Welcome to our Guestbook! Share thoughts, opinions, and ideas about this developing page with us. Spew some venom, if you are so inclined. This is the "no-rebuttal" zone.

mike cox - 12/30/99 19:56:47
My Email:mikecx3@juno.com
Favorite book: pillars of the Earth
Favorite movie: life of brian(monty python)
Favorite TV show: sopranos
Are you worried about Y2K?: somewhat
Are you worried about the third millenium?: no
happy holiday and have a good year

master - 11/02/99 13:12:30
My URL:http://www1.50megs.com/krystabal
My Email:coveredcal@aol.com
Favorite book: bible
Favorite movie: omega code
Favorite TV show: tbn
Are you worried about Y2K?: no i dont worry
Are you worried about the third millenium?: i said i dont worry
u are the anti-christ and i have followed u from hell and back...and now i have u.u cant hide.

Michelle McClellan - 07/14/99 18:25:44
My URL:http://www.icq.com/17144811
My Email:mammataz@yahoo.com
Favorite book: any Steven King
Favorite movie: Titanic
Favorite TV show: Highlander
Are you worried about Y2K?: HELL NO
Are you worried about the third millenium?: see above
just passing through! :)

Steve - 07/12/99 02:58:18
My URL:/Hollywood/Trailer/7885
My Email:stevejd@hotcoco.infi.net
Favorite book: War and Peace
Favorite movie: Star Wars
Favorite TV show: Star Trek
Are you worried about Y2K?: no
Are you worried about the third millenium?: no
Thanks for visiting my site, and for your intelligent comments.

kurtz - 06/10/99 05:10:15
My URL:http://listen.to/lts
My Email:kurtz999@hotmail.com
Favorite book: Dune
Favorite movie: The Crow
Favorite TV show: X-files
Are you worried about Y2K?: fuck it
Are you worried about the third millenium?: nope
Your comments on Manson are wrong. He usually never mentions the whole "minister" thing, it is media that brings it up. Interesting page. However, your fight is useless. The evil your against which seems to be art is purely a reflection of the world. The world is evil. Keep up your fight, I'll keep it real. Late

- 06/08/99 17:40:12
My Email:satan@hell.com

HeartinHand - 05/03/99 21:58:35
My Email:Heartinhand55@hotmail.com
Favorite movie: Flashdance
Favorite TV show: Touched by an Angel
Hi there Bullstuff! Just thought I would stop in and sign your guestbook. Now, back to my Stitchin'!! have a great day, Heart

XDMCX - 03/23/99 19:50:21
My URL:http://www.erols.com/dbabeindc
My Email:dbabeindc@hotmail.com
Favorite book: "Who's Afraid Of The Religious Right?" by Don Feder
Favorite movie: Braveheart
Favorite TV show: Millennium
Are you worried about Y2K?: Somewhat - got my candles, batteries, and canned goods ready just in case :-)
Are you worried about the third millenium?: No
So, who are the Yahoo "Baddies" anyway?

the Maniac & the 2 cats who own & operate him - 03/22/99 07:24:00
My URL:http://RunesofAo.com
My Email:GB@RunesofAo.com
Favorite book: Dunes
Favorite movie: Jesus of Nazareth
Favorite TV show: Star Trek [all of them]
Are you worried about Y2K?: No
Are you worried about the third millenium?: No
Excellent website. It is bright, funny, and entertaining. Each web page is well done. We even like the bright coolers. It lights up my room. hehe... We are NY Rangers fans too. We hope you meant hockey not yucky baseball. Thanks for the visit.

Gary - 01/15/99 20:12:02
My Email:rjvk69a@prodigy.com
Favorite book: Slaughterhouse 5
Favorite movie: The Man Who Would Be King
Favorite TV show: King of The Hill
Are you worried about Y2K?: It may turn out to a bank error in my favor.
Are you worried about the third millenium?: Why start now? We have a thousand years to solve the problem.
Thanks for the warning about the nudity.

Bob - 01/14/99 19:24:18
My Email:bobbinhook@hotmail.com
Favorite book: "The Stand"
Favorite movie: "A Clockwork Orange"
Favorite TV show: "The Simpsons"
Are you worried about Y2K?: Sometimes, but I think rural areas will have the big problems.
Are you worried about the third millenium?: Only if I were to see Frank Black.
Nifty page! Loud colors, but it holds your attention!

Mike - 01/05/99 11:42:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~mag_lite
My Email:mag_lite@geocities.com
Favorite book: Too many to pick one
Favorite movie: Another tough call for one
Favorite TV show: X-files
Are you worried about Y2K?: No
Are you worried about the third millenium?: Nope Be dead by then
Interesting site.

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