Prince Joshan's Homepage

Prince Joshan's Homepage

Song Playing Now: "Surfing With The Alien"

My name is Prince Joshan. I come from the planet Romanis.I am chief of my tribe (Wizarian/Maginta).I am half-Human and half-Romani. My father was Romani and my mother is Human. My people are a new alien race from the Omega Zed Quadrant (which at this time is unknown and uncharted by humans).

You ask me how am I half-Human when no humans have visited our planet before? It's because of father has visited yor planet before, in the year 1999. And fell in love with a human female which he took as his mate.

We wanted to intergrate a new species/race into our society, so our father chose humans. We have tried other species, but their DNA structure does not work well with ours. So far, only human DNA works. Romani may look human, but we're not. Only My brothers and I are human-looking. We have ears, Romani people do not. My bothers names are (Crown Prince Davon,prince Abreem, Prince Moshu and Prince Levion).


My tribal color is blue, our ability is magic. We consider ourselves to be wizards, magicians and/or warlocks (whichever you prefer). My tribal symbol is the pentagram. My brother Moshu is currently in SpaceCorps. He is have a hard time passing his courses. When he graduates he wants to become a fighter pilot somewhere in the Kendra Sector ( another place humans haven't been).

My brothers and I have three distinct attributes that se us apart from all other Romani people. See list below for reference.


  1. We have royal markings on the bridge of our noses.
  2. We have brown hair like our mother (unlike the rest of the Romani people who have hair that matches their tribal color).
  3. We have ears (like I said before). Romani have small holes on the sides f their heads.

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