The Dictionary
Brmp: v.  To evoke the motion of a Brmp-Brmp.
Brmp Brmp: n. 1.A small cart used in airports to move people and/or luggage.  2. Any vehicle that evokes this sort of contraption.
Cross Stitching: v. To look at pornography, especially but not necessarily on the internet.
Monkey Problems: n. Severe difficulties grasping a concept, articulating oneself or doing something while very tired.
Poetry, to write: (masculine) adj.  A closet homosexual male.  Syn. "He listens to Tori Amos!"
Butt Chin: n. 1. A cleft chin. 2. Andy Davis.
Weebit: n. A certain small, green, formerly gay Hyundai that is having the hots for Farah now.
Blow up Doll: v. Applicable mostly to Farah, to open one's mouth and contort one's face in the manner of a blow up doll for the purposes of fooling police while riding in the back of Weebit.
Slut Monkey: n. A particularly heinous breed of bitch.
Monkey Child: n. The love child of John Lennon and a mysterious woman, a little retarded and f*cked in the head, but lovable.
Two Penny Whore: n. A complete and utter bitch, particularly a skankily clothed one.
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