My little family of friends is growing up...guys, we knew this had to happen some time!  I think I'm lucky to have such wonderful friends, and even more lucky to be able to stay in touch with them despite our new, primarily post-college existence.

Shana:  Boy do I ever see her all the time.  Not that this is a bad thing or anything, but she IS my roommate, I mean come on, I've lived with her for what feels like forever.. At any rate, she's my best friend .  She's an ecology major, Animal Rights Activist, Tree Hugger, Veg-head and all around cool person. She has a great sense of humor, style and she certainly knows how to have fun.  Aside from these remarkable traits, she's a talented author, actor, director and just a generally kickass individual.  Visit her page. She likes that.

Jennifer :  Okay, I don't see her *quite* as much as I used to, but that's because I never have class with her, never work with her and she lives 5 floors below me.  Wow, that's outdated...heh..she's a little more than 5 floors away now...: (, but I still love her.  Jenn is a sweetie, she'd do anything she could to help her friends if they needed it and she is an all around cool person.  She's getting married soon, and she made me a bridesmaid.  Stay tuned for embarassing froofy bridesmaid pictures!

Kate: She's a really talented artist.  She's a really great friend.  She's has a cool fluffy boy cat.  I'm having an affair with her car...what more could I ask for in a friend?  See her homepage for more!  Support Starving Artisits in Austria!
Amy: She's really cool.  Her hair's always cuter than mine, but I can overlook that.  After all..I HAVE seen those embarassing childhood pictures...blackmail anyone?
Julia: Well, Julia is a junior in college and I (har har har) am a big, bad grad student, but I suppose I can still associate with her..Julia is a writing major, (like me), not to mention she has really really cool clothes.  She knows just how extraordinary potent cheap music really is.
Drew: Heh...we meet IRL for the first time not long ago and I can say that I still consider him a friend.  A good friend.  He's graduating high school soon, going to Duquesne Honors College in the fall, Congrats man!!!  When you buying me lunch? *wink wink*  He's too cool to be electrocuted. : )
Jessica T.: know who you are.  We have a couple of Jess types running around these days, and they're both cool.  This one is a great actress, a wonderful shopping buddy...even if her obsessiveness over shoes can be a tad frightening....
Jessica K.: She likes to write herself retarded.  She has a great future in porn, thanks to her vast...*ahem* collection of cross stitching patterns (or should I say her boyfriend's collection...)
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