Far from being the quotes of anyone necessarily famous, many of these quotes are those of people I know.  While there may be some people you recognize here, many of them will be those of friends of mine, or maybe just general people I know.  Anyway,  they're at the very least designed for some sort of convoluted entertainment purposes and I hope you enjoy them!
Quotes of Friends

"I have Fig Newtons."

Shana: (said while under blacklight):
"Look I'm all sparkly!!! Wait...that's just my bra."

"F*ck you and the horse you rode in on and the cow you rode before that!"

"You're too cool to be electrocuted."


"Your skeptical monkeys have problems.  They are out of control."

Colin (Prof. of mine, in the middle of class):
*cell phone rings* "Where is the bloody stupid thing?  I will kill it!"

Random Idiot (Overheard in a Diner):
"I SAID R.S.V.P., how much more could I spell it out?"

Me (Yes, I make fun of Myself):
"I 'forgot' I wrote a paper on repressed memory.  Coincidence? I think not."

Jessica K.:
I wrote myself retarded!

Quotes of Famous People

Billy Corgan of Smashing Pumpkins: 

"If practice makes perfect and nobody's perfect, then why practice?"

John Lennon in
"There's somebody been in this soup."

Ad for "Tomb Raider: The Last Revela
tion" (tm).:
"Mummies. The Undead. Ancient Curses. What's a nice girl
to do?"

ta Hari:
"Death is nothing, nor life either, for that matter. To die, to sleep, to pass into nothingness, what does it matter? Everything is an illusion.

l, Georg:
"Only one man ever understood me. And he really didn't understand me.
"Go on! Get out! Last words are for fools who haven't said enough!" -- Karl Marx