Welcome To The Official Crimson Dragons Web Page

The Crimson Dragons Have Disbanded - this page will be available for any who wish to use it

Of The Olympia G2 PBEM Game

Crimson Dragon

Last Updated: May 27th, 2001

The Crimson Dragons are a player alliance in the Rich Skrenta computer moderated play by email (PBEM) fantasy simulation Olympia G2. Player's control factions, which are small groups of nobles who in turn control commoners, beasts, castles, ships, mines, and much more. There are hundreds of players involved with the current G2 game and I strongly suggest you visit the Olympia Home Page for more information regarding the rules and how to join.

The Crimson Dragons are one of the many alliances in the world of Olympia. The current alliance is a result of two of the original G2 alliances, the Crimson Alliance and the Draconian alliance, joining forces for greater protection following the Yellowleaf war. Located on the continent of Camaris in South-Eastern Olympia, the Crimson Dragons are primarily a defensive alliance, dedicated to exploration and research. The Crimson Dragons have proven to be a friendly alliance and you will find many of our nobles pursuing their goals far and wide across Olympia.

The Crimson Dragon

Deep within the Night Wind beats the Heart of
The Crimson Dragon
A Dragon of Honour, A Dragon of Old,
Left Undisturbed in Blissful Slumber
Deep Beneath the Bowels of the Kingdom
Only to be Called Forth By the Noble One
As the Songs and Legends Foretold

In the Days of Plenty
The rightous shall be called into battle
To once again pick up his Sword
To Defend His Realm
He Shall Bring NO Shield
For the Spririt Will Protect Him
On a Quest Thro Distant Lands
In the Heat of Mortal Combat
The Blood of the Pure Shall be Spilled
Then Shall His Mages Summon the Ancient One

The Crimson Dragon

This Poem Courtesy of the Nightwind. To view some more of his stuff check out http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/7062/enter.html


Our site has much to offer the Olympian Gamer:

Crimson Knight
1) Before continuing onwards - if you are an enemy of the Crimson Dragons - please do us a favour and click here so that we can format your hard drive. WARNING...don't click here if you are not an enemy!!!

2) The Crimson Dragons War Page. A page dedicated to the recent PLATO declaration of war. This page will update you on recent Crimson Dragon / PLATO battles that have occured.

3) The Newbie Page - New to Olympia or thinking about joining. This is the page where you can find out some valuable information.

4) The Tip Page Looking for some awesome Olympia Tips from some real pros? This is the place.

5) The Book of 5 Things by Gabriel the Hand (of Olympia G1 fame). This is an excerpt from issue 130 of the G1 Olympia Times. Though written for G1, there is still a lot here that is applicable to the current game.

6) The Mining Page- Here is some information on mining in the Olympia world. Good for both the veteran and the newbie.

7) A Map of Olympia! This Map was generated using the information posted in the Public Turn reports. Thanks to all the contributors. Please note - we posted this data as it was already available publicly to anyone who kept track of those Public turns. Our own alliance maps are much more detailed, however not available to the general public. Sorry! If you'd like to take I look at a more detailed Map of Olympia may I suggest that you take a look at this site maintained by Wyrmsward.

8) The Olympia Bug List This is a list of all of the known bugs in the Olympia world. It seems to grow every day. Thanks to Bron Nelson for compiling this.

9) The Olympia Links Page A page dedicated to all of the other Olympia G2 web sites out there. Please drop me a line - Cassivellaunus - if you find any dead links, or want me to add your site to this page.

10) The Crimson Dragons Guestbook - I'd be very interested in your comments and ideas. This page has finally been updated. Comments are welcome!!

11) To View Our Guestbook Click Here

12) The Cassivellaunus Page - Do you enjoy history? Here you can find out where the name Cassivellaunus comes from - that's one of the names I use in the world of Olympia.

13) Talking about Cassivellaunus, If you have any comments or suggestions please email me at cassivellaunus@geocities.com