The Imbodiological Arcanum
October 21st, 2000: It's been three weeks since I updated, and five since I really put anything new up. Well, rejoice! I've got a new fan art section up, a TON of new pic's, go check it all out. Hope you like it!

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My Profile

Thanks To...


If You Keep An Open Mind, You Never Know Who Will Walk In                                                                                                                                                                     - Miss Frizzle

Hey, I'm Daniel and this is my webpage. I like to draw, and this page will probably refect that a lot. Recently, I've been drawing my inspiration(Yes, I know, bad pun) from anime. Some of the style at least. I don't know how often this will get updated, I don't get the chance to draw too much, and I don't own a scanner so I have to get a friend to do it for me. If you want more info on me, read my profile.

This is artwork that I have worked hard on and I really would NOT appreciate having it stolen. If you want to download ony of my pictures, please email me. I will probably say yes, I just like to know what you are going to be using it for. Feel free to email me about anything on my webpage. Other wise, please enjoy!