Dragon Fable invites you to Battle On and get an early start on Halloween!

The Stuff2000 Family Page Presents: Video Faves from YouTube!

An Independence Day Miracle we wish would happen!

Summer's over! Time to get in shape for next summer!

Hot Women In Bikinis Doing Yoga

Ring in 2009 with the Kitty-Kat Dance! Oh, what a better world it would be if we all sjared in the joyful Kitty-Kat Dance!

Sometimes things that Rock are really things that suck, and the dude should be speaking out aginst the incident in Gerritsen Beach (not "Brooklyn Beach") of June 26th.
Read why we are among those who hate Chris. (Imdb.com registration required.)

Our FirstWebsite Award!
This is... the stuff2000_family Page!

And from the pages of Yahoo Metro, the Storm begins HERE!
And continues HERE!
But the Bloopers and Out Takes begin HERE!!

For those who were worried, we found our cats a good home.

============Our topical graphic gags of the month!===========
Congressman Weiner in the News!

Choose a caption, or make up your own!

"Stop making fun of my name!"

"I do not look like Jim McGreevy!"

"I'm having Gerritsen Beach designated as a MOAB testing site."

"Helicopters are really scary! The noise they make when they fly nearby makes me cry!"

"We need to import more sexy supermodels! They make little Anthony grow big and strong! Tee-hee!"


"So, Eliot, should I call you 'John' from now on?"

"Well, if I did it myself, I would end up blind, like Paterson!"

Things these two have in common:

Both oppose smoking.
Both want to take handguns away from all honest citizens.
Both utilize trigger-happy thugs in their police force.
Both want to impose "healthier eating" on everyone.
Both are unable to explain why massive amounts of people were exposed to gasses, but will blame others.
Both seek to minimize communication between parents and children.
Both are sharp dressers.
Both see to it that artists go to prison.
Both suffer from a Napoleonic Complex.
Both are total assholes.
Both are opportunists who take advantage of a glut of conflicting political ideologies to make their move to higher office and greater power.
Both refuse to talk to radio interviewers who might ask "troubling" questions. (Shout out to Curtis!)
Both will disregard the lawfully-voted upon Will of the People to further their Will to Power.
Only one is interesting enough to earn a fictionalized biography of his youth written by Norman Mailer. Ha-ha! Hitler's more appealing to literary icons and bibliophiles!

"Hey, which of those guys is the one they call "The Leader"?

Hey lady! Nice lady! Freund leben! Now stop picking on her, you schmucks!


Here it is! Spider-Man!
See it here before you buy the DVD!
(Okay, so it's the first episode of the silly Japanese series from 1978. But the subtitles are hilarious!)

The stuff2000 Family Page


Victory over Liberal Fascist Evil in 2008...
...by the stuff2000 Family!

Read how GB Nazi Punks Poisoning Area Stray Cats?

The stuff2000 Family Page:
Where the good cyber-nuclear unit goes head-to-head with the forces of evil.

"Welcome back to Washington, vile, terrorist-embracing, FALN-friendly, carpetbagging, Liberal Fascist LUZAR! Now get back to work"
Photo courtesy of About Political Humor


Available on DVD! .
And what does our resident film critic think of it?

"I'm not lion when I say you'll have a good time!"

We fight the good fight, break for lunch, then get back to fighting.

And we continue the local good fight with:
GB Nazi Kids Poisoning Area stray Cats?
Not in My Back Yard, Brooklyn Style
Petty Egos Imperil Children's Safety!
GWB Does Something Nice for a New York Family
Compliments Are Due to the Police!
Anti-Gay Bias in Gerritsen Beach?
Keeping Police Priorities Straight! An Editorial
Gerritsen Beach's Third "Newspaper" & Shaft Comes to Gerritsen Beach!

The stuff2000 Family proudly supports these organizations!

Click here to help fight psychiatric atrocities against children and humanity!

Cute Animated Kitten Pic!
A new concept in cat behaviorial studies and communications.

And sometimes even fuzzy-wuzzy, cuddly-wuddly, huggly-wuggly, pussycats need good legal advice, as do the rest of us!

Our commentary about the Tragedy at Columbine HS here.

Our books for Winter, 2008!

Now available at Amazon!And have a great Winter!

And when in the beautiful Gerritsen Beach area (after it returns from Mars), visit these wonderful places of business!

Bullstuff says: "Avast, ye scurvy swab-- I feel galvanized-- ready to battle against the evil, never-ending scourge of Liberal Fascism. Arrrrr!"

Hi, My name is bullstuff of the famous stuff2000 family currently tearing up some baddies at Yahoo! Welcome to the newest edition of our unique, exhilerating, perplexing and intriguing home page!
The stuff2000 Family is in the house, in your neighborhood, on your PC, ready to tear the forces of evil a second, and, if necessary, a third butthole!

"This could have been a nicer party if we only listened to the stuff2000 Family!"
Read our comments on Woodstock '99, on the travesty of the final decade of the 20th century on News and Updates.

Click HERE to learn about the stuff2000 Family's home turf.

A possible early photo of one of the stuff2000 family? (See figure on right of picture.)

Our interests are: rapidly expanding. We dig all literary things, classic and contemporary. Check out our literary and pedagogical essays page. We also thrive on pop fiction, TV, science-fiction, horror, noir, westerns, action, and anything that resembles our frantic cyber-adventuring, laced with a touch of wit and irreverance for these troubling, troubled times.
We'll also feature hot cyber-discussions of topical issues with a daring interactive creativity and virtual experience you never thought possible! Look at a few samples on our News & Updates Section!

or you can...

Sign Our Guestbook

View Our Guestbook

(Well, not so new, but still cute!)
The Phantom Menace
spoiler spoof HERE!

"Oh boy, oh boy, the stuff2000 place! Wanna go, wanna go!"
Photo courtesy Weird Tales!

The description of my page is becoming less difficult as time passes.
We're a cyber-millennium-literary-humor family page.

Some stories and poems...

...with the millennium as the theme...
...so go to this page for READER SUBMISSIONS!

A sizzling piece of homophobic noir starring Mickey Spillguts:
The Green Door.

E-mail me at stuff2000_family@yahoo.com in the meantime.

Please come back soon and check out our on-going changes. Consider us an on-line enigma. All you really need to know is: we're the good guys! And check out our good fight at Yahoo! regional, NY: Manhattan Beat, plus assorted film, music, and genre-related message boards. Get in on the fun!

Links to other sites on the Web

Yahoo! NY City Regional: Where the stuff2000 family kicks serious baddie butt on the message boards.
Because the Force is with us, and we haven't quite turned Sith yet. (Not today, at least!)
George Noory's Web Site:Because it is mandatory on a page like this!
Monty Python madness!
www.jollyroger.com: Things literary in a Conservative perspective.
Our contributors' page is rolling!
And last, but not least, our old pal Joe Bob Briggs is ready to fill you in on the best of Drive-in cinema!

Working...working...working on getting this thing better all the time!

Click here to find out about wkonline.com

© 1997 stuff2000_family@yahoo.com


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Dedicated to:

Ronald Reagan
Lifeguard, Broadcaster, Movie Actor, Union Leader, California Governor, 40th President of the United States.