This sim is an open minded, all sexual orientations accepted sim. It is self-rated R, for possible violence, adult situations and realism. Please procede only if you are 17 or older and are a mature individual.

Proudly Presents

A Universal StarWorks Production

A Star Trek PBeM Role-Playing Game

A cast of talented players as Starfleet personnel.

Also Starring:
exceptionally talented players as civilian and other non Starfleet personnel.

Casting By:
Garrison Colby

Executive Consultant:

StarTrek, StarTrek: The Next Generation, StarTrek: Voyager, StarTrek: Deep Space 9, Star Trek: Insurrection, and all related material are copyrighted by Paramount Pictures. All rights reserved. No copyright infringement is intended by the owner of this site. This is a non profit site, no money is earned nor solicited from it.

Reference to any and all "Star Trek" related material is strictly for the intent of discussion, and and is protected by law, under the first amendment of the United States constitution.

Edited By:
Garrison Colby

Production Design by :
and Garrison Colby

Distributed by:
Blue Horizons Sim Group

Writing Staff:
Cast of Ba'ku: The Simulation

Directed by:
Garrison Colby

Executive Producer:
Garrison Colby

Baku: The Simulation, Ba'ku Sim, Ba'ku Colony, and the premise thereof are the intellectual property of Garrison Colby.

Reproductions, copies, or use, in whole or in part, is trictly prohibited without the express written authorization.
All Rights Reserved.

Music by:
Universal StarWorks, Inc.

Asst. Executive Producer:

Based on

Created by:
Gene Roddenberry

Free style (3rd person
paragraph format) by:

Ba'ku: The Simulation Cast

All characters in Ba'ku: The Simulation are fictional. No likeness to real people or places is intended or implied.

Ba'ku: The Simulation is a member of Blue Horizon Sim.
Casting Auditions, comments and questions can be sent to