
  1. Okay, ParaBorg, I don't own Star Trek. I do not own Kirk, Spock, McCoy or any other other denizens of your universe. Hence, this site makes no money from them. Zip, nada, niente, nihil. If you think it makes money, then you obviously haven't checked my bank account lately. :O)
  2. The stories on this site also make no money. I write them purely for fun and in the expectation that they will never, ever, make any money. It's free publicity, so please don't sue me for the profits I'm not making. Half of nothing is still nothing.
  3. I do own some things on this site. The Akaren are mine, you can't have them. All the original content is mine alone. T'Rela and her children, and any other original relatives, co-workers, ceremonies, vocabulary, songs, etc, are also mine, except where noted.
  4. Now, please be kind and don't annoy the other sites I've listed. We all do this for the love of Star Trek, not because we're planning on getting rich of off it. That's your job.