Queen Selenay's Royal Library

Between Decks:

I decided to get my "Stuck in a 'Lift" story out of the way early, but this one is a little different. Rating: PG13 Written: December 24, 1998

The Dare:

Co-written with Lauren Spirit. The Dare: To jump off the Kyshtan Waterfalls. The Forfeit: To kiss Chakotay. The Result: Well, somehow Chakotay's swimsuit comes off in the process...Rating: NC-17 Written: January 5, 1999

Not Quite Perfect:

A dose of reality for the Janeway/Chakotay fanfic world. Rating: R Written: December 24, 1998

Plot, What Plot??:

Co-written with Lauren Spirit and Hatoria. Pretty much what the title suggests, though I did try to give it some semblance of a plot. Well, something that masquerades as a plot, anyhow... Rating: NC-17 Written: January 27, 1999

Transporter Accident:

Inspired by the bumper sticker, "Very Funny Scotty. Now Beam Down My Clothes!" Rating: PG13 Written: December 25, 1998

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