Through the generosity of friends and people checking into my site who are willing to share their photographs, I am attempting to show people this phenomena is wide spread. Some of the photographs I have received have striking similarities so the purpose of the page is to show this. This page will grow as people continue to share with me.

photo by Sheri Gould
over the Big Horn Mountains, Wyoming.
Sheri coined the term "Cloud Ship" several years ago for these type of photos.

photo by Yvonne Moore
at Mt Rainier, Washington
the Observatory is on the left.

photo by Paul Koslouski, Tacoma, Washington.

photo by Yvonne Moore at Mt Rainier.

photo by Wes Frank

photo by Yvonne Moore

Note: The above two photos were shot in unison November 8, 1996, 10:30 p.m. near Vancouver, Canada

Various Photographs

Pink Object Series

White Streak Series

Light Energy Series

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