About Me
Hi, my name is Jamie and I am a 17 year old girl from Washington. In my spare time I like to read all kinds of books, write poetry, play on the computer, hang out with my friends, do volunteer work, and all that other "teen" stuff.
My favorite authors are W.E.B. Griffen, Tom Clancy, and V.C. Andrews. But some of my favorite books are by other authors, such as Gone With The Wind and Jane Eyre. I spend as much time as I can reading, but that doesn't seem to be a whole lot lately.
Since school is out for the summer I decided to get a summer job. I work at Taco Time...lol. But hey, it's a job. I only work a few hours a day, so it's not bad. But I also have a bunch of other stuff to do for the summer. I'm borrowing my uncle's G-4 (a mac! yuck!) and I had my teacher put Light Wave 3D on it. So I get to spend part of my summer learning how to use Light Wave 3D. Big movie companies use it (it was used on Star Wars and stuff) so it's cool. I should probably explain a bit on why I'm learning how to use this. Beside the fact that I think I might want to make 3D stuff for a living when I get older, I am, or will be in the fall, on my third year working for my school T.V. show. It is only a one year class, but, because I'm so into all of it, my teacher has let me come back. I am the first person to ever come back for a third year. But it is a lot of fun and I really enjoy doing it. I hate being in front of the camera, but I love the behind the scenes type of stuff. My favorite things are graphics and editing.
I am really into volunteering and community service. I am a youth sports coach for the YMCA and am currently coaching a drill team for ages 7-14. But most of my girls are ages 8, 9, and 10.
I am also a part of Big Brothers, Big Sisters program. I participate in Big Bunch. Which is two high school students paired up with two little kids. My best friend, Brandon, and I are paired up with two little boys, Josh (left) and John-Ross (right). Brandon and I have the boys about every other weekend. We spend, on average 5 plus hours with them each time. We go skating, to the movies, bowling, and other things like that. But one of thier favorite past times is going to Brandon's house to play video games. We have been paired with the boys for over a year. It is a lot of fun and we all enjoy it.