In the tradition of vicarious Nazi genocide as depicted in the film "Apt Pupil", a new breed of scum walks the streets of Gerritsen Beach, and it's feeding local stray cats.
Not milk-- anti-freeze.
The situation was revealed in the current "Bay News" and has residents worried for the strays and for their own pets whom are often allowed to roam, sometimes without collars.
Area merchants are unhappy with street corners becoming hangouts in recent months, with groups of kids-- mostly high school age-- wandering from one end of the GB neighborhood to another. Their harassment of passersby is almost constant, according to one resident, and merchants fear that the youths are scaring off customers, especially from nearby neighborhoods. There have also been periodic brush fires deliberately set within the wildlife area running along the Gerritsen Creek shoreline, and a vandalism problem has been rampant in recent months. Drug use, especially marijuana smoked openly, has been observed by some.
Although this activity in itself is hardly unique to the Gerritsen Beach area, or other neighborhoods for that matter, the recent shocking events involving the stray cats has added a chilling dimension to what would normally be an everyday social problem. Possums roaming the park area have also fallen innocent victims to the wrath of area youth, though some residents feel that the possums' large rodent-like appearance makes them the target of ignorance rather than gleeful maliciousness.
With cats, however, the matter is entirely different. People know and understand what cats are. Cats have not been suddenly brought into New York City and Long Island parks from down south to combat the rat population and have an eerie, alien appearance to locals. The attempts to kill the cats are purely based on the sick motives of a couple of disturbed young individuals.
We ask anyone in the Gerritsen Beach area who might have some knowledge of such individuals-- something said, something overheard-- to contact the 61st Precinct (718-627-6611) immediately, or contact any branch of the ASPCA.
It's not too farfetched to point out that a classic youthful pattern for future serial and spree killers is tormenting and/or killing small animals, especially pets and strays. The quicker these troubled individuals are found, the faster they will get the help they desperately need.
The cat poisonings are apparently not restricted to area youth, but are also being carried out by some adult "local yokels" who are using anti-freeze in lieu of wells to toss the cats down.
A wake up call to these pathetic folks, some of whom are on their "last legs": killing animals is illegal, punishable by heavy fines and even jail time of up to two years. The more religiously-inclined would tell these backwards sadists something about final judgements and eternal punishment for harming God's innocent creatures, but we're not theologically inclined (though in the case of these GB cretins, we hope there's truth to these stories).
If these acts by very disturbed Gerritsen Beach residents trouble you, contact GB Property Owners' Association President Ann Dietrich at Community Board 15 Offices, 718-332-3008.
And Response from the Yahoo Message Boards...
From Cats To Bigger Game by: Bel_Gazou 02/10/01 04:09 pm ESTMsg: 245 of 251
A lot of serial killers (and other homicidal types) start out while they are still children, torturing and killing small animals. Anyone who enjoys watching the pain and suffering of a living thing while they torture it, is just a hairsbreadth from doing the same to"bigger game". They enjoy the control that they have over another and enjoy watching their anguish.
Watch out when these psychopaths get "bored" with mere, insignificant animals and move up the food chain to something "more exiting".
Considering the posible "nazi orientation", of these nuts, they probably will go after whoever and whatever is not exactly like themselves (unlike serial killers who usually stay at least in their own racial group.). They're likely to go after minority groups, gays, people of different religions (or firebombing churches, synagogues, mosques) ect.. They are a time bomb just waiting to explode.
Re: From Cats To Bigger Game by: pipi_longstockingss (F/Villa Villekulla) 02/10/01 07:03 pm ESTMsg: 246 of 251
there is a cult around these parts (other coast) that do this type of thing. they are gutting the cats and leaving the remains to be found by the pet owners. it's a cult, gang, or whatever you want to call it that's responsible and it is kids. what might happen as these kids grow up, is frightening to say the least.
Re: From Cats To Bigger Game, pt. 1 by: beachballbuster (49/M/Brooklyn, NY) 02/11/01 02:54 am ESTMsg: 247 of 251
What is amazing is the fact that the local precinct commander deemed Gerritsen Beach to be a "safe" area, which to me is on a par with the FBI designating organized Satanic groups as "harmless". Sure, maybe the "legit" Satanists don't engage in human sacrifice, but their sociopathic manipulations to achieve their wretched goal of "self-godhood" (termed "lesser magic") has caused families to be torn apart, castigation of innocent individuals, and, in some extreme cases, suicide-- all through the use of gossip, rumor, heresay, and innuendo. (As detailed in books written by Anton Szandor LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan, especially "The Satanic Witch", a vile textbook on the art of using charisma and deception to ruin others while obtaining personal deification.)
In "safe" Gerritsen Beach, the same is often done by these "all-American good Christians", and one is safe unless one is gay (or thought to be), or is an "unauthorized" person of color after dark, or has displeased the "ruling elite" (property owners) by not obeying their wishes in the way of accepting a chosen mate or following a chosen career path. In other words, now that firebombing has been discontinued because of the last incident in the early 90s, when the media was all over it, the wagging tongue, always a staple of Gerritsen Beach, has become the key weapon in the arsenal to drive out "undesirables".
Actually, this is a fairly common phenomenom in small towns and semi-isolated peninsula/ city island communities like Gerritsen Beach. (A pretty good depiction of failed social manipulation to cover up a death can be seen in the film "River's Edge", which is based on an actual incident in an isolated Baltimore peninsula community on the Chesapeake; the setting seems so backwoods rural that the viewer is stunned to learn it's part of an urban area.)
Re: From Cats To Bigger Game, pt. 2 by: beachballbuster (49/M/Brooklyn, NY) 02/11/01 03:40 am ESTMsg: 248 of 251
While I drew a comparison to Satanic techniques and the behavior of some Gerritsen Beach residents in part 1 (a troublesome minority who have more intra-neighborhood influence than they should), it must be understood that the acts of a few tongue-waggers, racist morons and sickos should not be seen as some kind of diabolical cult, but merely ignorance, emotional disturbances, and stupidity. There have been rumors of cults for years (mostly cults of personalities in my book), and at least one Gerritsen Beach resident who works for the FDNY (!) was under close scrutiny by ASPCA investigators for alleged killing of cats and opposums for diabolical purposes. (I'm not in agreement will his purported alliegances because of the lack of any hard evidence about that, but I found several sources who stated that they either caught him trying to trap cats he knew were not strays, and one who stopped him in the act of killing a cat; therefore I must ascribe these horrid acts to unchecked sadism.)
I even checked out a spot in the wild "backweeds" area running alongside Gerritsen Beach (actually part of Gateway National Park) that I was told was a ritual area, but what I found was a well-constructed circular site made with carefully-placed stones with what seemed to be a well in the middle meant for fire used in ceremonies. However, it could not have been Satanic-- the "alter" was facing East, not West. Wiccan perhaps, or Druid, though I doubt either cults were using it at that time (1998), because the fresh trash and damage to trees nearby suggested the site had been abandoned recently as neither group commit crimes against nature by littering and vandalizing trees. (And of course, neither group engages in animal sacrifice.) More likely, this was a small "rave" party area built in this fashion to spook off the curious.
However, the cult theory cannot be abandoned-- this area is part of the Long Island geography, and Long Island has had its share of cult and ritual problems, including "lunatic-fringe" Satan groups which engage in animal (and human) sacrifice, and often have no "formal" ritual site. So vigilance is still required.
Re:Red Iron to Irn'Bong & red_iron_wldr433 (66/M/Midwest) 02/11/01 02:50 pm ESTMsg: 249 of 251
Our squeeky clean, scrubby Dutch area here in north-central-western Illinois (there's no 'noise'in Illinois)is 99% white, mostly German, family owned homes who take great pride in maintaining their homes and property. That,in it's self, discourages "diversity".It's not that we are "racist" or "prejudiced". We love our neighborhood the way it is and has been these past 100 years or so.Anyone that CAN'T understand that, in my opinion, has a problem. And, it's NOT us!
Quick "cat story". As a boy of about 11, a friend and I had been roaming allys collecting soda pop bottles for deposit. 1/2 a cent each.Our conversation was about what "goodies" we'd be able to buy at a local "Mom'n Pop" delicatessen operated by Polish immigrents who barely spoke english. We saw 2 boys in an old woman's backyard. They had tied 2 cat's tails together, hung them over a clothes line and was gleefully watching the cats go crazy as the old woman looked helplessly out her kitchen window. Terrible scene. The tormenters were about 13 or 14, onry looking characters. We ran to the house directly across the ally, banged loudly on the screen door and told the owner/resident, an old man with a cane what was going on. He hurried across the ally waving his cane at the teenagers. They started running, shouting back at my friend and I that they would "get us" for telling. Several other adults appeared and it was a hell of a job getting those poor frantic cats off that line and untied. The cat saviors got more than a few bites and scratches.
I had nightmares about that scene for over 20 years. In fact, still vividly recall the horror of it and wonder how could any human being be so cruel and inhumane.
That happen in St. Louis, Mo., near west end, east of Taylor and Enright. Guess it must of been the summer of '45. Old Hodimont streetcar ran east and west nearby and the Missouri Baptist Hospital. That area later succumb to infiltering, invading "minority diversity". By 1958 it resembled a war zone with boarded up stores and nice old buildings reduced to slums. So sad. It was so nice, really, in those olden days. No, I don't know what ever happen to those boys. We had never seen them before. I guess that was the beginning of the end. Yes, those human animals were white.
Strange Tales & Stranger People by: Bel_Gazou 02/11/01 04:37 pm ESTMsg: 250 of 251
These kid's isolation from people different from themselves no doubt feeds their paranoia and fear of the "other". It's a common enough occurance in homogeneous, isolated communities. But this is not a merely a tale of bored, isolated, working class youth.
The sadistic fireman is especially worrisome. He is supposed to be saving lives but the occupation that he is is in also gives him the opportunity to cause some real damage. Since it is well known who he is and what he may be doing, I imagine that he is under scutiny by the local fire department as well (hopefully).
Any way you slice it, that there is one strange community. (It reminds me of the stories about the caesars of ancient Rome. Their insane, sadistic behavior was thought to be a combination of brain damage bought on by drinking water carried by lead pipes from the aquaducts, drinking out of lead goblets and inbreeding between the families.) What do you suppose is the essential problem at Gerritsen Beach?
Re: Strange Tales & Stranger People by: beachballbuster (49/M/Brooklyn, NY) 02/11/01 05:58 pm ESTMsg: 251 of 251
Gerritsen Beach is notorious for the populace's huge drinking habits. However, the rampant multi-generational drug use is even more serious, especially because the GB powers-that-be are in denial about it, despite the crack delivery service from the nearby projects. Additionally, some of the parents of wild teens are apparently encouraging their kids to carry on with a tradition of reckless, destructive, and bullying and racist behavior that they carried out when they were the same age. Not merely apathy-- it is yokel mentality. These moronic adults even seem to encourage their offspring to carry on with petty and childish harassment and vendettas against persons whom the parents disliked when they were teenagers. It's almost like a Hatfield-McCoy feud sans rifles and shotguns.
I believe that this predominantly Democratic neighborhood, with its violation of individuals' rights, its destruction of Federal property, its cruelty aimed at animals, its history of racism, its encouragement of children to behave criminally, and its inability to address and manage very real and dangerous narcotics problems that are confronted and effectively dealt with in many inner-city neighborhoods, needs to be investigated at the Federal level, especially since the local precincts seem to ignore these goings-on in an effort to keep their quality-of-life stats low and score points with the higher command and mayor.
by: Bel_Gazou 02/17/01 05:52 pm EST
Msg: 252 of 252
Sometimes you read about these small towns that become mini "Crime Incorporateds". (There has been at least a couple of films based on a few such incidents. Back in the late 60's or early 70's there was a small town in the south that would have their local police stop out of state motorists, put them in jail and later send them to local farms and businesses to be used as slaves. The whole town was in on what was being done. The town wasn't busted until one "slave" escaped and was able to convince state authorities to investigate the town. I also vaguely remember the story of murder and cover-up in a town near Cheasepeake Bay.)
Multi-generational drug use is not uncommon but seeing it on a large scale in one small area is a serious problem. There was a family that used to live across the street from me that caused a great amount of trouble and discord, far beyond their numbers. The grandmother was an alcoholic, the daughter a heroin addict and the grandchildren coke and crack addicts. The family finally disintegrated when the alcoholic grandmother died of liver disease, the daughter died of AIDS, one grandchild murdered someone, the remaining grandchildren were also in prison and the great-grandchildren dead or in foster care. The family that lives one floor down from me features a pot-smoking, coke packaging (for cokes-selling bodegas) grandother who's crack head daughter used to prostitute herself from the apartment during the day and sell coke from it during the night (while the grandmother lived somewhere else for a while). We tried to get the daughter busted but the grandmother moved back in and stopped the daughter's diurnal and nocturnal "business ventures". The daughter moved out and went on to have 4 crack-addicted, brain-damaged babies of which the grandmother addopted 3 (I don't know what became of the 4rh kid). I know the kind of trouble even one multi-generational, drug using family can generate for a community, never mind several such families.
I hope that you can get some new, untainted blood into your community. Enough of them will hopefully convince the powers that be, to take their heads out of their collecive butts and do something about the situation.
We had a situation of having 4 stores in my building selling drugs and drug dealing on the sree corners (in addition to the two families that I told you about). It took years to get the druggies out of all of the stores and off the corners through lots of letters and phone calls from tenant associations and individuals to the police, Attorney General, Mayor's office and state legislators. Even the Justice Dept. became involved and our building was taken away from our former landlord. The police now "sweep the corners" regularly and the drug dealers are no longer there.
My advice, if I may give it, is if local politici-ans won't listen to you (we had gotten the same cold shoulder from the community board and city council) aim higher. Get lots of signatures on letters and send lots of copies out. Have as many people as possibe call the police wherever there is a problem. Ask everyone to keep track of these incidences, (date and time too) when the police were called and the response and be sure to include them in your letters. (We sent a letter of several pages that did nothing but list the incidences, police calls and responses and sent it to the brass at One Police Plaza, the Mayor's office, State Senator, Attorney General ect.).
Good luck!
Re: beachballbuster
by: beachballbuster (49/M/Brooklyn, NY) 02/17/01 07:48 pm EST
Msg: 253 of 253
The biggest problem is apathy-- most of these people want to live quiet lives, and have very little or nothing to do with local problems. But I also maintain Gerritsen Beach is not a "Crime Inc." Rather, it is a powerful example of a dysfunctional neighborhood which is in denial about its serious shortcomings.
Ironically, a couple of the more prominent residents sit on the local community board, but that is worthless it seems. They want to maintain the facade of Gerritsen Beach being a pristine "safe" neighborhood. It was only the repeated theft of American and POW/MIA flags that finally gave them a very modest reality check. (And it helped that one set of flags contributed by Congressman Anthony Weiner to replace the stolen sets were-- stolen.) The draconian steps you suggested may yet happen, but right now I and other concerned residents are hoping that exposing a few skeletons in the community closet over the net may wake up Community Board members, the local precincts, and politicians to just how bad things are around here. Ten years ago, this new internet medium was science fiction in books like "Neuromancer" by William Gibson and "Ender's Game" by Orson Scott Card (the latter being the first novel to explore the potential of a World Wide Web before there was a World Wide Web).
Now science fiction is a reality, and the prophesized new medium is here. A medium which allows those who at once lived those hours of quiet desperation and helplessness to now have thundering, resonating voices that can be monitored by hundreds-- thousands-- possibly millions. Strategic e-mailings of these board messages instantly arrive to the people who should know the nightmarish truth, and also provide links to crucial web pages for elaboration and analyses of details.
Years ago, a friend of mine told me how the residents laughed at the idea of a book exposing the corruptness, hypocrisy, and bigotry of the Gerritsen Beach neighborhood. "Never get it published" and "Who'd want to read it?" were the remarks he heard.
Who's laughing now? At the touch of "Post Message" the whole world can view the dirty underwear of this-- and other-- backwards communities and towns. Those who were once quick to point fingers and gossip about others now suddenly find themselves on the receiving end. The spiritual cleansing has come for Gerritsen Beach and other communities which need to be brought into the 21st century.
(beachballbuster is the on-line identity of a freelance writer and researcher who just wanted to be left alone to follow his bliss but was kept from doing so by arrogant, selfish and manipulative pea-brains. When he isn't pounding the Dark Cyber-Forces into submission over the internet, he likes to read, listen to all kinds of music, and watch movies.
Oh, yes-- he has also been published in the off-line world.)
If it can happen at Dartmouth...
by: professor_pompus (43/M/Harvard) 02/18/01 09:14 am EST
Msg: 254 of 254 can happen in Gerritsen Beach.
I always found the anti-education attitude displayed by a number of Gerritsen Beach residents to be extremely disturbing. It's not just a matter of people choosing blue-collar jobs instead of furthering their educations beyond high school-- there is absolutely nothing wrong with that if that is their wish. It is the attitude displayed by a small but vocal minority that blue collar careers are the only fields which constitute "real work" for men, and that those who follow other paths, particularly in education, don't want to work, and aren't doing actual work.
How bad can it get? The recent non-stop harassment of a NYC schoolteacher living in the neighborhood by a few area teens, the sons of blue-collar workers, is a primary example. The rumor that this individual "doesn't want to work" was apparently spread by family members in blue-collar fields and a school custodial worker who took exception to his "job offer" for janitorial work to this individual being turned down. (Typical, considering that the custodial division of the Board of Education is well known to be the most corrupt.)
Can such attitudes and behavior that were directed towards this particular educator go to an extreme as with what happened in Dartmouth?:
"- Law enforcement authorities on Saturday launched a search for two teen-age boys from Vermont who were charged with first-degree murder in the brutal Jan. 27 stabbing deaths of two Dartmouth College professors. Police said suspects Robert Tulloch, 17, and James Parker, 16, both of Chelsea, Vermont, a hamlet some 25 miles from the prestigious Ivy League college's campus, should be considered dangerous.-" (Reuters, 2/18/01)
Considering that the gentleman who resides in the Gerritsen Beach area has been assaulted, attacked with blunt objects, had rocks thrown at him, and slandered because of rumored bisexuality, such a horrible event similar to the one in Dartmouth noted above may be unlikely, but is not impossible given that one of his tormentors is a young White Supremacist who assaulted a school psychologist because the victim gave a prognosis of emotional instability.
Yet the educator's efforts to initiate police action have gone ignored by the local precinct, quite possibly because at least one field patrol sergeant allegedly lives on the same block as one of the educator's relatives, and is more willing to go with Gerritsen Beach slander as "fact" rather than maintain his civic obligation to protect the populace.
In all fairness, the educator notes that most of the more obvious harassment has diminished greatly in the past few weeks, perhaps in part to the internet capabilities so well discussed by "beachballbuster". However, while the more brazen attacks and loud defamatory verbalizations may have ceased, the quiet ear-to-ear technique and discussions in "safe havens" has not, according to one individual who is fed up with the matter. So civil rights violations, bigotry and scapegoating of an intelligent and talented individual, all considered mortal sins in Christianity, continues to flourish in Gerritsen Beach. Their hypocrisy precedes them.
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