10 Most



How do you meet DEF LEPPARD?


What do you have to do to get good seats at a show?


How long have you been listenin to DEF LEPPARD?


You've met them--what are they like in person?


What did Joe say to you?


Why did Viv tell you not to get married?


When did Sav say you'd see them next?


What did Rick say about the book?


Who did Phil say that he remembered?


What are the names of the other crew members & fans you
met in Puerto Rico at the end of the Sl@ng tour?


THE question to everyone's answer is usually asked from within..." Jungle LoveSteve Miller Band

Q1. How do you meet DEF LEPPARD?

A1. It's simply a matter of fate. You may try to get there
early or remain afterward to try and meet them backstage--
you may even follow their van/limo to the airport or the hotel!
My fateful meetings are included in several chapters of my book
in August 93, April 97 and Aug-Sept 99.

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Q2. What do you have to do to get good seats at a show?

A2. Attending an SRO show makes it more difficult to get in
front of the stage--you risk getting kicked, punched and crushed.
But if you're tough enough to take the licks, I say go for it!
Attending a show at a more distant venue may enable you to get
front row seats quicker, if there is a local Ticketmaster outlet
you can go where there is no line when tix first go on sale.
The day of the show, some box offices sell front row seats
first-come first-serve; unless it's a totally sold out show.
Call ahead a few days before a show, to see if any credit card
orders were canceled. Also, if you buy tix at the box office
the day of the show, there may be handicapped seats leftover,
which are usually front row, but far off to one side of the stage.
Lastly, some venues allow fans to crowd in front of the front
row seats, blocking everyones view but yours, if you're lucky!
I've had lotsa luck, many shows, but not always. It's risky
business, but well worth it:-)

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Q3. How long have you been listenin to DEF LEPPARD?

A3. I first heard of Def Leppard in 1980, when I was
promoting local bands only concerts on City Island for
JELLO Productions. A friend/guitarist, named Keith Coles,
mentioned how good they were, and that we should book them
for a concert there. (We formed a rock band, played a few
gigs, and now he's in Europe on tour with a new CD
release.) Several years later, I first heard Pyromania and
saw vids for Bringing on the Heartbreak and Pyromania on
MTV. In 1986, Def Leppard played City Island, which was
promoted by McKool Productions, out of Philadelphia. I
never attended any of the City Island concerts of national
bands, but friends of mine told me how good they were. By
summer 1987, I was hooked on listening to High n' Dry,
which a friend had given me a copy of the tape. In 1988,
Hysteria became my new music of choice, which I had bought
2 tapes, each of which were stolen and I had a friend make
a copy for me. In 1992, a new coworker turned me on to
Adrenalize, we saw them at Hershey Arena for the 1st time,
and I've been a solid Def Leppard fan since! I anxiously
awaited the release of Retro-Active, won a CD of Vault on
Rockline, had Sl@ng given to me for my birthday and won
Euphoria CD on Rockline again! Now, they're all I listen
to! 12 years of Def Leppard and still going strong:-D

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Q4. You've met them--what are they like in person?

A4. The most imortant aspect of this is that they're all
FUN to be around! You have to be yourself, indulge a lil',
and go out of your way to show these guys how much they
mean to you! Viv may seem a bit surprised when you first
approach, but jus let your intentions be known right out
and he'll settle into a comfortable conversation. Rick
Allen is always open-minded and willing to receive a hug!
He's a gentleman, too, so keep your manners in check! Sav
may seem a lil' shy, but he's really a great mingler! Watch
him, or he'll sneak right up behind you! Joe likes to talk
to ALL the ladies--young and old alike. He's used to bein
the center of attention, so make sure and give him the
respect he deserves! Phil, aside from bein a really nice
guy, is more the private, family type. If you're into
guitars--he'll sure enough strike up an interestin
conversation with you!

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Q5. What did Joe say to you?

A5. Bethany and I were sittin in bar stools, where Joe was
leanin back against the bar rail. Funny, I don't recall if
he had a drink in his hand. He began starin into my eyes
and said, "You have really dark eyes."
I looked directly back into his eyes and said, "They're the
same color as yours!"
He said, "My eyes are green," then I said, "My eyes are
green," then Beth looked at us both and I noticed her eyes
were green! That was a haiku:D

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Q6. Why did Viv tell you not to get married?

A6. I had mentioned to Vivian that when I got married, I
would have the same last name as his--Campbell. He
replied, "There are already too many Campbell's in the
world!" :D

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Q7. When did Sav say you'd see them next?

A7. "See ya next tour!"

Q8. What did Rick say about the book?

A8. "I would love to look at it, but now is not a good time."

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Q9. Who did Phil say that he remembered?

A9. Frenchie approached Phil and I, after he was havin his
pic takin with some fans. I had told Frenchie earlier that
my son, Jeremy and I, were at Philadelphia show in '93,
right down front! He said he'd remembered us, then asked
Phil, sayin, "Yeah, you remember that guy sittin in the
front row?"
Phil agreed, sayin, "Yeah, I do remember him," then
lookin at me half surprised:-)

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Q10. What are the names of the other
crew members & fans you met in Puerto Rico at the end
of the Sl@ng tour?

A10. "Frenchie" Bruce French is Def Lepp's chef. Also, a
good friend of Koko from Japan, who had followed them on
tour thru their stops in Brazil, including San Paolo and
Rio de Janeiro! She's really cool, but didn't speak too
much English. Frenchie gave me some insight into Koko's
lifestyle--she had once lived in Italy! They were great
company as well.
"Seinfeld" actually is the resemblance and personified
spittin image of the actual Kramer (whom the show is based
on), or at least, that's what Joe told me. He was more
quiet and private type, but I managed to get a sneak pic of
him talkin to John and Sav!
John is a technician, who is from Syracuse, NY. His
biggest boast was, "You won't believe how much money I just
made!" Sounds like he would buy a new house! As friendly
as John was, I felt a real kinship toward him. He was
helpful in makin me feel comfortable in bein at the same
bar with da Lepps. He also inquired about my well bein--
"You look tired--do you want to go upstairs and lie down?"
teehee, "No, John", I'd rather fall asleep here at the bar!
(or go swimmin:D
Bethany was standin talkin to Joe when I first entered the
bar. She was quite the busy body, seemingly wanderin
about, all excited by bein in the presense of da Lepps (as
was I:D She'd rather talk to Joe than to me, but I did
manage to at least make her acquaintance and planned on
meetin up with her at the show the followin nite. At one
point, Sav offered to walk her to her hotel, but she
politely declined (silly girl!:D Too bad Sav didn't offer
to walk me to my hotel!

After the show the followin nite, I had an opportunity to
meet more crew members and take pix. They were J.D., Stan,
Mike and Dave, the truck driver. I spent the most time
talkin with Stan Schiller, Phil's guitar tech who was from
CO. He mostly wanted to guess my age, weight, zodiac sign
and birthdate. He was right on with my age (info. he could
have gotten from John), and way under on my weight
(bein a nice guy, I guess:-), but incorrectly guessed I was
a scorpio. Anyway, he was very polite and we had a great
conversation. I politely excused myself to go have pic
taken with Joe
I asked Joe who would take our pic together, and he said,
"Maybe if you ask that kind-gentleman-sir, he'll take the
pic," so I approached Mike Wolf and said, "Excuse me,
kind-gentleman-sir, would you take our photograph
together?" I turned to see Joe smirkin at this like it was
a comedy!
Great guys, all the crew members, and gals, the fans as
well! I only wish they would remember me and come talk to

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