Farah's Beliefs |
*Disclaimer* Please Read if You Are Offended by Unconventional Approaches to Religion, Life, the Uninverse and Anything else that should Crop Up. Okay, enough is enough, you're reading now. Here's the deal, my purpose with this page is not to offend anyone else, merely to put my beliefs and thoughts on things out here on the Web. I realize that not everyone is going to agree with me, in fact I'd be kind of scared if everyone did. All I'm asking is that you'll read about my beliefs with an open mind and treat my convictions with the same nonchalant courtesy that I'll treat yours. With that said, lets move on now. Oh yeah...and keep in mind. Negative, destructive or just plain mean e-mail will be put *exactly* where it belongs. The trash. |
My Religious Beliefs |
Well, if you can't tell from the illustration, I'm a witch. Now before you come to pound on my door and have me burned and/or damned to hell, I would like to explain something. First off, I never have, nor will I ever be making a pact with the devil. I follow the path of the Wiccan, that is, I believe that Magic is all around us, in nature, in ourselves, in the very air we breathe. The saying which |
best defines Wicca is "An it harm none, do as you will." I think this is a beautiful saying and best describes my religious beliefs. Interestingly enough, I come from an Islamic background, indeed I was a practicing Muslim for most of my life. While I retain the utmost respect for Muslims, their beliefs are not mine. In my life, I've been Muslim, Atheist, examined Christianity and Judaism and finally settled on Wiccan. I'm happy here, and personally I wish everyone the same happiness in their beliefs as I find in mine. |