Xavier Institute Profiles
Welcome to the Xavier Institute for Gifted Youth. While publically we are considered a simple boarding school, we are, in fact, a school designed to help young mutants learn to control their powers and to use them for the greater good of the world. I am Charles Xavier, founder of this school. Allow me to brief you on the facilities, teachers, and students.
Danger Room - the Danger Room is an advanced combat simulator. It has the capacity to create advanced holograms, and has an extensive system of robots designed to attack and train students. The entire thing can be monitored and controlled by a control booth which hangs from the ceiling. It is used to help students focus their powers as well as increase their combat training and team tactics.
Cerebro - Cerebro is a psionic super conductor, a specially designed device that allows me to project my telepathic sense across the world. While it was designed specifically for me, any psychic mutant can use it. Psychic students get trained in it, but only once they are very well adept at their own powers.
Blackbird - This is a state of the art airborne vessel. It has perfect stealth capabilities, and can outfly nearly any ship out there. It can do vertical or horizontal take off, and can land on or under water. It's hanger is concealed beneath a waterfall on the far end of the grounds.
Defense Systems - If the school should come under threat, it boasts a defensive lockdown system. When activated, all entrances are sealed with two inch thick titanium. If pushed to a higher level, concealed automated sentry guns become active.
Garage and Stables - We also boast a very accomadating stables and garage, allowing students to bring any transportation with them.
I myself am one of the teachers here. I mostly teach the younger students, as well as monitor their powers. Most of my time, however is taken up with training students, both young and old, how to use thier powers, as well as searching for other lost children to take into the fold. My five original students are the ones who take care of most of the teaching
Scott Summers - a.k.a. Cyclops, he is the leader of the X-men Blue Team, and also teaches shop, mechanics, men's gym and Political Science
Jean Gray - She is in charge of helping the psychics master their powers. She also teaches English.
Ororo Munroe - a.k.a. Storm, our resident weather expert. She teaches world history classes and women's gym.
Dr. Hank McCoy - a.k.a. Beast. Don't be fooled by his beastial apperance. He is a certified scientific doctor and teaches physics, biology, and advanced mathmatics He also runs the drama department.
Remy LeBeau - a.k.a. Gambit. A card shark and a man of vice, but a straight shooter when the cards are on the table. He teaches American History, standard mathmatics, and his casual nature makes him more approachable than some of the other teachers.
Our school remains small and focused, even after the recent surge of the past three years. I feel this is the best, as too many students would limit our ability to monitor their individual needs. Here is a listing of a few particular students.
Dual - A rather unusual psychic who resides in not one, but two bodies.
Heinrich Weisser - a.k.a. Halflife. A young mutant with a rough upbringing and the ability to project wavelengths from his hands.