Ages come and legands are born. It is here that the torch is passed on. After all, he who lives in the past, dies in the future.
The Current
This page is dedicated to those who make URSA such a wonderful place.
Below are the characters of URSA and their Players. This page is only a tiny tribute to all they contribute to making this world better:


Bernard ''
You see a very beautiful half-elf, who measures about 6' (5' 11" to be exact) from top to toe and his weight is about 140 pounds. He has tan skin and his straight white-gold hair reaches down to his shoulders where it branches out into the items on his back. There you may see a mighty long bow attached to a backpack. Furthermore you realizes two sheeths - obviously containing two different type of blades - who are crossing under the backpack. The half-elf wears a wide tunic sticked together by a flat, starlike item with a golden glimpse, which also shows some sort of engraving. The tunic hides all beneath though his body assumes an appearance of being shapely. Coming nearer you see his face looking calm and serene. His bright blue eyes (now focusing you too) are giving you the feeling to be pierced as if he looks at something behind of you.



A small man, probably from the south as you notice his dark skin. Old too . . . his snow white hair gives him away. Wrapped in a flowing black cloak he strides with a youthful step. Curious. But then you can see, he is not old at all, but youthful like a young child. His skin soft and supple, but horribly . . . black. Not dark, like men from the southern regions, burned by the sun. They are dark tan, or even brown. No, this man has skin of the blackest coal. And his eyes . . . they're a fire red. Wait! This is no man. It is one of the drow! You try to look away but it's too late, he sees you and smiles. How you wish he hadn't. His teeth are as black as his skin, and his gums are a dark purple. The look in his eye is sinister. He looks like he's a little crazy.



Kenneth Shumaker ''
Enstad is a mature Notirb male of about six feet in height and medium to light build. With his shoulder length dark Brown wavy hair he has no facial hair and appear to not grow any. Enstad is somewhat attractive and is deeply tanned as that of a person who spends much time out of doors and upon closer approach his steel grey eyes can be seen and show the years of a person in deep sadness.

Generally when seen Enstad wears a set of travel worn but clean and well looked after studded leather armor and a black surcoat with the Silver hand of Nuada embroidered on front. Almost at all times when traveling he will be seen with a Silver Hand of Nuada hanging from a steel neck chain. He is clean and carries a Quarterstaff, a longsword hangs from his left hip and a small shield hangs on his back with the Silver Hand of Nuada painted on a black field.

Enstad appears to have seen much travel and much of what life offers to those who look into its face.


Jordan Bordache

Joe ''
Standing at an average of 6 feet tall, and weighing a good, solid 205 pounds, Jordan is every inch the ' typical warrior ' of legend. Not to be confused with a wizard, his hard and craggy face bespokes solididity, hardness, and muscularity. His face, well rounded, and solid, has a few scars on it, one noticeable one running from cheek to the jaw line on his right face....his eyes, a deep, dark brown, are set under his heavy eyelashes, and high brows. His eyes are penetrating and can cut deep into the a trained warrior would when he stares at his opposition and studies his strengths and weaknesses. A lesser warrior or another type of adventurer usually find that unnerving when Jordan stares right through their skin and into their hearts....
His hair, a lighter color brown, is wavy, and is shoulder length, which the end of it is tied into a pony tail. Likewise, a smallish goatee/beard is seen on his cheek/chin, and this one is more reddish than brownish, but leans towards the color brown. His body is also solid, and hard as rock, as his long years of practice with sword, bow, and stave prepared him for the rigors of adventuring.
Decked out in loose clothes, with a Studded Leather armor over his clothes, Jordan almost looks like a walking Amory. Many type of weapons are to be seen on his person, if one looks close enough. A long bow is seen slung over his shoulder, with a quiver of arrows loosely tied to his back. Two swords, one fancier than the other, lay strapped on each hip, one a Long sword and the other a short sword. Many daggers are to be seen in their respective sheaths, strapped everywhere on his possession, including on his belt, on the sides of his legs, and down by his ankles. No part of his body is left exposed without a weapon shown.
Moving with grace, and litheness that belies his size, Jordan is quick as a cat, as well as strong as Lion. He is the typical fighter whose skills are honed to a high degree. One look at this fighter tells you that he means business. Given a chance, this man can also lead a group of people, or better yet an army, but he also can operate alone when needed to. His face was such that it is quite open, and he wears his heart on his sleeve. Not simple minded, yet not highly educated, Jordan Bordache does have his morales, and he will uphold them for all they are worth. Thus says the Warrior.

Melthelanos Winter Eyes

Brad Hall ''
A Silvanosti elf. A little shorter and plumper than the normal Silvanosti, Melthelanos wears elegant bluish/gray robes and skull cap. He enjoys fine jewelry and normally wears a torque and several rings. He is a friendly, conscientious sort and enjoys talking to other races, unlike most of his brethren.



White, Kent ''
5'4" tall and about 115 lbs. He is thin, but extremely light on his feet. He has mousy brown hair in a bowl cut, weak blue eyes, and a bit of a homely face. He is dressed in dusty brown robes, has a belt with two pouches at his waist, and a bandoleer of darts across his chest. A small pack rests on his back. At his side you see a huge mastiff-like dog with a spiked collar. The dog would weigh in excess of 160 lbs. and seems to be very attentive of his master.


Running Stone

He stands half a hand under six feet in height. Of medium build, his calloused hands and knuckles show that he is no stranger to hard work or fighting and his youthful brown eyes seem to catch everything in their questing gaze. His long brown hair is tied back by a piece of simple cloth in a ponytail, which runs down his neck to his shoulder blades.
Dressed in simple dark-brown woollen shirt and pants, held up by a simple belt, Stone is non-descript in his appearance. A woollen jacket provides some protection from the cold winds, the wide-brimmed hat shades most of his face and leaves his eyes in shadow, the leather sandals protecting his also calloused feet. The smallish backpack and bedroll on his back indicate his status as a simple traveller and his walking stick, made of two four-foot lengths of round hardwood lying together along their extent, reinforce this image. A small working knife rests in a scabbard on his belt and, for those that look closely enough, a necklace of prayer beads can be seen around his neck, lying beneath the jacket, identifying him as a religious man.



Tom Sullivan ''
Before you stands a young, very tone elf clad in leather knee breeches, a pack slung across his back, a scimitar on his waist and a fine elven bow in hand. With his platinum hair and dark skin, he appears to be of the Kagnosti elves.
Talemar moves with a confidence and assurance uncommon in one so young, but even more uncommon is the light of determination and knowing that often enters his crystal green eyes. With that look in his eyes and the half grin he throws your way, you get the impression that he knows something you don't… and is quite amused by it.



John C.E. Bardwell ''
You look upon a heavily built half-elf. His dark tan cloak stirs slightly in the light breeze. His tunic and breeches are of the same material as the cloak, only a lighter shade of tan. He wears the soft leather boots of a desert nomad, common to the Notrib area. He has shoulder length black hair which is pulled back neatly by a rune carved headband, revealing his upswept ears. His piercing green eyes scan the area as you watch him. You see the hilts of two thin short swords at his waist. Numerous pouches are arrayed around his waist and across his chest.


Terlin Mistweave

Terlin is an average looking elf standing right at 5 foot tall, and weighing in around 108 lbs. Terlins 5 foot frame is very lean, but with a little bit of muscle showing on the arms beneath the red tunic. Dressing in all black except for red tunic and cloak, Terlin carries a longsword on his hip, a bracer of daggers across his chest, and a backpack over his shoulders. Terlins tan skin, shoulder length dark brown hair, and green eyes seem to complement the clothing he has chosen to wear, rather well.


Vord Es Bauthvedith

kurt cobain ''
Vord always appears dressed all in black leather with a black over coat(trench coat)an a hood covering his face.Vord seems to float and always makes slow diliberate movements the mezmorize the eye. On the rare occation Vord shows his face you seem a human man with a devilish look that makes it immpossible for all genders to resist his will. With raven black hair and standing 5'10 with a slender body Vord could be mistakin for an elf. what makes vord stand out though are his silver eyes that seem to tear your soul apart.If one can withstand the glance they will see just how dead and full of anger are within.

Name: Xarphantis
Race: Atomie
Class: Thief
Kit: Warrogue
Brendon Green ''
Description: On the few occasions that he is visible Xarphantis is seen to stand a little over 1 foot tall with dragonfly-like wings protruding from his back. He appears allot like a small elf, with the same beautiful and well chiselled features, except his skin is tinted green and his pointed ears are longer. The sprite has crystal blue eye's and thick silver hair, cascading half-way down his back, which he sometimes wears plated. Xarphantis is quite at home in the air and is seldom seen travelling on foot, for this reason he always wears light armour if any, but does carry an assortment of small pouches, daggers, & various other devices. If you where to ever see this sprite he would more than likely be grinning mischievously... from a recent prank no doubt.
Personality: He is somewhat like an elf in his love of nature and prefers to live amongst trees. However unlike elves he dislikes serous-minded creatures, especially enjoying practical jokes. This love of humour and excitement is probably the reason Xarphantis has not yet settled down with a friendly but simple farming family, a group of adventurers however would do quite nicely as they're always alot of fun. Though he is a thief Xarphantis rarely intends to burgle someone rather he is very inquisitive and being somewhat of a kleptomaniac things just seem to 'fall' into his possession. The sprite is also very loyal and would never leave his friends if they where in trouble.



Peter Peiffer '' dark green and brown coloured leather armor, brown trousers and a dark green cape with a hood (to hide the pointy ears). The only weapon visible is a bow. Black hair with a reddish tinge and grey eyes. With a catlike grace, he moves quiter than any sound. Sharp facial features : strait nose, narrow lips and high check bones.
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