Register for Classes

Here you will find all the rules and guidelines for creating or submitting a character.

  1. Characters must be approved by the Mutant Council (i.e. us) before you may begin posting.
  2. Characters must be created using the character form given here. Any characters submitted not following the form will not be considered.
  3. Even if you are using an existing character, you will need to submit him using the form. This is to avoid confusion due to the multiple realities of X-men, and also to allow you to modify the character as you see fit.
  4. Existing characters still need to be approved before you can start posting
  5. Bio's should be written as if by Xavier for X-men, and Magneto for Brotherhood agents. Wildcards can be written by either one, or somebody else. This is more for style than anything else, so include important information even if Xavier or Magneto doesn't/wouldn't know it.
  6. You are allowed to have up to three characters , but only one per team. That's one X-man, one Brother, and one Wild Card. You are in no way required or pressured to have that many. Play only as many characters as you think you can or want to.
  7. No time travel, alternate dimensions, magic, or aliens. All powers must be from the mutant genome. Armor and equiptment which have power levels of mutant abilities will be allowed on a case by case basis.
  8. To be an active X-man or Brotherhood agent your character needs to have been at the school for at least one year, and must be at least 15 years old. All students must be under 18 years old. If you want to play somebody older he must be either be a proffessor at the school, or an assistant (probably attending college) If you wish to play somebody younger than 15, you may, but he may not be an active agent, and cannot be sent on missions, unless required by the events surrounding it. If your character has less than a year at the school, he may train with the team, will start the game as a candidate, and not an actual team member until the leader (Xavier or Lenscherr) approves.
  9. If you want to play a teacher you may. You may either submit a new teacher who will join the school, or request control of an existing teacher. Be sure to include what classes you will teach
  10. The mutant power ratings are more a guideline than anything. Strong mutant powers (generally anything 7 or higher) should have a weakness. This is not saying you cannot have a weakness if you have a lesser power.