Souvenir magique de vos vacances/some magic from your last vacations

Magie du M.U.M./magic from the M.U.M.


Quelque chose de vieux d'avant 1970/something old before 1970

Magic with all kind of money/ magie avec toutes sortes de monnaies


Business cards/cartes d'affaires

Peut-Etre un encan, maybe an auction

-Manipulation -Close-up/micro-magie

End of season/cloture de l'annee

-Meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. / La reunion commence h 19:30
-15min: Business meeting/affaires du club
-30min: Pre-arranged members'magic/magie planifie des membres
-15min: Coffee break/pause cafe
-30min: Magic theme performance/magie selon le theme
-30min: Open performance by members/Magie libre des membres

Only a few members attended the September meeting. But we had a good discussion about several problems such as the room for the meeting , how to attract more members and the fundraising. It was very interesting but, as I said, that first meeting could not be an open one because of all those long discussions. Generally we try to keep the business part as short as possible so we can do more magic.
The theme for that night was " Last summer, I did, I bought, I saw that MAGIC".
Mike Deslauriers talked about how many magic shows he did this past summer, more than usual. He also said that he made his daughter float in his pool (Wow! I really don't know how he did that...).
Blair Marshall is still staying on at the Delta restaurant. Blair and John Poupart performed at the Mercedes Benz Grand Prix Gala. They both were on another show that Gordon Denison organized for the Montreal Childrens Hospital.
Patrick Lefrançois said that he was in the States and had attended a very interesting lecture by Michael Ammar.
Michel Martucci showed us a nice silk effect that he learned in a few hours : The Berg Knot Variation and after that we had members' magic.
John Eng began with a very nice oil and water effect. He followed with the Last trick of Dr Jacob Daley. Roy Curnick performed Camirand's Homing Ring with a very different and surprising end. Patrick Lefrançois did an effect with a deck of cards and a 8½" x 11" photocopy of a bundle of face down cards. The deck was cut and the card at the cut revealed to be the only face up card on the photocopy. Blair Marshall showed us what he was capable. He performed an invisible deck effect with a normal deck. He followed with a few aces effects and ended in a sophisticate way for finding the final selected card. Leroy Innes, for his first time, performed a "twisting the aces" effect. So, that's all for us now. Next month, for the open meeting, it will be magic from the M.U.M. and we will have a talk about the S.A.M..
Michel Martucci