Minor Canon for the T'Rela Series
Author's Note: These stories take place between the major stories in my canon. So they are a part of the T'Rela Series----just think of them as minor detours from the main stories. You may print one (1) copy, provided you don't do anything sneaky like remove my name or the disclaimer, alter the story beyond recognition, sell the story for profit, steal the story for publication in either a print or web zine, or post in any other archive than ASC without my express permission.

Disclaimer: Do I have to say it? I own only the original content (characters, ceremonies, etc) of these stories. ParaBorg owns everything else.

"The Morning Angel" (2000)
Summary: The morning after "Hope and a Common Future"
Rating: R, for het smut and adult situations.

"My Sea to Your Shore" (2000)
Summary: A desert night, a pregnant T'Rela, and Spock.
Rating: R for het smut, incidental language, and adult situations.
Author's Note: Due to a computer glitch, the title of this story on your browser may be different. Don't worry, I changed the titles early and my computer hasn't gotten over it  :)
"By Stars Benign" (2000)
Summary: This story was written for Pam the Feedback Goddess, on the birth of her daughter Nikita. Spock and T'Rela have to deal with a midnight awakening.
Rating: G, TOS, S/f 1/1
"Full of Grace" (2000)
Summary: The aftermath of "The Enterprise Incident."
"Storms" (2001)
Summary: One month after Spock leaves for Gol, T'Rela returns to the Akaren. What she finds is not quite what she expects. Takes place in between "By the Secret Stair: The Choice" and "By the Secret Stair: Good Enough"
"The Highwayman" (2000)
Summary:: An improvised ghost story on a night when T'Kuht is full. To read the full text of Alfred Noyes' "The Highwayman" please click here
Rating: PG, TOS
"Release" (2001)
Summary: T'Rela and her brother Sorcha meet on the eve of their Mother's funeral. A response to the Mother's Day  challenge on TrekFest
Rating: PG, TOS/MIS
The Captains' Drinks Quartet
Largely inspired (or should that be, demanded?) by the same authors who wrote fanfic like "A Good Look in the Mirror," "Contemplating the Death of an Old Friend," and "Unspoken Truths: The Romulan Commander's Story," (aka, Rabblerser, Jungle Kitty, and Editrix respectively. ;O) What started as one story quickly became two...though I swear I'm stopping at four. Honest. All you need to know is, yes, they DO occur in the T'Rela Series universe, but  she and the other  original characters in the series are minor characters  at best.
Thanks, ladies, you're the best inspiration I could ask for.
"Chaos Theory" (2001)
Rating: (pre) TOS, G, K, S, Pike
Summary: Just before his second trip to Talos IV, Captain Pike remembers. This story is the prequel to "Captains' Drinks"
"Captains' Drinks" (1999)
Ratings: TOS, G, K, S, Pike
Summary: Kirk and Pike converse over drinks before the latter's promotion off the Enterprise. The framing story takes place a year before
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