
forever lost within the maze
gray mist swirls around,
clouds my eyes.
I look up,
can’t see
just gray, gray, gray.

Beyond the gray
lies the night,
the long empty dark
the cold voices
screaming in the wind.

Voices, voices from the past
angry, hate-filled
longing to remove me
forever from this earth.
One clawed hand
stretches out and makes a grab…

And then I wake,
damp with my own tears
sobbing like a child,
not ready
to greet the dawn of a new day.

Copyright: Farah Khan, 2001.  All Rights Reserved.
Teaching in The Bible Belt

Moondancer come
and sing to me
your songs of old
whispering dragonfly wings
beat against my cheek

life envelops me
inside my  circle
hidden in your giant
circle of white-hooded bodies
in a field of burning crosses
where they would burn my body
to save my soul

the burning crosses march around me
and Thor and Diana and Zeus
even Odin the all-father
rain down to fall like dust
upon the frowning crosses
and the dead forefathers
rise out of their beds
to put out the hate flames
and bring back the trees.

Copyright: Farah Khan, 2001.  All Rights Reserved.
Are You a Vampire Too?

Can you swim, can you drown?
Will you smile, or will you frown?
Why does a star fall from the sky?
Why do people live and die?
Do the dying live,
Or do the living die?
If the waters close above your head,
Will you find the strength to rise from bed?

These questions you ask of me,
you ask the questions that burn
within my already damned soul
and I am powerless
Caught in your gaze
like prey.

You smile at me now,
You have much to learn young one,
about the ways; the ins and outs
of this crazy mortal world
are sometimes a mystery even to us.
But you, my child
you are ahead of them all.

Now I smile, bitter and sweet
and angry, furious at a god
and a world that pushed me ahead,
further than the rest.
They say innocence is bliss,
but I wouldn’t know,
innocence was never my gift.

Now you place upon my shoulder
a cold hand, strangely alive
and read my eyes
with a gaze hypnotic in
the power of it’s knowledge.
I know you are angry,
you hate who you are,
who they made you become,
but come, learn to rejoice.
Learn to love and smile in the dark.

And as I begin my trek,
travelling deep inside my own head,
I see a beam of silver light,
shine down, showing me my path of right.

Copyright: Farah Khan, 2001. ARR.