Welcome to my site
Daniel's Alien Hive Toy Chest.
This site is dedicated to the Kenner, Hasbro, Galoob Aliens and Predator line of Action figure toys. If you have any comments please email me.
Click on the left on the name of the figure you want to be displayed (it will be displayed on this side).
LASTEST NEWS ALL ITEMS ARE ON SALE. EMail me for details. I am selling the complete collection.
Close the Geocities mini-box by clicking on the right top arrow.
Recomended links:
Also in the recommend page check this site too.
Here is a site dedicated to Kenner Toys. To learn more about them:
This Other site makes custom made Marines. It is WAAAY COOOL:
SICNUS.COM this site is a way cool DieCast SW, ST and Aliens site in french
This site will be joining more Action figure and or Alien WebRing. If you know any please email me...
A new section will feature the McFarlane Alien & Predator Action figures. Yes I know movie maniacs 5 and 6 are out and even a new Hicks figure is coming... all should and will be updated.
click here if you need http://www.geocities.com/avpalien/alien.htm
Email me Daniel