Welcome to My Star Trek Fan Fiction Pages
Gentlebeings, here lies my disclaimer. I am but a humble bard, I receive no compensation for these tales but the sound of your enjoyment. Verily, I say unto thee that all characters from Star Trek: The Original Series do belong to the Gods on Paramount, and lo, they are jealous gods.  All other original content is mine alone.

Should you, humble reader, wish to spread these tales beyond this site, I do ask that the following restrictions be observed. For the sake of my art, I ask that you not post these tales elsewhere without my consent. You may download one (1) copy for the sake of your enjoyment, so long as the disclaimers and my name remain attached and no alterations are made to the original copy. In short, as long as you don't plagiarise it, alter it beyond recognition, sell it for profit, or otherwise destroy the story, I don't mind if you print one copy. .

If you receive any pleasure from  these simple tales, please click
here to email me.  This is all the reward I receive from these stories.

The T'Rela Series (in which the reader learns of Spock's family)
"Hope and a Common Future" (1999)
Rating: TOS, PG, for implied het smut, adult situations, S/f
Summary: On a trip home shortly after the events of  "Amok Time," Spock finds the one thing he never expected.

"Pillars of the Temple" (1999)
Rating: TOS, PG for implied het smut, S/f
Summary: Spock returns to Vulcan to formalize his bond with T'Rela.

"Solstice"  (1999)
Rating: TOS, G, S, U
Summary: Written in response to the Mistletoe Challenge on ASCEM.  A harp, a package, and some bittersweet memories of Christmas
"The Difference" (2000)
Rating: TOS, R for het smut and adult situations, S/f
Summary: Spock and T'Rela have to answer the question "Why am I different?"

"The Crucible" (2000)

Rating: TOS, R for het smut, adult situations, violence and language, S/f
Summary: Ten years after their bonding, Spock and T'Rela go through their first pon farr together.
"By the Secret Stair" (2000)
Rating: R, for angst and adult situations
               I.  The Choice: What choice did Spock made which sent him to Gol?
Good Enough: Spock returns from Gol, but is that good enough?
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