"We shall before the brake of day start on our long journey, a journey from which some of us, or perhaps all of us may never return" - Thorin Oakenshield, The Hobbit
Welcome to my Horror Dungeon an on-line horror movie review page. This page includes reviews of many horror movies along with backgrounds and filmographies of actors and directors who are in the horror genre.
This page needs
your help to grow, if you want to write a review of a horror
movie I don't have featured on this page just Email me When
you send your Email include the movie and review along with the
URL for your horror site(if you have one) if you do have a site
include a description for it and include your banner if you have
one. If I feature your review I will put your page in my Horror
Links section I will also Email you regarding the placement of
your review on my site.
When I Email you I will send you an image that states that you
have put a review on this page, I would appreciate it if you
could use this picture to link back to this site from yours.
There are also special Gold and Diamond awards for people who
have a certain number of reviews on the page.
Also feel free to Email me if there are any other actors or
directors who you want to see featured on this site.
Also Email me if you see any mistakes in the reviews or profiles or if you have more information on the actors and directors I have here already.
To see the reviews click on the movie link below. Keep checking as I will be constantly updating this page.
Keep the horror genre alive! - The Jade Angel
Thanks to Madman Mars who is the co-master of this site.
It is the last wishes of the authors of this site to offend anyone. If anyone is offended by any of the things featured on this site just email me.