So, you came here to learn more about me?  Well, okay then.  Let's see, where to begin...
My birthday is March 15th (the Ides of March), therefore I'm a Pisces, which is very fitting, considering my element is water... gee, I'm being repetitive
When I was in fourth grade, I got accepted into this S.A.I.L. (student-centered academic interdiscaplinary lab) program and stayed in it for all of fourth grade, and when it came time for 5th, I terribly despised the new teacher (the feeling was mutual) and so I went back to my old school.  Until fourth grade, I'd always had a 4.0 GPA.  It went downhill from there....
I think the only good thing I got out of that year of torture was my very best friend, Karin.  We've known each other for almost 8 years now and never actually had a fight.  I mean, yeah, we've argued (who hasn't?) but we know when to just drop the issue until one of us gets an actual fact to prove our side, or we just leave that subject alone. Never even got short with eachother, as far as I can remember.
Anyway, the first two years of middle school were awesome and I LOVED it... but 8th grade was hell.  I had moved here to (*shudder*) Longmont and everyone was so different (not the good different) and I didn't really fit in. Well, let's put it like this: everyone knows each other becuase they all grew up in this hellhole, and they've all got their screwed up little lives and for entertainement  Drugs, alcohol and sex.  It's like, you get so damned bored, that life turns into one giant, fucked up soap opera. The year was okay socially, though... well, somewhat.  I was (ack, this always sounds terrible) one of the most popular chicks in 8th grade, and not for money or looks, mind you.  I guess it's because I don't stereotype and so I give everyone a chance and I'm not afraid to be myself.  In fact, I think I became even stranger that year.  Everyone could identify my backpack because of my patches, the white-out writing all over the straps and back, and mostly because of my 30 some-what keychains so people always knew if I was coming.
Like I said on the main page, I
love animals.  In fact, I like them more than people.  I'm not of the human race, just to tell you.  I believe in all the old races like Dragons, Elves, Faires, Unicorns, etc.  And I think some people, my sister and I for example, we aren't really human.  I know I'm not.  Some nights I'll wake up and frown because I'm not in my den or cave, then I think, 'Oh yes, I've been raised as human.  How drab.'  I may sound crazy, but trust me, it makes sense.  And one thing to say is that if you think I'm crazy and stupid, then you probably aren't my friend, and why the hell are you looking at my webpage?!?
Hmm... what else to say about me... well, I don't know.  I have a problem with relationships because of what one jerk did to me (amongst many the bad choices and other fucked up, stupid things).  I've also got a major self-confidence problem, thanks to him (and some others, who shall remain nameless).  Who would have thought one boy (who I dated for 9 months...) could do so much damage?  Well, he's left behind (along with my best friends) and maybe I can start repairing myself.
Geez, everything in my life is depressing!  Aaaaaaaaaaaah!  Well, at least I'm not a shallow, concieted prep!  I refuse to be a prep, even though they're sucking me into their deep, dark hole with no way out.  Maybe I can kill them all and stack up their bodies to get out before I hit bottom?  Nah... that's just wishful thinking, I guess.
Anyways, if you have any more questions,
e-mail me.
~*~Adopted Things~*~
^ Faith, my hippie.  Click on her to adopt your own hippie!
Oz, my rhino.
I've adopted each of these fairies.  Please don't pilfer these from my page, instead, click on one and go choose from a much larger variety and adopt your own!  And if you don't the faires will know and they'll come in your sleep and hide your keys amongst your upholstered furniture and never again will you be able to find socks that match!  Mwa hah hah hah!