when effectiveness is diminished, or the ability to diminish feeding or other influence types.


PRIMARY INFLUENCE TYPES: See Below. The storytellers will determine what constitutes a miniature, minor, major or massive Masquerade Breech.

  • Miniature: Cash or Influences will easily cover up the Breech.
  • Minor: Influences plus Cash will easily cover up the Breech.
  • Major: Use of Media is necessary to cover up the Breech, as well as influences plus cash. If not properly covered up, Herd or other influence types may suffer diminished effectiveness.
  • Massive: As major, but a large amount of influences of various types plus cash and Media influences must be used. If not properly covered up, all influences will suffer diminished effectiveness which must be alleviated by using Media influences. If properly covered up, all influences will suffer a smaller degrading in effectiveness for a short period.


  • For every two influences spent by any character to diminish another character's influence, the victim loses one point off the back end of their spending. Herd cannot be diminished. Both influences lent by that character and influences lent to that character are diminished. The victim cannot have their influences reduced below zero. If an attack occurs during downtime, the victim will get a message that his influences are under attack. If an attack occurs at the game, the victim will be notified as he spends or transfers any influence.
  • Examples:

Bob and Doug (does not matter if they cooperate or are working independently) spend a total of 1 underworld, 3 business, and 10,000$ to diminish Jeriko's influences this month. Bob and Doug have spent 14 points, so Jeriko loses up to 7 points of his spending.

    • If Jeriko only had herd, nothing happens. Bob and Doug have wasted their attack.
    • If Jeriko was lending his 3 underworld (say he has underworld instead of herd) to someone else, that person does not get any influences from Jeriko (that person does not get a message that Jeriko's influences were under attack, they just know that Jeriko didn't give them anything). Bob and Doug wasted 4 points of their attack.
    • If Jeriko was cashing his 3 underworld in, he gets no cash. Bob and Doug wasted 4 points of their attack.
    • If Jeriko was using his 3 underworld and his packmates lent him 17 more (which may have included secondary influences and/or cash) to get firearms, then he loses 7 of them, for a total of 13 influences spent on firearms.
    • If Jeriko was using his 3 underworld to paint his haven, he does not get his haven painted this month, but the haven is not otherwise effected.
    • If Jeriko was using his 5 occult (say he has occult instead of underworld) to do research on ward vs. everyone, he gets no research done this month, but his previous research is not hurt.

For haven information, see the Links section.



  • Information can be retrieved at the game or downtime, going back one month only. There are three targets of an investigation: an influence area, a character, or an action.
    • Investigating an area - choose a single influence area or all influences in general, a ranking from 1 to 3, and spend one influence to investigate that area. The results of this investigation is the character (or characters if there is a tie) that has the most (if ranking 1), second (if ranking 2), or third (if ranking 3) most influences.
    • Investigating a character - choose a character and spend any number of influences to investigate them. If any of the victim's actions cost less than or equal to half of the investigation's cost, the investigator finds out what his actions were.
    • Investigating an action - choose an action and spend any number of influences to investigate it. For all victims that have done such an action AND the victim's actions cost less than or equal to half of the investigation's cost, the investigator finds out most (but not as much as investigating a character) of what that person was trying what and the results of that action.
  • Covering up- anytime any character wants to make an action more difficult to investigate, they may overspend on that particular action (for example, spending 17 on a +3, 2 wound gun means that an investigator must spend at least 34 to find that fact).
  • Framing- there is no way currently to frame someone.
  • Examples:
    • Vincent the Ventrue wants to know what Tammy the Tremere is up to. Vincent spends 6 influences to investigate her. Tammy happens to have given 1 herd to Todd, 2 occult to research ward vs. spirit, and 3 underworld to get a big gun. Since 6 is two times all of the actions Tammy has done, Vincent finds out exactly what she was doing and the results of each action (gave 1 herd to Todd, 2 occult to research ward vs. spirit, and 3 underworld for layaway on a +3, 2 gun). Note that Vinnie does not find out what Todd did with the herd or how close Tammy is to getting the ritual or gun.
    • Vincent is flush with success, so wants to find out who has been buying any guns anywhere. He spends 20. Bob spent 4 to buy a +3, 2 wound gun; Chuck spent 5 to buy a +0, 2 wound gun; and Dave spent 15 to buy a +3, 2 wound gun. Since 20 is more than two times 4 and 5 but not 15, Vinnie finds out that Bob and Chuck are buying guns. Note that Vinnie does not find out that Dave was buying a gun, nor does he find out what kind of gun or how close they are.


  • Research Points = ((researcher's occult ability / 3 ) + 1 + (1 if researcher is Tremere, 0 otherwise)) * influences spent.
  • Ritual research can only be performed during downtime.
  • The researcher does not need occult ability to do research, though it helps. Researchers cannot collaborate but influences may come from anyone.
  • The desired ritual must be specified.
  • When enough research points for a particular ritual is acquired, then those cards should be taken to the influence desk. The character learning the ritual must have enough occult ability or thaumaturgy and then spend the XP for the ritual. The research points are then destroyed (the cards are taken by the STs). That character may then teach the ritual per the main rules.
  • Research points needed to learn a basic ritual that is already in the rules: 100.
  • Research points needed to learn an advanced ritual that is already in the rules: 150.
  • Research points needed to learn a basic ritual that is not in the rules: 300.
  • Research points needed to learn an advanced ritual that is not in the rules: 450.
  • Examples:
    • A Tremere with 8 occult ability, 3 occult influences, and 5 other influences does research toward apport object. Research points = ( ( 8/3 ) + 1 + 1 ) * 6 = 30. Note that at least 50% of the influences spent must be occult, so only three of the five other influences can be used for research. At this rate, it will take that researcher 4 months to accumulate 100 points for apport object.
    • A caitiff with no occult ability, 5 occult influences, 1 other influence, and spending 4000$ does research toward deflection. Research points = ( ( 0/3 ) + 1 + 0 ) * 10 = 10. At this rate, it will take that researcher 10 months to accumulate 100 points for deflection.

As a downtime action, a character may spend 15 influences of any one type and $5000 to create a business unit. A business unit (hereafter BU) may be purchased with a layaway card. BU's may be used as influences both at the game and during downtime (except as per exceptions, see below). Exceptions: BU's do not add to hiding or searching for havens, do not count towards a hundred point cap, can be transferred permanently. BU's are also able to create business units, but must be of the same type.

  • Transfers of Business Units - A BU can only be transferred between characters over downtime. A character cannot be forced to transfer a BU by such methods as Dominate. A transfer may be requested or required by a pure blood bond, but not a shared blood bond.
  • Current Policies Concerning Business Units - BU's may not be attacked or destroyed currently. Rules for such occurrences will be considered for future rules additions. Posthumous wills will not be considered currently.
  • Auction - An auction will take place as scheduled by the storytellers. It will allow characters, both player characters and non-player characters, to bid on unique, strange or mundane items. Player characters or non-player characters may offer items up for auction.



  • 1998/12/06: v1.0 beta 1: First version.
  • 1998/12/09: v2.0: Added haven references.
  • 1999/07/26: v2.1: Changed primary categories, added time cost, ritual research, attacks, and investigation.
  • 2000/03/24: v2.2: Added influence area investigation.
  • 2004/01/06: v2.3: Added new item types, new items in existing types, and support for new influence types.
  • 2004/03/20: v2.4: Added new influence types, new items and item types.
  • 2004/05/11: v2.5: Added new influence types, new designations for primary influences.
  • 2004/07/26: v2.6: Changes to ammunition clips and stacking ammunition.


Elysium Nights Theater Ritual Rules: v2.3 07/12/2000

Comments are welcome.


  • There are two levels of rituals: basic and advanced.
  • Character must have at least basic Thaumaturgy or 3 occult abilities to use or teach basic rituals.
  • Characters must have advanced Thaumaturgy or 6 occult abilities to use or teach advanced rituals.
  • Rituals may not be bought with freebies; they may only be bought with XP. Rituals cost double if bought at character creation and the character is not Tremere. They can be bought in one of four ways: Tremere characters pick one free common basic at character creation; any number of common basic or common advanced may be bought with XP at character creation; one common or restricted (either basic or advanced) may be learned in-game from another character per month; or any number of restricted (either basic or advanced) may be researched from scratch. See the New Rituals section for information on research and the distinction between common and restricted.
  • Rituals last until discharged, the caster dies, or the caster chooses to deactivate it. However, while that specific ritual is active, it cannot be cast again by that character. Characters may buy multiple copies of any ritual and make each copy of the ritual active. The same type of rituals may not be stacked on objects or characters. Rituals may be cast on others unless specifically prohibited.
  • Example of multiple rituals: Bob can buy two "deflections" for 1 XP each for a total of 2 XP - He cannot cast both on himself, but he can cast one on himself and one on a friend. After those two are active, he may not cast any more deflections.
  • Unless otherwise specified, basics and advanceds cost 1 blood from the caster and may be cast on any willing person, basics take 5 minutes, and advanced take 10 minutes.
  • Rituals may not be cast while using influences, hunting, projecting, obfuscating, staked, or in torpor, but may be cast "in plain sight" without others knowing that a ritual is being cast (caster would not be able to talk or move around during casting).
  • In order for a character to recognize a ritual being cast on them or used on them, the victim must have the ritual or have 3 occult ability (if the ritual is basic) or 6 occult ability (if the ritual is advanced).
  • Whenever any character has a ritual cast on them, the receiving character should have a 3x5 card with the ritual name, who cast it, and when it was cast. The casting character should have another 3x5 card in their folder noting the ritual name, who it was cast on, when it was cast, its expiration date (if any), and any important details (such as if the caster placed a different ritual on the receiver or which characters are immune to a ward). Several rituals can be represented by the same card. If items have rituals on them, that should be noted on the item card.

New Rituals:
Rituals go through a four step life cycle: approval, research, restricted use, and common use.

  • Approval: The first step is out of game. A player can suggest a ritual to the Storytellers. The STs will decide if the ritual is workable, balanced, and reasonable, and will notify that player of that decision. This may take several days to a month. If the ritual is approved, it is that player's choice if the ritual should be published in the ritual list (this document) and marked as "approved on MM/YYYY". It does not have to be published at this time - it may be kept private by the STs and the suggesting player. If an approved ritual does not move to the second and third steps in a reasonable time, it will be removed from the ritual list (if it is in the list) and will need to be reapproved by the STs.
  • Research: The second step is for a character to research the ritual. Researching a new (or restricted) ritual costs more effort than researching a common ritual.
  • Restricted Use: The third step is for a character with the appropriate research to learn the ritual. Once any ritual is learned by a character, the ritual must be published in the ritual list and noted as "restricted use on MM/YYYY, common use on MM/YYYY". The first date is the date that a character learned it and the second date is six months after the first date. During this step, the character with the ritual can teach it to another character.
  • Common Use: The fourth step occurs six months after the ritual has been learned by a character, at which point it is considered common knowledge. Any notes about being approved/researched are removed. Note that if a ritual does not have any notes about being approved/researched, it is considered common.

-- See the influence appendix on ritual research for more details on ritual research.

Basic Rituals:

  • Apport Object: Activating this ritual counts as an instant action and immediately brings that enchanted object to the caster's hand / immediate presence (caster's choice). Cast on a handheld item. The item cannot contain more than five points of blood. Duration: until triggered.
  • Aura Wash: Upon casting this ritual, any black veins in caster's aura are masked. Any tester using Auspex 1b (or its equivalent) to look for diablerie veins in the caster will get a "no black veins" result. Cost: one blood of caster, one willpower of caster, and 5 minutes. Duration: until next sunrise.
  • Blood Taint: Makes the user's blood completely undrinkable by anyone else. Duration: one month.
  • Blood Step: When triggered, this ritual gives the recipient an additional 8 paces of movement (which cannot be modified) usable during the normal movement phase of that round. It is triggered during the instant action phase. Duration: until triggered.
  • Ritual of the Braveheart: Once cast, the recipient receives a bonus of +3 physical traits in their next combat. Duration: until next sunrise or the end of recipient's next combat.
  • Contagion: A single point of the target's blood added to any other blood will instantly convert all the mixed blood to the target's blood. Duration: one month.
  • Deflection: The first successful staking attempt (successful melee and then successful stake test) discharges this ritual and turns the stake into dust. The stake target takes no damage from the stake and is not staked. Duration: until triggered.
  • Donning The Mask Of Shadows: Renders the target invisible as per Obfuscate 1a; the target's obfuscate bid is the target's mental traits + subterfuge ability + level of obfuscate. Duration: until recipient becomes visible for any reason. Not active on a Possessor/Projector's true body unless the spirit is also present.
  • Monomancy: Temporarily cancels any blood bonds among the participants. Cast on any number of willing participants. Duration: 10 minutes or a scene, whichever is longer.
  • Scan: The caster will be aware what people and items in that area have active rituals on them, but not what ritual, the strength of the ritual, or how many rituals are active. If the person or item is obfuscated, the caster knows that there are at obfuscated targets, but not how many or where they are. Maximum size of scanned area is a 4 pace radius circle, and the area may be anywhere within the caster's line of sight. Cast on an area. Duration: instant - when ritual is complete, caster gets information.
  • Spontaneous Combustion: If the target enters torpor, the target bursts into flames, killing her and reducing her body and all possessions to ash. Duration: one month.
  • Vessel of Transference: One point of blood is transferred from an object to the victim and vice versa. The first person who has skin contact with this item triggers the transfer. Cast on an item capable of holding one pint of fluid. Cost: one point of blood of the caster and one point of blood to be transferred and 5 minutes. Duration: until triggered.

Advanced Rituals:

  • Abandon Fetters: Allows breaking of both pure and shared blood bonds. Cost: 30 minutes, one permanent physical trait from the target, and a blood point from each person whose bond is to be broken (either one point of blood from the regnant, in the case of a pure bond; or one point of blood from one, some, or all of the donors, in the case of a shared bond).
  • Apport Person: The caster may activate this ritual as an instant action and brings that person to the caster's immediate presence. If the apported person is in combat when this ritual is triggered, the person is not apported until the combat is over. The apported person is considered in total surprise for the remainder of that round, then not surprised the round after. Cost: one hour and one blood of caster. Duration: one month.
  • Bitter Rose: Allows shared diablerie. Each person taking part in this ritual makes a single test: win: the tester drops a generation (if the victim is of lower generation than the tester ); tie: no effect; loss: this tester may never benefit from this ritual again. After completion, the victim turns to ash. Cast on up to six willing persons. Cost: 30 minutes and requires a torpored or staked kindred victim.
  • Enhanced Blood Taint: Makes the user's blood completely undrinkable by anyone else and completely immune to vessel (basic and enhanced). Cost: one blood of caster and 10 minutes. Duration: one month.
  • Enhanced Deflection: The first successful staking attempt (successful melee and then successful stake test) discharges this ritual and turns the stake into dust. The stake target takes no damage from the stake and is not staked. May be used with the basic ritual Deflection (in which case if a stake attempt is successful, the basic ritual is triggered first - the advanced version is triggered on second successful staking attempt). Duration: until triggered.
  • Enhanced Vessel of Transference: One point of blood is transferred from an object to the victim and vice versa. The first person other than the caster who has any physical contact with this item triggers the transfer. Upon triggering, a ST will fill in a "stored blood" card. Cast on an item capable of holding one pint of fluid. May be used with the basic ritual Vessel (in which case, the item must be capable of holding two pints of fluid and after triggering both vessels the item has two points of the victim's blood. If only one of the rituals is triggered, the item has one point of the victim's blood. The two original points and the other ritual are destroyed). Cost: one blood of caster, one blood contained by the item, and 10 minutes. Duration: until triggered.
  • Force Of Will: The next time the user spends a willpower (including under total surprise), the ritual fades instead of losing a willpower. Cast on self only. Cost: one blood of caster, one willpower of caster, and 10 minutes. Duration: until triggered.
  • Pavis Animalism: The target may choose to win one Animalism test initiated by someone else; if the test was Animalism 1a or 2a, it is reflected at the caster at the same bid (play rock paper scissors until one party wins). After that test is reflected / won, the ritual is over. Duration: until triggered.
  • Pavis Presence: The target may choose to win one Presence test initiated by someone else; if the test was Presence 1a or 1b, it is reflected at the caster at the same bid (play rock paper scissors until one party wins). After that test is reflected / won, the ritual is over. Duration: until triggered.
  • Ritual of Transference: This ritual allows the recipient to transfer one ritual that they have on them (not on an item) to another person that is either willing, staked, or in torpor. To activate the ritual, the recipient must touch the victim (either through roleplay, use of a power that causes a touch, or a successful brawl test) and spend 1 willpower. Duration: one month or until triggered.
  • Sanctuary: All offensive challenges initiated while in an area affected by this ritual will be at half traits. All defensive bids will be at full traits. The caster is not immune to this halving. The volume affected by this ritual may be irregular, but must be a small room or within a 3 pace radius sphere. All enlightened creatures entering an area affected by this ritual will understand its consequences immediately. Sanctuary is not considered a ward for stacking purposes. Cost: one blood of caster and must be cast during downtime.
  • Ward vs. Kindred - Area: Any kindred who enters the warded area except for the caster plus anyone else who contributes blood during the casting takes 3 aggravated wounds. The volume affected by this ritual may be irregular, but it must be within a 20 pace radius sphere. Any kindred will feel they are about to take damage, and may choose not to enter the warded area, if possible. If this ritual is cast too close (within 4 paces) of an existing ward, the new ward casting fails. Cast on an area. Cost: one blood of caster, one blood from anyone "excluded" from the effect, and must be cast during downtime.
  • Ward vs. Kindred - Weapon: Any kindred who is hit with the item except for the caster plus anyone else who contributes blood during the casting has one wound level of per hit is converted to aggravated. Only one warded item may be used by an attacker at a time, and this damage may not stack in any way with wolf claws or hand of flame. Cast on an item. Cost: one blood of caster, one blood from anyone "excluded" from the effect, and must be cast during downtime.
  • Ward vs. Spirit - Area: Anyone in spirit form (telepath, projector, Possessor, or umbral) who enters the warded area except for the caster plus anyone else who contributes blood during the casting is stopped (forcing the Telepath or Possessor out of the host body; the projector is simply stopped from entering the area). If this ritual is cast too close (within 4 paces) of an existing ward, the new ward casting fails. Cast on an area. Cost: one blood of caster, one blood from anyone "excluded" from the effect, and must be cast during downtime. The volume affected by this ritual may be irregular, but it must be within a 20 pace radius sphere. Anyone affected by this ward will feel they are about to be stopped / thrown out, and may choose not to enter the warded area, if possible.

-- Haven appendix: www.geocities.com/Arrea5551/Starship/6060/havens.html
-- Influence appendix: www.geocities.coom/AAArea51/Starship/6060/infl.html
-- Ritual appendix: www.geocities.com/AAreaaa51/Starship/6060/rituals.html
-- Elysium Nights Theater General: www..geoocities.com/TimesSquare/Chamber/9515/
-- Elysium Nights Theater Rules: www.geeociiities.com/Area51/Starship/6060/
-- Subscribe to the Elysium Nights Theater In-Game email list: www.egroups.com/subscribe.cgi/ent-ig
-- Subscribe to the Elysium Nights Theater Out-Of-Game email list: www.egroups.com/subscribe.cgi/ent-oog
-- Send mail to the Elysium Nights Theater Storytellers: mailto:ent-st@egroups.com

-- 1998/07/24: v0.1: First version. -- Variious updates.
-- 2000/07/12: v2.3: Minor changes, typos ffixed. Moved rituals to separate section.