The Pokemon Tower!

Tips and Tricks

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Lots of the information on this page was sent to me by my good friend Jon Paton. Click his name to E-Mail him! A. Having trouble completing your Pokedex? here are some tips for you! 1. One of the best places to catch marine ( water) pokemon is in the lake on the way to victory road. Use surf to get to the island in the middle and fish with the super rod. I caught a Kingler, A seaking, TWO slowbros, (one of which I traded for a lickitung), and a dratini! 2. There are four pokemon you need to trade to get to evolve. Those four and their evolutions are listed here. Before trade After Trade
Also, there are many pokemon you can trade to evolve, but that also have other ways to evolve. Here is one, E-Mail me with any more that you know and I will give you credit on my page! Poliwhirl----------Poliwrath 3. You can catch all three Special bird pokemon( Moltres, Articuno, Zapdos) and Mewtwo with ultra balls! Just get a pokemon higher than level 50 with a technique that puts pokemon to sleep ( I used a wigglytuff, level 54), buy A LOT of ultra balls ( about 20), And go find the Special pokemon that you want. ( Moltres- Victory road cave, Zapdos-power plant, Articuno- seafoam islands, Mewtwo- In the Cave just west of Cerulean city (NOT Mt. Moon!) WARNING- Not accessable until you have beaten the elite four and have found the surf HM, HM03 ! Next, save in case you accidentally kill it. Then, Go into battle with your sleep technique pokemon in the first spot. IMMEDIATELY use the Sleep technique ( sing, hypnosis, lovely kiss, etc.) If it misses or doesn’t affect enemy pokemon, try again. If you need to heal your pokemon, do so. Once the enemy is asleep, attack it until it’s energy is low.( Switch to a higher level pokemon for Mewtwo if needed, Over level 70 suggested) If the enemy awakens, put it to sleep again. Then, keep throwing ultra balls until you catch the pokemon. Do that with all four special pokemon, and VOILA! You have them all! 4. Where do I trade for a lickitung? You can trade a Slowbro for a lickitung in the top floor of the gaurdhouse leading to the bike trail in Fuschia City. 5.A good way to raise and evolve pokemon to complete your pokedex is to take a trip or two through the elite four with the pokemon you want to evolve. WARNING- Make sure your best pokemon are strong enough to easily beat the elite four without trouble.

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