This is the old guestbook. Actually, it's several old guestbooks in one. I seem to have a problem keeping them. You can look at this one and then sign or view the new one.

Sarah - 11/18/00 09:57:52
How did you find me?: Randomness
What was your favorite part?: Everything!!
Least favorite?: Didn't have a least favorite.

Hey! Great site you've got there! I'll be visiting it regularly. And if you'd like, you can visit mine too. :) Thanks, Sarah

Robert & Phyllis - 06/07/00 17:36:36
How did you find me?: Care2 profile
What was your favorite part?: All of it !
Least favorite?: NONE

Hey this is from two OLD People ( Parents ). We thought you had good imagination, excellant concept of the world and its problems. We have a son who has the love on space and stars also, he just received his own email address: feel free to contact him for your servantude. If you were our child we would be proud!

shedydiana - 06/07/00 05:19:34
How did you find me?: ..
What was your favorite part?: you
Least favorite?: ..

nice knowing you!!

monChan - 06/06/00 19:27:38
How did you find me?: through

very excellent lil' page ya got going on...neat stuff...very imaginative! please wander about my site, too...!

tiffalo A - 05/07/00 01:40:58
How would you rate this page?: Excellent
How did you find me?: ur my friend
What was your favorite part?: i love it all
Least favorite?: i love it all

i think this is great it shows how well u can think up these things. as i have said i loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hell_Mage - 04/28/00 04:17:48
How would you rate this page?: Excellent
How did you find me?: through mindy
What was your favorite part?: the music
Least favorite?: none

i love the music i could listn to this song all day

Brittnee - 04/12/00 02:59:15

Um... nice.

TRAVIS KLUG - 03/22/00 17:18:03
My Email:NO EMAIL BUT Iook me up in brownsville,mn look me up under tim klug
How would you rate this page?: Excellent
How did you find me?: MAGIC
What was your favorite part?: PRINCESS THUMPER
Least favorite?: ITS ALL GOOD


happy JIN - 02/26/00 18:15:07
How would you rate this page?: Weird
How did you find me?: I cant remember
What was your favorite part?: Take me to your leader
Least favorite?: I cant remember

Its better ofr such a fragile mind not to get into such things as astro physics. It makes the mind... Happy~ Happyperson Luv ya bye. And my site on your links please?????

Zarzonia - 01/29/00 05:24:56
How would you rate this page? Excellent
How did you find me? Geo-Guide
What was your favorite part? Adopt a Planet
Least favorite? Nothing

Comments: I really like your page, I'm part of a webring that we, personally, call the Universe. My site is the Resistance part. Come visit and tell me what you think!

Name: Your Future King
Website: 1st Phase of Your Future King's Master Plan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: I am EVERYWHERE!!!
Time: 2000-01-05 11:07:50
Comments: I am Your Future King, you should bow to me now before it's too late. :)

Name: simon björk
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: sweden
Time: 1999-09-08 10:03:03

Name: happyperson
Website: happy's happy page
Referred by: From a Friend
From: somewhere happy its my forest
Time: 1999-07-26 17:19:25
Comments: i like your site but i cant seem to get a guestbook so if you come visit you can just come back later when i do have one!

Name: Sandy
Website: Best boy 99
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Belgium
Time: 1999-07-18 18:48:52
Comments: Vote for your fave boy! Txs!

Name: Tigerlily
Website: Tigerlily's Clubhouse
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Texas
Time: 1999-05-22 14:16:20
Comments: Heyo grrrlie! Creative page!! Your bunnies are soooo cute!!! :) I used to have a bunny named Twitches but he died :( We bought him at the pet shop when he was LITTLE and then he grew up to be a giant lop eared rabbit and we were like WHOAAAAA cuz we kept on having to build him new hutches that were big enough! We didn't know what kinda bunny he was but he was a sweetie and we loved him anywayz! Ok I'll stop babbling on with bunny talk and just say that I love your page and g od job! Come see mine sometime k??

Stay Safe

Name: droozle's pages of craziness
Referred by: Clicked on our Banner Advertisement
From: anywhere and my room
Time: 1999-04-05 19:40:51
Comments: i like your site ! keep up the good work!

Name: Jessica
Website: My Little World
Referred by: From a Friend
From: No where you've ever heard of!
Time: 999-02-14 00:52:31
Comments: Okay I'm signing your guestbook because when YOU ask me to I do without complaints! So. I like your page. But you already know that. BUT NOW THE REST OF THE WORLD DOES TO! Hey, but my page is better. j/k! (or am i..? muhhah haha) Hey okay I don't have anything else to bye!


P.S. Vote 4 me 4 president!

Name: Betsy
Website: Bunnyworld Online
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Bunnyworld, of course
Time: 1998-12-11 18:47:32
Comments: You signed my guestbook awhile ago, you poor frightened soul. :) You said there couldn't possibly be two Betsy's in the world like your friend. After much contemplation and research, I've discerned a few differences. For in tance, Bunnyworld is a seperate dimension all together, we have only PLASTIC bunnies, and does not fall with in your or Betsy's jurisdiction. I have no interest in ruling the universe. However, I of course respect your titles very much, and I am sure that you both having extended invitations to visit Bunnyworld whenever you like. Good luck ruling the universe. It's a hard job but someone's got to do it. =:o)

Name: Bob
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: A parallel dimension (actually from your recycle bin)
Time: 1998-10-12 03:09:51
Comments: Mrrphle, Yeep glok thommp. Feeeeeee yuda'a!!!

Name: best friends mom
Referred by: From a Friend
From: across town
Time: 1998-10-09 22:22:10
Comments: thanks, really enjoyed your page. i'll be sure to check back

Name: Zemborean
Website: The Laboratory
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: the infinity of the Abyss
Time: 1998-09-25 15:11:07
Comments: Hi I surfed on yo your page and liked it. It has got potential. Please visit my page, I'm encouraging you to do so :)

Name: Marie (codename Mia)
Referred by: From a Friend
From: San Jose, California, USA, yada yada yada
Time: 1998-09-01 04:28:15
Comments: And I thought you were weird in person...

Name: Michelle
Referred by: From a Friend
From: my mommmie. (at least that's what they tell me.)
Time: 1998-08-26 04:18:49
Comments: What happend to the whole adopt a planet thing....I WANT A PLANET!!! WAAAAAAA

Name: Min Liu
Referred by: From a Friend
From: same as Betsy
Time: 1998-08-26 02:51:28
Comments: GREAT web page! I luv your philosphy on Plutonians and Martians! Terrence is so incredibly adorable :)

Name: Betsy
Website: Betsy's Home Page
Referred by: From a Friend
From: San Jose, California, USA, North America, Northern Hemisphere, Earth, the Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy, The Universe
Time: 1998-08-18 02:08:05
Comments: Interesting page. Weird. Very weird. Very very weird. Well, you get the point.

Name: Jessica
Website: My page, isn't that good enough?
Referred by: From a Friend
From: CaLiFoRniA
Time: 1998-08-17 19:04:41
Comments: Very cool page, I just hope it works when I try to sign the guestbook this time...visit my page, I'm almost done with it!

Cool page!
