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Klin Zha Kinta |
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... and though I had slain a thousand foes less one, The thousandth knife had found my liver; The thousandth enemy said to me, "Now you shall die, and none shall know." And the fool looking down believed this, Not seeing, above his shoulder, the naked stars, Each one remembering." |
Klin Zha is a Klingon game similar to chess. Klin Zha Kinta is a form of Klin Zha that is played with live pieces. Abandoned or orphaned Klingon youth were organized into Houses and were trained to be Klingon warriors by playing Klin Zha. Orphanage houses would play under the direction of a Klingon Officer usually of the rank of Commander or higher. Only a Sutai, Zantai or Epitai officers were ever given the opportunity to control live pieces. Many houses competed against each other in the Year Games that were watched throughout the entire Klingon Empire. To be a Klin Zha Kinta player in the Year Games was considered a great honor. Those who distinguished themselves with honor would often be adopted by houses with prominent names and allowed to serve the Empire. Several Klin Zha players rose in rank and commanded ships in the Imperial Klingon Fleet. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Klin Zha Kinta can be simulated as a board game with the following rules: Every player has a attack value and a damage value. Klin Zha Kinta is played the same as regular Klin Zha. When a piece attacks another piece the attacking player rolls a six sided spindle. To hit the enemy piece the roll must be equal to or lower than the number rolled. The number rolled is the damage inflicted on the enemy piece. If the enemy piece is not killed during the attack it may counter-attack using its attack value. Play continues until one player is killed. Note that after a player is dealt the death blow that fills the last damage point the player may not counter attack. Damage to players is recorded on the Klin Zha Kinta score sheet. There are several other exceptions to the regular Klin Zha rules. Unlike regular Klin Zha, Blockaders may carry the goal. Blockaders still have a zone of control that prevents enemy pieces from moving through or ending their movement in this zone. The only exception is that an enemy may pass through a Blockader's zone of control to attack the Blockader. Fliers may still pass through Blockader zones of control. In regular Klin Zha a player holding the goal may not move into a space that is "covered" by an enemy piece. Klin Zha Kinta has no such restriction. This enables players to gamble that the goal holder will be able to beat off an enemy attack. |
All players move the same as regular Klin Zha. Fliers in Klin Zha Kinta have one added advantage. If they have movement points left over they may retreat after the enemy player has completed its counter attack. A Flier may retreat only by jumping over the player and continuing in the same direction or by reversing and moving back through the spaces it had previously moved through. A Flier may retreat by jumping over a player and may attack another enemy piece during the same turn providing the Flier still has movement remaining. A Flier that has killed an enemy player may not retreat to make a second attack. Klin Zha Kinta may be played with any of the variant rules. When playing a Blind game an attacking player that begins its movement or at any time enters a clouded square receives a +1 bonus to its attack value during its first attack only. This is to simulate the surprise gained by clouded spaces. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Chan sutai-Kolarch (Chandler Archibald) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Veteran Players | ||||||||||||||||||||
This is an optional rule that is useful when playing tournaments of Klin Zha Kinta. Because Klin Zha Klinta players improve and sharpen their fighting skills with experience these rules will track a players improvement. During every game record the kills of each of your players. It will be necessary to name your players to help keep track of their games. When a player survives a loosing game he/she receives 1 pt. When a player survives a winning game he/she receives 2pts. When a player makes a kill he/she receives 1pt. (No partial kills) When a player wins the game by killing the player holding a goal he/she receives 3pts When a player wins a game and during the final turn was the goal holder he/she receives 1pt A killed player has a 1 in 6 chance in being saved by Klingon Medical facilities. Veteran 10pts- A Veteran makes all attacks with a 1 or –1 to the roll of the spindel. Klin master 20pts A Klin Master makes all attacks with a 2 or 1 or –1 or –2 to the roll of the spindle. Dah’ ha master 30pts A Dah’ha Master has his damage value increased by 2 and his attack value increased by 2. He makes all attacks with a 2 or 1 or –1 or –2 to the roll of the spindle. |
Klin Zha Kinta Weapons | Klin Zha Kinta Scorecard | Klin Zha Board | ||||||||||||||||||
Klin Zha Pieces (color) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Klin Zha Pieces (Black and White) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Click here to go to the Authorzied Klin Zha Home Page for basic rules on how to play Klin Zha. You must know how to play Klin Zha before you can attempt to play Klin Zha Kinta. |