Roisin's Page of Star Trek Links
Disclaimer: By accessing these links, you are acknowledging that you are both old enough according to the laws of your country/state/province and mature enough to read the material contained on these websites. You also agree to read the posted ratings on the sites,and also agree that, should you find such material objectionable, you are also adult enough not to harass or annoy either the owners of the websites or myself.  Hey, at least on this site, it's a free world. No thought police allowed.
Creative Official Fiction Archive
Probably the largest archive of Star Trek fan fiction on the web. Ratings vary so caveat lector (let the reader beware!)
Wildcat's Super TrekSmut Palace
Home of Wildcat's amazing Spock/Uhura series, as well as some K/S stories.
Kathleen Dailey's Fan Fiction
One of the best TOS fiction sites out there.  Currently, this site has  the TOS novel Unspoken Truth: The Romulan Commander's Story as well as its equally amazing sequel, Any Other Lifetime. Hey, the woman makes "Unification" plausible, what else can I say?
Not Your Grandmother's Star Trek
This is a case of truth in advertising. This is a collection of stories,occasionally disturbing but always well done,  mainly centering on Spock. Remember, you were warned.
Claire Gabriel's Fan Fiction
One of the most astonishing pages on the web, by the author of "Ni Var." Contains the TOS novels Simple Gifts and The Porcelain of Twilight. as well as several VOY stories.
T'Pat, Different Humoured Entity
Home of K/S slash written by the Entity known as T'Pat. Includes the Signal/Noise series and several other well-written stories. Again, please be an adult and read the disclaimer.
Falcon Press
Home of Cheree Cargill's great Spock/Christine fan-fiction, with links to other author sites. Ratings vary, so once again, read the disclaimer. Updated almost daily.
Saavant's Web Page
One of the most original new voices to appear on ASC, Saavant's stories never fail to move the reader in the telling. Ratings vary
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