A few minutes before writing this, I gave a rare example of my Irish temper wich sometimes-- well, more often-- manifests itself on the message board under the various stuff-2000 identities. The past couple of days, I've been pretty upset about the cold-blooded shooting of 15 people in Fort Worth Texas (including the death of kids) in the middle of a prayer session at a Baptist church, and was particularly infuriated that the fact that this was a brazen hate crime seems to go ignored by the Liberal media, Liberal politicians, and anti-hate groups. And while I've found the usual diatribes against Republicans, Conservatives, and Christians on the message boards since the incident, the incident itself has barely gotten a sentence from the same people who see the aforementioned groups as "evil," and "hate-filled." So I posted my thoughts on the issue as stuff2000_family and bullstuff on the Yahoo Message Boards. I'm waiting for reactions, because the stones I cast were red-hot with rage at this biasness
Then a friend of mind showed up, and just as I started discussing my concerns (though I did use the term "Liberal shits," so angry was I), he threw in a totally irrelevant non-sequiter about another matter involving a problem which was recently solved (hopefully).
I exploded, practically dragged the poor man outside the library, and spent at least twenty minutes verbalizing what has become this essay on my website about the double-standards and growing hatred of Christians in this country that is going totally ignored. (And remember: Fundamentalist Baptists were burning rock records back in the 80s, so I was severely critical of them.
Somehow, he understood. He whined defensively a bit during my more heated moments, but overall, he understood.
The only media which has denounced this as a bias crime has been the Murdoch publications and broadcastings, with a few bold mavericks on cable chiming in. But the Turner group-- silent. The New York Times-- silent.
Clearly, when the attack is on a predominantly white church by a madman who openly proclaims his hatred of Christians, the Liberals become tongue-tied, or are too busy justifying President Clinton's unprecedented clemency of 16 convicted FALN terrorists. And that is plain evil, period.
9/14/99: We have temporarily removed clowncat_2000's story, Like Clockwork, or: For Whom Art's Bell Tolls because it has been accepted for publication for Licking Razors, an on-line horror fiction publication. Way to go, Mister Clown! For the story, just published, go to: Licking the Razor and click "Like Clockwork" on the contents sidebar!
Not many beautiful things happened back in the sixties, though the Liberal media would have you think everything that caused change was "good," but one of the things that was positive was Woodstock. It brought nearly half a million strangers together into a cooperative effort to make one weekend of great music enjoyable under many unforseen circumstances, plus the ugly spectre of the Vietnam war. It promoted peace and love in a very tangible way, and the second Woodstock in 1994 successfully carried this over, even if there was no cause such as Vietnam to rally around.
However, Woodstock '99 was a total reversal of everything the festival stood for. From the totally horrible rioting, burning, and looting, to the rapes, this event demonstrated that kids are out of control. Granted, they were but a small group, but they controlled the situation. Their behavior was reminiscent of a tiny minority of United States troops in Vietnam who looted and burned villages and raped women.
We don't know if there will ever be another Woodstock (at least in New York), but right now it's better that this tradition be left alone for twenty years, when the 50th year brings another generation that hopefully will be more in control of themselves, and not repeat history in such a backwards fashion. Unless, of course, the Woodstock '99 generation which will be in control by 2019 forbids it, or, if a festival is held, napalms the crowd.
Expect the stuff2000 Family to be dealing at length with the tragedy in Colorado. Back in our Board of Education days, we went on a research binge after the Florida vampire tragedy, and examined cults in depth: patterns, people, who gets involved, who leads them, the messianic personality, etc.
Of course, our efforts were met with ridicule, with the usual attempts to stifle our research with useless "busy work" by our supervisor.
Still, we managed to let slip one observation to colleagues based on our research and observation of recent behavior at Science-Fiction conventions we frequented-- that sometime in the future a SF-type cult was going to go off the deep end. And we did not even weigh Hale-Bopp, which was on its way.
About six weeks later, Heaven's Gate.
On that subdued morning when the news had broke and clown_cat2000 arrived with a copy of every NYC newspaper to read up on the event, one of our colleagues who had heard our startling observation wandered by and asked: "So, should we start calling you 'Nostradamus' now?"
Well, no. But ponder this: there is a good chance that an incident similar to Colorado and other school massacres may occur in either Long Island, or the Brooklyn/Queens region near Long Island. The area is ripe with Nazi-jerks, Marilyn Manson devotees, angry nerds, animal killings, and that LI staple-- Satanic cults. (Fringe groups, not Church of Satan types.)
So it's time for the people in this area to get their heads out of their asses, heed the warnings which are NOT based on astrology, numerology, or any other kind of New Age bullshit, but rather, simple observation of all-too-apparent social patterns, and start forming intervention groups.
Psychiatry, however, is the ultimate culprit for this tragedy. These kids were doped up on "legal" mood-altering drugs prescribed by their psychiatrists.
Giving kids these kinds of drugs has been an issue recently. Many of these alleged "doctors" are actuall getting money from pharmaceutical companies for dispensing these potent pills to younger patients. If this concerns you (and it should), go to The Citizens' Commission on Human Rights site, and get some free literature about this issue. The title below is especially important and relevant:
In an inspired act, bullstuff began to publicize the stuff2000 page with friends and at Yahoo! Message Boards.
Nice. A for "effort." D- for "pragmatism."
Seems the dear boy forgot to indicate that some links had strictly adult content. That mishap generated one sarcastic reply from a friend who works for Disney, and a healthy red neon glow from bullstuff's face.
In fact, we're going to reprint the letter here just to make bullstuff squirm:
...you have been spending too much time in front of a computer screen...I think the radiation is effecting your brain. have you looked at some of those sites on your site? The nude pictures at ???? dot com? The links that go nowhere? Come on [bullstuff], put up a site that makes sense and can be of benefit to others.
And bullstuff squirms-- in delight. "Let the ruckus begin," he says with a flourish of his developing html. skills. And so he fires off a reply that is both humble and a clarification....
Oops. My apologies. I used a general e-mail grouping for this announcement. I'll be more careful in the future.
As for the links in question:
Are you speaking of "This is rotten.com" (WARNING: Adult content; graphic photos of violent and sexual nature), which I find intriguing not for the wild nudity (tame, compared to smut in general) but because of the unexpergated photos of things such as war casualties, violent drug-related deaths, and gruesome acts of nature and stupidity? Topics the stuff2000 family relish, sometimes with mustard. It ain't for the timid.
satannet.com is a peek at the other (evil) side-- part of the issues my page will be covering and debating. "Looking through the glass onion," as the Beatles said. Know thy enemy. Remember, the secret message is to "stuff2000"-- the question is, where?
And, speaking of onion, the last link has been fixed, so you will be able to reach Wisconson's "The Onion," America's first (and only) weekly humor newspaper.
Again, I apologize for the judgement error, and will exercise more caution in
the future. Oh, shit! I forgot. I let my neighborhood have the address link for this page on their forum. Whoops! *****************************************************************************
A HAPPY 1999 FROM THE STUFF2000 FAMILY!! ***************************************************************************** **************************************************************************** 1/7/99: We've got graphics, Houston. To repeat, we've got graphics! Which is news that doesn't take the sting out of the fact that our thoroughly corrupt and incompetent criminal president is still considered more of a noble figure than the Pope or Billy Graham! ***************************************************************************** 1/12/99: Announcing a bold, new venture! A page dedicated to the scholarly writings of bullstuff and piddlestuff. Check out what wonderous webs of knowledge they weave! *************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************* 1/12/99:Check out the 1/11 Wall Street Journal for a marvelous take on the upcoming third millennium. Money, business, marketing-- all the WSJ standards are covered, plus arts and entertainment. The twist here, however, is that the whole thing is anchored in the second millennium-- viz., the year 1000 on. Look for a delightful front page version of the Wall Street Journal circa January 1, 1000, and articles tracing histories from that year onwards. The big question: are we high-tech, big money de-evolutionists? Considering that Prince/Formerly/Known As/The Artist's 1983 hit "1999" has become this year's anthem, you decide what our status is on the Darwin meter.... ****************************************************************************** *********************************************************************************** 1/18/99: And piddlestuff gets angry mail too, relating to his struggle against Marilyn Manson-supporting Wiccans and Christians at Yahoo Message Board: Marilyn Manson: Mr. piddlestuff I really think you should grow up and stop acting like
you know everything, my daughter is not a wiccan, Im a christian and
my daughter is as normal as she can get, for god sakes if you want to
argue go to a mirror and look into it and argue with yourself, we
dont have time for your ignorance ok you need to leave things alone ,
your a little boy trying to live in a big mans world .Ill bet you are
a snotty nose brat, go get some toilet paper and wipe your nose, quit
crying over stupid stuff , if you dont like what my daughters gotta
say dont email her back. because you beginning to annoy me and with
your I know it all attitude, because baby , your still wet behind your
ears, enough,is enough, Too which piddlestuff boldly responds: First, allow me to compliment you on one of the longest run-on sentences I've ever read in my shorty, bratty life. It's incoherence is exceeded only by it's rambling style. I think you miss the point: I, and the rest of the suff2000 team seek out and actively challenge those who put down Christianity and other established religions with overt bigotry and arrogance. The defenders of such people are often deluded in their ideas as to what these detractors say, and in many cases leave themselves open to the danger of recruitment into "faiths" which are nothing but mesmerizing ego-stroking cults. Wicca is no exception. "Mr. Piddlestuff" ****************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** 1/21/99: "Burnin' Down the House!" Link up (but don't forget to come back!) to see the latest grumbles, grunts, groans, and causes of the Satanists, who have become irritatingly whiney since their founding guru, Anton LaVey died in 1997, just two days before Halloween: Ain't this one above especially patheitic? Apparently "The Doctor" could create a spell for just about anything, except keeping his ledgers balanced. And to think these devout anti-Christians are now stooping so low as to ask their followers for money like some common televangelists who need to keep up the payments on their personal houses of the holy! Next thing ya know, "Rev." Lestat, keeper of the Satannet site, will be weeping on national television, admitting he "has not sinned!" Feel like letting these self-made gods know how you feel about their cause, and maybe offering them a suggestion or two about what they can do with their house? Their e-mail address is: SNStaff@satannet.com Tell 'em the stuff2000 Family sent ya! ***************************************************************************** 1/24/99: And for those who are intrigued by the Bible Code... ...this site is suggested by all-around skeptic and defender of Wiccan wackos Arthur Dent 31 of the Yahoo! Marilyn Manson Message Boards.
The Bible Code, its accuracy, and its predictions for the year 2000 and beyond will be a topic around here, so here's your chance to bone up. Also recommended: The Bible Code, by Michael Drosnin, and Cracking the Bible Code, by Jeffrey Satinover. ****************************************************************************** 1/26/99: If You're Stupid Enough to Read It, We're Stupid Enough to Bring It to You! We also have the full plot outline of Star Wars, Episode I: The Phantom Menace" for you to read, show to others, and utterly ruin an otherwise promising Memorial Day weekend. Following the dastardly theft of secret Star Wars material from Lucas Films by those scoundrels at jedinet.com, we have taken the liberty of taking the same stolen synopsis from their site, and copy & pasted it over here for your convenience. Visit their site if you just wanna look at the pictures, but read the text here if you're a sado-masochistic bastard who likes making yourself and others miserable. By the way, there are actually some useful purposes for this synopsis: (1) Moms and teachers can keep those kids in line by threatening to give the story away before the brats can see the film; (2) You can get an early start on making Hardware Wars, Episode I: The Phantom Phillips Head The time: 32 years before Star Wars: A New Hope They encounter Jar Jar Binks, a Gungan having a clam snack at an inopportune moment. Jar Jar is saved from the Federation's droid invasion force by Qui-Gon. To escape the droids, Jar Jar takes the Jedis to his safe city of Otoh Gunga, an underwater city made up of large bubbles. Jar Jar introduces the heroes to the head of the Gungans, Boss Nass. Qui-Gon tries to solicit Boss' help to aid the Naboo. But Boss says, "Wesa no like da Naboo! DA Naboo tink day brains so big." Boss does give the Jedi a "bongo" (sub) to speed them on their way. But Jar Jar has broken the "nocombackie law" so he must face the punishment of being pounded to death. Qui-Gon takes him as his navigator instead. As the sub drifts toward the planet core, it manages to escape the Opee Sea Killer, which is eaten by the Sando Aqua Monster. The sub emerges at an estuary near Theed, the capital of Naboo. At the palace, they meet Queen Amidala who has been asked to sign a treaty to legitimize the Federation's occupation on Naboo. She refuses, at the risk of having her people starve to death. She is rescued by the two Jedis who persuade her to go with them to Coruscant, the planet capital of the Republic. They flee on a Naboo spacecraft filled with astromech droids. When it comes under attack by a Federation battleship, one R2 unit saves the day by repairing the Naboo ship -- WOW! It's R2-D2! Because of the damaged hyperdive, the group lands on Tatooine, a planet controlled by the Hutts, to make needed repairs. Tatooine lies beyond the reach of the Trade Federation. Meanwhile, Darth Maul, apprentice to Darth Sidious, is sent to find the Queen and destroy the Jedis. Qui-Gon visits Mos Espa spaceport with Jar Jar and the Queen's handmaiden, Padme. As they search for the part needed to repair the ship, they meet Watto, a pudgy blue alien junk dealer who flies on short, little wings like a hummingbird. They also meet Anakin Skywalker (age 9), a slave who was sold to Gardulla the Hut, and Sebulba, an evil spider-like creature. When a sandstorm envelopes the city, Anakin takes them to his home and introduces them to his mother, Shmi. Qui-Gon realizes the boy has Jedi reflexes because he is the only human who can race pods. After the storm passes, they all return to Watto's junk store. Qui-Gon puts up his ship as the entry fee to sponsor Anakin in the pod race. They also bargain for Anakin's freedom. Pods are like chariots, harnessed behind two jet engines. A variety of creatures are pilots and spectators. Jabba the Hutt starts the race. Darth Maul's probe droids search the crowd for the Jedis and the Queen. POD RACE--Anakin wins! Anakin leaves his mother and goes with Qui-Gon to begin his training as a Jedi. They head for the Naboo spacecraft and encounter Darth Maul with his double-ended lightsaber. There is a "fierce fight" and Qui-Gon barely escapes, leaving Darth Maul standing alone as the Naboo craft rockets away from Tatooine. The heroes head toward Coruscant. The entire planet is one big city. Here they are greeted by Senator Palpatine and Chancellor Valorum. Palpatine spins his web, urging the Queen to install a new, stronger Supreme Chancellor who will take control. At a Senate hearing, the Queen moves to remove Chancellor Valorum from office. Valorum recognizes he has been betrayed by Palpatine, who is to be his successor. Meanwhile, Qui-Gon sets up a meeting with the Jedi Council and tells of his encounter with Darth Maul. Yoda notes that the Republic is threatened if the Sith are involved. Qui-Gon says that he has "encountered a vergence [sic] in the Force. A boy whose cells have the highest concentration of midi-chlorians in a life form." This refers to the prophecy of one who will bring balance to the Force. The Council agrees to test the boy. Anakin faces the Jedi Council. They sense his anger and forbid Qui-Gon to train him as a Jedi. Against the Jedis' wishes, the Queen decides she must return to Naboo to face Sidious' invasion force with her people. Jar Jar takes them all to the sacred hiding place of the Gungans. Padme reveals she is the Queen in disguise. The Queen and Boss Nass form an alliance. On the battleground, the Gungans create a diversion to draw the droids away from the palace so the viceroys can be captured- The Gungans are no match for the droid force and they flee in chaos. In the hangar, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon confront Darth Maul in a final battle. Qui-Gon is killed by Darth Maul, who is killed by Obi-Wan. It is Obi-Wan who now promises to train Anakin to be a Jedi. Okay, so there you have it. To summarize the synopsis: The good guys win round one, everyone you expect to die dies, and little Anakin Skywalker has a serious attitude problem. And I don't think this hair-thin spoiler is going to turn people off from the film-- just the opposite, in fact. So maybe Lucas should stop whining, and accept the release of this synopsis over the Web for what is actually is-- retribution for Howard the Duck! ******************************************************************************* "The stuff2000 Family should know about this! It's... prophetic!"
No news is good news. So we're expecting plenty. © 1997 bullstuff@yahoo.com
We've added a cool page to stretch your writing skills with the upcoming millennium in mind. Click here!
I must point out that this particular debate is transpiring on an entire message board dedicated to America's #1 Satanist, Marilyn Manson, whose album "Antichrist, Superstar" actively condones genocide through suicide, self-godhood (a mortal sin in any faith) Naziism, and racism.
These are things nice Christian people should be wary of, and if stuff2000 serves as that cold slap in the face, then so be it. We don't hesitate to use grim reminders of possible punishments in hell (based on Christian doctrine), and we don't promise that we'll always sound nice or condescending. This crowd of Marilyn devotees has taken a frightening grip on the psyche of American culture, and attempts by the mainstream media (e.g., Rolling Stone) to downplay the visciousness of MM's ideology, coupled with so-called "Wiccan" groups, New Age pundits, and misguided Christians' efforts to embrace him as a kindered soul, represents a devestating insult to the overall goodness of Christian ideology and a serious threat to the stability of young people.
Here, then, is the synopsis:
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
Turmoil has engulfed the Galactic Republic. The taxation of trade routes to outlying star systems is in dispute.
Hoping to resolve the matter with a blockade of deadly battleships, the greedy Trade Federation has stopped all shipping to the small planet of Naboo.
While the Congress of the Republic endlessly debates this alarming chain of events, the Supreme Chancellor has secretly dispatched two Jedi Knights, the guardians of peace, to settle the conflict....
Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon Jinn board a Federation battleship and realize an invasion army has been sent by Darth Sidious to Naboo. They travel to the eerie swamp planet of Naboo, which is inhabited by frog-like life forms called Gungans.
2/10/99: In brighter news, bullstuff's friend has filed harrassment charges with the 61st Pct. against two of the local Nazi Punks. Apparently they were cycling near the Neck Rd. subway station, saw him, and started yelling defamatory remarks and hurled bags of trash at him. One tried to hit him with his bicycle, but bullstuff's friend tackled him, sending the punk sprawling. The other, finding his friend in distress and without a weapon, went mano y mano with bullstuff's friend, and was quickly subdued with a solid bop to the snotlocker in good old all-American fashion. Both were last seen peddling off, whining about having bullstuff's friend arrested, and pleading with local merchants for a "bat or stick to take care of this guy." Their request was met with middle fingers.
4/19/99: We run this picture in response to the recent "Dr. Pepper" TV commericial depicting a young man swallowed by a crocodile. While we love Coca-Cola and its other refreshing soda flavors, we consider this particular ad to be the lowest in taste and sensitivity since that "Got milk?" commercial depicting a man in a body cast apparently choking to death on a cookie.
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