Jeremy - 06/25/00 04:36:59
Do you like Cheese?: Not all types... But most
Do you believe in aliens?: Sure
What planet are you from?: That is still classified
What's your favorite book?: ROFLMAO... Ha Ha ha - Me read??
What's your favorite saying?: Depends on time of day...
Do You know me?: Yup
Comments?! Okay ummm I like the black background on this page. I would try black on my page but I have enough ppl yelling at me that I don't use enough color! It just isn't fair. I am just sitting here board out of my mind and I got this crazy idea that I should go sign Jamies guestbook, so here I am. All take care now!
Alexandra Arasim - 05/31/00 21:58:06
Do you like Cheese?: yes
Do you believe in aliens?: yes
What planet are you from?: Eeyore
What's your favorite book?: undecided
What's your favorite saying?: Have you hugged a lizard today?
Do You know me?: yes
cute site Jamie.
Canada (Kristin) - 04/27/00 01:24:13
Do you like Cheese?: umm......sure! why not.....
Do you believe in aliens?: well if you look at some of our friends.....
What planet are you from?: canada! (lol)
What's your favorite book?: unlike your boyfriend I know what a book is.... I would have to say....trash!
What's your favorite saying?: oh.. which one!!!! " NAKED!" or " falling in love is exactly that- falling. you don't really have much control over it."
Do You know me?: I would hope so..... so many memories.......
First thing..... Jeremy: kiss my what?! I'm kinda J! Waz up girly! do I get to sleep in your bed this weekend??? lol Just wanted to say that I love ya tons (way more than Jeremy.....) You're my B*tch! anyway gotta jet write me later!
your personal matchmaker,
Charlie - 04/25/00 05:14:11
My URL:Don't have one, so make it up
Do you like Cheese?: Sure why not
Do you believe in aliens?: I really don't
What planet are you from?: mars
What's your favorite book?: Don't know how to read
What's your favorite saying?: Maries corps suck, Army ruls
Do You know me?: yes i do
Just thought i would sign your page, and make sure jeremy reads the favorite saying part
Jamers - 04/17/00 07:19:57
Do you like Cheese?: Of course....I live for Cheese
Do you believe in aliens?: Do you know me????
What planet are you from?: Planet Jamie
What's your favorite book?: What's a book???
What's your favorite saying?: If I wanted your opinion, I'd give it to ya"
Do You know me?: Of are my bestest friend in the whole wide world...hehe...
I looked and saw that I haven't contaminated your guestbook yet, and that it was time for me to add in my name so that you would feel special...or something....I don't know....I never do...I'm going now...good bye...visit my page soon and sign the guestbo
k...alright...I'm leaving this time...bye.
Dee - 03/16/00 13:39:23
Do you like Cheese?: Oh yeah!!
Do you believe in aliens?: I've seen a lot at Planet Hollywood!
What planet are you from?: Venus
What's your favorite book?: Any Tom Clancy
What's your favorite saying?: Hmmmn...get it!
Do You know me?: Well...sort of..!!its only several hundreds miles!
Nice job Jamers!!!Youre Cute!
Jeremy - 02/23/00 09:09:27
Do you like Cheese?: Depends on the type
Do you believe in aliens?: Well, I have met JULIET749 havent I?
What planet are you from?: Hummm, last I checked it would have have been Stpahriy.
What's your favorite book?: A WHAT?? Oh you must mean electruc NOTEBOOK (Laptop)...
What's your favorite saying?: It's kinda wierd but my old bus driver use to say, "SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP". I don't know about my favorite but....
Do You know me?: No wierd coments for this one. Yes I think so?!?
Yup... Leave it up to someone living in Olympia to come up with these questions. Big supise, what planet are you from? Definantly not the planet of Olympia. Well humm, I think it is bed time so I guess I well go/try to go to bed here in a few. Later,
Leah - 02/04/00 03:32:18
My URL:http://???
My Email:you already have it Jamie
Do you like Cheese?: Love It :)
Do you believe in aliens?: Of course
What planet are you from?: Not even I am sure of that
What's your favorite book?: Flowers in the Attic
What's your favorite saying?: "You're not reading my shirt, that's just an excuse to look at my breasts!"
Do You know me?: More than I'd like...