Not in My Back Yard, Brooklyn Style!

We welcome the imminent arrival of a new group home for the developmentally challenged in the Gerritsen Beach/Marine Park area of Brooklyn, and applaud the approval vote of Community Board 15.

We do, however, have a few choice words for bigoted residents who tried to prevent the approval with moronic logic such as the statement that the home's residents might fall into one neighbor's recently-installed swimming pool, or that children might be at risk because one of the home's resident's might "grab them... just playing."

Instead, area residents might want to focus on real area problems that pose a danger to them and the future residents of the home such as:

*A nearby 24-hour store which reportedly has been selling beer to minors, no questions asked.

*Purported crack dealing along Nostrand Avenue.

*Harrassment of area residents by Gerritsen Beach youth because of disability and rumored sexuality.

*Vandalizing the area parks.

*Reports of animal abuse and pet kidnappings.

*Chaotic traffic conditions along the stretch between Avenue U, Gerritsen Avenue, and Knapp Street.

And other choice items which demonstrate that the GB/MP residents who complained about the group home have very skewered priorities.

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