Welcome to the pokemon tower. I have done some major updates since this site opened but please check back for updates!!
By the way did you know that you are visitor number
since 10/26/98. I want to have a walkthrough and I am working on that now. I am also sorry for not updating for a looong time but I have not had much time but that will change. If anyone has any questions or comments please E-Mail me.
THE PICTURE GALLARY HAS BEEN UPDATED!! Come see the new pictures!
The last bit of news is that you can now Instant Message me, my name is Dugtrio21. Guess what this page has won a award!
News and updates
This page was started on 10/26/98 and will be updated soon.
10/31/98 A major update, more pictures and a background sound!
11/13/98 A new picture page was added and some corrections were made.
11/25/98 A HUGE update a few new pages were added
12/8/98 A download page was added
12/28/98 The page was updated
1/2/99 The page was updated Links was updated
1/3/99 The links page was updated
1/4/99 The Picture gallary was updated
1/6/99 Awards was added
1/9/99 Links was updated
1/10/99 win our award was added
1/13/99 Club page was added
1/15/99 A normal update
1/25/99 Links was updated
2/3/99 A normal update
Here are the other parts of The Pokemon Tower
Win our Award!
Picture Gallary!
Tips and Tricks
Gameshark Codes
Kfc Beanies
Your Artwork
Join the Pokemon Tower Club
Pokemon FAQ
Here is where your questions will be answered. E-Mail me with questions!
Q)Where is trainer #8?
A)He is in Viridian city.
Q)Who is the best pokemon?
A)It all depends on who you like (I love my Dugtrio!)
Q)Can I get the 151st Pokemon Mew?
A)Not in the American version (you get a diploma)
Q)What is the highest level my Pokemon can have
More are coming so check back soon!
The Pokemon Poll
Here is your chance to vote on the Pokemon that you like best.
E-Mail me to vote.
Well so far I only got 12 votes so at this moment the poll stands at:
3)Mewtwo, and Dugtrio
4 Psyduck
5)Sandshrew, Butterfree
and the rest of the poll is undecided and the #1 spot can change too!
Pokemon Hall of Fame
This is where you can E-Mail me with your best Pokemon types and levels.
I have a Dugtrio at level 100 and a Zapdos at level 100.(I have more then that but this is about who other trainers have)
Jon Paton has a: Mewtwo at level 78, Venusaur at level 86.
The Waltons has a: Mewtwo at level 82.
Thomas has a: Venusaur at level 100, a Balstoise at level 100, Venomoth at level 100, a Raichu at level 100, a Alakazam at level 96, and a Pidgeot at level 88 Wow!
Manknd86 has a Blastoise at level 60, a Raichu at level 55, a Articuno at level53, a victreebell at level 50, a pidgeott at level 57, and a Rapidash at level 59!
Debbie has a Arcticuno at level 60.
Scyther has a Dragonite, Mewtwo, Charizard, Venasaur, Raichu, and a Hitmonchan all on level 100!
Dzy351378 has a Articuno, Blastoise, Dragonite, Flarion, Joltion, and a Mewtwo all on level 100!
Larry Watanab has a Mew, a Mewtwo, a Zapdos, a Articuno, a Moltres, and a Rapras all at level 100.
Milelli199 has a Mewtwo, Articuno, Moltres, Zapdos, Dragonite, Charizard, Dugtrio, and a Snorlax all on level 100.
Wendy Ho has blastoise at L100, a mewtwo at L100, a charizard at L100, a venusaur at L100, a articuno at L100, a dragonite at L100 and a mew at L100.
Tom Yeung has a Venusaur-Level 100, Charizard-Level 100, Blastoise-Level 100, Zapdos-Level 100, Articuno-Level 100, Moltres-Level 100, Hitmonchan-Level 100, Hitmonlee-Level 100, Dragonite-Level 100, Mewtwo-Level 100, Mew-Level 100, Aerodactyl-Level 100, Omastar-Level 95, Kabutops-Level 93, Porygon-Level 90, Vaporeon-Level 97, Jolteon-Level 96, Flareon-Level 98, Golem-Level 75Gengar-Level 70Machamp-Level 80Alakazam-Level 85, Nidoqueen-Level 67, and a Nidoking-Level 70.
Andrew Gimson has all 151 Pokemon. And every single one is at level 100. WOW!!!!!!.
DZY351378 has 155 pokemons With Pokegods Pikablu, Charcolt Flareth Togepy and Nidogod
at L100 cool!!!!
Trainer Credits
If you submit something to my page your name will go here (even if you just say you went to the page!)
Jon Paton!
Also a big thank you to Finnagan21, ColltrainerX, and SquirtleXX
for there help by sending in cheats.
A huge thank you to Nyssa for the pictures and Alex, Ash, Devisice, Thomas, and The Waltons for the tips and E-Mail.
Ahmed, Tom Bram, and TMB003 for voteing in the poll.
Some new additions are Chill13TB, Debbie, Dusty1288, and Manknd86. The first additions of the New Year are Debbie, Odduck9702, Scyther, and Tom Gram.
A HUGE thanks to The Pokemon Picture Archive for the pictures.
Dzy351378 added to the hall of fame. Some new additions are colinweb, and D.Strickland. A voter in the poll is Diglettdig.
New additions are Larry Watanab, Owilman, and Groza. More submissions from Milelli199, and RandomAxess. Lots of new additions today! Wendy Ho, Tom Yeung, Ramona Ritter, Michaelfusco, Brian Payne, and Anderw Gimson. The newist additions are Jinjo Weee, DZY351378, and Corey the Pokemaniac.
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